Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/Admin/Settings/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/src/Internal/Admin/Settings/PaymentsController.php |
<?php declare( strict_types=1 ); namespace Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Settings; use Automattic\WooCommerce\Admin\Features\Features; use Automattic\WooCommerce\Internal\Admin\Suggestions\PaymentExtensionSuggestions; use Exception; use WooCommerce\Admin\Experimental_Abtest; defined( 'ABSPATH' ) || exit; /** * Payments settings controller class. * * Use this class for hooks and actions related to the Payments settings page. */ class PaymentsController { /** * The payment service. * * @var Payments */ private Payments $payments; /** * Register hooks. */ public function register() { // Filter the feature config to allow the experiment to have effect. // Use a priority of 9 to ensure that the filter runs before the user-set feature values // are applied by the WC Beta Tester plugin. // This way we allow users to control the feature flag via the WC Beta Tester plugin and disregard the experiment. // @see plugins/woocommerce-beta-tester/plugin.php. add_filter( 'woocommerce_admin_get_feature_config', array( $this, 'filter_feature_config_experiment' ), 9 ); // Because we gate the hooking based on a feature flag, // we need to delay the registration until the 'woocommerce_init' hook. // Otherwise, we end up in an infinite loop. add_action( 'woocommerce_init', array( $this, 'delayed_register' ) ); } /** * Filter the feature flags list to modify the new Payments Settings page feature based on the experiment. * * @param array $features The feature flags list. * * @return array The updated feature flags list. */ public function filter_feature_config_experiment( $features ) { // If the feature flag is not present or has been disabled, don't do anything. if ( empty( $features['reactify-classic-payments-settings'] ) ) { return $features; } // If the feature flag is enabled, but the user is NOT in the experiment treatment group, disable the feature. if ( ! Experimental_Abtest::in_treatment_handled_exception( 'woocommerce_payment_settings_2025_v1' ) ) { return array_merge( $features, array( 'reactify-classic-payments-settings' => false, ) ); } return $features; } /** * Delayed hook registration. */ public function delayed_register() { // Don't do anything if the feature is not enabled. if ( ! Features::is_enabled( 'reactify-classic-payments-settings' ) ) { return; } add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_menu' ) ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_admin_shared_settings', array( $this, 'preload_settings' ) ); add_filter( 'woocommerce_admin_allowed_promo_notes', array( $this, 'add_allowed_promo_notes' ) ); } /** * Initialize the class instance. * * @param Payments $payments The payments service. * * @internal */ final public function init( Payments $payments ): void { $this->payments = $payments; } /** * Adds the Payments top-level menu item. */ public function add_menu() { global $menu; // The WooPayments plugin must not be active. // When active, WooPayments will own the Payments menu item since it is the native Woo payments solution. if ( $this->is_woopayments_active() ) { return; } $menu_title = esc_html__( 'Payments', 'woocommerce' ); $menu_icon = ''; // Link to the Payments settings page. $menu_path = 'admin.php?page=wc-settings&tab=checkout'; add_menu_page( $menu_title, $menu_title, 'manage_woocommerce', // Capability required to see the menu item. $menu_path, null, $menu_icon, 56, // Position after WooCommerce Product menu item. ); // If there are providers with active incentive, add a notice badge to the Payments menu item. if ( $this->store_has_providers_with_incentive() ) { $badge = ' <span class="wcpay-menu-badge awaiting-mod count-1"><span class="plugin-count">1</span></span>'; foreach ( $menu as $index => $menu_item ) { // Only add the badge markup if not already present and the menu item is the Payments menu item. if ( 0 === strpos( $menu_item[0], $menu_title ) && $menu_path === $menu_item[2] && false === strpos( $menu_item[0], $badge ) ) { $menu[ $index ][0] .= $badge; // phpcs:ignore WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride.Prohibited // One menu item with a badge is more than enough. break; } } } } /** * Preload settings to make them available to the Payments settings page frontend logic. * * Added keys will be available in the window.wcSettings.admin object. * * @param array $settings The settings array. * * @return array Settings array with additional settings added. */ public function preload_settings( array $settings ): array { // We only preload settings in the WP admin. if ( ! is_admin() ) { return $settings; } // Add the business location country to the settings. if ( ! isset( $settings[ Payments::USER_PAYMENTS_NOX_PROFILE_KEY ] ) ) { $settings[ Payments::USER_PAYMENTS_NOX_PROFILE_KEY ] = array(); } $settings[ Payments::USER_PAYMENTS_NOX_PROFILE_KEY ]['business_country_code'] = $this->payments->get_country(); return $settings; } /** * Adds promo note IDs to the list of allowed ones. * * @param array $promo_notes Allowed promo note IDs. * * @return array The updated list of allowed promo note IDs. */ public function add_allowed_promo_notes( array $promo_notes = array() ): array { try { $providers = $this->payments->get_payment_providers( $this->payments->get_country() ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { // In case of an error, bail. return $promo_notes; } // Add all incentive promo IDs to the allowed promo notes list. foreach ( $providers as $provider ) { if ( ! empty( $provider['_incentive']['promo_id'] ) ) { $promo_notes[] = $provider['_incentive']['promo_id']; } } return $promo_notes; } /** * Check if the store has any enabled gateways (including offline payment methods). * * @return bool True if the store has any enabled gateways, false otherwise. */ private function store_has_enabled_gateways(): bool { $gateways = WC()->payment_gateways->get_available_payment_gateways(); $enabled_gateways = array_filter( $gateways, function ( $gateway ) { return 'yes' === $gateway->enabled; } ); return ! empty( $enabled_gateways ); } /** * Check if the store has any payment providers that have an active incentive. * * @return bool True if the store has providers with an active incentive. */ private function store_has_providers_with_incentive(): bool { try { $providers = $this->payments->get_payment_providers( $this->payments->get_country() ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { // In case of an error, just return false. return false; } // Go through the providers and check if any of them have a "prominently" visible incentive (i.e., modal or banner). foreach ( $providers as $provider ) { // We check to see if the incentive was dismissed in the banner context. // In case an incentive uses the modal surface also (like the WooPayments Switch incentive), // we rely on the fact that the modal falls back to the banner, once dismissed. if ( ! empty( $provider['_incentive'] ) && ( empty( $provider['_incentive']['_dismissals'] ) || ! in_array( 'wc_settings_payments__banner', $provider['_incentive']['_dismissals'], true ) ) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if the WooPayments plugin is active. * * @return boolean */ private function is_woopayments_active(): bool { return class_exists( '\WC_Payments' ); } }