Your IP :
* Template part for displaying the Mobile Header
* @package Astra Builder
$astra_mobile_header_type = astra_get_option( 'mobile-header-type' );
if ( 'full-width' === $astra_mobile_header_type ) {
$astra_mobile_header_type = 'off-canvas';
<div id="ast-mobile-header" class="ast-mobile-header-wrap " data-type="<?php echo esc_attr( $astra_mobile_header_type ); ?>">
do_action( 'astra_mobile_header_bar_top' );
* Astra Top Header
do_action( 'astra_mobile_above_header' );
* Astra Main Header
do_action( 'astra_mobile_primary_header' );
* Astra Mobile Bottom Header
do_action( 'astra_mobile_below_header' );
// Disable toggle menu if the toggle menu button is not exists in the mobile header items.
$header_mobile_items = astra_get_option( 'header-mobile-items', array() );
static function( string $value ) use ( &$show_mobile_toggle_menu ) {
if ( 'mobile-trigger' === $value ) {
$show_mobile_toggle_menu = true;
if ( $show_mobile_toggle_menu ) {
if ( ( 'dropdown' === astra_get_option( 'mobile-header-type' ) && Astra_Builder_Helper::is_component_loaded( 'mobile-trigger', 'header' ) ) || is_customize_preview() ) {
$astra_content_alignment = astra_get_option( 'header-offcanvas-content-alignment', 'flex-start' );
$astra_alignment_class = 'content-align-' . $astra_content_alignment . ' ';
<div class="ast-mobile-header-content <?php echo esc_attr( $astra_alignment_class ); ?>">
<?php do_action( 'astra_mobile_header_content', 'popup', 'content' ); ?>