Your IP :
import { select } from '@wordpress/data';
const scrollBlockToView = () => {
// Scroll the view to the selected block after device type change in editor.
const { getSelectedBlock } = select( 'core/block-editor' );
const selectedBlockID = getSelectedBlock()?.clientId ? `block-${getSelectedBlock()?.clientId}` : false;
if ( ! selectedBlockID ) {
setTimeout( ()=> {
const currentDocument = getCurrentDocument();
const selectedBlockElementToScroll = currentDocument.getElementById ( selectedBlockID );
if ( selectedBlockElementToScroll ) {
selectedBlockElementToScroll.scrollIntoView( {behavior: 'smooth'} );
}, 500 )
const getCurrentDocument = () => {
const tabletPreview = document.getElementsByClassName( 'is-tablet-preview' );
const mobilePreview = document.getElementsByClassName( 'is-mobile-preview' );
if ( 0 !== tabletPreview.length || 0 !== mobilePreview.length ) {
const preview = tabletPreview[0] || mobilePreview[0];
let iframe = false;
if ( preview ) {
iframe = preview.getElementsByTagName( 'iframe' )[0];
const iframeDocument = iframe?.contentWindow.document || iframe?.contentDocument;
if ( iframeDocument ) {
return iframeDocument;
return document;
export default scrollBlockToView;