Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/presto-player/src/admin/blocks/shared/presets/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/presto-player/src/admin/blocks/shared/presets/Preset.js |
/** * WordPress dependencies */ const { __ } = wp.i18n; const { Icon, Spinner, Modal, Button, ButtonGroup } = wp.components; const { useState } = wp.element; export default function ({ preset, index, isActive, remove, setPreset, onEdit, }) { const [loading, setLoading] = useState(false); const [confirmOpen, setConfirmOpen] = useState(false); const openConfirm = () => setConfirmOpen(true); const closeConfirm = () => setConfirmOpen(false); const untrashPreset = async () => {}; const trashPreset = async () => { // remove unsaved if (!preset.id) { remove(preset); return; } try { setLoading(true); let deleted = await wp.apiFetch({ method: "POST", url: wp.url.addQueryArgs( `${prestoPlayer.root}${prestoPlayer.prestoVersionString}preset/${preset.id}`, { _method: "DELETE" } ), }); if (deleted) { remove(preset); wp.data.dispatch("core/notices").createNotice( "success", // Can be one of: success, info, warning, error. __("Preset trashed.", "presto-player"), { type: "snackbar", isDismissible: true, // actions: [ // { // label: __("Undo", "presto-player"), // onClick: () => { // console.log("untrash"); // }, // }, // ], } ); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); if (e?.message) { wp.data.dispatch("core/notices").createNotice( "error", // Can be one of: success, info, warning, error. e.message, { type: "snackbar", isDismissible: true, // Whether the user can dismiss the notice. } ); } } finally { setConfirmOpen(false); setLoading(false); } }; if (loading) { return ( <div className="block-editor-block-styles__item" role="button" tabIndex={index} aria-label="Fill" style={{ color: isActive ? "var(--wp-admin-theme-color)" : "inherit", width: "calc(50% - 4px)", margin: "4px 0", "flex-shrink": "0", cursor: "pointer", overflow: "hidden", "border-radius": "2px", padding: "6px", display: "flex", "flex-direction": "column", }} > <div className="block-editor-block-styles__item-preview" style={{ border: isActive ? "2px solid var(--wp-admin-theme-color)" : "2px solid #e3e3e3", margin: 0, outline: "1px solid transparent", padding: "0", display: "flex", overflow: "hidden", background: "#fff", "align-items": "center", "flex-grow": "1", "min-height": "80px", "max-height": "160px", }} > <Spinner /> </div> </div> ); } return ( <div className={`block-editor-block-styles__item presto-preset-${preset.slug}`} onClick={() => { setPreset(preset); }} role="button" tabIndex={index} aria-label="Fill" style={{ color: isActive ? "var(--wp-admin-theme-color)" : "inherit", width: "calc(50% - 4px)", margin: "4px 0", "flex-shrink": "0", cursor: "pointer", overflow: "hidden", "border-radius": "2px", padding: "6px", display: "flex", "flex-direction": "column", }} > <div className="block-editor-block-styles__item-preview" style={{ border: isActive ? "2px solid var(--wp-admin-theme-color)" : "2px solid #e3e3e3", margin: 0, outline: "1px solid transparent", padding: "0", display: "flex", overflow: "hidden", background: "#fff", "align-items": "center", "flex-grow": "1", "min-height": "80px", "max-height": "160px", }} > <div style={{ textAlign: "center", width: "100%", color: isActive ? "var(--wp-admin-theme-color)" : "inherit", opacity: isActive ? 1 : 0.75, }} > {preset?.icon ? ( <Icon icon={preset?.icon} style={{ fontSize: "30px", width: "30px", height: "30px", }} /> ) : ( <h1 style={{ opacity: 0.75 }}> {preset?.name?.charAt(0)?.toUpperCase() || "Untitled"} </h1> )} </div> </div> <div className="block-editor-block-styles__item-label" style={{ fontWeight: "bold", textTransform: "capitalize", "text-align": "center", padding: "4px 0", }} > {preset?.name || "Untitled"} </div> {!preset?.is_locked && ( <div className="block-editor-block-styles__item-edit"> <div className="block-editor-block-styles__item-edit-icon" onClick={onEdit} > <Icon icon="edit" /> </div> <div className="block-editor-block-styles__item-edit-icon" onClick={openConfirm} > <Icon icon="trash" /> </div> </div> )} {confirmOpen && ( <Modal title={__("Trash Preset?", "presto-player")} onRequestClose={closeConfirm} style={{ maxWidth: "250px" }} > <p> <strong>{__("Warning!", "presto-player")} </strong> {__( "Any videos assigned to this preset will automatically use the default preset.", "presto-player" )} </p> <ButtonGroup> <Button isDestructive onClick={trashPreset} style={{ margin: "0 4px" }} > {__("Trash", "presto-player")} </Button> <Button isTertiary onClick={closeConfirm} style={{ margin: "0 4px", boxShadow: "none" }} > {__("Cancel", "presto-player")} </Button> </ButtonGroup> </Modal> )} </div> ); }