Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Blocks/BlockTypes/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Blocks/BlockTypes/AddToCartForm.php |
<?php declare(strict_types=1); namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\BlockTypes; use Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Features\Features; use Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\Utils\StyleAttributesUtils; /** * CatalogSorting class. */ class AddToCartForm extends AbstractBlock { /** * Block name. * * @var string */ protected $block_name = 'add-to-cart-form'; /** * Initializes the AddToCartForm block and hooks into the `wc_add_to_cart_message_html` filter * to prevent displaying the Cart Notice when the block is inside the Single Product block * and the Add to Cart button is clicked. * * It also hooks into the `woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect` filter to prevent redirecting * to another page when the block is inside the Single Product block and the Add to Cart button * is clicked. * * @return void */ protected function initialize() { parent::initialize(); add_filter( 'wc_add_to_cart_message_html', array( $this, 'add_to_cart_message_html_filter' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect', array( $this, 'add_to_cart_redirect_filter' ), 10, 1 ); } /** * Get the block's attributes. * * @param array $attributes Block attributes. Default empty array. * @return array Block attributes merged with defaults. */ private function parse_attributes( $attributes ) { // These should match what's set in JS `registerBlockType`. $defaults = array( 'isDescendentOfSingleProductBlock' => false, 'quantitySelectorStyle' => 'input', ); return wp_parse_args( $attributes, $defaults ); } /** * Enqueue assets specific to this block. * We enqueue frontend scripts only if the quantitySelectorStyle is set to 'stepper'. * * @param array $attributes Block attributes. * @param string $content Block content. * @param WP_Block $block Block instance. */ protected function enqueue_assets( $attributes, $content, $block ) { if ( 'stepper' !== $attributes['quantitySelectorStyle'] ) { return; } parent::enqueue_assets( $attributes, $content, $block ); } /** * Extra data passed through from server to client for block. * * @param array $attributes Any attributes that currently are available from the block. * Note, this will be empty in the editor context when the block is * not in the post content on editor load. */ protected function enqueue_data( array $attributes = [] ) { parent::enqueue_data( $attributes ); $this->asset_data_registry->add( 'isStepperLayoutFeatureEnabled', Features::is_enabled( 'add-to-cart-with-options-stepper-layout' ) ); $this->asset_data_registry->add( 'isBlockifiedAddToCart', Features::is_enabled( 'blockified-add-to-cart' ) ); } /** * Add increment and decrement buttons to the quantity input field. * * @param string $product_html add-to-cart form HTML. * @param string $product_name Product name. * @return stringa add-to-cart form HTML with increment and decrement buttons. */ private function add_steppers( $product_html, $product_name ) { // Regex pattern to match the <input> element with id starting with 'quantity_'. $pattern = '/(<input[^>]*id="quantity_[^"]*"[^>]*\/>)/'; // Replacement string to add button BEFORE the matched <input> element. /* translators: %s refers to the item name in the cart. */ $minus_button = '<button aria-label="' . esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'Reduce quantity of %s', 'woocommerce' ), $product_name ) ) . '"type="button" data-wc-on--click="actions.removeQuantity" class="wc-block-components-quantity-selector__button wc-block-components-quantity-selector__button--minus">-</button>$1'; // Replacement string to add button AFTER the matched <input> element. /* translators: %s refers to the item name in the cart. */ $plus_button = '$1<button aria-label="' . esc_attr( sprintf( __( 'Increase quantity of %s', 'woocommerce' ), $product_name ) ) . '" type="button" data-wc-on--click="actions.addQuantity" class="wc-block-components-quantity-selector__button wc-block-components-quantity-selector__button--plus">+</button>'; $new_html = preg_replace( $pattern, $minus_button, $product_html ); $new_html = preg_replace( $pattern, $plus_button, $new_html ); return $new_html; } /** * Add classes to the Add to Cart form input needed for the stepper style. * * @param string $product_html The Add to Cart form HTML. * * @return string The Add to Cart form HTML with classes added. */ private function add_stepper_classes_to_add_to_cart_form_input( $product_html ) { $html = new \WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $product_html ); // Add classes to the form. while ( $html->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'quantity' ) ) ) { $html->add_class( 'wc-block-components-quantity-selector' ); } $html = new \WP_HTML_Tag_Processor( $html->get_updated_html() ); while ( $html->next_tag( array( 'class_name' => 'input-text' ) ) ) { $html->add_class( 'wc-block-components-quantity-selector__input' ); } return $html->get_updated_html(); } /** * Render the block. * * @param array $attributes Block attributes. * @param string $content Block content. * @param WP_Block $block Block instance. * * @return string | void Rendered block output. */ protected function render( $attributes, $content, $block ) { global $product; $post_id = $block->context['postId']; if ( ! isset( $post_id ) ) { return ''; } $previous_product = $product; $product = wc_get_product( $post_id ); if ( ! $product instanceof \WC_Product ) { $product = $previous_product; return ''; } $is_external_product_with_url = $product instanceof \WC_Product_External && $product->get_product_url(); $is_stepper_style = 'stepper' === $attributes['quantitySelectorStyle'] && ! $product->is_sold_individually() && Features::is_enabled( 'add-to-cart-with-options-stepper-layout' ); ob_start(); /** * Trigger the single product add to cart action for each product type. * * @since 9.7.0 */ do_action( 'woocommerce_' . $product->get_type() . '_add_to_cart' ); $product_html = ob_get_clean(); if ( ! $product_html ) { $product = $previous_product; return ''; } $product_name = $product->get_name(); $product_html = $is_stepper_style ? $this->add_steppers( $product_html, $product_name ) : $product_html; $parsed_attributes = $this->parse_attributes( $attributes ); $is_descendent_of_single_product_block = $parsed_attributes['isDescendentOfSingleProductBlock']; if ( ! $is_external_product_with_url ) { $product_html = $this->add_is_descendent_of_single_product_block_hidden_input_to_product_form( $product_html, $is_descendent_of_single_product_block ); } $product_html = $is_stepper_style ? $this->add_stepper_classes_to_add_to_cart_form_input( $product_html ) : $product_html; $classes_and_styles = StyleAttributesUtils::get_classes_and_styles_by_attributes( $attributes, array(), array( 'extra_classes' ) ); $product_classname = $is_descendent_of_single_product_block ? 'product' : ''; $classes = implode( ' ', array_filter( array( 'wp-block-add-to-cart-form wc-block-add-to-cart-form', esc_attr( $classes_and_styles['classes'] ), esc_attr( $product_classname ), $is_stepper_style ? 'wc-block-add-to-cart-form--stepper' : 'wc-block-add-to-cart-form--input', ) ) ); $wrapper_attributes = get_block_wrapper_attributes( array( 'class' => $classes, 'style' => esc_attr( $classes_and_styles['styles'] ), ) ); $form = sprintf( '<div %1$s %2$s>%3$s</div>', $wrapper_attributes, $is_stepper_style ? 'data-wc-interactive=\'' . wp_json_encode( array( 'namespace' => 'woocommerce/add-to-cart-form', ), JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK | JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_AMP ) . '\'' : '', $product_html ); $product = $previous_product; return $form; } /** * Add a hidden input to the Add to Cart form to indicate that it is a descendent of a Single Product block. * * @param string $product_html The Add to Cart Form HTML. * @param string $is_descendent_of_single_product_block Indicates if block is descendent of Single Product block. * * @return string The Add to Cart Form HTML with the hidden input. */ protected function add_is_descendent_of_single_product_block_hidden_input_to_product_form( $product_html, $is_descendent_of_single_product_block ) { $hidden_is_descendent_of_single_product_block_input = sprintf( '<input type="hidden" name="is-descendent-of-single-product-block" value="%1$s">', $is_descendent_of_single_product_block ? 'true' : 'false' ); $regex_pattern = '/<button\s+type="submit"[^>]*>.*?<\/button>/i'; preg_match( $regex_pattern, $product_html, $input_matches ); if ( ! empty( $input_matches ) ) { $product_html = preg_replace( $regex_pattern, $hidden_is_descendent_of_single_product_block_input . $input_matches[0], $product_html ); } return $product_html; } /** * Filter the add to cart message to prevent the Notice from being displayed when the Add to Cart form is a descendent of a Single Product block * and the Add to Cart button is clicked. * * @param string $message Message to be displayed when product is added to the cart. */ public function add_to_cart_message_html_filter( $message ) { // phpcs:ignore if ( isset( $_POST['is-descendent-of-single-product-block'] ) && 'true' === $_POST['is-descendent-of-single-product-block'] ) { return false; } return $message; } /** * Hooks into the `woocommerce_add_to_cart_redirect` filter to prevent redirecting * to another page when the block is inside the Single Product block and the Add to Cart button * is clicked. * * @param string $url The URL to redirect to after the product is added to the cart. * @return string The filtered redirect URL. */ public function add_to_cart_redirect_filter( $url ) { // phpcs:ignore if ( isset( $_POST['is-descendent-of-single-product-block'] ) && 'true' == $_POST['is-descendent-of-single-product-block'] ) { if ( 'yes' === get_option( 'woocommerce_cart_redirect_after_add' ) ) { return wc_get_cart_url(); } return wp_validate_redirect( wp_get_referer(), $url ); } return $url; } }