Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/js/frontend/fields/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/assets/js/frontend/fields/text-limit.js |
/* global wpforms_settings */ ( function() { /** * Predefine hint text to display. * * @since 1.5.6 * @since 1.6.4 Added a new macros - {remaining}. * * @param {string} hintText Hint text. * @param {number} count Current count. * @param {number} limit Limit to. * * @return {string} Predefined hint text. */ function renderHint( hintText, count, limit ) { return hintText.replace( '{count}', count ).replace( '{limit}', limit ).replace( '{remaining}', limit - count ); } /** * Create HTMLElement hint element with text. * * @since 1.5.6 * * @param {number|string} formId Form id. * @param {number|string} fieldId Form field id. * @param {string} text Hint text. * * @return {Object} HTMLElement hint element with text. */ function createHint( formId, fieldId, text ) { const hint = document.createElement( 'div' ); formId = typeof formId === 'object' ? '' : formId; fieldId = typeof fieldId === 'object' ? '' : fieldId; hint.classList.add( 'wpforms-field-limit-text' ); hint.id = 'wpforms-field-limit-text-' + formId + '-' + fieldId; hint.setAttribute( 'aria-live', 'polite' ); hint.textContent = text; return hint; } /** * Keyup/Keydown event higher order function for characters limit. * * @since 1.5.6 * * @param {Object} hint HTMLElement hint element. * @param {number} limit Max allowed number of characters. * * @return {Function} Handler function. */ function checkCharacters( hint, limit ) { // noinspection JSUnusedLocalSymbols return function( e ) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars hint.textContent = renderHint( window.wpforms_settings.val_limit_characters, this.value.length, limit ); }; } /** * Count words in the string. * * @since 1.6.2 * * @param {string} string String value. * * @return {number} Words count. */ function countWords( string ) { if ( typeof string !== 'string' ) { return 0; } if ( ! string.length ) { return 0; } [ /([A-Z]+),([A-Z]+)/gi, /([0-9]+),([A-Z]+)/gi, /([A-Z]+),([0-9]+)/gi, ].forEach( function( pattern ) { string = string.replace( pattern, '$1, $2' ); } ); return string.split( /\s+/ ).length; } /** * Keyup/Keydown event higher order function for words limit. * * @since 1.5.6 * * @param {Object} hint HTMLElement hint element. * @param {number} limit Max allowed number of characters. * * @return {Function} Handler function. */ function checkWords( hint, limit ) { return function( e ) { const value = this.value.trim(), words = countWords( value ); hint.textContent = renderHint( window.wpforms_settings.val_limit_words, words, limit ); // We should prevent the keys: Enter, Space, Comma. if ( [ 13, 32, 188 ].indexOf( e.keyCode ) > -1 && words >= limit ) { e.preventDefault(); } }; } /** * Get passed text from the clipboard. * * @since 1.5.6 * * @param {ClipboardEvent} e Clipboard event. * * @return {string} Text from clipboard. */ function getPastedText( e ) { if ( window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.getData ) { // IE return window.clipboardData.getData( 'Text' ); } else if ( e.clipboardData && e.clipboardData.getData ) { return e.clipboardData.getData( 'text/plain' ); } return ''; } /** * Paste event higher order function for character limit. * * @since * * @param {number} limit Max allowed number of characters. * * @return {Function} Event handler. */ function pasteText( limit ) { return function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); const pastedText = getPastedText( e ), newPosition = this.selectionStart + pastedText.length, newText = this.value.substring( 0, this.selectionStart ) + pastedText + this.value.substring( this.selectionStart ); this.value = newText.substring( 0, limit ); this.setSelectionRange( newPosition, newPosition ); }; } /** * Limit string length to a certain number of words, preserving line breaks. * * @since 1.6.8 * * @param {string} text Text. * @param {number} limit Max allowed number of words. * * @return {string} Text with the limited number of words. */ function limitWords( text, limit ) { let result = ''; // Regular expression pattern: match any space character. const regEx = /\s+/g; // Store separators for further join. const separators = text.trim().match( regEx ) || []; // Split the new text by regular expression. const newTextArray = text.split( regEx ); // Limit the number of words. newTextArray.splice( limit, newTextArray.length ); // Join the words together using stored separators. for ( let i = 0; i < newTextArray.length; i++ ) { result += newTextArray[ i ] + ( separators[ i ] || '' ); } return result.trim(); } /** * Paste event higher order function for words limit. * * @since 1.5.6 * * @param {number} limit Max allowed number of words. * * @return {Function} Event handler. */ function pasteWords( limit ) { return function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); const pastedText = getPastedText( e ), newPosition = this.selectionStart + pastedText.length, newText = this.value.substring( 0, this.selectionStart ) + pastedText + this.value.substring( this.selectionStart ); this.value = limitWords( newText, limit ); this.setSelectionRange( newPosition, newPosition ); }; } /** * Array.from polyfill. * * @since 1.5.6 * * @param {Object} el Iterator. * * @return {Object} Array. */ function arrFrom( el ) { return [].slice.call( el ); } /** * Public functions and properties. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @type {Object} */ const app = { /** * Init text limit hint. * * @since 1.8.9 * * @param {string} context Context selector. */ initHint( context ) { arrFrom( document.querySelectorAll( context + ' .wpforms-limit-characters-enabled' ) ) .map( function( e ) { // eslint-disable-line array-callback-return const limit = parseInt( e.dataset.textLimit, 10 ) || 0; e.value = e.value.slice( 0, limit ); const hint = createHint( e.dataset.formId, e.dataset.fieldId, renderHint( wpforms_settings.val_limit_characters, e.value.length, limit ) ); const fn = checkCharacters( hint, limit ); e.parentNode.appendChild( hint ); e.addEventListener( 'keydown', fn ); e.addEventListener( 'keyup', fn ); e.addEventListener( 'paste', pasteText( limit ) ); } ); arrFrom( document.querySelectorAll( context + ' .wpforms-limit-words-enabled' ) ) .map( function( e ) { // eslint-disable-line array-callback-return const limit = parseInt( e.dataset.textLimit, 10 ) || 0; e.value = limitWords( e.value, limit ); const hint = createHint( e.dataset.formId, e.dataset.fieldId, renderHint( wpforms_settings.val_limit_words, countWords( e.value.trim() ), limit ) ); const fn = checkWords( hint, limit ); e.parentNode.appendChild( hint ); e.addEventListener( 'keydown', fn ); e.addEventListener( 'keyup', fn ); e.addEventListener( 'paste', pasteWords( limit ) ); } ); }, }; /** * DOMContentLoaded handler. * * @since 1.5.6 */ function ready() { // Expose to the world. window.WPFormsTextLimit = app; app.initHint( 'body' ); } if ( document.readyState === 'loading' ) { document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', ready ); } else { ready(); } }() );