Current Path : /home/webcloude/public_html/wp-content/plugins/astra-sites/inc/lib/zip-ai/classes/ |
Current File : //home/webcloude/public_html/wp-content/plugins/astra-sites/inc/lib/zip-ai/classes/module.php |
<?php /** * Zip AI - Module. * * This file is used to register and manage the Zip AI Modules. * * @package zip-ai */ namespace ZipAI\Classes; // Exit if accessed directly. if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } // Classes to be used, in alphabetical order. use ZipAI\Classes\Helper; /** * The Module Class. */ class Module { /** * Private Variable of all the valid Zip AI Modules. * * @since 1.0.5 * @var array $valid_modules Array of all the available Zip AI Modules. */ private static $valid_modules = [ 'ai_assistant', 'ai_design_copilot', ]; /** * Update the status of Zip AI Module(s). * * @param string|array $module_name Name of the module or an array of module names. * @param string $status Status of the module(s) to be updated. * @since 1.0.5 * @return boolean True if Zip AI Module(s) status has been updated, false otherwise. */ private static function update_status( $module_name, $status ) { // If the status is not a valid status, return. if ( ! in_array( $status, [ 'enabled', 'disabled' ], true ) ) { return false; } // If the module name is a string, format it into an array. if ( is_string( $module_name ) && ! empty( trim( $module_name ) ) ) { $module_name = [ $module_name ]; } elseif ( ! is_array( $module_name ) ) { return false; } // Get all the modules. $all_modules = self::get_all_modules(); // Ensure that the modules that are to be updated are valid. $module_name = array_intersect( array_keys( $all_modules ), $module_name ); // Modules from DB is an array of arrays, where the keys are the module names, and the values are an array of module data. // We need to update all the modules that are passed in the $module_name array, making their status as $status. array_walk( $all_modules, function( &$module, $module_key ) use ( $module_name, $status ) { // If the module is not in the module name array, return it as it is. if ( ! is_array( $module ) || ! in_array( $module_key, $module_name, true ) ) { return $module; } // If the module is in the module name array, update the status. $module['status'] = $status; // Return the updated module. return $module; } ); // Update the modules array. return Helper::update_admin_settings_option( 'zip_ai_modules', $all_modules ); } /** * Function to migrate older Zip AI settings into the new modular format. * * @since 1.0.5 * @return void */ public static function migrate_options() { // Get the existing Zip AI settings option. $existing_settings = Helper::get_admin_settings_option( 'zip_ai_settings', [] ); // If the chat enabled option is set, migrate it. if ( isset( $existing_settings['chat_enabled'] ) ) { // Set the new option value based on the chat enabled value. $ai_assistant_status = false === $existing_settings['chat_enabled'] ? 'disabled' : 'enabled'; // Update the AI assistant module status. $ai_assistant_migrated = self::update_status( 'ai_assistant', $ai_assistant_status ); // If the migration was successful, unset the chat enabled value and update the settings. if ( $ai_assistant_migrated ) { unset( $existing_settings['chat_enabled'] ); Helper::update_admin_settings_option( 'zip_ai_settings', $existing_settings ); } } } /** * Function to get all the availabe Zip AI Modules, after applying the filter. * * First all the filtered modules and the modules from the database will be fetched. * Then the database modules will be cross-checked against the valid filtered modules. * This is done so that even if a value exists in the database, if the product that is adding the filter is disabled, the feature will be considered as non-existent. * Finally the required data from the database will overwrite the filtered defaults, and only the valid modules will be returned for use. * * @since 1.0.5 * @return array Array of all the available Zip AI Modules and their details. */ public static function get_all_modules() { $filtered_modules = apply_filters( 'zip_ai_modules', [] ); // Ensure that the modules are in the correct format. $filtered_modules = is_array( $filtered_modules ) ? $filtered_modules : []; // Get the existing Zip AI modules from the DB. $modules_from_db = Helper::get_admin_settings_option( 'zip_ai_modules', [] ); // Ensure that the modules are in the correct format. $modules_from_db = is_array( $modules_from_db ) ? $modules_from_db : []; // Only load the modules from the database that have the same keys as the filtered modules. $modules_from_db = array_intersect_key( $modules_from_db, $filtered_modules ); // Set the final modules array, where the database values override the filtered values. $filtered_modules = array_merge( $filtered_modules, $modules_from_db ); // Ensure that only the valid modules are returned. return array_intersect_key( $filtered_modules, array_flip( self::$valid_modules ) ); } /** * Enable Zip AI Module(s). * * If a string is passed, that module will be enabled if valid. * If an array is passed, all valid modules will be enabled. * * @param string|array $module_name Name of the module or an array of module names. * @since 1.0.5 * @return boolean True if Zip AI module(s) has been enabled, false otherwise. */ public static function enable( $module_name ) { return self::update_status( $module_name, 'enabled' ); } /** * Function to disable Zip AI Module(s). * * If a string is passed, that module will be disabled if valid. * If an array is passed, all valid modules will be disabled. * * @param string|array $module_name Name of the module or an array of module names. * @since 1.0.5 * @return boolean True if Zip AI module(s) has been enabled, false otherwise. */ public static function disable( $module_name ) { return self::update_status( $module_name, 'disabled' ); } /** * Function to check if Zip AI Module is enabled. * * @param string $module_name Name of the module. * @since 1.0.5 * @return boolean True if Zip AI is enabled, false otherwise. */ public static function is_enabled( $module_name ) { // If the module name is not a string, abandon ship. if ( ! is_string( $module_name ) ) { return false; } // Get all the modules. $all_modules = self::get_all_modules(); // If the given module name is not a valid module or if the module does not have a status, abandon ship. if ( ! array_key_exists( $module_name, $all_modules ) || empty( $all_modules[ $module_name ]['status'] ) ) { return false; } // Return based on whether Zip AI is enabled or not. return 'enabled' === $all_modules[ $module_name ]['status']; } /** * Enable the given Zip AI module if it exists, else create and enable it. * * @param array $modules The reference to the modules array that will be modified. * @param string $module_name The module name. * @since 1.1.0 * @return void */ public static function force_enabled( &$modules, $module_name ) { if ( empty( $modules[ $module_name ] ) || ! is_array( $modules[ $module_name ] ) ) { $modules[ $module_name ] = array( 'status' => 'enabled' ); } else { $modules[ $module_name ]['status'] = 'enabled'; } } }