Current Path : /proc/self/root/proc/thread-self/root/usr/src/lsws/lsws-5.4.9/admin/misc/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/thread-self/root/usr/src/lsws/lsws-5.4.9/admin/misc/lscmctl |
#!/bin/sh # /******************************************** # LiteSpeed Cache Management Script # # @author LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc. (https://www.litespeedtech.com) # @copyright (c) 2017-2020 # *********************************************/ VERSION='1.11.1' OS=$(uname -s) SCRIPT_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${0}")" && pwd) cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}" || { echo "Unable to cd to script dir ${SCRIPT_DIR}"; exit 1; } LSWS_DIR=$(cd "${SCRIPT_DIR}/../.." && pwd) PHP_SCRIPT="${LSWS_DIR}/add-ons/webcachemgr/bootstrap_cli.php" SHARED_API_VERSION_FILE="${LSWS_DIR}/add-ons/webcachemgr/VERSION" SHARED_API_MIN_VER_FILE="${LSWS_DIR}/add-ons/webcachemgr/MIN_VER" YELLOW='\e[33m' CYAN='\e[36m' GREEN='\e[32m' L_GRAY='\e[37m' END_COLOR='\e[0m' printHeader() { # $1 title , $2 descr printf "\n${YELLOW}%s${END_COLOR}\n%s\n" "${1}" "${2}" } printLabelDesc() { printf "\n${YELLOW}%s${END_COLOR} %s\n\n" "${1}" "${2}" } printCmdOption() { printf "${CYAN}%s${END_COLOR} ${GREEN}%s${END_COLOR}\n" "${1}" "${2}" printf " %s\n\n" "${3}" | fold -sw 80 } printExample() { printf " ${L_GRAY}%s:${END_COLOR}\n" "${1}" printf " ./lscmctl %s\n\n" "${2}" } printHelp() { printHeader "LiteSpeed Cache Manager CLI Tool v${VERSION}" printLabelDesc 'Usage:' './lscmctl [-php path/to/php] command [flag/parameter]' printLabelDesc 'Possible Commands:' # shellcheck disable=SC2016 printCmdOption 'setcacheroot' '[-svr <cache root>] [-vh <cache root>]' 'List/Set server and/or virtual host cache roots. This command will list the current server and virtual host cache roots when no additional input is given. Use -svr and -vh to set those cache roots. The '"'"'$'"'"' character is not allowed when setting virtual host cache root. Virtual host cache root values starting with a '"'"'/'"'"' will automatically have '"'"'/$vh_user'"'"' appended to the end (this format was chosen to maintain compatibility with CageFS).' printCmdOption 'setversion' '[{--list | --latest | <version>}]' 'List/Set active LSCWP version. This command will list the currently active version when no additional input is given. Use --list to show available versions or --latest to switch to the latest available version. A valid version number can also be provided to switch to that version specifically. This must be set before performing other lscmctl operations.' printCmdOption 'scan' '[-n] [-e]' 'Scan for all WordPress installations. This command will create an lscm.data file under the "lsws/admin/lscdata" directory. Add the -n flag to only discover new installations. By adding the -e flag, LSC-WP will be enabled on all installations after scanning is complete.' printCmdOption 'enable' '{-m | <wp path>}' 'Enables LSWCP for all discovered WordPress installations with the -m parameter or a single installation by providing the path to the WordPress installation directory.' printCmdOption 'disable' '{-m | <wp path>}' 'Disables LSWCP for all discovered WordPress installations with the -m parameter or a single installation by providing the path to the WordPress installation directory.' printCmdOption 'upgrade' '{-m | <wp path>}' 'Upgrade LSWCP for all discovered WordPress installations to the current active version with the -m parameter or a single installation by providing the path to the WordPress installation directory.' printCmdOption 'flag' '<wp path>' 'Flag a single WordPress installation. Flagged installations will be skipped during mass operations.' printCmdOption 'unflag' '{-m | <wp path>}' 'Unflag all discovered WordPress installations with the -m parameter or a single installation by providing the path to the WordPress installation directory. Flagged installations will be skipped during mass operations.' printCmdOption 'status' '<wp path>' 'Get the most up to date LSC-WP status for the provided WordPress installation.' printCmdOption 'dashnotify' '{-m | -wppath <wp path>} [-plugin <plugin slug>] {-msgfile <message file path> | -msg <message>}' 'Notify all discovered WordPress installations with the provided message (plain text or HTML) using the Dash Notifier WordPress plugin with the -m parameter or a single installation by providing the path to the WordPress installation directory. A plugin slug can be included to have an install/activate button for that plugin added to the message as well. Installations containing a '"'"'.dash_notifier_bypass'"'"' file will not be notified.' printCmdOption 'dashnotifyremove' '{-m | <wp path>}' 'Remove Dash Notifier plugin (and notification messages) from all discovered WordPress installations with the -m parameter or a single installation by providing the path to the WordPress installation directory.' printCmdOption 'cpanelplugin' '{--install | --uninstall | -autoinstall [{0 | 1}]}' '[cPanel/WHM Environment Only] Install or uninstall the LiteSpeed user-end plugin for cPanel for all cPanel accounts using the '"'"'--install'"'"' and '"'"'--uninstall'"'"' input flags. The plugin will appear as "LiteSpeed Web Cache Manager" under '"'"'Advanced'"'"' in the user'"'"'s cPanel dashboard. The '"'"'-autoinstall'"'"' input param can be used to check the current auto install status. When turned on, the cPanel plugin will be automatically installed when installing/updating the WHM plugin. Use '"'"'-autoinstall {0 | 1}'"'"' to manually turn this off and on respectively.' printCmdOption 'addinstalls' '{-wpinstall <wp path> <docroot> <server name> <site url>} | -wpinstallsfile <installs file path>}' 'Add a WordPress installation to existing scan data. This "custom" data will be stored in it'"'"'s own lscm.data.cust data file under the "lsws/admin/lscdata" directory. A single installation can be added using the -wpinstall parameter with space separated list of installation info in the required order (<wp path> <docroot> <server name> <site url>). Multiple installations can be added at once using the -wpinstallsfile parameter to provide the path to an installs file containing a newline separated list of installation info in the expected format.' printCmdOption '--update-lib' '' 'Update the lscmctl script and the required shared library to their latest versions only if the currently installed versions are no longer supported.' printCmdOption '--force-update-lib' '' 'Force update the lscmctl script and the required shared library to their latest versions. It is not recommended that this command be included in any cron jobs, use command '"'"'--update-lib'"'"' instead.' printHeader "Example Usage:" printExample 'List server and virtual host cache roots' 'setcacheroot' printExample 'Set virtual host cache root' 'setcacheroot -vh /path/to/ssd/lscache' printExample 'Display currently active LSCWP version' 'setversion' printExample 'Display selectable LSCWP versions' 'setversion --list' printExample 'Set active LSCWP version to latest available' 'setversion --latest' printExample 'Set active LSCWP version to v1.5' 'setversion 1.5' printExample 'Discover all installations' 'scan' printExample 'Discover new installations only, passing in path to PHP binary' '-php /path/to/php/ scan -n' printExample 'Enable LSC-WP on all discovered installations' 'enable -m' printExample 'Disable LSC-WP for a single installation' 'disable /home/user/public_html/wp' printExample 'Get LSC-WP status for a single installation' 'status /home/user/public_html/wp' printExample 'Send a simple dashboard message to a single discovered WordPress installation' 'dashnotify -wppath /path/to/wp/install -msg "Hello World!"' printExample 'Broadcast a dashboard message recommending the LiteSpeed Cache for WordPress plugin to all discovered WordPress installations' 'dashnotify -m -plugin litespeed-cache -msgfile /path/to/msg/file' printExample 'Remove dashboard notifications (and Dash Notifier plugin) from all discovered WordPress installations' 'dashnotifyremove -m' printExample '[cPanel/WHM Environment Only] Install the LiteSpeed user-end plugin for cPanel for all cPanel accounts' 'cpanelplugin --install' printExample '[cPanel/WHM Environment Only] Turn off auto install for the LiteSpeed user-end plugin for cPanel' 'cpanelplugin -autoinstall 0' printExample 'Add a single WordPress Installations to custom data file.' 'addinstalls -wpinstall /home/user/public_html/wp /home/user/public_html user.com user.com/wp' printExample 'Add multiple WordPress Installations to custom data file using an installs file.' 'addinstalls -wpinstallsfile /path/to/installs/file' } updateMinAPIVerFile() { MIN_VER=$(wget -q https://www.litespeed.sh/sub/shared/MIN_VER -O -) RET=$? if [ "$RET" != "0" ] ; then errorExit "Failed to download latest MIN_VER file with wget exit status ${RET}." fi echo "${MIN_VER}" > "${SHARED_API_MIN_VER_FILE}" } apiNeedsUpdate() { UPDATE_MIN_VER=1 if [ -f "${SHARED_API_VERSION_FILE}" ] ; then test "$(find "${SHARED_API_VERSION_FILE}" -mmin -1440)" # shellcheck disable=SC2181 if [ "${?}" = "0" ] ; then UPDATE_MIN_VER=0 fi fi if [ ! -f "${SHARED_API_MIN_VER_FILE}" ] || [ $UPDATE_MIN_VER ] ; then updateMinAPIVerFile fi CURR_VER=$(cat "${SHARED_API_VERSION_FILE}") MIN_VER=$(cat "${SHARED_API_MIN_VER_FILE}") CURR_MAJOR=$(echo "${CURR_VER}" | awk -F"." '{print $1}') MIN_MAJOR=$(echo "${MIN_VER}" | awk -F"." '{print $1}') if [ "${CURR_MAJOR}" -lt "${MIN_MAJOR}" ] ; then return 0 fi CURR_MINOR=$(echo "${CURR_VER}" | awk -F"." '{print $2}') MIN_MINOR=$(echo "${MIN_VER}" | awk -F"." '{print $2}') if [ "${CURR_MINOR}" -lt "${MIN_MINOR}" ] ; then return 0 fi CURR_IMPROVEMENT=$(echo "${CURR_VER}" | awk -F"." '{print match($3, /[^ ]/) ? $3 : 0}') MIN_IMPROVEMENT=$(echo "${MIN_VER}" | awk -F"." '{print match($3, /[^ ]/) ? $3 : 0}') if [ "${CURR_IMPROVEMENT}" -lt "${MIN_IMPROVEMENT}" ] ; then return 0 fi CURR_PATCH=$(echo "${CURR_VER}" | awk -F"." '{print match($4, /[^ ]/) ? $4 : 0}') MIN_PATCH=$(echo "${MIN_VER}" | awk -F"." '{print match($4, /[^ ]/) ? $4 : 0}') if [ "${CURR_PATCH}" -lt "${MIN_PATCH}" ] ; then return 0 fi return 1 } enforceMinAPIVer() { if apiNeedsUpdate ; then echo "Automatically updating lscmctl script and required shared library" runUpdate fi } runUpdate() { if [ "${1}" = "--update-lib" ] && ! apiNeedsUpdate ; then echo "Shared code library already meets minimum API version requirements." echo "Done!" return fi ADDONS_DIR=$(cd "${LSWS_DIR}/add-ons" && pwd) LOCAL_TAR_FILE="${ADDONS_DIR}/shared_latest.tar.gz" URL="https://shared.litespeed.sh/latest" echo "Downloading latest shared code tar file..." wget -q --tries=1 --no-check-certificate "${URL}" -O "${LOCAL_TAR_FILE}" RET=$? if [ "${RET}" != "0" ] ; then if [ -f "${LOCAL_TAR_FILE}" ] ; then /bin/rm -f "${LOCAL_TAR_FILE}" fi errorExit "Failed to download latest shared code with wget exit status ${RET}." fi MD5_VALUE=$(wget -q https://shared.litespeed.sh/latest/md5 -O -) if [ "${MD5_VALUE}" = "" ] ; then /bin/rm -f "${LOCAL_TAR_FILE}" errorExit "Failed to wget latest shared code md5 value." fi if [ "x${OS}" = "xFreeBSD" ] ; then LOCAL_MD5_VAL=$(md5 "${LOCAL_TAR_FILE}" | awk '{ print $4 }') else LOCAL_MD5_VAL=$(md5sum "${LOCAL_TAR_FILE}" | awk '{ print $1 }') fi echo "Checking tar file md5..." if [ "${MD5_VALUE}" != "${LOCAL_MD5_VAL}" ] ; then /bin/rm -f "${LOCAL_TAR_FILE}" errorExit "Md5 mismatch for shared code! Aborting." fi SHARED_CODE_DIR="${ADDONS_DIR}/webcachemgr" if [ -d "${SHARED_CODE_DIR}" ] ; then echo "Removing existing shared code directory..." /bin/rm -rf "${SHARED_CODE_DIR}" fi echo "Extracting downloaded shared code..." tar -xzf "${LOCAL_TAR_FILE}" -C "${ADDONS_DIR}" RET=$? if [ "${RET}" != "0" ] ; then /bin/rm -f "${LOCAL_TAR_FILE}" errorExit "Failed to extract tar.gz file with tar exit status ${RET}." fi echo "Removing local shared code tar file..." /bin/rm -f "${LOCAL_TAR_FILE}" echo "Updating lscmctl script..." /bin/mv -f "${ADDONS_DIR}/lscmctl" "${ADDONS_DIR}/../admin/misc/lscmctl" echo "Done!" } errorExit() { printf "${YELLOW}ERROR: ${END_COLOR} %s\n\n" "${1}" exit 1 } setPanelClassName() { PANEL_CLASS_NAME='' x=$(/usr/local/cpanel/cpanel -V 2>/dev/null) if [ "${x}" ]; then PANEL_CLASS_NAME='\Lsc\Wp\Panel\CPanel' return fi x=$(plesk version 2>/dev/null) if [ "${x}" ]; then PANEL_CLASS_NAME='\Lsc\Wp\Panel\Plesk' return fi x=$(/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin v 2>/dev/null) if [ "${x}" ]; then PANEL_CLASS_NAME='\Lsc\Wp\Panel\DirectAdmin' return fi if [ -e "${LSWS_DIR}/admin/lscdata/custom" ]; then PANEL_CLASS_NAME='custom' return fi } selectPHP() { if [ "${1}" = "-php" ] then if [ -x "${2}" ] ; then PHP_BIN="${2} -d disable_functions=" return 2 else errorExit "${2} not detected as a valid php binary." fi else #Use default admin php binary DEFAULT_PHP_BIN="${LSWS_DIR}/admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php5" OLS_DA_PHP_BIN="${LSWS_DIR}/admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php" if [ ! -x "${DEFAULT_PHP_BIN}" ] ; then if [ -x "${OLS_DA_PHP_BIN}" ] ; then DEFAULT_PHP_BIN="${OLS_DA_PHP_BIN}" else errorExit "Could not find default admin PHP binary." fi fi PHP_BIN="${DEFAULT_PHP_BIN} -c ${LSWS_DIR}/add-ons/webcachemgr/shared/webcachemgr.ini" fi } if [ "${1}" = "--help" ] then printHelp exit 0 fi if [ "${1}" = "--update-lib" ] || [ "${1}" = "--force-update-lib" ] then runUpdate "${1}" exit 0; fi enforceMinAPIVer setPanelClassName if [ "${PANEL_CLASS_NAME}" = '' ] ; then errorExit 'Supported Control Panel not detected. Aborting!' fi selectPHP "${1}" "${2}" if [ $? = 2 ] ; then shift 2 fi if [ $# = 0 ] ; then errorExit "Missing input command. Try --help for a full list of available commands with examples." fi $PHP_BIN "${PHP_SCRIPT}" "${PANEL_CLASS_NAME}" "${@}"