Your IP :
* Text-Shadow reusable component.
import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n';
import Range from '@Components/range/Range.js';
import AdvancedPopColorControl from '../color-control/advanced-pop-color-control';
import { Button, Dashicon } from '@wordpress/components';
import { useState } from '@wordpress/element';
import React, { useLayoutEffect } from 'react';
import { select } from '@wordpress/data';
import getUAGEditorStateLocalStorage from '@Controls/getUAGEditorStateLocalStorage';
import { blocksAttributes } from '@Attributes/getBlocksDefaultAttributes';
const TextShadowControl = ( props ) => {
const [ showAdvancedControls, toggleAdvancedControls ] = useState( false );
const {
label = __( 'Text Shadow', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ),
popup = false,
} = props;
let advancedControls;
const activeClass = showAdvancedControls ? 'active' : '';
useLayoutEffect( () => {
window.addEventListener( 'click', function ( e ) {
const popupButton = document.querySelector(
`.active.popup-${ blockId } .spectra-control-popup__options--action-button`
const popupWrap = document.querySelector(
`.active.popup-${ blockId } .spectra-control-popup`
if (
popupButton &&
! popupButton?.contains( e.target ) &&
! e.target?.classList?.contains(
) &&
! e.target?.parentElement?.closest( '.uagb-popover-color' ) &&
popupWrap &&
! popupWrap?.contains( e.target ) &&
! e.target?.parentElement?.closest( '.uagb-reset' )
) {
toggleAdvancedControls( false );
const blockName = getSelectedBlock()?.name;
const uagSettingState = getUAGEditorStateLocalStorage(
const data = {
[ blockName ]: {
...uagSettingState?.[ blockName ],
selectedSetting: false,
const uagLocalStorage = getUAGEditorStateLocalStorage();
if ( uagLocalStorage ) {
JSON.stringify( data )
} );
}, [] );
// Array of all the current Typography Control's Labels.
const attributeNames = [
const { getSelectedBlock } = select( 'core/block-editor' );
// Function to get the Block's default Text Shadow Values.
const getBlockTextShadowValue = () => {
const selectedBlockName = getSelectedBlock()?.name.split( '/' ).pop();
let defaultValues = false;
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof blocksAttributes[ selectedBlockName ] ) {
attributeNames.forEach( ( attributeName ) => {
if ( attributeName ) {
const blockDefaultAttributeValue =
'undefined' !==
typeof blocksAttributes[ selectedBlockName ][
? blocksAttributes[ selectedBlockName ][
: '';
defaultValues = {
[ attributeName ]: blockDefaultAttributeValue,
} );
return defaultValues;
// Function to check if any Text Shadow Setting has changed.
const getUpdateState = () => {
const defaultValues = getBlockTextShadowValue();
const selectedBlockAttributes = getSelectedBlock()?.attributes;
let isTextShadowUpdated = false;
attributeNames.forEach( ( attributeName ) => {
if (
selectedBlockAttributes?.[ attributeName ] &&
selectedBlockAttributes?.[ attributeName ] !==
defaultValues?.[ attributeName ]
) {
isTextShadowUpdated = true;
} );
return isTextShadowUpdated;
// Flag to check if this control has been updated or not.
const isTextShadowUpdated = popup && getUpdateState();
const overallControls = (
{ /* Shadow Color */ }
label={ textShadowColor.title }
colorValue={ textShadowColor.value }
data={ {
value: textShadowColor.value,
label: textShadowColor.label,
} }
setAttributes={ setAttributes }
{ /* Horizontal */ }
label={ textShadowHOffset.title }
value={ textShadowHOffset.value }
min={ -100 }
max={ 100 }
displayUnit={ false }
setAttributes={ setAttributes }
data={ {
value: textShadowHOffset.value,
label: textShadowHOffset.label,
} }
{ /* Vertical */ }
label={ textShadowVOffset.title }
value={ textShadowVOffset.value }
min={ -100 }
max={ 100 }
displayUnit={ false }
setAttributes={ setAttributes }
data={ {
value: textShadowVOffset.value,
label: textShadowVOffset.label,
} }
{ /* Blur */ }
label={ textShadowBlur.title }
value={ textShadowBlur.value }
min={ 0 }
max={ 100 }
displayUnit={ false }
setAttributes={ setAttributes }
data={ {
value: textShadowBlur.value,
label: textShadowBlur.label,
} }
if ( showAdvancedControls ) {
advancedControls = (
<div className="uagb-text-shadow-advanced spectra-control-popup">
{ overallControls }
const textShadowAdvancedControls = (
<div className="spectra-control-popup__options--action-wrapper">
<span className="uag-control-label">
{ label }
{ isTextShadowUpdated && (
<div className="spectra__change-indicator--dot-right" />
) }
className="uag-text-shadow-button spectra-control-popup__options--action-button"
aria-pressed={ showAdvancedControls }
onClick={ () => {
const allPopups = document.querySelectorAll(
if ( allPopups && 0 < allPopups.length ) {
for ( let i = 0; i < allPopups.length; i++ ) {
const popupButton = allPopups[ i ]?.querySelector(
'.spectra-control-popup__options.active .spectra-control-popup__options--action-button'
toggleAdvancedControls( ! showAdvancedControls );
const blockName = getSelectedBlock()?.name;
const uagSettingState = getUAGEditorStateLocalStorage(
let data = {
[ blockName ]: {
...uagSettingState?.[ blockName ],
selectedSetting: '.uag-text-shadow-options',
if ( showAdvancedControls ) {
data = {
[ blockName ]: {
...uagSettingState?.[ blockName ],
selectedSetting: false,
const uagLocalStorage = getUAGEditorStateLocalStorage();
if ( uagLocalStorage ) {
JSON.stringify( data )
} }
<Dashicon icon="edit" />
return popup ? (
className={ `components-base-control uag-text-shadow-options spectra-control-popup__options popup-${ blockId } ${ activeClass }` }
{ textShadowAdvancedControls }
{ showAdvancedControls && advancedControls }
) : (
<>{ overallControls }</>
export default TextShadowControl;