Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/js/admin/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/js/admin/form-embed-wizard.js |
/* global wpforms_admin_form_embed_wizard, WPFormsBuilder, ajaxurl, WPFormsChallenge, wpforms_builder, WPForms */ /** * Form Embed Wizard function. * * @since 1.6.2 */ 'use strict'; var WPFormsFormEmbedWizard = window.WPFormsFormEmbedWizard || ( function( document, window, $ ) { /** * Elements. * * @since 1.6.2 * * @type {object} */ var el = {}; /** * Runtime variables. * * @since 1.6.2 * @since 1.7.9 Added `lastEmbedSearchPageTerm` property. * * @type {object} */ var vars = { formId: 0, isBuilder: false, isChallengeActive: false, lastEmbedSearchPageTerm: '', }; /** * Public functions and properties. * * @since 1.6.2 * * @type {object} */ var app = { /** * Start the engine. * * @since 1.6.2 */ init: function() { $( app.ready ); $( window ).on( 'load', function() { // in case of jQuery 3.+ we need to wait for an `ready` event first. if ( typeof $.ready.then === 'function' ) { $.ready.then( app.load ); } else { app.load(); } } ); }, /** * Document ready. * * @since 1.6.2 */ ready: function() { app.initVars(); app.events(); }, /** * Window load. * * @since 1.6.2 * @since 1.7.9 Initialize 'Select Pages' ChoicesJS. */ load: function() { // Initialize tooltip in page editor. if ( wpforms_admin_form_embed_wizard.is_edit_page === '1' && ! vars.isChallengeActive ) { app.initTooltip(); } // Initialize wizard state in the form builder only. if ( vars.isBuilder ) { app.initialStateToggle(); } app.initSelectPagesChoicesJS(); $( document ).on( 'wpformsWizardPopupClose', app.enableLetsGoButton ); }, /** * Init variables. * * @since 1.6.2 */ initVars: function() { // Caching some DOM elements for further use. el = { $wizardContainer: $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-container' ), $wizard: $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard' ), $contentInitial: $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-content-initial' ), $contentSelectPage: $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-content-select-page' ), $contentCreatePage: $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-content-create-page' ), $sectionBtns: $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-section-btns' ), $sectionGo: $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-section-go' ), $newPageTitle: $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-new-page-title' ), $selectPage: $( '#wpforms-setting-form-embed-wizard-choicesjs-select-pages' ), $videoTutorial: $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-tutorial' ), $sectionToggles: $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-section-toggles' ), $sectionGoBack: $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-section-goback' ), $shortcode: $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-shortcode-wrap' ), $shortcodeInput: $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-shortcode' ), $shortcodeCopy: $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-shortcode-copy' ), }; el.$selectPageContainer = el.$selectPage.parents( 'span.choicesjs-select-wrap' ); // Detect the form builder screen and store the flag. vars.isBuilder = typeof WPFormsBuilder !== 'undefined'; // Detect the Challenge and store the flag. vars.isChallengeActive = typeof WPFormsChallenge !== 'undefined'; // Are the pages exists? vars.pagesExists = el.$wizard.data( 'pages-exists' ) === 1; }, /** * Init ChoicesJS for "Select Pages" field in embed. * * @since 1.7.9 */ initSelectPagesChoicesJS: function() { if ( el.$selectPage.length <= 0 ) { return; } const useAjax = el.$selectPage.data( 'use_ajax' ) === 1; WPForms.Admin.Builder.WPFormsChoicesJS.setup( el.$selectPage[0], {}, { action: 'wpforms_admin_form_embed_wizard_search_pages_choicesjs', nonce: useAjax ? wpforms_admin_form_embed_wizard.nonce : null, } ); }, /** * Register JS events. * * @since 1.6.2 */ events: function() { // Skip wizard events in the page editor. if ( ! el.$wizard.length ) { return; } el.$wizard .on( 'click', 'button', app.popupButtonsClick ) .on( 'click', '.tutorial-toggle', app.tutorialToggle ) .on( 'click', '.shortcode-toggle', app.shortcodeToggle ) .on( 'click', '.initialstate-toggle', app.initialStateToggle ) .on( 'click', '.wpforms-admin-popup-close', app.closePopup ) .on( 'click', '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-shortcode-copy', app.copyShortcodeToClipboard ) .on( 'keyup', '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-new-page-title', app.enableLetsGoButton ); }, /** * Popup buttons events handler. * * @since 1.6.2 * * @param {object} e Event object. */ popupButtonsClick: function( e ) { var $btn = $( e.target ); if ( ! $btn.length ) { return; } var $div = $btn.closest( 'div' ), action = $btn.data( 'action' ) || ''; el.$contentInitial.hide(); switch ( action ) { // Select existing page. case 'select-page': el.$newPageTitle.hide(); el.$contentSelectPage.show(); break; // Create a new page. case 'create-page': el.$selectPageContainer.hide(); el.$contentCreatePage.show(); break; // Let's Go! case 'go': if ( el.$selectPageContainer.is( ':visible' ) && el.$selectPage.val() === '' ) { return; } $btn.prop( 'disabled', true ); app.saveFormAndRedirect(); return; } $div.hide(); $div.next().fadeIn(); el.$sectionToggles.hide(); el.$sectionGoBack.fadeIn(); // Set focus to the field that is currently displayed. $.each( [ el.$selectPage, el.$newPageTitle ], function() { if ( this.is( ':visible' ) ) { this.trigger( 'focus' ); } } ); app.tutorialControl( 'Stop' ); }, /** * Toggle video tutorial inside popup. * * @since 1.6.2 * * @param {object} e Event object. */ tutorialToggle: function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); el.$shortcode.hide(); el.$videoTutorial.toggle(); if ( el.$videoTutorial.attr( 'src' ) === 'about:blank' ) { el.$videoTutorial.attr( 'src', wpforms_admin_form_embed_wizard.video_url ); } if ( el.$videoTutorial[0].src.indexOf( '&autoplay=1' ) < 0 ) { app.tutorialControl( 'Play' ); } else { app.tutorialControl( 'Stop' ); } }, /** * Toggle video tutorial inside popup. * * @since * * @param {string} action One of 'Play' or 'Stop'. */ tutorialControl: function( action ) { var iframe = el.$videoTutorial[0]; if ( typeof iframe === 'undefined' ) { return; } if ( action !== 'Stop' ) { iframe.src += iframe.src.indexOf( '&autoplay=1' ) < 0 ? '&autoplay=1' : ''; } else { iframe.src = iframe.src.replace( '&autoplay=1', '' ); } }, /** * Toggle shortcode input field. * * @since * * @param {object} e Event object. */ shortcodeToggle: function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); el.$videoTutorial.hide(); app.tutorialControl( 'Stop' ); el.$shortcodeInput.val( '[wpforms id="' + vars.formId + '" title="false"]' ); el.$shortcode.toggle(); }, /** * Enable the "Let's Go!" button. * * @since */ enableLetsGoButton: function() { const $btn = el.$sectionGo.find( 'button' ); $btn.prop( 'disabled', false ); }, /** * Copies the shortcode embed code to the clipboard. * * @since 1.6.4 */ copyShortcodeToClipboard: function() { // Remove disabled attribute, select the text, and re-add disabled attribute. el.$shortcodeInput .prop( 'disabled', false ) .select() .prop( 'disabled', true ); // Copy it. document.execCommand( 'copy' ); var $icon = el.$shortcodeCopy.find( 'i' ); // Add visual feedback to copy command. $icon.removeClass( 'fa-files-o' ).addClass( 'fa-check' ); // Reset visual confirmation back to default state after 2.5 sec. window.setTimeout( function() { $icon.removeClass( 'fa-check' ).addClass( 'fa-files-o' ); }, 2500 ); }, /** * Toggle initial state. * * @since * * @param {object} e Event object. */ initialStateToggle: function( e ) { if ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); } if ( vars.pagesExists ) { el.$contentInitial.show(); el.$contentSelectPage.hide(); el.$contentCreatePage.hide(); el.$selectPageContainer.show(); el.$newPageTitle.show(); el.$sectionBtns.show(); el.$sectionGo.hide(); } else { el.$contentInitial.hide(); el.$contentSelectPage.hide(); el.$contentCreatePage.show(); el.$selectPageContainer.hide(); el.$newPageTitle.show(); el.$sectionBtns.hide(); el.$sectionGo.show(); } el.$shortcode.hide(); el.$videoTutorial.hide(); app.tutorialControl( 'Stop' ); el.$sectionToggles.show(); el.$sectionGoBack.hide(); }, /** * Save the form and redirect to form embed page. * * @since 1.6.2 */ saveFormAndRedirect: function() { // Just redirect if no need to save the form. if ( ! vars.isBuilder || WPFormsBuilder.formIsSaved() ) { app.embedPageRedirect(); return; } // Embedding in Challenge should save the form silently. if ( vars.isBuilder && vars.isChallengeActive ) { WPFormsBuilder.formSave().done( app.embedPageRedirect ); return; } $.confirm( { title: false, content: wpforms_builder.exit_confirm, icon: 'fa fa-exclamation-circle', type: 'orange', closeIcon: true, buttons: { confirm: { text: wpforms_builder.save_embed, btnClass: 'btn-confirm', keys: [ 'enter' ], action: function() { WPFormsBuilder.formSave().done( app.embedPageRedirect ); }, }, cancel: { text: wpforms_builder.embed, action: function() { WPFormsBuilder.setCloseConfirmation( false ); app.embedPageRedirect(); }, }, }, onClose: function() { el.$sectionGo.find( 'button' ).prop( 'disabled', false ); }, } ); }, /** * Prepare data for requesting redirect URL. * * @since 1.6.2 * * @returns {object} AJAX data object. */ embedPageRedirectAjaxData: function() { var data = { action : 'wpforms_admin_form_embed_wizard_embed_page_url', _wpnonce: wpforms_admin_form_embed_wizard.nonce, formId: vars.formId, }; if ( el.$selectPageContainer.is( ':visible' ) ) { data.pageId = el.$selectPage.val(); } if ( el.$newPageTitle.is( ':visible' ) ) { data.pageTitle = el.$newPageTitle.val(); } return data; }, /** * Redirect to form embed page. * * @since 1.6.2 */ embedPageRedirect: function() { var data = app.embedPageRedirectAjaxData(); // Exit if no one page is selected. if ( typeof data.pageId !== 'undefined' && data.pageId === '' ) { return; } $.post( ajaxurl, data, function( response ) { if ( response.success ) { window.location = response.data; } } ); }, /** * Display wizard popup. * * @since 1.6.2 * * @param {numeric} openFormId Form ID to embed. Used only if called outside the form builder. */ openPopup: function( openFormId ) { openFormId = openFormId || 0; vars.formId = vars.isBuilder ? $( '#wpforms-builder-form' ).data( 'id' ) : openFormId; // Regular wizard and wizard in Challenge has differences. el.$wizard.toggleClass( 'wpforms-challenge-popup', vars.isChallengeActive ); el.$wizard.find( '.wpforms-admin-popup-content-regular' ).toggle( ! vars.isChallengeActive ); el.$wizard.find( '.wpforms-admin-popup-content-challenge' ).toggle( vars.isChallengeActive ); // Re-init sections. if ( el.$selectPage.length === 0 ) { el.$sectionBtns.hide(); el.$sectionGo.show(); } else { el.$sectionBtns.show(); el.$sectionGo.hide(); } el.$newPageTitle.show(); el.$selectPageContainer.show(); el.$wizardContainer.fadeIn(); }, /** * Close wizard popup. * * @since 1.6.2 */ closePopup: function() { el.$wizardContainer.fadeOut(); app.initialStateToggle(); $( document ).trigger( 'wpformsWizardPopupClose' ); }, /** * Init embed page tooltip. * * @since 1.6.2 */ initTooltip: function() { if ( typeof $.fn.tooltipster === 'undefined' ) { return; } var $dot = $( '<span class="wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-dot"> </span>' ), isGutenberg = app.isGutenberg(), anchor = isGutenberg ? '.block-editor .edit-post-header' : '#wp-content-editor-tools .wpforms-insert-form-button'; var tooltipsterArgs = { content : $( '#wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-tooltip-content' ), trigger : 'custom', interactive : true, animationDuration: 0, delay : 0, theme : [ 'tooltipster-default', 'wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard' ], side : isGutenberg ? 'bottom' : 'right', distance : 3, functionReady : function( instance, helper ) { instance._$tooltip.on( 'click', 'button', function() { instance.close(); $( '.wpforms-admin-form-embed-wizard-dot' ).remove(); } ); instance.reposition(); }, }; if ( ! isGutenberg ) { $dot.insertAfter( anchor ).tooltipster( tooltipsterArgs ).tooltipster( 'open' ); } // The Gutenberg header can be loaded after the window load event. // We have to wait until the Gutenberg heading is added to the DOM. const closeAnchorListener = wp.data.subscribe( function() { if ( ! $( anchor ).length ) { return; } // Close the listener to avoid an infinite loop. closeAnchorListener(); $dot.insertAfter( anchor ).tooltipster( tooltipsterArgs ).tooltipster( 'open' ); } ); }, /** * Check if we're in Gutenberg editor. * * @since 1.6.2 * * @returns {boolean} Is Gutenberg or not. */ isGutenberg: function() { return typeof wp !== 'undefined' && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call( wp, 'blocks' ); }, }; // Provide access to public functions/properties. return app; }( document, window, jQuery ) ); // Initialize. WPFormsFormEmbedWizard.init();