Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/presto-player/src/admin/blocks/shared/overlays/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/presto-player/src/admin/blocks/shared/overlays/Edit.js |
/** @jsx jsx */ /** * WordPress dependencies */ const { __ } = wp.i18n; const { Button, Flex, FlexItem, FlexBlock, Modal } = wp.components; const { useState, useEffect } = wp.element; const { useSelect } = wp.data; import { nanoid } from "nanoid"; import { css, jsx } from "@emotion/core"; import Preview from "../Preview"; import Overlay from "./components/Overlay"; const EditOverlay = ({ closeModal, attributes, setAttributes, updateOverlayAttribute, }) => { const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [currentTime, setCurrentTime] = useState(""); const { overlays, preset, src, poster, previewSrc } = attributes; const branding = useSelect((select) => { return select("presto-player/player").branding(); }); const state = useSelect((select) => select("presto-player/player").getPreset(preset) ); // maybe add a default so it's not empty. useEffect(() => { if (!overlays.length) { addOverlay(); } }, []); // update an existing overlay. const updateOverlay = (overlay, data = {}) => { let itemIndex = overlays.indexOf(overlay); let updated = overlays.map((item, index) => { // This isn't the item we care about - keep it as-is if (index !== itemIndex) { return item; } // Otherwise, this is the one we want - return an updated value return { ...item, ...data, }; }); setAttributes({ overlays: updated }); }; // remove overlay. const removeOverlay = (overlay) => { let index = overlays.indexOf(overlay); setAttributes({ overlays: overlays.filter((_, i) => i !== index) }); }; // add overlay with custom default. const addOverlay = () => { let defaultOverlay = { startTime: "0:00", endTime: "0:05", text: __("Here's a link to click!", "presto-player"), link: {}, position: "top-right", color: "#fff", backgroundColor: "#000", opacity: 75, }; if (overlays[overlays.length - 1]) { const lastOverlay = overlays[overlays.length - 1]; defaultOverlay = { ...lastOverlay }; // make a shallow clone. } defaultOverlay.id = nanoid(10); setAttributes({ overlays: [...(overlays || []), ...[defaultOverlay]], }); }; // sort the overlays by time. const sorted = () => { return (overlays || []).sort(function (a, b) { if ( parseInt(a.startTime.split(":")[0]) - parseInt(b.startTime.split(":")[0]) === 0 ) { return ( parseInt(a.startTime.split(":")[1]) - parseInt(b.startTime.split(":")[1]) ); } else { return ( parseInt(a.startTime.split(":")[0]) - parseInt(b.startTime.split(":")[0]) ); } }); }; // make sure we always update. const updateCurrentTimeState = (time) => { setCurrentTime(""); process.nextTick(() => { setCurrentTime(time); }); }; // validate and save const save = () => { setLoading(true); updateOverlayAttribute(overlays); setLoading(false); closeModal(); }; return ( <Modal title={__("Manage Video Overlays", "presto-player")} onRequestClose={closeModal} className="presto-player__modal-presets" overlayClassName="presto-player__modal-presets-overlay" shouldCloseOnClickOutside={false} > <div className="presto-player__preset-options" data-cy="preset-modal"> <Flex align="stretch" className="presto-player__style-preview-area"> <FlexItem className="presto-player__style-sidebar"> <div css={{ padding: "3px" }}> {sorted().map((overlay, i) => { return ( <Overlay key={`${i}-${overlay.startTime}`} overlayIndex={i} className="presto-player__overlay" startTime={overlay.startTime} endTime={overlay.endTime} text={overlay.text} link={overlay.link} position={overlay.position} color={overlay.color} backgroundColor={overlay.backgroundColor} opacity={overlay.opacity} overlay={overlay} update={(data) => { updateOverlay(overlay, data); }} remove={() => { removeOverlay(overlay); }} updateCurrentTime={(data) => { updateCurrentTimeState(data); }} /> ); })} <Button isPrimary onClick={addOverlay}> {__("Add An Overlay", "presto-player")} </Button> </div> </FlexItem> <FlexBlock className="presto-player__style-preview-panel"> <Preview preload="auto" currentTime={currentTime} src={previewSrc || src} isDisabled={false} state={{ ...state, lazy_load_youtube: false, // don't lazy load. invert_time: false, }} branding={branding} poster={poster} overlays={overlays} /> </FlexBlock> </Flex> <br /> <div css={css` display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; `} > <div css={css` opacity: 0.5; font-size: 12px; `} ></div> <div> <Button isTertiary onClick={closeModal} style={{ margin: "0 6px" }}> {__("Cancel", "presto-player")} </Button> <Button isPrimary isBusy={loading} disabled={loading} onClick={save} data-cy="submit-preset" > {__("Save Overlays", "presto-player")} </Button> </div> </div> </div> </Modal> ); }; export default EditOverlay;