Current Path : /home/webcloude/public_html/wp-content/plugins/astra-addon/classes/ |
Current File : //home/webcloude/public_html/wp-content/plugins/astra-addon/classes/class-astra-minify.php |
<?php /** * Minify Loader Class * * @package Astra * @link https://www.brainstormforce.com * @since Astra 1.0.0 */ if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } if ( ! class_exists( 'Astra_Minify' ) ) { /** * Astra_Minify */ // @codingStandardsIgnoreStart class Astra_Minify { // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd /** * WordPress Filesystem * * @since 1.0 * @var bool $_in_customizer_preview */ private static $astra_addon_filesystem = null; /** * Directory Info * * @since 1.0 * @var bool $_dir_info */ private static $_dir_info = null; // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration.Underscore /** * A flag for whether or not we're in a Customizer * preview or not. * * @since 1.0 * @var bool $_in_customizer_preview */ private static $_in_customizer_preview = false; // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration.Underscore /** * The prefix for the option that is stored in the * database for the cached CSS file key. * * @since 1.0 * @var string $_css_key */ private static $_css_key = 'astra_theme_css_key'; // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration.Underscore /** * The prefix for the option that is stored in the * database for the cached JS file key. * * @since 1.0 * @var string $_js_key */ private static $_js_key = 'astra_theme_js_key'; // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Classes.PropertyDeclaration.Underscore /** * Additional CSS to enqueue. * * @since 1.0 * @var array $css */ private static $css_files = array(); /** * Additional JS to enqueue. * * @since 1.0 * @var array $js */ private static $js_files = array(); /** * Additional dependent JS to enqueue. * * @since 1.0 * @var array $js */ private static $dependent_js_files = array(); /** * Instance * * @since 1.6.0 * * @var object Class object. */ private static $instance; /** * Initiator * * @since 1.6.0 * * @return object initialized object of class. */ public static function get_instance() { if ( ! isset( self::$instance ) ) { self::$instance = new self(); } return self::$instance; } /** * Construct */ public function __construct() { add_action( 'customize_preview_init', __CLASS__ . '::preview_init', 11 ); add_action( 'customize_save_after', __CLASS__ . '::refresh_assets', 11 ); add_action( 'astra_addon_activated', __CLASS__ . '::refresh_assets', 11 ); add_action( 'astra_addon_deactivated', __CLASS__ . '::refresh_assets', 11 ); add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_scripts' ) ); // remove the cached css files when the site language gets changed. add_action( 'update_option_WPLANG', array( __CLASS__, 'remove_cached_css_files' ) ); if ( version_compare( ASTRA_THEME_VERSION, '3.6.8', '>' ) ) { add_action( 'astra_addon_get_js_files', array( $this, 'add_fronted_pro_script' ) ); } } /** * Enqueue Scripts */ public function enqueue_scripts() { /** * Filters to disable all the styles and scripts added from addon. * * @since 1.5.0 * * @param bool true | false enable/disable all styels,scripts of astra addon. */ if ( apply_filters( 'astra_addon_enqueue_assets', true ) ) { $uri = ASTRA_EXT_URI . 'assets/js/'; $path = ASTRA_EXT_DIR . 'assets/js/'; $css_url = self::get_css_url(); $js_url = self::get_js_url(); $file_prefix = '.min'; $dir_name = 'minified'; if ( SCRIPT_DEBUG ) { $file_prefix = ''; $dir_name = 'unminified'; } $js_uri = $uri . $dir_name . '/'; $dep_uri = $uri . 'minified/'; $gen_path = $js_uri; $dep_gen_path = $dep_uri; if ( false != $css_url ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'astra-addon-css', $css_url, array(), ASTRA_EXT_VER, 'all' ); } // Scripts - Register & Enqueue. if ( false != $js_url ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'astra-addon-js', $js_url, self::get_dependent_js(), ASTRA_EXT_VER, true ); } if ( ! function_exists( 'astra_addon_filesystem' ) ) { wp_add_inline_style( 'astra-addon-css', apply_filters( 'astra_addon_dynamic_css', '' ) ); } // DOMPurify script for DOM sanitization. wp_enqueue_script( 'astra-dom-purify', $dep_gen_path . 'purify.min.js', array(), ASTRA_EXT_VER, true ); if ( is_archive() || is_home() || is_search() ) { if ( astra_addon_check_reveal_effect_condition() ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'reveal-effect-js', $dep_gen_path . 'reveal-effect.min.js', array(), ASTRA_EXT_VER, true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'blog-reveal-js', $gen_path . 'blog-reveal' . $file_prefix . '.js', array(), ASTRA_EXT_VER, true ); } } wp_localize_script( 'astra-addon-js', 'astraAddon', apply_filters( 'astra_addon_js_localize', array() ) ); } } /** * Load WordPress filesystem * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public static function load_filesystem() { if ( null === self::$astra_addon_filesystem ) { global $wp_filesystem; if ( empty( $wp_filesystem ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/file.php'; WP_Filesystem(); } self::$astra_addon_filesystem = $wp_filesystem; } } /** * Used to add enqueue frontend styles. * * @since 1.0 * @param string $src Source URL. * @param boolean $handle Script handle. * @return void */ public static function add_css( $src = null, $handle = false ) { if ( false != $handle ) { self::$css_files[ $handle ] = $src; } else { self::$css_files[] = $src; } } /** * Used to enqueue frontend scripts. * * @since 1.0 * @param string $src Source URL. * @param boolean $handle Script handle. * @return void */ public static function add_js( $src = null, $handle = false ) { if ( false != $handle ) { self::$js_files[ $handle ] = $src; } else { self::$js_files[] = $src; } } /** * Used to enqueue dependent js frontend scripts. * * @since 1.0 * @param boolean $handle Script handle. * @param string $src Source URL. * @return void */ public static function add_dependent_js( $handle, $src = null ) { self::$dependent_js_files[ $handle ] = $src; } /** * Get css files to HTTP/2. * * @since 1.0 * @return array() */ public static function get_http2_css_files() { // Get the css key. $css_slug = self::_asset_slug(); $css_files = get_option( self::$_css_key . '-files-' . $css_slug, array() ); // No css files, recompile the files. if ( ! $css_files ) { self::render_http2_css(); return self::get_http2_css_files(); } // Return the url. return $css_files; } /** * Get css files to generate. * * @since 1.0 * @return array() */ public static function get_css_files() { if ( 1 > count( self::$css_files ) ) { do_action( 'astra_addon_get_css_files' ); } return apply_filters( 'astra_addon_add_css_file', self::$css_files ); } /** * Get CSS files to HTTP/2. * * @since 1.0 * @return array() */ public static function get_http2_js_files() { // Get the js key. $js_slug = self::_asset_slug(); $js_files = get_option( self::$_js_key . '-files-' . $js_slug, array() ); self::$dependent_js_files = get_option( self::$_js_key . '-dep-' . $js_slug ); // No js files, recompile the js files. if ( ! $js_files ) { self::render_http2_js(); return self::get_http2_js_files(); } // Return the files array(). return $js_files; } /** * Get JS files to generate. * * @since 1.0 * @return array() */ public static function get_js_files() { if ( 1 > count( self::$js_files ) ) { do_action( 'astra_addon_get_js_files' ); } return apply_filters( 'astra_addon_add_js_file', self::$js_files ); } /** * Get dependent JS files to generate. * * @since 1.0 * @return array() */ public static function get_dependent_js_files() { return apply_filters( 'astra_addon_add_dependent_js_file', self::$dependent_js_files ); } /** * Checks to see if the current site is being accessed over SSL. * * @since 1.0 * @return bool */ public static function astra_is_ssl() { if ( is_ssl() ) { return true; } elseif ( 0 === stripos( get_option( 'siteurl' ), 'https://' ) ) { return true; } elseif ( isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] ) && 'https' == $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO'] ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Returns an array with the path and URL for the cache directory. * * @since 1.0 * @return array */ public static function get_cache_dir() { if ( null != self::$_dir_info ) { return self::$_dir_info; } $dir_name = 'astra-addon'; $wp_info = wp_upload_dir(); // SSL workaround. if ( self::astra_is_ssl() ) { $wp_info['baseurl'] = str_ireplace( 'http://', 'https://', $wp_info['baseurl'] ); } // Build the paths. $dir_info = array( 'path' => $wp_info['basedir'] . '/' . $dir_name . '/', 'url' => $wp_info['baseurl'] . '/' . $dir_name . '/', ); // Create the cache dir if it doesn't exist. if ( ! file_exists( $dir_info['path'] ) ) { wp_mkdir_p( $dir_info['path'] ); } self::$_dir_info = $dir_info; return self::$_dir_info; } /** * Checks to see if this is a Customizer preview or not. * * @since 1.0 * @return bool */ public static function is_customizer_preview() { return self::$_in_customizer_preview; } /** * Returns the prefix slug for the CSS cache file. * * @since 1.0 * @return string */ private static function _asset_slug() { // phpcs:ignore PSR2.Methods.MethodDeclaration.Underscore if ( self::is_customizer_preview() ) { $slug = 'ast-customizer'; } else { $slug = 'astra-addon'; } return $slug; } /** * Clears and rebuilds the cached CSS file. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public static function refresh_assets() { self::clear_assets_cache(); self::render_assets(); do_action( 'astra_addon_assets_refreshed' ); } /** * Deletes cached CSS files based on the current * context (live, preview or customizer) or all if * $all is set to true. * * @since 1.0 * @return boolean Returns True if files were successfull deleted, False If files could not be deleted. */ public static function clear_assets_cache() { // Make sure the filesystem is loaded. self::load_filesystem(); $dir_name = 'astra-addon'; $cache_dir = self::get_cache_dir(); $asset_slug = self::_asset_slug(); /* Delete CSS Keys */ delete_option( self::$_css_key . '-' . $asset_slug ); delete_option( self::$_css_key . '-files-' . $asset_slug ); /* Delete JS Keys */ delete_option( self::$_js_key . '-' . $asset_slug ); delete_option( self::$_js_key . '-files-' . $asset_slug ); delete_option( self::$_js_key . '-dep-' . $asset_slug ); if ( ! empty( $cache_dir['path'] ) && stristr( $cache_dir['path'], $dir_name ) ) { $directory = trailingslashit( $cache_dir['path'] ); $filelist = (array) self::$astra_addon_filesystem->dirlist( $directory, true ); $delete_status = true; foreach ( $filelist as $file ) { // don't delete dynamic css files. // @TODO: use Astra_Cache to generate and manage CSS files. if ( false !== strpos( $file['name'], 'dynamic-css' ) ) { continue; } // Skip astra-addon css/js files if customizer preview. Whenever customizer was refreshed, astra-addon used to regenerate. If HTML cache is enabled on the frontend then just visiting the customizer regenerates the astra-addon assets and gives 404 not found error for astra-addon assets on frontend. if ( self::is_customizer_preview() && ( false !== strpos( $file['name'], 'astra-addon-' ) ) ) { continue; } $file = $directory . $file['name']; if ( is_file( $file ) && file_exists( $file ) ) { $delete_status = self::$astra_addon_filesystem->delete( $file ); } } // If the file was not correctly deleted. if ( false == $delete_status ) { // Set status CSS status True. This will load the CSS as inline. update_option( 'ast-theme-css-status', true ); update_option( 'astra-addon-js-status', true ); return false; } } return true; } /** * Renders the CSS and JS assets. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public static function render_assets() { if ( defined( 'ASTRA_THEME_HTTP2' ) && ASTRA_THEME_HTTP2 ) { self::render_http2_css(); self::render_http2_js(); } else { self::render_css(); self::render_js(); } } /** * Returns a URL for the cached CSS file. * * @since 1.0 * @return string */ public static function get_css_url() { if ( defined( 'ASTRA_THEME_HTTP2' ) && ASTRA_THEME_HTTP2 ) { self::enqueue_http2_css(); return false; } elseif ( ! get_option( 'ast-theme-css-status' ) ) { // Get the cache dir and css key. $cache_dir = self::get_cache_dir(); $css_slug = self::_asset_slug(); $css_key = get_option( self::$_css_key . '-' . $css_slug ); $css_path = $cache_dir['path'] . $css_slug . '-' . $css_key . '.css'; $css_url = $cache_dir['url'] . $css_slug . '-' . $css_key . '.css'; if ( ! $css_key ) { self::render_css(); return self::get_css_url(); } // Check to see if the file exists. if ( ! file_exists( $css_path ) ) { self::render_fallback_css(); return false; } // Return the url. return $css_url; } else { self::render_fallback_css(); return false; } } /** * Returns a HTTP/2 Dynamic CSS data. * * @since 1.0 * @return string */ public static function get_http2_dynamic_css() { // Get the css key. $css_slug = self::_asset_slug(); // No css data, recompile the css. if ( ! $css_data ) { self::render_http2_css(); return self::get_http2_dynamic_css(); } // Return the url. return $css_data; } /** * Returns a Dynamic CSS data. * * @since 1.0 * @return string */ public static function get_dynamic_css() { // Get the cache dir and css key. $cache_dir = self::get_cache_dir(); $css_slug = self::_asset_slug(); // No css data, recompile the css. if ( ! $css_data ) { self::render_css(); return self::get_dynamic_css(); } // Return the url. return $css_data; } /** * Returns a URL for the cached JS file. * * @since 1.0 * @return string */ public static function get_js_url() { if ( defined( 'ASTRA_THEME_HTTP2' ) && ASTRA_THEME_HTTP2 ) { self::enqueue_http2_js(); return false; } elseif ( ! get_option( 'astra-addon-js-status' ) ) { // Get the cache dir and js key. $cache_dir = self::get_cache_dir(); $js_slug = self::_asset_slug(); $js_key = get_option( self::$_js_key . '-' . $js_slug ); $js_path = $cache_dir['path'] . $js_slug . '-' . $js_key . '.js'; $js_url = $cache_dir['url'] . $js_slug . '-' . $js_key . '.js'; if ( ! $js_key ) { self::render_js(); return self::get_js_url(); } // Get dependent js added from addon modules. self::$dependent_js_files = get_option( self::$_js_key . '-dep-' . $js_slug ); // Check to see if the file exists. if ( ! file_exists( $js_path ) ) { self::render_fallback_js(); return false; } // Return the url. return $js_url; } else { self::render_fallback_js(); return false; } } /** * Enqueue dependent JS * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public static function enqueue_dependent_js() { $dependent_js_files = self::get_dependent_js_files(); if ( is_array( $dependent_js_files ) && ! empty( $dependent_js_files ) && ( count( $dependent_js_files ) > 0 ) ) { foreach ( $dependent_js_files as $handle => $src ) { if ( '' != $src ) { wp_enqueue_script( $handle, $src, array(), ASTRA_EXT_VER, true ); } else { wp_enqueue_script( $handle ); } } } } /** * Get dependent JS * * @since 1.0 * @return array() */ public static function get_dependent_js() { $dependent_js_files = self::get_dependent_js_files(); $js_files_arr = array(); if ( is_array( $dependent_js_files ) && count( $dependent_js_files ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $dependent_js_files as $handle => $src ) { if ( '' != $src ) { wp_register_script( $handle, $src, array(), ASTRA_EXT_VER, true ); $js_files_arr[] = $handle; } else { $js_files_arr[] = $handle; } } } return $js_files_arr; } /** * Compiles the cached CSS file. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ private static function render_http2_css() { $css_slug = self::_asset_slug(); $css_files = self::get_css_files(); /* Update Dynamic css in DB */ update_option( self::$_css_key . '-files-' . $css_slug, $css_files ); } /** * Removes the cached CSS files. * * @since 4.8.1 * @return void */ public static function remove_cached_css_files() { $css_slug = self::_asset_slug(); /* Delete dynamic css files from DB */ delete_option( self::$_css_key . '-files-' . $css_slug ); } /** * Compiles the cached CSS file. * * @since 1.0 * @return void|false Checks early if cache directory was emptied before generating the new files */ private static function render_css() { self::load_filesystem(); if ( ! defined( 'FS_CHMOD_FILE' ) ) { define( 'FS_CHMOD_FILE', ( fileperms( ABSPATH . 'index.php' ) & 0777 | 0644 ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals.NonPrefixedConstantFound } if ( get_option( 'ast-theme-css-status' ) ) { $assets_status = self::clear_assets_cache(); if ( false == $assets_status ) { return false; } } $cache_dir = self::get_cache_dir(); $new_css_key = str_replace( '.', '-', uniqid( '', true ) ); $css_slug = self::_asset_slug(); $css_files = self::get_css_files(); $css = ''; $css_min = ''; $filepath = $cache_dir['path'] . $css_slug . '-' . $new_css_key . '.css'; if ( count( $css_files ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $css_files as $k => $file ) { if ( ! empty( $file ) && file_exists( $file ) ) { $css .= self::$astra_addon_filesystem->get_contents( $file, FS_CHMOD_FILE ); } } } $css = apply_filters( 'astra_addon_render_css', $css ); $status = self::$astra_addon_filesystem->put_contents( $filepath, $css, FS_CHMOD_FILE ); $status = ! $status; // Save the new css key. update_option( 'ast-theme-css-status', $status ); update_option( self::$_css_key . '-' . $css_slug, $new_css_key ); } /** * Render HTTP/2 CSS : enqueue individual CSS file. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ private static function enqueue_http2_css() { $css_files = self::get_http2_css_files(); $files_count = count( $css_files ); if ( $files_count > 0 ) { foreach ( $css_files as $k => $file ) { if ( $files_count == $k + 1 ) { $handle = 'astra-addon-css'; } else { $handle = 'astra-addon-css-' . $k; } wp_enqueue_style( $handle, $file, array(), ASTRA_EXT_VER, 'all' ); } } } /** * Fallback to enqueue individual CSS file. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ private static function render_fallback_css() { $css_files = self::get_css_files(); $files_count = count( $css_files ); if ( $files_count > 0 ) { foreach ( $css_files as $index => $file_path ) { if ( ! file_exists( $file_path ) ) { continue; } $new_file = plugins_url( str_replace( plugin_dir_path( ASTRA_EXT_FILE ), '', $file_path ), ASTRA_EXT_FILE ); if ( $files_count == $index + 1 ) { $handle = 'astra-addon-css'; } else { $handle = 'astra-addon-css-' . $index; } wp_enqueue_style( $handle, $new_file, array(), ASTRA_EXT_VER, 'all' ); } } } /** * Renders HTTP/2 js. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public static function render_http2_js() { $js_slug = self::_asset_slug(); $js_files = self::get_js_files(); $dep_js_files = self::$dependent_js_files; update_option( self::$_js_key . '-files-' . $js_slug, $js_files ); update_option( self::$_js_key . '-dep-' . $js_slug, $dep_js_files ); } /** * Renders and caches the JavaScript * * @since 1.0 * @return void|false Checks early if cache directory was emptied before generating the new files */ public static function render_js() { self::load_filesystem(); if ( ! defined( 'FS_CHMOD_FILE' ) ) { define( 'FS_CHMOD_FILE', ( fileperms( ABSPATH . 'index.php' ) & 0777 | 0644 ) ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals.NonPrefixedConstantFound } if ( get_option( 'astra-addon-js-status' ) ) { $assets_status = self::clear_assets_cache(); if ( false == $assets_status ) { return false; } } $cache_dir = self::get_cache_dir(); $new_js_key = str_replace( '.', '-', uniqid( '', true ) ); $js_slug = self::_asset_slug(); $js_files = self::get_js_files(); $dep_js_files = self::$dependent_js_files; $js = ''; $js_min = ''; $filepath = $cache_dir['path'] . $js_slug . '-' . $new_js_key . '.js'; if ( count( $js_files ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $js_files as $k => $file ) { if ( ! empty( $file ) && file_exists( $file ) ) { $js .= self::$astra_addon_filesystem->get_contents( $file, FS_CHMOD_FILE ); } } } $js = apply_filters( 'astra_addon_render_js', $js ); $status = self::$astra_addon_filesystem->put_contents( $filepath, $js, FS_CHMOD_FILE ); $status = ! $status; // Save the new css key. update_option( 'astra-addon-js-status', $status ); update_option( self::$_js_key . '-dep-' . $js_slug, $dep_js_files ); update_option( self::$_js_key . '-' . $js_slug, $new_js_key ); do_action( 'astra_addon_after_render_js' ); } /** * HTTP/2 individual JS file. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public static function enqueue_http2_js() { $js_files = self::get_http2_js_files(); $files_count = count( $js_files ); if ( 0 < $files_count ) { $dep_files = self::get_dependent_js(); if ( ! is_array( $dep_files ) ) { $dep_files = array(); } foreach ( $js_files as $k => $file ) { if ( 0 == $k ) { $handle = 'astra-addon-js'; } else { $handle = 'astra-addon-js-' . $k; } wp_enqueue_script( $handle, $file, $dep_files, ASTRA_EXT_VER, true ); } } } /** * Render Fallback JS * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public static function render_fallback_js() { $js_files = self::get_js_files(); $files_count = count( $js_files ); if ( 0 < $files_count ) { self::enqueue_dependent_js(); foreach ( $js_files as $index => $file_path ) { if ( ! file_exists( $file_path ) ) { continue; } $new_file = plugins_url( str_replace( plugin_dir_path( ASTRA_EXT_FILE ), '', $file_path ), ASTRA_EXT_FILE ); if ( 0 == $index ) { $handle = 'astra-addon-js'; } else { $handle = 'astra-addon-js-' . $index; } wp_enqueue_script( $handle, $new_file, array(), ASTRA_EXT_VER, true ); } } } /** * Called by the customize_preview_init action to initialize * a Customizer preview. * * @since 1.0 * @return void */ public static function preview_init() { self::$_in_customizer_preview = true; self::refresh_assets(); } /** * Trim CSS * * @since 1.0 * @param string $css CSS content to trim. * @return string */ public static function trim_css( $css = '' ) { // Trim white space for faster page loading. if ( ! empty( $css ) ) { $css = preg_replace( '!/\*[^*]*\*+([^/][^*]*\*+)*/!', '', $css ); $css = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\r", "\n", "\t", ' ', ' ', ' ' ), '', $css ); $css = str_replace( ', ', ',', $css ); } return $css; } /** * Load Addon ddependent JS related to toggle navigation menu. * * @since 3.5.9 */ public static function add_fronted_pro_script() { /* Define Variables */ $uri = ASTRA_EXT_URI . 'assets/js/'; $path = ASTRA_EXT_DIR . 'assets/js/'; /* Directory and Extension */ $file_prefix = '.min'; $dir_name = 'minified'; if ( SCRIPT_DEBUG ) { $file_prefix = ''; $dir_name = 'unminified'; } $js_uri = $uri . $dir_name . '/'; $js_dir = $path . $dir_name . '/'; if ( defined( 'ASTRA_THEME_HTTP2' ) && ASTRA_THEME_HTTP2 ) { $gen_path = $js_uri; } else { $gen_path = $js_dir; } /*** End Path Logic */ self::add_js( $gen_path . 'frontend-pro' . $file_prefix . '.js' ); } } Astra_Minify::get_instance(); }