Your IP :
from __future__ import absolute_import
import logging
import tempfile
import os.path
from pip.compat import samefile
from pip.exceptions import BadCommand
from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib_parse
from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import request as urllib_request
from pip._vendor.packaging.version import parse as parse_version
from pip.utils import display_path, rmtree
from pip.vcs import vcs, VersionControl
urlsplit = urllib_parse.urlsplit
urlunsplit = urllib_parse.urlunsplit
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Git(VersionControl):
name = 'git'
dirname = '.git'
repo_name = 'clone'
schemes = (
'git', 'git+http', 'git+https', 'git+ssh', 'git+git', 'git+file',
def __init__(self, url=None, *args, **kwargs):
# Works around an apparent Git bug
# (see http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.git/146500)
if url:
scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urlsplit(url)
if scheme.endswith('file'):
initial_slashes = path[:-len(path.lstrip('/'))]
newpath = (
initial_slashes +
.replace('\\', '/').lstrip('/')
url = urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, newpath, query, fragment))
after_plus = scheme.find('+') + 1
url = scheme[:after_plus] + urlunsplit(
(scheme[after_plus:], netloc, newpath, query, fragment),
super(Git, self).__init__(url, *args, **kwargs)
def get_git_version(self):
VERSION_PFX = 'git version '
version = self.run_command(['version'], show_stdout=False)
if version.startswith(VERSION_PFX):
version = version[len(VERSION_PFX):]
version = ''
# get first 3 positions of the git version becasue
# on windows it is x.y.z.windows.t, and this parses as
# LegacyVersion which always smaller than a Version.
version = '.'.join(version.split('.')[:3])
return parse_version(version)
def export(self, location):
"""Export the Git repository at the url to the destination location"""
temp_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp('-export', 'pip-')
if not location.endswith('/'):
location = location + '/'
['checkout-index', '-a', '-f', '--prefix', location],
show_stdout=False, cwd=temp_dir)
def check_rev_options(self, rev, dest, rev_options):
"""Check the revision options before checkout to compensate that tags
and branches may need origin/ as a prefix.
Returns the SHA1 of the branch or tag if found.
revisions = self.get_short_refs(dest, rev)
origin_rev = 'origin/%s' % rev
if origin_rev in revisions:
# remote branch
return [revisions[origin_rev]]
elif rev in revisions:
# a local tag or branch name
return [revisions[rev]]
"Could not find a tag or branch '%s', assuming commit.", rev,
return rev_options
def check_version(self, dest, rev_options):
Compare the current sha to the ref. ref may be a branch or tag name,
but current rev will always point to a sha. This means that a branch
or tag will never compare as True. So this ultimately only matches
against exact shas.
return self.get_revision(dest).startswith(rev_options[0])
def switch(self, dest, url, rev_options):
self.run_command(['config', 'remote.origin.url', url], cwd=dest)
self.run_command(['checkout', '-q'] + rev_options, cwd=dest)
def update(self, dest, rev_options):
# First fetch changes from the default remote
if self.get_git_version() >= parse_version('1.9.0'):
# fetch tags in addition to everything else
self.run_command(['fetch', '-q', '--tags'], cwd=dest)
self.run_command(['fetch', '-q'], cwd=dest)
# Then reset to wanted revision (maybe even origin/master)
if rev_options:
rev_options = self.check_rev_options(
rev_options[0], dest, rev_options,
self.run_command(['reset', '--hard', '-q'] + rev_options, cwd=dest)
#: update submodules
def obtain(self, dest):
url, rev = self.get_url_rev()
if rev:
rev_options = [rev]
rev_display = ' (to %s)' % rev
rev_options = ['origin/master']
rev_display = ''
if self.check_destination(dest, url, rev_options, rev_display):
'Cloning %s%s to %s', url, rev_display, display_path(dest),
self.run_command(['clone', '-q', url, dest])
if rev:
rev_options = self.check_rev_options(rev, dest, rev_options)
# Only do a checkout if rev_options differs from HEAD
if not self.check_version(dest, rev_options):
['checkout', '-q'] + rev_options,
#: repo may contain submodules
def get_url(self, location):
"""Return URL of the first remote encountered."""
remotes = self.run_command(
['config', '--get-regexp', 'remote\..*\.url'],
show_stdout=False, cwd=location)
remotes = remotes.splitlines()
found_remote = remotes[0]
for remote in remotes:
if remote.startswith('remote.origin.url '):
found_remote = remote
url = found_remote.split(' ')[1]
return url.strip()
def get_revision(self, location):
current_rev = self.run_command(
['rev-parse', 'HEAD'], show_stdout=False, cwd=location)
return current_rev.strip()
def get_full_refs(self, location, pattern=''):
"""Yields tuples of (commit, ref) for branches and tags"""
output = self.run_command(['show-ref', pattern],
show_stdout=False, cwd=location)
for line in output.split("\n"):
line = line.rstrip("\r")
if not line:
commit, ref = line.split(' ', 1)
except ValueError:
# Include the offending line to simplify troubleshooting if
# this error ever occurs.
raise ValueError(f'unexpected show-ref line: {line!r}')
yield commit.strip(), ref.strip()
def is_ref_remote(self, ref):
return ref.startswith('refs/remotes/')
def is_ref_branch(self, ref):
return ref.startswith('refs/heads/')
def is_ref_tag(self, ref):
return ref.startswith('refs/tags/')
def is_ref_commit(self, ref):
"""A ref is a commit sha if it is not anything else"""
return not any((
# Should deprecate `get_refs` since it's ambiguous
def get_refs(self, location):
return self.get_short_refs(location)
def get_short_refs(self, location, pattern=''):
"""Return map of named refs (branches or tags) to commit hashes."""
rv = {}
for commit, ref in self.get_full_refs(location, pattern):
ref_name = None
if self.is_ref_remote(ref):
ref_name = ref[len('refs/remotes/'):]
elif self.is_ref_branch(ref):
ref_name = ref[len('refs/heads/'):]
elif self.is_ref_tag(ref):
ref_name = ref[len('refs/tags/'):]
if ref_name is not None:
rv[ref_name] = commit
return rv
def _get_subdirectory(self, location):
"""Return the relative path of setup.py to the git repo root."""
# find the repo root
git_dir = self.run_command(['rev-parse', '--git-dir'],
show_stdout=False, cwd=location).strip()
if not os.path.isabs(git_dir):
git_dir = os.path.join(location, git_dir)
root_dir = os.path.join(git_dir, '..')
# find setup.py
orig_location = location
while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(location, 'setup.py')):
last_location = location
location = os.path.dirname(location)
if location == last_location:
# We've traversed up to the root of the filesystem without
# finding setup.py
"Could not find setup.py for directory %s (tried all "
"parent directories)",
return None
# relative path of setup.py to repo root
if samefile(root_dir, location):
return None
return os.path.relpath(location, root_dir)
def get_src_requirement(self, dist, location):
repo = self.get_url(location)
if not repo.lower().startswith('git:'):
repo = 'git+' + repo
egg_project_name = dist.egg_name().split('-', 1)[0]
if not repo:
return None
current_rev = self.get_revision(location)
req = '%s@%s#egg=%s' % (repo, current_rev, egg_project_name)
subdirectory = self._get_subdirectory(location)
if subdirectory:
req += '&subdirectory=' + subdirectory
return req
def get_url_rev(self):
Prefixes stub URLs like 'user@hostname:user/repo.git' with 'ssh://'.
That's required because although they use SSH they sometimes doesn't
work with a ssh:// scheme (e.g. Github). But we need a scheme for
parsing. Hence we remove it again afterwards and return it as a stub.
if '://' not in self.url:
assert 'file:' not in self.url
self.url = self.url.replace('git+', 'git+ssh://')
url, rev = super(Git, self).get_url_rev()
url = url.replace('ssh://', '')
url, rev = super(Git, self).get_url_rev()
return url, rev
def update_submodules(self, location):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(location, '.gitmodules')):
['submodule', 'update', '--init', '--recursive', '-q'],
def controls_location(cls, location):
if super(Git, cls).controls_location(location):
return True
r = cls().run_command(['rev-parse'],
return not r
except BadCommand:
logger.debug("could not determine if %s is under git control "
"because git is not available", location)
return False