Current Path : /proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/src/Forms/Fields/Traits/ |
Current File : //proc/self/cwd/wp-content/plugins/wpforms-lite/src/Forms/Fields/Traits/ProField.php |
<?php namespace WPForms\Forms\Fields\Traits; use WPForms\Admin\Education\Helpers; /** * Trait ProField. * * Mostly educational things for the Pro field in the Lite plugin. * * @since 1.9.4 */ trait ProField { /** * Is it the Pro plugin? * * @since 1.9.4 * * @var boolean */ protected $is_pro = false; /** * Whether the field is a Pro field. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @var boolean */ protected $is_pro_field = true; /** * Addon slug. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @var string */ protected $addon_slug; /** * Whether the Addon is initialized. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @var boolean */ protected $is_addon_initialized = false; /** * Whether the field is disabled. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @var boolean */ protected $is_disabled_field = true; /** * Addon educational data. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @var array */ protected $addon_edu_data = []; /** * Init Pro Field. * * @since 1.9.4 */ private function init_pro_field(): void { $this->is_pro = wpforms()->is_pro(); $this->is_addon_initialized = ! empty( $this->addon_slug ) && wpforms_is_addon_initialized( $this->addon_slug ); $this->is_disabled_field = $this->is_disabled_field(); // Add hooks. add_filter( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'admin_init_pro_field' ] ); add_filter( 'wpforms_builder_field_option_class', [ $this, 'filter_field_option_class' ], 10, 2 ); add_filter( "wpforms_admin_builder_ajax_save_form_field_{$this->type}", [ $this, 'filter_save_form_field_data' ], 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'wpforms_field_data', [ $this, 'filter_frontend_field_data' ], PHP_INT_MAX, 2 ); add_filter( 'wpforms_helpers_form_pro_fields', [ $this, 'filter_form_pro_fields' ], PHP_INT_MAX, 2 ); add_filter( 'wpforms_helpers_form_addons_edu_data', [ $this, 'filter_form_addons_edu_data' ], PHP_INT_MAX, 2 ); add_filter( 'wpforms_field_preview_display_duplicate_button', [ $this, 'filter_field_preview_display_duplicate_button' ], 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'wpforms_field_preview_class', [ $this, 'filter_field_preview_class' ], 10, 2 ); } /** * Init Pro field on `admin_init` hook. * * @since 1.9.4 */ public function admin_init_pro_field(): void { $this->addon_edu_data = $this->get_field_addon_edu_data(); } /** * Get the Pro field options tab CSS class. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @param string|mixed $css_class CSS class. * @param array $field Field data. * * @return string */ public function filter_field_option_class( $css_class, $field ): string { $css_class = (string) $css_class; if ( $field['type'] !== $this->type ) { return $css_class; } $css_class .= empty( $this->is_disabled_field ) ? '' : ' wpforms-field-is-pro'; return trim( $css_class ); } /** * Filter field data before saving the form. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @param array $field_data Field data. * @param array $form_data Forms data. * @param array $saved_form_data Saved form data. * * @noinspection PhpMissingParamTypeInspection * @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ public function filter_save_form_field_data( $field_data, $form_data, $saved_form_data ) { if ( empty( $this->is_disabled_field ) ) { return $field_data; } $field_id = $field_data['id'] ?? ''; // Prevent changes in the field data if it's a Pro field in Lite. // The settings are disabled in the Form Builder, but users can still hijack the data. // Therefore, return the saved field data if it exists. return $saved_form_data['fields'][ $field_id ] ?? $field_data; } /** * Filter form pro fields array. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @param array|mixed $pro_fields Pro fields array. * @param array $field Field data. */ public function filter_form_pro_fields( $pro_fields, array $field ): array { $pro_fields = is_array( $pro_fields ) ? $pro_fields : []; if ( isset( $field['type'] ) && $field['type'] === $this->type ) { $pro_fields[] = $field; } return $pro_fields; } /** * Filter the form addons educational data array. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @param array|mixed $addons_edu_data Addons educational data. * @param array $field Field data. */ public function filter_form_addons_edu_data( $addons_edu_data, array $field ): array { $addons_edu_data = is_array( $addons_edu_data ) ? $addons_edu_data : []; if ( ! isset( $field['type'] ) || $field['type'] !== $this->type || empty( $this->addon_edu_data ) ) { return $addons_edu_data; } $addon = $this->addon_edu_data['slug'] ?? ''; $addons_edu_data[ $addon ] = $this->addon_edu_data; return $addons_edu_data; } /** * Get the Pro field options notice. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @noinspection HtmlUnknownAttribute */ private function get_field_options_notice(): string { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity.TooHigh if ( empty( $this->is_disabled_field ) ) { return ''; } [ $name, $title, $content, $button_label ] = $this->get_field_options_notice_texts(); $action = $this->addon_edu_data['action'] ?? 'upgrade'; $button_attr = ''; if ( $action !== 'upgrade' ) { $button_attr = sprintf( 'data-nonce="%1$s" data-path="%2$s" data-url="%3$s" data-message="%4$s"', esc_attr( wp_create_nonce( 'wpforms-admin' ) ), $this->addon_edu_data['path'] ?? '', $this->addon_edu_data['url'] ?? '', $action === 'incompatible' ? $this->addon_edu_data['message'] : '' ); } return sprintf( '<div class="wpforms-field-option-field-title-notice"> <div class="wpforms-alert-info wpforms-alert wpforms-educational-alert"> <h4>%1$s</h4> <p>%3$s</p> <button class="wpforms-btn wpforms-btn-sm wpforms-btn-blue education-modal" data-action="%6$s" %7$s data-field-type="%4$s" data-name="%2$s" data-utm-content="%1$s">%5$s</button> </div> </div>', $title, esc_attr( $name ), esc_html( $content ), esc_attr( $this->type ), esc_html( $button_label ), esc_attr( $action ), $button_attr ); } /** * Get the Pro field options notice texts. * * @since 1.9.4 */ private function get_field_options_notice_texts(): array { // phpcs:ignore Generic.Metrics.CyclomaticComplexity.TooHigh $action = $this->addon_edu_data['action'] ?? 'upgrade'; $addon_name = $this->addon_edu_data['title'] ?? ''; $name = $action !== 'upgrade' ? $addon_name : $this->name; $titles = [ 'upgrade' => sprintf( /* translators: %1$s - Field name. */ esc_html__( '%1$s is a Pro Feature', 'wpforms-lite' ), $this->name ), 'incompatible' => esc_html__( 'Incompatible Addon', 'wpforms-lite' ), ]; $contents = [ 'upgrade' => sprintf( /* translators: %1$s - Field name. */ esc_html__( 'Upgrade to gain access to the %1$s field and dozens of other powerful features to help you build smarter forms and grow your business.', 'wpforms-lite' ), $this->name ), 'install' => sprintf( /* translators: %1$s - Addon name. */ esc_html__( 'You have access to the %1$s, but it\'s not currently installed.', 'wpforms-lite' ), $addon_name ), 'activate' => sprintf( /* translators: %1$s - Addon name. */ esc_html__( 'You have access to the %1$s, but it\'s not currently activated.', 'wpforms-lite' ), $addon_name ), 'incompatible' => sprintf( /* translators: %1$s - Addon name. */ esc_html__( 'The %1$s is not compatible with this version of WPForms and requires an update.', 'wpforms-lite' ), $addon_name ), ]; $button_labels = [ 'upgrade' => esc_html__( 'Upgrade to Pro', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'install' => esc_html__( 'Install Addon', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'activate' => esc_html__( 'Activate Addon', 'wpforms-lite' ), 'incompatible' => esc_html__( 'Update Addon', 'wpforms-lite' ), ]; return [ $name, $titles[ $action ] ?? $titles['upgrade'], $contents[ $action ] ?? $contents['upgrade'], $button_labels[ $action ] ?? $button_labels['upgrade'], ]; } /** * Determine if the field is disabled. * * @since 1.9.4 */ private function is_disabled_field(): bool { // It is a Pro field in Lite OR the addon is not initialized. return ! ( $this->is_pro && ( empty( $this->addon_slug ) || $this->is_addon_initialized ) ); } /** * Get a preview option. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @param string $option Option name. * @param array $field Field data. * @param array $args Additional arguments. * @param bool $do_echo Echo or return. */ public function field_preview_option( $option, $field, $args = [], $do_echo = true ) { // Hide remaining elements, prevent incompatible addon field elements from being displayed. if ( $option === 'hide-remaining' && ! empty( $this->is_disabled_field ) ) { echo '<div class="wpforms-field-hide-remaining"></div>'; return; } parent::field_preview_option( $option, $field, $args, $do_echo ); } /** * Get the Pro field preview badge. * * @since 1.9.4 */ private function get_field_preview_badge(): string { if ( empty( $this->is_disabled_field ) ) { return ''; } $action = $this->addon_edu_data['action'] ?? ''; if ( $action === 'incompatible' ) { return Helpers::get_badge( esc_html__( 'Update required', 'wpforms-lite' ) , 'lg', 'inline', 'red' ); } // If it's an addon field in Pro AND the addon is not initialized, show the ADDON badge. if ( in_array( $action, [ 'install' ,'activate' ], true ) ) { return Helpers::get_badge( 'Addon', 'lg', 'inline', 'orange' ); } return Helpers::get_badge( 'Pro', 'lg', 'inline', 'green' ); } /** * Get the addon educational data of the field. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @return array */ private function get_field_addon_edu_data(): array { if ( empty( $this->addon_slug ) || ! empty( $this->is_addon_initialized ) || ! is_admin() ) { return []; } $addons = Helpers::get_edu_addons(); return $addons[ 'wpforms-' . $this->addon_slug ] ?? []; } /** * Filter frontend field data to prevent rendering Pro fields in Lite. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @param array|mixed $field Field data. * @param array $form_data Form data. * * @return array * @noinspection PhpMissingParamTypeInspection * @noinspection PhpUnusedParameterInspection */ public function filter_frontend_field_data( $field, $form_data ): array { // phpcs:ignore Generic.CodeAnalysis.UnusedFunctionParameter.FoundAfterLastUsed $field = (array) $field; $type = $field['type'] ?? ''; // If it's not a Pro field or the field type doesn't match, return the field data as is. if ( empty( $this->is_pro_field ) || $type !== $this->type ) { return $field; } // If it's a Pro field in Lite OR the addon is not initialized, // return an empty array to prevent rendering. if ( ! empty( $this->is_disabled_field ) ) { return []; } return $field; } /** * Disallow field preview "Duplicate" button. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @param bool|mixed $display Display switch. * @param array $field Field settings. * * @return bool */ public function filter_field_preview_display_duplicate_button( $display, $field ): bool { if ( $field['type'] !== $this->type || empty( $this->is_disabled_field ) ) { return (bool) $display; } return false; } /** * Add a class to the field preview container. * * @since 1.9.4 * * @param string|mixed $css_class CSS class. * @param array $field Field settings. * * @return string */ public function filter_field_preview_class( $css_class, $field ): string { $css_class = (string) $css_class; if ( $field['type'] !== $this->type || empty( $this->is_disabled_field ) ) { return $css_class; } return trim( $css_class . ' wpforms-field-is-pro' ); } }