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Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/cartflows/modules/gutenberg/src/controls/block-icons.js

 * Block Icons

import { createElement as el } from '@wordpress/element';

// This is the color that will be visible on the drag and drop of the blocks. Use this as the primary fill / stroke color. 
const iconColor = '#fff';
// This is the color used for non-block icons.
const spectraDarkColor = '#1d2327';

// Negative Space Color needs to be implemented for the property that doesn't use iconColor.
const noColor = 'none';

const UAGB_Block_Icons = {

	// ----------------.
	// All Block Icons .
	// ----------------.

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export const renderLegacyBlockEditorIcon = ( blockName ) => (
		{ UAGB_Block_Icons[ blockName ] }
		<div className='spectra__legacy-icon--block-inserter-label'>Legacy</div>

export default UAGB_Block_Icons;