Current Path : /home/webcloude/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/ |
Current File : //home/webcloude/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-stock-functions.php |
<?php /** * WooCommerce Stock Functions * * Functions used to manage product stock levels. * * @package WooCommerce\Functions * @version 3.4.0 */ defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; use Automattic\WooCommerce\Checkout\Helpers\ReserveStock; use Automattic\WooCommerce\Enums\ProductType; /** * Update a product's stock amount. * * Uses queries rather than update_post_meta so we can do this in one query (to avoid stock issues). * * @since 3.0.0 this supports set, increase and decrease. * * @param int|WC_Product $product Product ID or product instance. * @param int|null $stock_quantity Stock quantity. * @param string $operation Type of operation, allows 'set', 'increase' and 'decrease'. * @param bool $updating If true, the product object won't be saved here as it will be updated later. * @return bool|int|null */ function wc_update_product_stock( $product, $stock_quantity = null, $operation = 'set', $updating = false ) { if ( ! is_a( $product, 'WC_Product' ) ) { $product = wc_get_product( $product ); } if ( ! $product ) { return false; } if ( ! is_null( $stock_quantity ) && $product->managing_stock() ) { // Some products (variations) can have their stock managed by their parent. Get the correct object to be updated here. $product_id_with_stock = $product->get_stock_managed_by_id(); $product_with_stock = $product_id_with_stock !== $product->get_id() ? wc_get_product( $product_id_with_stock ) : $product; $data_store = WC_Data_Store::load( 'product' ); // Fire actions to let 3rd parties know the stock is about to be changed. if ( $product_with_stock->is_type( ProductType::VARIATION ) ) { // phpcs:disable WooCommerce.Commenting.CommentHooks.MissingSinceComment /** This action is documented in includes/data-stores/class-wc-product-data-store-cpt.php */ do_action( 'woocommerce_variation_before_set_stock', $product_with_stock ); } else { // phpcs:disable WooCommerce.Commenting.CommentHooks.MissingSinceComment /** This action is documented in includes/data-stores/class-wc-product-data-store-cpt.php */ do_action( 'woocommerce_product_before_set_stock', $product_with_stock ); } // Update the database. $new_stock = $data_store->update_product_stock( $product_id_with_stock, $stock_quantity, $operation ); // Update the product object. $data_store->read_stock_quantity( $product_with_stock, $new_stock ); // If this is not being called during an update routine, save the product so stock status etc is in sync, and caches are cleared. if ( ! $updating ) { $product_with_stock->save(); } // Fire actions to let 3rd parties know the stock changed. if ( $product_with_stock->is_type( ProductType::VARIATION ) ) { // phpcs:disable WooCommerce.Commenting.CommentHooks.MissingSinceComment /** This action is documented in includes/data-stores/class-wc-product-data-store-cpt.php */ do_action( 'woocommerce_variation_set_stock', $product_with_stock ); } else { // phpcs:disable WooCommerce.Commenting.CommentHooks.MissingSinceComment /** This action is documented in includes/data-stores/class-wc-product-data-store-cpt.php */ do_action( 'woocommerce_product_set_stock', $product_with_stock ); } return $product_with_stock->get_stock_quantity(); } return $product->get_stock_quantity(); } /** * Update a product's stock status. * * @param int $product_id Product ID. * @param string $status Status. */ function wc_update_product_stock_status( $product_id, $status ) { $product = wc_get_product( $product_id ); if ( $product ) { $product->set_stock_status( $status ); $product->save(); } } /** * When a payment is complete, we can reduce stock levels for items within an order. * * @since 3.0.0 * @param int $order_id Order ID. */ function wc_maybe_reduce_stock_levels( $order_id ) { $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); if ( ! $order ) { return; } $stock_reduced = $order->get_data_store()->get_stock_reduced( $order_id ); $trigger_reduce = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_payment_complete_reduce_order_stock', ! $stock_reduced, $order_id ); // Only continue if we're reducing stock. if ( ! $trigger_reduce ) { return; } wc_reduce_stock_levels( $order ); // Ensure stock is marked as "reduced" in case payment complete or other stock actions are called. $order->get_data_store()->set_stock_reduced( $order_id, true ); } add_action( 'woocommerce_payment_complete', 'wc_maybe_reduce_stock_levels' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_completed', 'wc_maybe_reduce_stock_levels' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_processing', 'wc_maybe_reduce_stock_levels' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_on-hold', 'wc_maybe_reduce_stock_levels' ); /** * When a payment is cancelled, restore stock. * * @since 3.0.0 * @param int $order_id Order ID. */ function wc_maybe_increase_stock_levels( $order_id ) { $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); if ( ! $order ) { return; } $stock_reduced = $order->get_data_store()->get_stock_reduced( $order_id ); $trigger_increase = (bool) $stock_reduced; // Only continue if we're increasing stock. if ( ! $trigger_increase ) { return; } wc_increase_stock_levels( $order ); // Ensure stock is not marked as "reduced" anymore. $order->get_data_store()->set_stock_reduced( $order_id, false ); } add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_cancelled', 'wc_maybe_increase_stock_levels' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_pending', 'wc_maybe_increase_stock_levels' ); /** * Reduce stock levels for items within an order, if stock has not already been reduced for the items. * * @since 3.0.0 * @param int|WC_Order $order_id Order ID or order instance. */ function wc_reduce_stock_levels( $order_id ) { if ( is_a( $order_id, 'WC_Order' ) ) { $order = $order_id; $order_id = $order->get_id(); } else { $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); } // We need an order, and a store with stock management to continue. if ( ! $order || 'yes' !== get_option( 'woocommerce_manage_stock' ) || ! apply_filters( 'woocommerce_can_reduce_order_stock', true, $order ) ) { return; } $changes = array(); // Loop over all items. foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item ) { if ( ! $item->is_type( 'line_item' ) ) { continue; } // Only reduce stock once for each item. $product = $item->get_product(); $item_stock_reduced = $item->get_meta( '_reduced_stock', true ); if ( $item_stock_reduced || ! $product || ! $product->managing_stock() ) { continue; } /** * Filter order item quantity. * * @param int|float $quantity Quantity. * @param WC_Order $order Order data. * @param WC_Order_Item_Product $item Order item data. */ $qty = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_order_item_quantity', $item->get_quantity(), $order, $item ); $item_name = $product->get_formatted_name(); $new_stock = wc_update_product_stock( $product, $qty, 'decrease' ); if ( is_wp_error( $new_stock ) ) { /* translators: %s item name. */ $order->add_order_note( sprintf( __( 'Unable to reduce stock for item %s.', 'woocommerce' ), $item_name ) ); continue; } $item->add_meta_data( '_reduced_stock', $qty, true ); $item->save(); $change = array( 'product' => $product, 'from' => $new_stock + $qty, 'to' => $new_stock, ); $changes[] = $change; /** * Fires when stock reduced to a specific line item * * @param WC_Order_Item_Product $item Order item data. * @param array $change Change Details. * @param WC_Order $order Order data. * @since 7.6.0 */ do_action( 'woocommerce_reduce_order_item_stock', $item, $change, $order ); } wc_trigger_stock_change_notifications( $order, $changes ); do_action( 'woocommerce_reduce_order_stock', $order ); } /** * After stock change events, triggers emails and adds order notes. * * @since 3.5.0 * @param WC_Order $order order object. * @param array $changes Array of changes. */ function wc_trigger_stock_change_notifications( $order, $changes ) { if ( empty( $changes ) ) { return; } $order_notes = array(); $no_stock_amount = absint( get_option( 'woocommerce_notify_no_stock_amount', 0 ) ); foreach ( $changes as $change ) { $order_notes[] = $change['product']->get_formatted_name() . ' ' . $change['from'] . '→' . $change['to']; $low_stock_amount = absint( wc_get_low_stock_amount( wc_get_product( $change['product']->get_id() ) ) ); if ( $change['to'] <= $no_stock_amount ) { /** * Action to signal that the value of 'stock_quantity' for a variation is about to change. * * @since 4.9 * * @param int $product The variation whose stock is about to change. */ do_action( 'woocommerce_no_stock', wc_get_product( $change['product']->get_id() ) ); } elseif ( $change['to'] <= $low_stock_amount ) { /** * Action to signal that the value of 'stock_quantity' for a product is about to change. * * @since 4.9 * * @param int $product The product whose stock is about to change. */ do_action( 'woocommerce_low_stock', wc_get_product( $change['product']->get_id() ) ); } if ( $change['to'] < 0 ) { /** * Action fires when an item in an order is backordered. * * @since 3.0 * * @param array $args { * @type WC_Product $product The product that is on backorder. * @type int $order_id The ID of the order. * @type int|float $quantity The amount of product on backorder. * } */ do_action( 'woocommerce_product_on_backorder', array( 'product' => wc_get_product( $change['product']->get_id() ), 'order_id' => $order->get_id(), 'quantity' => abs( $change['from'] - $change['to'] ), ) ); } } $order->add_order_note( __( 'Stock levels reduced:', 'woocommerce' ) . ' ' . implode( ', ', $order_notes ) ); } /** * Check if a product's stock quantity has reached certain thresholds and trigger appropriate actions. * * This functionality was moved out of `wc_trigger_stock_change_notifications` in order to decouple it from orders, * since stock quantity can also be updated in other ways. * * @param WC_Product $product The product whose stock level has changed. * * @return void */ function wc_trigger_stock_change_actions( $product ) { if ( true !== $product->get_manage_stock() ) { return; } $no_stock_amount = absint( get_option( 'woocommerce_notify_no_stock_amount', 0 ) ); $low_stock_amount = absint( wc_get_low_stock_amount( $product ) ); $stock_quantity = $product->get_stock_quantity(); if ( $stock_quantity <= $no_stock_amount ) { /** * Action fires when a product's stock quantity reaches the "no stock" threshold. * * @since 3.0 * * @param WC_Product $product The product whose stock quantity has changed. */ do_action( 'woocommerce_no_stock', $product ); } elseif ( $stock_quantity <= $low_stock_amount ) { /** * Action fires when a product's stock quantity reaches the "low stock" threshold. * * @since 3.0 * * @param WC_Product $product The product whose stock quantity has changed. */ do_action( 'woocommerce_low_stock', $product ); } } /** * Increase stock levels for items within an order. * * @since 3.0.0 * @param int|WC_Order $order_id Order ID or order instance. */ function wc_increase_stock_levels( $order_id ) { if ( is_a( $order_id, 'WC_Order' ) ) { $order = $order_id; $order_id = $order->get_id(); } else { $order = wc_get_order( $order_id ); } // We need an order, and a store with stock management to continue. if ( ! $order || 'yes' !== get_option( 'woocommerce_manage_stock' ) || ! apply_filters( 'woocommerce_can_restore_order_stock', true, $order ) ) { return; } $changes = array(); // Loop over all items. foreach ( $order->get_items() as $item ) { if ( ! $item->is_type( 'line_item' ) ) { continue; } // Only increase stock once for each item. $product = $item->get_product(); $item_stock_reduced = $item->get_meta( '_reduced_stock', true ); if ( ! $item_stock_reduced || ! $product || ! $product->managing_stock() ) { continue; } $item_name = $product->get_formatted_name(); $new_stock = wc_update_product_stock( $product, $item_stock_reduced, 'increase' ); $old_stock = $new_stock - $item_stock_reduced; if ( is_wp_error( $new_stock ) ) { /* translators: %s item name. */ $order->add_order_note( sprintf( __( 'Unable to restore stock for item %s.', 'woocommerce' ), $item_name ) ); continue; } $item->delete_meta_data( '_reduced_stock' ); $item->save(); $changes[] = $item_name . ' ' . $old_stock . '→' . $new_stock; /** * Fires when stock restored to a specific line item * * @since 9.1.0 * @param WC_Order_Item_Product $item Order item data. * @param int $new_stock New stock. * @param int $old_stock Old stock. * @param WC_Order $order Order data. */ do_action( 'woocommerce_restore_order_item_stock', $item, $new_stock, $old_stock, $order ); } if ( $changes ) { $order->add_order_note( __( 'Stock levels increased:', 'woocommerce' ) . ' ' . implode( ', ', $changes ) ); } do_action( 'woocommerce_restore_order_stock', $order ); } /** * See how much stock is being held in pending orders. * * @since 3.5.0 * @param WC_Product $product Product to check. * @param integer $exclude_order_id Order ID to exclude. * @return int */ function wc_get_held_stock_quantity( WC_Product $product, $exclude_order_id = 0 ) { /** * Filter: woocommerce_hold_stock_for_checkout * Allows enable/disable hold stock functionality on checkout. * * @since 4.3.0 * @param bool $enabled Default to true if managing stock globally. */ if ( ! apply_filters( 'woocommerce_hold_stock_for_checkout', wc_string_to_bool( get_option( 'woocommerce_manage_stock', 'yes' ) ) ) ) { return 0; } $reserve_stock = new ReserveStock(); return $reserve_stock->get_reserved_stock( $product, $exclude_order_id ); } /** * Hold stock for an order. * * @throws ReserveStockException If reserve stock fails. * * @since 4.1.0 * @param \WC_Order|int $order Order ID or instance. */ function wc_reserve_stock_for_order( $order ) { /** * Filter: woocommerce_hold_stock_for_checkout * Allows enable/disable hold stock functionality on checkout. * * @since @since 4.1.0 * @param bool $enabled Default to true if managing stock globally. */ if ( ! apply_filters( 'woocommerce_hold_stock_for_checkout', wc_string_to_bool( get_option( 'woocommerce_manage_stock', 'yes' ) ) ) ) { return; } $order = $order instanceof WC_Order ? $order : wc_get_order( $order ); if ( $order ) { $reserve_stock = new ReserveStock(); $reserve_stock->reserve_stock_for_order( $order ); } } add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_order_created', 'wc_reserve_stock_for_order' ); /** * Release held stock for an order. * * @since 4.3.0 * @param \WC_Order|int $order Order ID or instance. */ function wc_release_stock_for_order( $order ) { /** * Filter: woocommerce_hold_stock_for_checkout * Allows enable/disable hold stock functionality on checkout. * * @since 4.3.0 * @param bool $enabled Default to true if managing stock globally. */ if ( ! apply_filters( 'woocommerce_hold_stock_for_checkout', wc_string_to_bool( get_option( 'woocommerce_manage_stock', 'yes' ) ) ) ) { return; } $order = $order instanceof WC_Order ? $order : wc_get_order( $order ); if ( $order ) { $reserve_stock = new ReserveStock(); $reserve_stock->release_stock_for_order( $order ); } } add_action( 'woocommerce_checkout_order_exception', 'wc_release_stock_for_order' ); add_action( 'woocommerce_payment_complete', 'wc_release_stock_for_order', 11 ); add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_cancelled', 'wc_release_stock_for_order', 11 ); add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_completed', 'wc_release_stock_for_order', 11 ); add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_processing', 'wc_release_stock_for_order', 11 ); add_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_on-hold', 'wc_release_stock_for_order', 11 ); /** * Release coupons used for another order. * * @since 9.5.2 * @param \WC_Order|int $order Order ID or instance. * @param bool $save Save the order after releasing coupons. */ function wc_release_coupons_for_order( $order, bool $save = true ) { $order = $order instanceof WC_Order ? $order : wc_get_order( $order ); if ( $order ) { $order->get_data_store()->release_held_coupons( $order, $save ); } } /** * Return low stock amount to determine if notification needs to be sent * * Since 5.2.0, this function no longer redirects from variation to its parent product. * Low stock amount can now be attached to the variation itself and if it isn't, only * then we check the parent product, and if it's not there, then we take the default * from the store-wide setting. * * @param WC_Product $product Product to get data from. * @since 3.5.0 * @return int */ function wc_get_low_stock_amount( WC_Product $product ) { $low_stock_amount = $product->get_low_stock_amount(); if ( '' === $low_stock_amount && $product->is_type( ProductType::VARIATION ) ) { $product = wc_get_product( $product->get_parent_id() ); $low_stock_amount = $product->get_low_stock_amount(); } if ( '' === $low_stock_amount ) { $low_stock_amount = get_option( 'woocommerce_notify_low_stock_amount', 2 ); } return (int) $low_stock_amount; }