Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/presto-player/src/admin/blocks/shared/presets/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/presto-player/src/admin/blocks/shared/presets/ActionBar.js |
/** * WordPress dependencies */ const { __ } = wp.i18n; const { ToggleControl, Flex, Button, BaseControl, RangeControl, TextControl, SelectControl, TextareaControl, } = wp.components; const { useEffect, useState } = wp.element; const { useSelect } = wp.data; import ColorPopup from "../components/ColorPopup"; import UrlSelect from "../components/UrlSelect"; import YoutubeChannelId from "./parts/YoutubeChannelId"; import { css, jsx } from "@emotion/core"; export default function ({ state, updateState, className, value, setValue }) { const { action_bar } = state; const [editYoutube, setEditYoutube] = useState(false); const branding = useSelect((select) => { return select("presto-player/player").branding(); }); const youtube = useSelect((select) => { return select("presto-player/player").youtube(); }); const updateActionBar = (updated) => { updateState({ ...state, action_bar: { ...action_bar, ...updated, }, }); }; useEffect(() => { if (!action_bar?.text) { updateActionBar({ text: "Like this?", }); } if (!action_bar?.button_type) { updateActionBar({ button_type: "custom", }); } if (!action_bar?.button_text) { updateActionBar({ button_text: "Click Here", }); } }, [state]); const renderYoutubeChannelForm = () => { if (action_bar?.button_type !== "youtube") { return; } return editYoutube ? ( <YoutubeChannelId onClose={() => setEditYoutube(false)} value={value} setValue={setValue} /> ) : ( <div> <Button isSecondary onClick={(e) => { e.preventDefault(); setEditYoutube(true); }} > {youtube?.channel_id ? __("Update Youtube Channel Id", "presto-player") : __("Add Youtube Channel Id", "presto-player")} </Button> <br /> <br /> <br /> </div> ); }; return ( <div className={className}> <BaseControl> <h3>{__("Action Bar", "presto-player")}</h3> </BaseControl> <BaseControl className="presto-player__control--large-play"> <ToggleControl label={__("Enable", "presto-player")} help={__( "Show an action bar below your player while it's playing.", "presto-player" )} onChange={(enabled) => { updateActionBar({ enabled, }); }} checked={action_bar?.enabled} /> </BaseControl> {!!action_bar?.enabled && ( <> <BaseControl className="presto-player__control--percentage-watched" css={css` padding-left: 8px; margin-bottom: 34px !important; .components-range-control__root { align-items: flex-start; } `} > <RangeControl label={__("Display At (Percentage)", "presto-player")} labelPosition="top" onChange={(percentage_start) => { updateActionBar({ percentage_start, }); }} marks={[ { value: 0, label: __("Start", "presto-player"), }, { value: 50, label: __("50% Watched", "presto-player"), }, { value: 100, label: __("End", "presto-player"), }, ]} shiftStep={5} value={action_bar?.percentage_start || 0} css={css` .components-range-control__slider { position: relative !important; } `} /> </BaseControl> <BaseControl className="presto-player__control--large-play"> <TextareaControl label={__("Text", "presto-player")} help={__("Action bar text.", "presto-player")} value={action_bar?.text} onChange={(text) => updateActionBar({ text, }) } /> </BaseControl> <BaseControl className="presto-player__control--large-play"> <Flex> <BaseControl.VisualLabel> {__("Action Bar Background", "presto-player")} </BaseControl.VisualLabel> <ColorPopup color={action_bar?.background_color || "#1d1d1d"} setColor={(value) => updateActionBar({ background_color: value && value.hex, }) } /> </Flex> </BaseControl> <BaseControl> <h3>{__("Button", "presto-player")}</h3> </BaseControl> <BaseControl className="presto-player__control--button-type"> <SelectControl label={__("Button Type", "presto-player")} value={action_bar?.button_type} options={[ { value: "custom", label: __("Custom", "presto-player"), }, { value: "youtube", label: __("YouTube Subscribe", "presto-player"), }, { value: "none", label: __("None", "presto-player"), }, ]} onChange={(button_type) => updateActionBar({ button_type, }) } /> </BaseControl> {action_bar?.button_type === "youtube" && youtube?.channel_id && ( <ToggleControl label={__("Show Count", "presto-player")} help={__("Show your follower count.", "presto-player")} onChange={(button_count) => { updateActionBar({ button_count, }); }} checked={action_bar?.button_count} /> )} {renderYoutubeChannelForm()} {action_bar?.button_type === "custom" && ( <div> <BaseControl className="presto-player__control--button-text"> <TextControl label={__("Button Text", "presto-player")} help={<p>{__("Submit button text", "presto-player")}</p>} value={action_bar?.button_text} onChange={(button_text) => updateActionBar({ button_text })} /> </BaseControl> <BaseControl className="presto-player__control--button-text"> <BaseControl.VisualLabel> <p> {__("Button Link", "presto-player")}</p> </BaseControl.VisualLabel> <UrlSelect setSettings={(val) => { updateActionBar({ button_link: val, }); }} settings={action_bar?.button_link || {}} /> </BaseControl> <BaseControl className="presto-player__control--button-radius"> <RangeControl label={__("Round Corners", "presto-player")} help={__("Border radius of the button", "presto-player")} value={action_bar?.button_radius || 0} onChange={(button_radius) => updateActionBar({ button_radius }) } min={0} max={25} /> </BaseControl> <BaseControl className="presto-player__control--button-color"> <Flex> <BaseControl.VisualLabel> {__("Button Color", "presto-player")} </BaseControl.VisualLabel> <ColorPopup color={action_bar?.button_color || branding?.color} setColor={(value) => updateActionBar({ button_color: value && value.hex, }) } /> </Flex> </BaseControl> <BaseControl className="presto-player__control--button-text-color"> <Flex> <BaseControl.VisualLabel> {__("Button Text Color", "presto-player")} </BaseControl.VisualLabel> <ColorPopup color={action_bar?.button_text_color || "#ffffff"} setColor={(value) => updateActionBar({ button_text_color: value && value.hex, }) } /> </Flex> </BaseControl> </div> )} </> )} </div> ); }