Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/cartflows/modules/gutenberg/src/components/typography/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/cartflows/modules/gutenberg/src/components/typography/index.js |
/** * WordPress dependencies */ import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { Button, Dashicon } from '@wordpress/components'; import { useState } from '@wordpress/element'; /** * Internal dependencies */ import UAGSelectControl from '@Components/select-control'; import FontFamilyControl from './font-typography'; import RangeTypographyControl from './range-typography'; import TypographyStyles from './inline-styles'; import styles from './editor.lazy.scss'; import React, { useLayoutEffect } from 'react'; import { select } from '@wordpress/data'; import getUAGEditorStateLocalStorage from '@Controls/getUAGEditorStateLocalStorage'; import { blocksAttributes } from '@Attributes/getBlocksDefaultAttributes'; // Export for ease of importing in individual blocks. export { TypographyStyles }; const TypographyControl = ( props ) => { const [ showAdvancedControls, toggleAdvancedControls ] = useState( false ); // Add and remove the CSS on the drop and remove of the component. useLayoutEffect( () => { styles.use(); return () => { styles.unuse(); }; }, [] ); useLayoutEffect( () => { window.addEventListener( 'click', function ( e ) { const popupButton = document.querySelector( `.active.popup-${ props?.attributes?.block_id } .spectra-control-popup__options--action-button` ); const popupWrap = document.querySelector( `.active.popup-${ props?.attributes?.block_id } .spectra-control-popup` ); if ( popupButton && ! popupButton?.contains( e.target ) && popupWrap && ! popupWrap?.contains( e.target ) && ! e.target?.parentElement?.parentElement?.classList?.contains( 'uag-font-family-select__menu' ) && ! e.target?.classList?.contains( 'uag-responsive-common-button' ) && ! e.target?.closest( '.uag-responsive-common-button' ) && ! e.target?.parentElement?.closest( '.uagb-reset' ) ) { toggleAdvancedControls( false ); const blockName = getSelectedBlock()?.name; const uagSettingState = getUAGEditorStateLocalStorage( 'uagSettingState' ); const data = { ...uagSettingState, [ blockName ]: { ...uagSettingState?.[ blockName ], selectedSetting: false, }, }; const uagLocalStorage = getUAGEditorStateLocalStorage(); if ( uagLocalStorage ) { uagLocalStorage.setItem( 'uagSettingState', JSON.stringify( data ) ); } } } ); }, [] ); let lineHeight; let fontFamily; let fontAdvancedControls; let fontTypoAdvancedControls; let showAdvancedFontControls; let transform; let decoration; let letterSpacing; const activeClass = showAdvancedControls ? 'active' : ''; const { disableFontFamily, disableFontSize, disableLineHeight, disableTransform, disableDecoration, disableAdvancedOptions = false, } = props; if ( true !== disableFontFamily ) { fontFamily = <FontFamilyControl { ...props } />; } const lineHeightStepsVal = 'em' === props.lineHeightType?.value ? 0.1 : 1; // fractional value when unit is em. const letterSpacingStepsVal = 'em' === props.letterSpacingType?.value ? 0.1 : 1; // fractional value when unit is em. // Array of all the current Typography Control's Labels. const attributeNames = []; if ( ! disableFontFamily ) { attributeNames.push( props.fontFamily.label, props.fontWeight.label, props.fontStyle.label ); } if ( ! disableFontSize ) { attributeNames.push( props.fontSizeType.label, props.fontSize.label, props.fontSizeMobile.label, props.fontSizeTablet.label ); } if ( ! disableLineHeight ) { attributeNames.push( props.lineHeightType.label, props.lineHeight.label, props.lineHeightMobile.label, props.lineHeightTablet.label ); } if ( ! disableTransform ) { attributeNames.push( props.transform.label ); } if ( ! disableDecoration ) { attributeNames.push( props.decoration.label ); } if ( props.letterSpacing ) { attributeNames.push( props.letterSpacing.label, props.letterSpacingTablet.label, props.letterSpacingMobile.label, props.letterSpacingType.label ); } const { getSelectedBlock } = select( 'core/block-editor' ); // Function to get the Block's default Typography Values. const getBlockTypographyValue = () => { const selectedBlockName = getSelectedBlock()?.name.split( '/' ).pop(); let defaultValues = false; if ( 'undefined' !== typeof blocksAttributes[ selectedBlockName ] ) { attributeNames.forEach( ( attributeName ) => { if ( attributeName ) { const blockDefaultAttributeValue = 'undefined' !== typeof blocksAttributes[ selectedBlockName ][ attributeName ]?.default ? blocksAttributes[ selectedBlockName ][ attributeName ]?.default : ''; defaultValues = { ...defaultValues, [ attributeName ]: blockDefaultAttributeValue, }; } } ); } return defaultValues; }; // Function to check if any Typography Setting has changed. const getUpdateState = () => { const defaultValues = getBlockTypographyValue(); const selectedBlockAttributes = getSelectedBlock()?.attributes; let isTypographyUpdated = false; attributeNames.forEach( ( attributeName ) => { if ( selectedBlockAttributes?.[ attributeName ] && selectedBlockAttributes?.[ attributeName ] !== defaultValues?.[ attributeName ] ) { isTypographyUpdated = true; } } ); return isTypographyUpdated; }; // Flag to check if this control has been updated or not. const isTypographyUpdated = getUpdateState(); if ( true !== disableLineHeight ) { lineHeight = ( <RangeTypographyControl type={ props.lineHeightType } typeLabel={ props.lineHeightType.label } sizeMobile={ props.lineHeightMobile } sizeMobileLabel={ props.lineHeightMobile.label } sizeTablet={ props.lineHeightTablet } sizeTabletLabel={ props.lineHeightTablet.label } size={ props.lineHeight } sizeLabel={ props.lineHeight.label } sizeMobileText={ __( 'Line Height', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ) } sizeTabletText={ __( 'Line Height', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ) } sizeText={ __( 'Line Height', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ) } step={ lineHeightStepsVal } { ...props } /> ); } if ( props.letterSpacing ) { letterSpacing = ( <RangeTypographyControl type={ props.letterSpacingType } typeLabel={ props.letterSpacingType.label } sizeMobile={ props.letterSpacingMobile } sizeMobileLabel={ props.letterSpacingMobile.label } sizeTablet={ props.letterSpacingTablet } sizeTabletLabel={ props.letterSpacingTablet.label } size={ props.letterSpacing } sizeLabel={ props.letterSpacing.label } sizeMobileText={ __( 'Letter Spacing', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ) } sizeTabletText={ __( 'Letter Spacing', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ) } sizeText={ __( 'Letter Spacing', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ) } step={ letterSpacingStepsVal } { ...props } /> ); } if ( ! disableTransform && props.transform ) { transform = ( <UAGSelectControl label={ __( 'Transform', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ) } data={ { value: props.transform.value, label: props.transform.label, } } setAttributes={ props.setAttributes } options={ [ { value: '', label: __( 'Default', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ), }, { value: 'normal', label: __( 'Normal', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ), }, { value: 'capitalize', label: __( 'Capitalize', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ), }, { value: 'uppercase', label: __( 'Uppercase', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ), }, { value: 'lowercase', label: __( 'Lowercase', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ), }, ] } /> ); } if ( ! disableDecoration && props.decoration ) { decoration = ( <div className="uag-typography-decoration"> <UAGSelectControl label={ __( 'Decoration', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ) } data={ { value: props.decoration.value, label: props.decoration.label, } } setAttributes={ props.setAttributes } options={ [ { value: '', label: __( 'Default', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ), }, { value: 'none', label: __( 'None', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ), }, { value: 'underline', label: __( 'Underline', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ), }, { value: 'overline', label: __( 'Overline', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ), }, { value: 'line-through', label: __( 'Line Through', 'ultimate-addons-for-gutenberg' ), }, ] } /> </div> ); } if ( true !== disableFontFamily && true !== disableFontSize ) { fontAdvancedControls = ( <Button className="uag-typography-button spectra-control-popup__options--action-button" aria-pressed={ showAdvancedControls } onClick={ () => { const allPopups = document.querySelectorAll( '.spectra-control-popup__options' ); if ( allPopups && 0 < allPopups.length ) { for ( let i = 0; i < allPopups.length; i++ ) { const popupButton = allPopups[ i ]?.querySelector( '.spectra-control-popup__options.active .spectra-control-popup__options--action-button' ); popupButton?.click(); } } toggleAdvancedControls( ! showAdvancedControls ); const blockName = getSelectedBlock()?.name; const uagSettingState = getUAGEditorStateLocalStorage( 'uagSettingState' ); let data = { ...uagSettingState, [ blockName ]: { ...uagSettingState?.[ blockName ], selectedSetting: '.uag-typography-options', }, }; if ( showAdvancedControls ) { data = { ...uagSettingState, [ blockName ]: { ...uagSettingState?.[ blockName ], selectedSetting: false, }, }; } const uagLocalStorage = getUAGEditorStateLocalStorage(); if ( uagLocalStorage ) { uagLocalStorage.setItem( 'uagSettingState', JSON.stringify( data ) ); } } } > <Dashicon icon="edit" /> </Button> ); } else { showAdvancedFontControls = ( <> { fontFamily } { transform } { decoration } { lineHeight } { letterSpacing } </> ); } if ( showAdvancedControls === true ) { showAdvancedFontControls = ( <div className="uagb-typography-advanced spectra-control-popup"> { fontFamily } { transform } { decoration } { lineHeight } { letterSpacing } </div> ); } if ( true !== disableFontFamily && true !== disableFontSize ) { fontTypoAdvancedControls = ( <div className="spectra-control-popup__options--action-wrapper"> <span className="uag-control-label"> { props.label } { isTypographyUpdated && ( <div className="spectra__change-indicator--dot-right" /> ) } </span> { fontAdvancedControls } </div> ); } return ( <div className={ `components-base-control uag-typography-options spectra-control-popup__options popup-${ props?.attributes?.block_id } ${ activeClass }` } > { ! disableAdvancedOptions && ( <> { fontTypoAdvancedControls } { showAdvancedFontControls } </> ) } </div> ); }; export default TypographyControl;