Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/js/admin/builder/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/js/admin/builder/drag-fields.js |
/* global wpforms_builder, WPFormsBuilder, WPFormsUtils */ /** * @param wpforms_builder.field_cannot_be_reordered */ // noinspection ES6ConvertVarToLetConst /** * Form Builder Fields Drag-n-Drop module. * * @since 1.7.7 */ var WPForms = window.WPForms || {}; // eslint-disable-line no-var WPForms.Admin = WPForms.Admin || {}; WPForms.Admin.Builder = WPForms.Admin.Builder || {}; WPForms.Admin.Builder.DragFields = WPForms.Admin.Builder.DragFields || ( function( document, window, $ ) { /** * Elements holder. * * @since 1.7.7 * * @type {Object} */ let el = {}; /** * Runtime variables. * * @since 1.7.7 * * @type {Object} */ const vars = {}; /** * Layout field functions wrapper. * * @since 1.7.7 * * @type {Object} */ let fieldLayout; // eslint-disable-line prefer-const /** * Public functions and properties. * * @since 1.7.7 * * @type {Object} */ const app = { /** * Start the engine. * * @since 1.7.7 */ init() { $( app.ready ); }, /** * DOM is fully loaded. * * @since 1.7.7 */ ready() { app.setup(); app.initSortableFields(); app.events(); }, /** * Setup. Prepare some variables. * * @since 1.7.7 */ setup() { // Cache DOM elements. el = { $builder: $( '#wpforms-builder' ), $sortableFieldsWrap: $( '#wpforms-panel-fields .wpforms-field-wrap' ), $addFieldsButtons: $( '.wpforms-add-fields-button' ).not( '.not-draggable' ).not( '.warning-modal' ).not( '.education-modal' ), }; }, /** * Bind events. * * @since 1.7.7 */ events() { el.$builder .on( 'wpformsFieldDragToggle', app.fieldDragToggleEvent ); }, /** * Disable drag & drop. * * @since 1.7.1 * @since 1.7.7 Moved from admin-builder.js. */ disableDragAndDrop() { el.$addFieldsButtons.filter( '.ui-draggable' ).draggable( 'disable' ); el.$sortableFieldsWrap.sortable( 'disable' ); el.$sortableFieldsWrap.find( '.wpforms-layout-column.ui-sortable' ).sortable( 'disable' ); }, /** * Enable drag & drop. * * @since 1.7.1 * @since 1.7.7 Moved from admin-builder.js. */ enableDragAndDrop() { el.$addFieldsButtons.filter( '.ui-draggable' ).draggable( 'enable' ); el.$sortableFieldsWrap.sortable( 'enable' ); el.$sortableFieldsWrap.find( '.wpforms-layout-column.ui-sortable' ).sortable( 'enable' ); }, /** * Show popup in case if field is not draggable, and cancel moving. * * @since 1.7.5 * @since 1.7.7 Moved from admin-builder.js. * * @param {jQuery} $field A field or list of fields. * @param {boolean} showPopUp Whether the pop-up should be displayed on dragging attempt. */ fieldDragDisable( $field, showPopUp = true ) { if ( $field.hasClass( 'ui-draggable-disabled' ) ) { // noinspection JSUnresolvedReference $field.draggable( 'enable' ); return; } let startTopPosition; // noinspection JSUnresolvedReference $field.draggable( { revert: true, axis: 'y', delay: 100, opacity: 1, cursor: 'move', start( event, ui ) { startTopPosition = ui.position.top; }, drag( event, ui ) { if ( Math.abs( ui.position.top ) - Math.abs( startTopPosition ) > 15 ) { if ( showPopUp ) { app.youCantReorderFieldPopup(); } return false; } }, } ); }, /** * Allow field dragging. * * @since 1.7.5 * @since 1.7.7 Moved from admin-builder.js. * * @param {jQuery} $field A field or list of fields. */ fieldDragEnable( $field ) { if ( $field.hasClass( 'ui-draggable' ) ) { return; } // noinspection JSUnresolvedReference $field.draggable( 'disable' ); }, /** * Show the error message in the popup that you cannot reorder the field. * * @since 1.7.1 * @since 1.7.7 Moved from admin-builder.js. */ youCantReorderFieldPopup() { $.confirm( { title: wpforms_builder.heads_up, content: wpforms_builder.field_cannot_be_reordered, icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'red', buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_builder.ok, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], }, }, } ); }, /** * Event handler for `wpformsFieldDragToggle` event. * * @since 1.7.7 * * @param {Object} e Event object. * @param {number|string} id Field ID. */ fieldDragToggleEvent( e, id ) { const $field = $( `#wpforms-field-${ id }` ); if ( $field.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-not-draggable' ) || $field.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-stick' ) ) { app.fieldDragDisable( $field ); return; } app.fieldDragEnable( $field ); }, /** * Initialize sortable fields in the builder form preview area. * * @since 1.7.7 */ initSortableFields() { app.initSortableContainer( el.$sortableFieldsWrap ); el.$builder.find( '.wpforms-layout-column' ).each( function() { app.initSortableContainer( $( this ) ); } ); app.fieldDragDisable( $( '.wpforms-field-not-draggable, .wpforms-field-stick' ) ); app.initDraggableFields(); }, /** * Initialize sortable container with fields. * * @since 1.7.7 * * @param {jQuery} $sortable Container to make sortable. */ initSortableContainer( $sortable ) { // eslint-disable-line max-lines-per-function const $fieldOptions = $( '#wpforms-field-options' ); const $scrollContainer = $( '#wpforms-panel-fields .wpforms-panel-content-wrap' ); let fieldId, fieldType, isNewField, $fieldOption, $prevFieldOption, prevFieldId, currentlyScrolling = false; // noinspection JSUnresolvedReference $sortable.sortable( { items: '> .wpforms-field:not(.wpforms-field-stick):not(.no-fields-preview)', connectWith: '.wpforms-field-wrap, .wpforms-layout-column', delay: 100, opacity: 1, cursor: 'move', cancel: '.wpforms-field-not-draggable', placeholder: 'wpforms-field-drag-placeholder', appendTo: '#wpforms-panel-fields', zindex: 10000, tolerance: 'pointer', distance: 1, start( e, ui ) { fieldId = ui.item.data( 'field-id' ); fieldType = ui.item.data( 'field-type' ); isNewField = typeof fieldId === 'undefined'; $fieldOption = $( '#wpforms-field-option-' + fieldId ); vars.fieldReceived = false; vars.fieldRejected = false; vars.$sortableStart = $sortable; vars.startPosition = ui.item.first().index(); el.$builder.trigger( 'wpformsFieldDragStart', [ fieldId ] ); }, beforeStop( e, ui ) { if ( ! vars.glitchChange ) { return; } // Before processing in the `stop` method, we need to perform the last check. if ( ! fieldLayout.isFieldAllowedInColum( fieldType, ui.item.first().parent() ) ) { vars.fieldRejected = true; } }, stop( e, ui ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity const $field = ui.item.first(); ui.placeholder.removeClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-not-allowed' ); $field.removeClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-not-allowed' ); // Reject not allowed fields. if ( vars.fieldRejected ) { const $targetColumn = isNewField ? $sortable : $field.parent(); app.revertMoveFieldToColumn( $field ); el.$builder.trigger( 'wpformsFieldMoveRejected', [ $field, ui, $targetColumn ] ); return; } prevFieldId = $field.prev( '.wpforms-field, .wpforms-alert' ).data( 'field-id' ); $prevFieldOption = $( `#wpforms-field-option-${ prevFieldId }` ); if ( $prevFieldOption.length > 0 ) { $prevFieldOption.after( $fieldOption ); } else { $fieldOptions.prepend( $fieldOption ); } // In the case of changing fields' order inside the same column, // we just need to change the position of the field. if ( ! isNewField && $field.closest( '.wpforms-layout-column' ).is( $sortable ) ) { fieldLayout.positionFieldInColumn( fieldId, $field.index() - 1, $sortable ); } const $layoutField = $field.closest( '.wpforms-field-layout, .wpforms-field-repeater' ); fieldLayout.fieldOptionsUpdate( null, fieldId ); fieldLayout.reorderLayoutFieldsOptions( $layoutField ); if ( ! isNewField ) { $field .removeClass( 'wpforms-field-dragging' ) .removeClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-over' ); } $field.attr( 'style', '' ); el.$builder.trigger( 'wpformsFieldMove', ui ); vars.fieldReceived = false; }, over( e, ui ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity const $field = ui.item.first(), $target = $( e.target ), $placeholder = $target.find( '.wpforms-field-drag-placeholder' ), isColumn = $target.hasClass( 'wpforms-layout-column' ), helper = { width: $target.outerWidth(), height: $field.outerHeight(), }; let targetClass = isColumn ? ' wpforms-field-drag-to-column' : ''; if ( isColumn ) { const columnSize = $target.attr( 'class' ).match( /wpforms-layout-column-(\d+)/ )[ 1 ]; targetClass += ` wpforms-field-drag-to-column-${ columnSize }`; targetClass += ` wpforms-field-drag-to-${ $target.parents( '.wpforms-field' ).data( 'field-type' ) }`; } fieldId = $field.data( 'field-id' ); fieldType = $field.data( 'field-type' ) || vars.fieldType; isNewField = typeof fieldId === 'undefined'; // Adjust helper size according to the placeholder size. $field .addClass( 'wpforms-field-dragging' + targetClass ); if ( ! isColumn || ! fieldLayout.isLayoutBasedField( fieldType ) ) { $field .css( { width: isColumn ? helper.width - 5 : helper.width, height: 'auto', } ); } const placeholderHeight = isColumn ? 90 : helper.height; // Adjust placeholder height according to the height of the helper. $placeholder .removeClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-not-allowed' ) .css( { height: isNewField ? placeholderHeight + 18 : helper.height, } ); // Drop to this place is not allowed. if ( isColumn && ! fieldLayout.isFieldAllowedInColum( fieldType, $target ) ) { $placeholder.addClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-not-allowed' ); $field.addClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-not-allowed' ); } el.$builder.trigger( 'wpformsFieldDragOver', [ fieldId, $target ] ); // Skip if it is the existing field. if ( ! isNewField ) { return; } $field .addClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-over' ) .removeClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-out' ); }, out( e, ui ) { const $field = ui.item.first(), // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow fieldId = $field.data( 'field-id' ), // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow isNewField = typeof fieldId === 'undefined'; $field .removeClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-not-allowed' ) .removeClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-to-repeater' ) .removeClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-to-layout' ) .removeClass( function( index, className ) { // Remove all classes starting with `wpforms-field-drag-to-column`. return ( className.match( /wpforms-field-drag-to-column(-\d+|)/g ) || [] ).join( ' ' ); } ); if ( vars.fieldReceived ) { $field.attr( 'style', '' ); return; } // Skip if it is the existing field. if ( ! isNewField ) { // Remove extra class from the parent layout field. // Fixes disappearing of duplicate/delete field icons // after moving the field outside the layout field. $( ui.sender ) .closest( '.wpforms-field-layout, .wpforms-field-repeater' ) .removeClass( 'wpforms-field-child-hovered' ); return; } $field .addClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-out' ) .removeClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-over' ); }, receive( e, ui ) { // eslint-disable-line complexity const $field = $( ui.helper || ui.item ); fieldId = $field.data( 'field-id' ); fieldType = $field.data( 'field-type' ) || vars.fieldType; // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow const isNewField = typeof fieldId === 'undefined', isColumn = $sortable.hasClass( 'wpforms-layout-column' ); // Drop to this place is not allowed. if ( isColumn && ! fieldLayout.isFieldAllowedInColum( fieldType, $sortable ) ) { vars.fieldRejected = true; return; } vars.fieldReceived = true; $field.removeClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-over' ); // Move existing field. if ( ! isNewField ) { fieldLayout.receiveFieldToColumn( fieldId, ui.item.index() - 1, $field.parent() ); return; } // Add new field. const position = $sortable.data( 'ui-sortable' ).currentItem.index(); $field .addClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-over wpforms-field-drag-pending' ) .removeClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-out' ) .append( WPFormsBuilder.settings.spinnerInline ) .css( 'width', '100%' ); el.$builder.find( '.no-fields-preview' ).remove(); WPFormsBuilder.fieldAdd( vars.fieldType, { position: isColumn ? position - 1 : position, placeholder: $field, $sortable, } ); vars.fieldType = undefined; }, change( e, ui ) { const $placeholderSortable = ui.placeholder.parent(); const $targetSortable = $( e.target ); vars.glitchChange = false; // In some cases sortable widget display placeholder in wrong sortable instance. // It's happens when you drag the field over/out the last column of the last Layout field. if ( ! $sortable.is( $placeholderSortable ) && $sortable.hasClass( 'wpforms-field-wrap' ) && $placeholderSortable.hasClass( 'wpforms-layout-column' ) ) { vars.glitchChange = true; } el.$builder.trigger( 'wpformsFieldDragChange', [ fieldId, $targetSortable ] ); }, sort( e ) { if ( currentlyScrolling ) { return; } const scrollAreaHeight = 50, mouseYPosition = e.clientY, containerOffset = $scrollContainer.offset(), containerHeight = $scrollContainer.height(), containerBottom = containerOffset.top + containerHeight; let operator; if ( mouseYPosition > containerOffset.top && mouseYPosition < ( containerOffset.top + scrollAreaHeight ) ) { operator = '-='; } else if ( mouseYPosition > ( containerBottom - scrollAreaHeight ) && mouseYPosition < containerBottom ) { operator = '+='; } else { return; } currentlyScrolling = true; $scrollContainer.animate( { scrollTop: operator + ( containerHeight / 3 ) + 'px', }, 800, function() { currentlyScrolling = false; } ); }, } ); }, /** * Initialize draggable fields buttons. * * @since 1.7.7 */ initDraggableFields() { el.$addFieldsButtons.draggable( { connectToSortable: '.wpforms-field-wrap, .wpforms-layout-column', delay: 200, cancel: false, scroll: false, opacity: 1, appendTo: '#wpforms-panel-fields', zindex: 10000, helper() { const $this = $( this ); const $el = $( '<div class="wpforms-field-drag-out wpforms-field-drag">' ); vars.fieldType = $this.data( 'field-type' ); return $el.html( $this.html() ); }, start( e, ui ) { const event = WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( el.$builder, 'wpformsFieldAddDragStart', [ vars.fieldType, ui ] ); // Allow callbacks on `wpformsFieldAddDragStart` to cancel dragging the field // by triggering `event.preventDefault()`. if ( event.isDefaultPrevented() ) { return false; } }, stop( e, ui ) { const event = WPFormsUtils.triggerEvent( el.$builder, 'wpformsFieldAddDragStop', [ vars.fieldType, ui ] ); // Allow callbacks on `wpformsFieldAddDragStop` to cancel dragging the field // by triggering `event.preventDefault()`. if ( event.isDefaultPrevented() ) { return false; } }, } ); }, /** * Revert moving the field to the column. * * @since 1.7.7 * * @param {jQuery} $field Field object. */ revertMoveFieldToColumn( $field ) { const isNewField = $field.data( 'field-id' ) === undefined; if ( isNewField ) { // Remove the field. $field.remove(); return; } // Restore existing field on the previous position. $field = $field.detach(); const $fieldInStartPosition = vars.$sortableStart .find( '> .wpforms-field' ) .eq( vars.startPosition ); $field .removeClass( 'wpforms-field-dragging' ) .removeClass( 'wpforms-field-drag-over' ) .attr( 'style', '' ); if ( $fieldInStartPosition.length ) { $fieldInStartPosition.before( $field ); return; } vars.$sortableStart.append( $field ); }, }; /** * Layout field functions holder. * * @since 1.7.7 * * @type {Object} */ fieldLayout = { /** * Position field in the column inside the Layout Field. * * @since 1.7.7 * * @param {number} fieldId Field ID. * @param {number} position The new position of the field inside the column. * @param {jQuery} $sortable Sortable column container. */ positionFieldInColumn( fieldId, position, $sortable ) { if ( ! WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldLayout ) { return; } WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldLayout.positionFieldInColumn( fieldId, position, $sortable ); }, /** * Receive field to column inside the Layout Field. * * @since 1.7.7 * * @param {number} fieldId Field ID. * @param {number} position Field position inside the column. * @param {jQuery} $sortable Sortable column container. */ receiveFieldToColumn( fieldId, position, $sortable ) { if ( ! WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldLayout ) { return; } WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldLayout.receiveFieldToColumn( fieldId, position, $sortable ); }, /** * Update field options according to the position of the field. * Event `wpformsFieldOptionTabToggle` handler. * * @since 1.7.7 * * @param {Event} e Event. * @param {number} fieldId Field id. */ fieldOptionsUpdate( e, fieldId ) { if ( ! WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldLayout ) { return; } WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldLayout.fieldOptionsUpdate( e, fieldId ); }, /** * Reorder fields options of the fields in columns. * It is not critical, but it's better to keep some order in the `fields` data array. * * @since 1.7.7 * * @param {jQuery} $layoutField Layout field object. */ reorderLayoutFieldsOptions( $layoutField ) { if ( ! WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldLayout ) { return; } WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldLayout.reorderLayoutFieldsOptions( $layoutField ); }, /** * Whether the field type is allowed to be in column. * * @since 1.7.7 * * @param {string} fieldType Field type to check. * @param {jQuery} $targetColumn Target column element. * * @return {boolean} True if allowed. */ isFieldAllowedInColum( fieldType, $targetColumn ) { if ( ! WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldLayout ) { return true; } const isAllowed = WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldLayout.isFieldAllowedInColum( fieldType, $targetColumn ); /** * Allows developers to determine whether the field is allowed to be dragged in column. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {boolean} isAllowed Whether the field is allowed to be placed in the column. * @param {string} fieldType Field type. * @param {jQuery} $targetColumn Target column element. * * @return {boolean} True if allowed. */ return wp.hooks.applyFilters( 'wpforms.LayoutField.isFieldAllowedDragInColumn', isAllowed, fieldType, $targetColumn ); }, /** * Determine whether the field type is a layout-based field. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {string} fieldType Field type to check. * * @return {boolean} True if it is the Layout-based field. */ isLayoutBasedField( fieldType ) { if ( ! WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldLayout ) { return false; } return WPForms.Admin.Builder.FieldLayout.isLayoutBasedField( fieldType ); }, }; // Provide access to public functions/properties. return app; }( document, window, jQuery ) ); // Initialize. WPForms.Admin.Builder.DragFields.init();