Current Path : /proc/self/root/proc/thread-self/root/usr/src/lsws/lsws-5.4.9/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/thread-self/root/usr/src/lsws/lsws-5.4.9/functions.sh |
#!/bin/sh init() { LSINSTALL_DIR=`pwd` LS_VER=`cat VERSION` export LSINSTALL_DIR DIR_MOD=755 SDIR_MOD=700 EXEC_MOD=555 CONF_MOD=600 DOC_MOD=644 INST_USER=`id` INST_USER=`expr "$INST_USER" : 'uid=.*(\(.*\)) gid=.*'` SYS_ARCH=`uname -p` SYS_NAME=`uname -s` if [ "x$SYS_NAME" = "xFreeBSD" ] || [ "x$SYS_NAME" = "xNetBSD" ] || [ "x$SYS_NAME" = "xDarwin" ] ; then PS_CMD="ps -ax" ID_GROUPS="id" TEST_BIN="/bin/test" ROOTGROUP="wheel" else PS_CMD="ps -ef" ID_GROUPS="id -a" TEST_BIN="/usr/bin/test" ROOTGROUP="root" fi SETUP_PHP=0 SET_LOGIN=0 ADMIN_PORT=7080 INSTALL_TYPE="upgrade" SERVER_NAME=`uname -n` ADMIN_EMAIL="root@localhost" AP_PORT_OFFSET=2000 PHP_SUEXEC=2 WS_USER=nobody WS_GROUP=nobody DIR_OWN=$WS_USER:$WS_GROUP CONF_OWN=$WS_USER:$WS_GROUP BUILD_ROOT="$LSWS_HOME/../../../" WHM_CGIDIR="$BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi" if [ -d "$WHM_CGIDIR" ] ; then HOST_PANEL="cpanel" fi } license() { more ./LICENSE cat <<EOF IMPORTANT: In order to continue installation you must agree with above license terms by typing "Yes" with capital "Y"! EOF SUCC=0 TRY=1 while [ $SUCC -eq "0" ]; do printf "%s" "Do you agree with above license? " read YES_NO if [ "x$YES_NO" != "xYes" ]; then if [ $TRY -lt 3 ]; then echo "Sorry, wrong answer! Type 'Yes' with capital 'Y', try again!" TRY=`expr $TRY + 1` else echo "Abort installation!" exit 0 fi else SUCC=1 fi done clear } readCurrentConfig() { OLD_USER_CONF=`grep -m1 "<user>" "$LSWS_HOME/conf/httpd_config.xml"` OLD_GROUP_CONF=`grep -m1 "<group>" "$LSWS_HOME/conf/httpd_config.xml"` OLD_USER=`expr "$OLD_USER_CONF" : '.*<user>\(.*\)</user>.*'` OLD_GROUP=`expr "$OLD_GROUP_CONF" : '.*<group>\(.*\)</group>.*'` if [ "x$OLD_USER" != "x" ]; then WS_USER=$OLD_USER fi if [ "x$OLD_GROUP" != "x" ]; then WS_GROUP=$OLD_GROUP else D_GROUP=`$ID_GROUPS $WS_USER` WS_GROUP=`expr "$D_GROUP" : '.*gid=[0-9]*(\(.*\)) groups=.*'` fi DIR_OWN=$WS_USER:$WS_GROUP CONF_OWN=$WS_USER:$WS_GROUP } # Get destination directory install_dir() { SUCC=0 INSTALL_TYPE="reinstall" SET_LOGIN=1 if [ $INST_USER = "root" ]; then DEST_RECOM="/usr/local/lsws" if [ -f "/opt/lsws/conf/httpd_config.xml" ]; then DEST_RECOM="/opt/lsws" fi WS_USER="nobody" else cat <<EOF As you are not the 'root' user, you may not be able to install the web server into a system directory or enable chroot, the web server process will run on behalf of current user - '$INST_USER'. EOF WS_USER=$INST_USER DEST_RECOM="~/lsws" fi while [ $SUCC -eq "0" ]; do cat <<EOF Please specify the destination directory. You must have permissions to create and manage the directory. It is recommended to install the web server at /opt/lsws, /usr/local/lsws or in your home directory like '~/lsws'. ATTENTION: The user '$WS_USER' must be able to access the destination directory. EOF printf "%s" "Destination [$DEST_RECOM]: " read TMP_DEST echo "" if [ "x$TMP_DEST" = "x" ]; then TMP_DEST=$DEST_RECOM fi if [ `expr "$TMP_DEST" : '~'` -gt 0 ]; then LSWS_HOME="$HOME`echo $TMP_DEST | sed 's/^~//' `" else LSWS_HOME=$TMP_DEST fi if [ `expr "$LSWS_HOME" : '\/'` -eq 0 ]; then echo "[ERROR] Must be absolute path!" else SUCC=1 fi if [ ! -d "$LSWS_HOME" ]; then mkdir "$LSWS_HOME" if [ ! $? -eq 0 ]; then SUCC=0 fi fi if [ -f "$LSWS_HOME/conf/httpd_config.xml" ]; then cat <<EOF Found old configuration file under destination directory $LSWS_HOME. To upgrade, press 'Enter', current configuration will not be changed. To reinstall, press 'R' or 'r'. To change directory, press 'C' or 'c'. EOF printf "%s" "Would you like to Upgrade, Reinstall or Change directory [U/r/c]? " read TMP_URC echo "" if [ "x$TMP_URC" = "x" ]; then INSTALL_TYPE="upgrade" SET_LOGIN=0 else if [ `expr "$TMP_URC" : '[Uu]'` -gt 0 ]; then INSTALL_TYPE="upgrade" SET_LOGIN=0 else if [ `expr "$TMP_URC" : '[Rr]'` -gt 0 ]; then INSTALL_TYPE="reinstall" SET_LOGIN=1 else #if [ `expr "$TMP_URC" : '[Cc]'` -gt 0 ]; then SUCC=0 fi fi fi fi done export LSWS_HOME if [ -f "$LSWS_HOME/conf/httpd_config.xml" ]; then readCurrentConfig else INSTALL_TYPE="reinstall" fi DIR_OWN=$WS_USER:$WS_GROUP CONF_OWN=$WS_USER:$WS_GROUP chmod $DIR_MOD "$LSWS_HOME" } admin_login() { if [ $INSTALL_TYPE = "upgrade" ]; then printf "%s" "Would you like to reset the login password for Administration Web Interface [y/N]? " read TMP_URC echo "" if [ "x$TMP_URC" != "x" ]; then if [ `expr "$TMP_URC" : '[Yy]'` -gt 0 ]; then SET_LOGIN=1 fi fi fi if [ $SET_LOGIN -eq 1 ]; then # get admin user name and password SUCC=0 cat <<EOF Please specify the user name of the administrator. This is the user name required to log into the administration web interface. EOF printf "%s" "User name [admin]: " read ADMIN_USER if [ "x$ADMIN_USER" = "x" ]; then ADMIN_USER=admin fi cat <<EOF Please specify the administrator's password. This is the password required to log into the administration web interface. EOF while [ $SUCC -eq "0" ]; do printf "%s" "Password: " stty -echo read PASS_ONE stty echo echo "" if [ `expr "$PASS_ONE" : '.*'` -ge 6 ]; then printf "%s" "Retype password: " stty -echo read PASS_TWO stty echo echo "" if [ "x$PASS_ONE" = "x$PASS_TWO" ]; then SUCC=1 else echo "" echo "[ERROR] Sorry, passwords does not match. Try again!" echo "" fi else echo "" echo "[ERROR] Sorry, password must be at least 6 characters!" echo "" fi done # generate password file ENCRYPT_PASS=`"$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php5" -q "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/misc/htpasswd.php" $PASS_ONE` echo "$ADMIN_USER:$ENCRYPT_PASS" > "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/conf/htpasswd" fi } getUserGroup() { if [ $INST_USER = "root" ]; then cat <<EOF As you are the root user, you must choose the user and group whom the web server will be running as. For security reason, you should choose a non-system user who does not have login shell and home directory such as 'nobody'. EOF # get user name SUCC=0 while [ $SUCC -eq "0" ]; do printf "%s" "User [$WS_USER]: " read TMP_USER if [ "x$TMP_USER" = "x" ]; then TMP_USER=$WS_USER fi USER_INFO=`id $TMP_USER 2>/dev/null` TST_USER=`expr "$USER_INFO" : 'uid=.*(\(.*\)) gid=.*'` if [ "x$TST_USER" = "x$TMP_USER" ]; then USER_ID=`expr "$USER_INFO" : 'uid=\(.*\)(.*) gid=.*'` if [ $USER_ID -gt 10 ]; then WS_USER=$TMP_USER SUCC=1 else cat <<EOF [ERROR] It is not allowed to run LiteSpeed web server on behalf of a privileged user, user id must be greater than 10. The user id of user '$TMP_USER' is '$USER_ID'. EOF fi else cat <<EOF [ERROR] '$TMP_USER' is not valid user name in your system, please choose another user or create user '$TMP_USER' first. EOF fi done fi # get group name SUCC=0 TMP_GROUPS=`groups $WS_USER` TST_GROUPS=`expr "$TMP_GROUPS" : '.*:\(.*\)'` if [ "x$TST_GROUPS" = "x" ]; then TST_GROUPS=$TMP_GROUPS fi D_GROUP=`$ID_GROUPS $WS_USER` D_GROUP=`expr "$D_GROUP" : '.*gid=[0-9]*(\(.*\)) groups=.*'` echo "Please choose the group that the web server running as." echo while [ $SUCC -eq "0" ]; do echo "User '$WS_USER' is the member of following group(s): $TST_GROUPS" printf "%s" "Group [$D_GROUP]: " read TMP_GROUP if [ "x$TMP_GROUP" = "x" ]; then TMP_GROUP=$D_GROUP fi GRP_RET=`echo $TST_GROUPS | grep -w "$TMP_GROUP"` if [ "x$GRP_RET" != "x" ]; then WS_GROUP=$TMP_GROUP SUCC=1 else cat <<EOF [ERROR] '$TMP_GROUP' is not valid group for user '$WS_USER', please choose another group in the list or add user '$WS_USER' to group '$TMP_GROUP' first. EOF fi done DIR_OWN=$WS_USER:$WS_GROUP CONF_OWN=$WS_USER:$WS_GROUP if [ $INST_USER = "root" ]; then if [ $SUCC -eq "1" ]; then chown -R "$DIR_OWN" "$LSWS_HOME" fi fi } stopLshttpd() { RUNNING_PROCESS=`$PS_CMD | grep lshttpd | grep -v grep` if [ "x$RUNNING_PROCESS" != "x" ]; then cat <<EOF LiteSpeed web server is running, in order to continue installation, the server must be stopped. EOF printf "Would you like to stop it now? [Y/n]" read TMP_YN echo "" if [ "x$TMP_YN" = "x" ] || [ `expr "$TMP_YN" : '[Yy]'` -gt 0 ]; then $LSWS_HOME/bin/lswsctrl stop sleep 1 RUNNING_PROCESS=`$PS_CMD | grep lshttpd | grep -v grep` if [ "x$RUNNING_PROCESS" != "x" ]; then echo "Failed to stop server, abort installation!" exit 1 fi else echo "Abort installation!" exit 1 fi fi } # get normal TCP port getServerPort() { cat <<EOF Please specify the port for normal HTTP service. Port 80 is the standard HTTP port, only 'root' user is allowed to use port 80, if you have another web server running on port 80, you need to specify another port or stop the other web server before starting LiteSpeed Web Server. You can access the normal web page at http://<YOUR_HOST>:<HTTP_PORT>/ EOF SUCC=0 DEFAULT_PORT=8088 while [ $SUCC -eq "0" ]; do printf "%s" "HTTP port [$DEFAULT_PORT]: " read TMP_PORT if [ "x$TMP_PORT" = "x" ]; then TMP_PORT=$DEFAULT_PORT fi SUCC=1 if [ `expr "$TMP_PORT" : '.*[^0-9]'` -gt 0 ]; then echo "[ERROR] Only digits is allowed, try again!" SUCC=0 fi if [ $SUCC -eq 1 ]; then if [ $INST_USER != "root" ]; then if [ $TMP_PORT -le 1024 ]; then echo "[ERROR] Only 'root' can use port below 1024, try again!" SUCC=0 fi fi fi if [ $SUCC -eq 1 ]; then if [ `netstat -an | grep -w $TMP_PORT | grep -w LISTEN | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then echo "[ERROR] Port $TMP_PORT is in use now, stop the server using this port first," echo " or choose another port." SUCC=0 fi fi done HTTP_PORT=$TMP_PORT } # get administration TCP port getAdminPort() { cat <<EOF Please specify the HTTP port for the administration web interface, which can be accessed through http://<YOUR_HOST>:<ADMIN_PORT>/ EOF SUCC=0 DEFAULT_PORT=7080 while [ $SUCC -eq "0" ]; do printf "%s" "Admin HTTP port [$DEFAULT_PORT]: " read TMP_PORT if [ "x$TMP_PORT" = "x" ]; then TMP_PORT=$DEFAULT_PORT fi SUCC=1 if [ `expr "$TMP_PORT" : '.*[^0-9]'` -gt 0 ]; then echo "[ERROR] Only digits is allowed, try again!" SUCC=0 fi if [ $SUCC -eq 1 ]; then if [ $INST_USER != "root" ]; then if [ $TMP_PORT -le 1024 ]; then echo "[ERROR] Only 'root' can use port below 1024, try again!" SUCC=0 fi fi fi if [ $SUCC -eq 1 ]; then if [ $TMP_PORT -eq $HTTP_PORT ]; then echo "[ERROR] The admin HTTP port must be different from the normal HTTP port!" SUCC=0 fi fi if [ $SUCC -eq 1 ]; then if [ `netstat -an | grep -w $TMP_PORT | grep -w LISTEN | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then echo "[ERROR] Port $TMP_PORT is in use, stop the server that using this port first," echo " or choose another port." SUCC=0 fi fi done ADMIN_PORT=$TMP_PORT } configAdminEmail() { cat <<EOF Please specify administrators' email addresses. It is recommended to specify a real email address, Multiple email addresses can be set by a comma delimited list of email addresses. Whenever something abnormal happened, a notification will be sent to emails listed here. EOF printf "%s" "Email addresses [root@localhost]: " read ADMIN_EMAIL if [ "x$ADMIN_EMAIL" = "x" ]; then ADMIN_EMAIL=root@localhost fi } configRuby() { if [ -x "/usr/local/bin/ruby" ]; then RUBY_PATH="\/usr\/local\/bin\/ruby" elif [ -x "/usr/bin/ruby" ]; then RUBY_PATH="\/usr\/bin\/ruby" else RUBY_PATH="" cat << EOF Cannot find RUBY installation, remember to fix up the ruby path configuration before you can use our easy RubyOnRails setup. EOF fi } enablePHPHandler() { cat <<EOF You can setup a global script handler for PHP with the pre-built PHP engine shipped with this package now. The PHP engine runs as Fast CGI which outperforms Apache's mod_php. You can always replace the pre-built PHP engine with your customized PHP engine. EOF SUCC=0 SETUP_PHP=1 printf "%s" "Setup up PHP [Y/n]: " read TMP_YN if [ "x$TMP_YN" != "x" ]; then if [ `expr "$TMP_YN" : '[Nn]'` -gt 0 ]; then SETUP_PHP=0 fi fi if [ $SETUP_PHP -eq 1 ]; then PHP_SUFFIX="php" printf "%s" "Suffix for PHP script(comma separated list) [$PHP_SUFFIX]: " read TMP_SUFFIX if [ "x$TMP_SUFFIX" != "x" ]; then PHP_SUFFIX=$TMP_SUFFIX fi # PHP_PORT=5101 # SUCC=0 # while [ $SUCC -eq "0" ]; do # if [ `netstat -an | grep -w $PHP_PORT | grep -w LISTEN | wc -l` -eq 0 ]; then # SUCC=1 # fi # PHP_PORT=`expr $PHP_PORT + 1` # done fi } buildApConfigFiles() { #sed -e "s/%ADMIN_PORT%/$ADMIN_PORT/" -e "s/%PHP_FCGI_PORT%/$ADMIN_PHP_PORT/" "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/conf/admin_config.xml.in" > "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/conf/admin_config.xml" sed -e "s/%ADMIN_PORT%/$ADMIN_PORT/" "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/conf/admin_config.xml.in" > "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/conf/admin_config.xml" sed -e "s/%USER%/$WS_USER/" -e "s/%GROUP%/$WS_GROUP/" -e "s#%APACHE_PID_FILE%#$APACHE_PID_FILE#" -e "s/%ADMIN_EMAIL%/$ADMIN_EMAIL/" -e "s#%RUBY_BIN%#$RUBY_PATH#" -e "s/%SERVER_NAME%/$SERVER_NAME/" -e "s/%AP_PORT_OFFSET%/$AP_PORT_OFFSET/" -e "s/%PHP_SUEXEC%/$PHP_SUEXEC/" "$LSINSTALL_DIR/add-ons/$HOST_PANEL/httpd_config.xml${PANEL_VARY}" > "$LSINSTALL_DIR/conf/httpd_config.xml" } # pass $1 = "$LSWS_HOME/httpd_config.xml" updateCagefsConfig() { if [ "x$1" = "x" ]; then conf_file=/usr/local/lsws/conf/httpd_config.xml else conf_file="$1" fi if [ ! -f "$conf_file" ]; then return 1 fi cagefsctl --cagefs-status 2>/dev/null 1>&2 if [ $? = 0 ]; then cp "$conf_file" "$conf_file.tmp" grep enableLVE "$conf_file" | grep -v grep > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then grep -e "<enableLVE>[23]</enableLVE>" "$conf_file" | grep -v grep > /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then return 0 fi sed -e "s#<enableLVE>.*</enableLVE>#<enableLVE>2</enableLVE>#" "$conf_file.tmp" > "$conf_file" else sed -e "s#</httpServerConfig>#<enableLVE>2</enableLVE></httpServerConfig>#" "$conf_file.tmp" > "$conf_file" fi fi } # detect download method detect_dlcmd() { DLCMD=x if [ "x$SYS_NAME" = "xFreeBSD" ] ; then DL=`which fetch` if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then DLCMD="$DL -o" fi fi if [ "$DLCMD" = "x" ] ; then DL=`which wget` if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then DLCMD="$DL -nv -O" fi fi if [ "$DLCMD" = "x" ] ; then DL=`which curl` if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then DLCMD="$DL -L -o" fi fi } buildAdminSslCert() { if [ ! -f "$LSWS_HOME/admin/conf/cert/admin.crt" ]; then HN=`hostname` detect_dlcmd if [ "x${DLCMD}" != 'xx' ]; then $DLCMD $LSWS_HOME/myip http://cyberpanel.sh/?ip MYIP=`cat $LSWS_HOME/myip` rm $LSWS_HOME/myip fi openssl rand -out $HOME/.rnd -hex 256 openssl req -subj "/CN=$HN/O=webadmin/C=US/subjectAltName=DNS.1=${MYIP}/" -new -newkey rsa:2048 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout "$LSWS_HOME/admin/conf/cert/admin.key" -out "$LSWS_HOME/admin/conf/cert/admin.crt" fi } cPanelSwitchPathsConf() { mode=shift if [ "x$mode" = 'xapache' ]; then cp /etc/cpanel/ea4/paths.conf /etc/cpanel/ea4/paths.conf.tmp sed -e 's#/usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl#/usr/sbin/apachectl#' </etc/cpanel/ea4/paths.conf.tmp >/etc/cpanel/ea4/paths.conf else cp /etc/cpanel/ea4/paths.conf /etc/cpanel/ea4/paths.conf.tmp sed -e 's#/usr/sbin/apachectl#/usr/local/lsws/bin/lswsctrl#' </etc/cpanel/ea4/paths.conf.tmp >/etc/cpanel/ea4/paths.conf fi } # generate configuration from template buildConfigFiles() { #sed -e "s/%ADMIN_PORT%/$ADMIN_PORT/" -e "s/%PHP_FCGI_PORT%/$ADMIN_PHP_PORT/" "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/conf/admin_config.xml.in" > "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/conf/admin_config.xml" sed -e "s/%ADMIN_PORT%/$ADMIN_PORT/" "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/conf/admin_config.xml.in" > "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/conf/admin_config.xml" sed -e "s/%USER%/$WS_USER/" -e "s/%GROUP%/$WS_GROUP/" -e "s/%ADMIN_EMAIL%/$ADMIN_EMAIL/" -e "s/%HTTP_PORT%/$HTTP_PORT/" -e "s/%RUBY_BIN%/$RUBY_PATH/" -e "s/%SERVER_NAME%/$SERVER_NAME/" "$LSINSTALL_DIR/conf/httpd_config.xml.in" > "$LSINSTALL_DIR/conf/httpd_config.xml.tmp" if [ $SETUP_PHP -eq 1 ]; then sed -e "s/%PHP_BEGIN%//" -e "s/%PHP_END%//" -e "s/%PHP_SUFFIX%/$PHP_SUFFIX/" -e "s/%PHP_PORT%/$PHP_PORT/" "$LSINSTALL_DIR/conf/httpd_config.xml.tmp" > "$LSINSTALL_DIR/conf/httpd_config.xml" else sed -e "s/%PHP_BEGIN%/<!--/" -e "s/%PHP_END%/-->/" -e "s/%PHP_SUFFIX%/php/" -e "s/%PHP_PORT%/5201/" "$LSINSTALL_DIR/conf/httpd_config.xml.tmp" > "$LSINSTALL_DIR/conf/httpd_config.xml" fi } util_mkdir() { OWNER=$1 PERM=$2 shift shift for arg do if [ ! -d "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" ]; then mkdir "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" fi chown "$OWNER" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" chmod $PERM "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" done } util_cpfile() { OWNER=$1 PERM=$2 shift shift for arg do cp -f "$LSINSTALL_DIR/$arg" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" chown "$OWNER" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" chmod $PERM "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" done } util_ccpfile() { OWNER=$1 PERM=$2 shift shift for arg do if [ ! -f "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" ]; then cp "$LSINSTALL_DIR/$arg" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" fi chown "$OWNER" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" chmod $PERM "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" done } util_cpdir() { OWNER=$1 PERM=$2 shift shift for arg do cp -R "$LSINSTALL_DIR/$arg/"* "$LSWS_HOME/$arg/" chown -R "$OWNER" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg/"* #chmod -R $PERM $LSWS_HOME/$arg/* done } util_cpdirv() { OWNER=$1 PERM=$2 shift shift COPY_VER=$1 shift for arg do cp -R "$LSINSTALL_DIR/$arg/"* "$LSWS_HOME/$arg.$COPY_VER/" chown -R "$OWNER" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg.$COPY_VER" $TEST_BIN -L "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rm -f "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" fi FILENAME=`basename $arg` ln -sf "./$FILENAME.$COPY_VER/" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" #chmod -R $PERM $LSWS_HOME/$arg/* done } util_cpfilev() { OWNER=$1 PERM=$2 shift shift COPY_VER=$1 shift for arg do cp -f "$LSINSTALL_DIR/$arg" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg.$COPY_VER" chown "$OWNER" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg.$COPY_VER" chmod $PERM "$LSWS_HOME/$arg.$COPY_VER" $TEST_BIN -L "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rm -f "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" fi FILENAME=`basename $arg` ln -sf "./$FILENAME.$COPY_VER" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" done } installation1() { umask 022 if [ $INST_USER = "root" ]; then SDIR_OWN="root:$ROOTGROUP" chown $SDIR_OWN $LSWS_HOME else SDIR_OWN=$DIR_OWN fi sed "s:%LSWS_CTRL%:$LSWS_HOME/bin/lswsctrl:" "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/misc/lsws.rc.in" > "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/misc/lsws.rc" OWNER=$1 PERM=$2 shift shift for arg do if [ ! -f "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" ]; then cp "$LSINSTALL_DIR/$arg" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" fi chown "$OWNER" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" chmod $PERM "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" done } util_cpdir() { OWNER=$1 PERM=$2 shift shift for arg do cp -R "$LSINSTALL_DIR/$arg/"* "$LSWS_HOME/$arg/" chown -R "$OWNER" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg/"* #chmod -R $PERM $LSWS_HOME/$arg/* done } util_cpdirv() { OWNER=$1 PERM=$2 shift shift COPY_VER=$1 shift for arg do cp -R "$LSINSTALL_DIR/$arg/"* "$LSWS_HOME/$arg.$COPY_VER/" chown -R "$OWNER" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg.$COPY_VER" $TEST_BIN -L "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rm -f "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" fi FILENAME=`basename $arg` ln -sf "./$FILENAME.$COPY_VER/" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" #chmod -R $PERM $LSWS_HOME/$arg/* done } util_cpfilev() { OWNER=$1 PERM=$2 shift shift COPY_VER=$1 shift for arg do cp -f "$LSINSTALL_DIR/$arg" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg.$COPY_VER" chown "$OWNER" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg.$COPY_VER" chmod $PERM "$LSWS_HOME/$arg.$COPY_VER" $TEST_BIN -L "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then rm -f "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" fi FILENAME=`basename $arg` ln -sf "./$FILENAME.$COPY_VER" "$LSWS_HOME/$arg" done } compress_admin_file() { TMP_DIR=`pwd` cd $LSWS_HOME/admin/html find . | grep -e '\.js$' | xargs -n 1 ../misc/gzipStatic.sh 9 find . | grep -e '\.css$' | xargs -n 1 ../misc/gzipStatic.sh 9 cd $TMP_DIR } install_whm_plugin() { WHM_PLUGIN_SRCDIR="$LSINSTALL_DIR/add-ons/cpanel/lsws_whm_plugin" $WHM_PLUGIN_SRCDIR/lsws_whm_plugin_install.sh $WHM_PLUGIN_SRCDIR $LSWS_HOME $CPANEL_PLUGIN_AUTOINSTALL /usr/local/cpanel/bin/whmapi1 configureservice service=httpd enabled=1 monitored=1 } create_lsadm_freebsd() { pw group add lsadm lsadm_gid=`grep "^lsadm:" /etc/group | awk -F : '{ print $3; }'` pw user add -g $lsadm_gid -d / -s /usr/sbin/nologin -n lsadm pw usermod lsadm -G $WS_GROUP } create_lsadm() { groupadd lsadm #1>/dev/null 2>&1 lsadm_gid=`grep "^lsadm:" /etc/group | awk -F : '{ print $3; }'` useradd -g $lsadm_gid -d / -r -s /sbin/nologin lsadm usermod -a -G $WS_GROUP lsadm #1>/dev/null 2>&1 } create_lsadm_solaris() { groupadd lsadm #1>/dev/null 2>&1 lsadm_gid=`grep "^lsadm:" /etc/group | awk -F: '{ print $3; }'` useradd -g $lsadm_gid -d / -s /bin/false lsadm usermod -G $WS_GROUP lsadm #1>/dev/null 2>&1 } create_self_signed_cert_for_admin() { #$1 = filename #$2 = domain_name openssl req -x509 -sha256 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout $1.key -out $1.crt -days 1024 -nodes -subj '/CN=$2' } fix_cloudlinux() { if [ -d /proc/lve ]; then lvectl set-user $WS_USER --unlimited if [ "x$SYS_ARCH" != 'xi386' ]; then lvectl set-user $WS_USER --pmem=2000G else lvectl set-user $WS_USER --pmem=2G fi lvectl set-user lsadm --unlimited lvectl set-user lsadm --pmem=2G $LSWS_HOME/admin/misc/fix_cagefs.sh updateCagefsConfig $LSWS_HOME/conf/httpd_config.xml fi } installation() { umask 022 if [ $INST_USER = "root" ]; then export PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH if [ "x$SYS_NAME" = "xLinux" ]; then create_lsadm elif [ "x$SYS_NAME" = "xFreeBSD" ] || [ "x$SYS_NAME" = "xNetBSD" ]; then create_lsadm_freebsd elif [ "x$SYS_NAME" = "xSunOS" ]; then create_lsadm_solaris fi grep "^lsadm:" /etc/passwd 1>/dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then CONF_OWN="lsadm:lsadm" fi SDIR_OWN="root:$ROOTGROUP" LOGDIR_OWN="root:$WS_GROUP" chown $SDIR_OWN $LSWS_HOME else SDIR_OWN=$DIR_OWN LOGDIR_OWN=$DIR_OWN fi sed "s:%LSWS_CTRL%:$LSWS_HOME/bin/lswsctrl:" "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/misc/lsws.rc.in" > "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/misc/lsws.rc" sed "s:%LSWS_CTRL%:$LSWS_HOME/bin/lswsctrl:" "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/misc/lsws.rc.gentoo.in" > "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/misc/lsws.rc.gentoo" sed "s:%LSWS_CTRL%:$LSWS_HOME/bin/lswsctrl:" "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/misc/lshttpd.service.in" > "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/misc/lshttpd.service" if [ -d "$LSWS_HOME/admin/html.$LS_VER" ]; then rm -rf "$LSWS_HOME/admin/html.$LS_VER" fi util_mkdir "$SDIR_OWN" $DIR_MOD admin bin docs fcgi-bin lib add-ons share admin/fcgi-bin util_mkdir "$LOGDIR_OWN" "0750" logs admin/logs util_mkdir "$SDIR_OWN" $DIR_MOD admin/html.$LS_VER admin/misc util_mkdir "$CONF_OWN" $SDIR_MOD conf conf/cert conf/templates admin/conf admin/conf/cert admin/tmp phpbuild autoupdate util_mkdir "$SDIR_OWN" $SDIR_MOD admin/cgid admin/cgid/secret util_mkdir "$CONF_OWN" $DIR_MOD admin/htpasswds chgrp $WS_GROUP $LSWS_HOME/admin/tmp $LSWS_HOME/admin/cgid $LSWS_HOME/admin/htpasswds chmod g+x $LSWS_HOME/admin/tmp $LSWS_HOME/admin/cgid $LSWS_HOME/admin/htpasswds chown $CONF_OWN $LSWS_HOME/admin/tmp/sess_* 1>/dev/null 2>&1 util_mkdir "$SDIR_OWN" $DIR_MOD DEFAULT buildAdminSslCert find "$LSWS_HOME/admin/tmp" -type s -atime +1 -delete 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then find "$LSWS_HOME/admin/tmp" -type s -atime +1 2>/dev/null | xargs rm -f fi find "/tmp/lshttpd" -type s -atime +1 -delete 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then find "/tmp/lshttpd" -type s -atime +1 2>/dev/null | xargs rm -f fi util_cpdir "$SDIR_OWN" $DOC_MOD add-ons util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD add-ons/modsec/inspectmulti.sh util_ccpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD fcgi-bin/lsperld.fpl util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD fcgi-bin/RackRunner.rb fcgi-bin/RailsRunner.rb fcgi-bin/RailsRunner.rb.2.3 fcgi-bin/lsnode.js util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php5 util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD admin/misc/rc-inst.sh admin/misc/admpass.sh admin/misc/rc-uninst.sh admin/misc/uninstall.sh util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD admin/misc/lsws.rc admin/misc/lshttpd.service admin/misc/lsws.rc.gentoo admin/misc/enable_ruby_python_selector.sh util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD admin/misc/mgr_ver.sh admin/misc/gzipStatic.sh admin/misc/fp_install.sh util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD admin/misc/create_admin_keypair.sh admin/misc/awstats_install.sh admin/misc/update.sh util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD admin/misc/cleancache.sh admin/misc/cleanlitemage.sh admin/misc/lsup5v3.sh util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD admin/misc/fix_cagefs.sh admin/misc/cp_switch_ws.sh util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD admin/misc/lscmctl ln -sf ./lsup5v3.sh "$LSWS_HOME/admin/misc/lsup.sh" util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD admin/misc/ap_lsws.sh.in admin/misc/build_ap_wrapper.sh admin/misc/cpanel_restart_httpd.in admin/misc/purge_cache_by_url util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $DOC_MOD admin/misc/gdb-bt admin/misc/htpasswd.php admin/misc/php.ini admin/misc/genjCryptionKeyPair.php if [ -f "$LSINSTALL_DIR/admin/misc/chroot.sh" ]; then util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD admin/misc/chroot.sh fi if [ "x$HOST_PANEL" = "xcpanel" ]; then if [ ! -d "$BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/lib/php/autoindex/" ]; then mkdir -p $BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/lib/php/autoindex fi if [ -f "$BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/lib/php/autoindex/default.php" ]; then mv -f "$BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/lib/php/autoindex/default.php" "$BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/lib/php/autoindex/default.php.old" fi cp -R "$LSINSTALL_DIR/share/autoindex/"* $BUILD_ROOT/usr/local/lib/php/autoindex/ if [ -d "$LSWS_HOME/share/autoindex" ]; then rm -rf "$LSWS_HOME/share/autoindex" fi ln -sf /usr/local/lib/php/autoindex "$LSWS_HOME/share/autoindex" if [ -d "$WHM_CGIDIR" ]; then ## # This call should be made after copying over lsws/admin/misc files # so that lscmctl script can be used. ## install_whm_plugin fi else util_mkdir "$SDIR_OWN" $DIR_MOD share/autoindex if [ -f "$LSWS_HOME/share/autoindex/default.php" ]; then mv -f "$LSWS_HOME/share/autoindex/default.php" "$LSWS_HOME/share/autoindex/default.php.old" fi util_cpdir "$SDIR_OWN" $DOC_MOD share/autoindex util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $DOC_MOD share/autoindex/default.php fi if [ $SET_LOGIN -eq 1 ]; then util_cpfile "$CONF_OWN" $CONF_MOD admin/conf/htpasswd else util_ccpfile "$CONF_OWN" $CONF_MOD admin/conf/htpasswd fi if [ ! -f "$LSWS_HOME/admin/htpasswds/status" ]; then cp -p "$LSWS_HOME/admin/conf/htpasswd" "$LSWS_HOME/admin/htpasswds/status" fi chown $CONF_OWN "$LSWS_HOME/admin/htpasswds/status" chgrp $WS_GROUP "$LSWS_HOME/admin/htpasswds/status" chmod 0640 "$LSWS_HOME/admin/htpasswds/status" if [ $INSTALL_TYPE = "upgrade" ]; then util_ccpfile "$CONF_OWN" $CONF_MOD admin/conf/admin_config.xml util_cpfile "$CONF_OWN" $CONF_MOD admin/conf/php.ini util_ccpfile "$CONF_OWN" $CONF_MOD conf/httpd_config.xml conf/mime.properties conf/templates/ccl.xml conf/templates/phpsuexec.xml conf/templates/rails.xml util_ccpfile "$CONF_OWN" $CONF_MOD conf/templates/ccl.xml $TEST_BIN ! -L "$LSWS_HOME/bin/lshttpd" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then mv -f "$LSWS_HOME/bin/lshttpd" "$LSWS_HOME/bin/lshttpd.old" fi $TEST_BIN ! -L "$LSWS_HOME/bin/lscgid" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then mv -f "$LSWS_HOME/bin/lscgid" "$LSWS_HOME/bin/lscgid.old" fi $TEST_BIN ! -L "$LSWS_HOME/bin/lswsctrl" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then mv -f "$LSWS_HOME/bin/lswsctrl" "$LSWS_HOME/bin/lswsctrl.old" fi $TEST_BIN ! -L "$LSWS_HOME/admin/html" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then mv -f "$LSWS_HOME/admin/html" "$LSWS_HOME/admin/html.old" fi if [ ! -f "$LSWS_HOME/DEFAULT/conf/vhconf.xml" ]; then util_mkdir "$CONF_OWN" $DIR_MOD DEFAULT/conf util_cpdir "$CONF_OWN" $DOC_MOD DEFAULT/conf fi else util_cpfile "$CONF_OWN" $CONF_MOD admin/conf/admin_config.xml util_cpfile "$CONF_OWN" $CONF_MOD conf/templates/ccl.xml conf/templates/phpsuexec.xml conf/templates/rails.xml util_cpfile "$CONF_OWN" $CONF_MOD admin/conf/php.ini util_cpfile "$CONF_OWN" $CONF_MOD conf/httpd_config.xml conf/mime.properties util_mkdir "$CONF_OWN" $DIR_MOD DEFAULT/conf util_cpdir "$CONF_OWN" $DOC_MOD DEFAULT/conf util_mkdir "$SDIR_OWN" $DIR_MOD DEFAULT/html DEFAULT/cgi-bin util_cpdir "$SDIR_OWN" $DOC_MOD DEFAULT/html DEFAULT/cgi-bin fi "$LSWS_HOME/admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php5" -v 2>&1 1>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ] && [ -e /etc/redhat-release ]; then yum install -y libnsl fi if [ $SETUP_PHP -eq 1 ]; then if [ ! -s "$LSWS_HOME/fcgi-bin/lsphp" ]; then cp -f "$LSWS_HOME/admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php5" "$LSWS_HOME/fcgi-bin/lsphp" chown "$SDIR_OWN" "$LSWS_HOME/fcgi-bin/lsphp" chmod "$EXEC_MOD" "$LSWS_HOME/fcgi-bin/lsphp" fi if [ ! -f "$LSWS_HOME/fcgi-bin/lsphp4" ]; then ln -sf "./lsphp" "$LSWS_HOME/fcgi-bin/lsphp4" fi if [ ! -f "$LSWS_HOME/fcgi-bin/lsphp5" ]; then ln -sf "./lsphp" "$LSWS_HOME/fcgi-bin/lsphp5" fi if [ ! -e "/usr/local/bin/lsphp" ]; then cp -f "$LSWS_HOME/admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php5" "/usr/local/bin/lsphp" chown "$SDIR_OWN" "/usr/local/bin/lsphp" chmod "$EXEC_MOD" "/usr/local/bin/lsphp" fi fi chown -R "$CONF_OWN" "$LSWS_HOME/conf/" chmod -R o-rwx "$LSWS_HOME/conf/" util_mkdir "$DIR_OWN" $SDIR_MOD tmp util_mkdir "$DIR_OWN" $DIR_MOD DEFAULT/logs DEFAULT/fcgi-bin util_cpdirv "$SDIR_OWN" $DOC_MOD $LS_VER admin/html if [ -f "$LSINSTALL_DIR/bin/lshttpd.sse4" ]; then grep pclmulqdq /proc/cpuinfo > /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then mv "$LSINSTALL_DIR/bin/lshttpd" "$LSINSTALL_DIR/bin/lshttpd.regular" mv "$LSINSTALL_DIR/bin/lshttpd.sse4" "$LSINSTALL_DIR/bin/lshttpd" fi fi util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD bin/wswatch.sh util_cpfilev "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD $LS_VER bin/lswsctrl bin/lshttpd bin/lscgid util_cpfilev "$SDIR_OWN" $DOC_MOD $LS_VER BUILD $TEST_BIN ! -L "$LSWS_HOME/modules" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then mv -f "$LSWS_HOME/modules" "$LSWS_HOME/modules.old" fi if [ -d "$LSWS_HOME/modules.$LS_VER" ]; then rm -rf "$LSWS_HOME/modules.$LS_VER" fi util_mkdir "$SDIR_OWN" $DIR_MOD modules.$LS_VER util_cpdirv "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD $LS_VER modules #if [ -e "$LSINSTALL_DIR/bin/lshttpd.dbg" ]; then # if [ -f "$LSINSTALL_DIR/bin/lshttpd.dbg.$LS_VER" ]; then # rm "$LSINSTALL_DIR/bin/lshttpd.dbg.$LS_VER" # fi # util_cpfilev "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD $LS_VER bin/lshttpd.dbg # # #enable debug build for beta release # ln -sf ./lshttpd.dbg.$LS_VER $LSWS_HOME/bin/lshttpd #fi ln -sf ./lshttpd.$LS_VER $LSWS_HOME/bin/lshttpd ln -sf lshttpd $LSWS_HOME/bin/litespeed ln -sf BUILD.$LS_VER $LSWS_HOME/BUILD ln -sf lscgid.$LS_VER $LSWS_HOME/bin/httpd if [ $INST_USER = "root" ]; then chmod u+s "$LSWS_HOME/bin/lscgid.$LS_VER" fi util_mkdir "$SDIR_OWN" $DIR_MOD lsrecaptcha util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $EXEC_MOD lsrecaptcha/_recaptcha util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $DOC_MOD lsrecaptcha/_recaptcha.shtml util_cpdir "$SDIR_OWN" $DOC_MOD docs/ util_cpfile "$SDIR_OWN" $DOC_MOD VERSION LICENSE* if [ -f $LSWS_HOME/autoupdate/download ]; then rm $LSWS_HOME/autoupdate/download fi #compress_admin_file if [ ! -f "$LSWS_HOME/admin/conf/jcryption_keypair" ]; then $LSWS_HOME/admin/misc/create_admin_keypair.sh fi chown "$CONF_OWN" "$LSWS_HOME/admin/conf/jcryption_keypair" chmod 0600 "$LSWS_HOME/admin/conf/jcryption_keypair" fix_cloudlinux if [ $INST_USER = "root" ]; then $LSWS_HOME/admin/misc/rc-inst.sh fi # restart detached PHP touch "$LSWS_HOME/admin/tmp/.lsphp_restart.txt" "${LSWS_HOME}/admin/misc/lscmctl" --update-lib } setupPHPAccelerator() { cat <<EOF PHP Opcode Cache Setup In order to maximize the performance of PHP, a pre-built PHP opcode cache can be installed automatically. The opcode cache increases performance of PHP scripts by caching them in compiled state, the overhead of compiling PHP is avoided. Note: If an opcode cache has been installed already, you do not need to change it. If you need to built PHP binary by yourself, you need to built PHP opcode cache from source as well, unless the version of your PHP binary is same as that the pre-built PHP opcode cache built for. EOF printf "%s" "Would you like to change PHP opcode cache setting [y/N]? " read PHPACC echo if [ "x$PHPACC" = "x" ]; then PHPACC=n fi if [ `expr "$PHPACC" : '[Yy]'` -gt 0 ]; then $LSWS_HOME/admin/misc/enable_phpa.sh fi } installAWStats() { cat <<EOF AWStats Integration AWStats is a popular log analyzer that generates advanced web server statistics. LiteSpeed web server seamlessly integrates AWStats into its Web Admin Interface. AWStats configuration and statistics update have been taken care of by LiteSpeed web server. Note: If AWStats has been installed already, you do not need to install again unless a new version of AWStats is available. EOF printf "%s" "Would you like to install AWStats Add-on module [y/N]? " read PHPACC echo if [ "x$PHPACC" = "x" ]; then PHPACC=n fi if [ `expr "$PHPACC" : '[Yy]'` -gt 0 ]; then $LSWS_HOME/admin/misc/awstats_install.sh fi } finish() { cat <<EOF Congratulations! The LiteSpeed Web Server has been successfully installed. Command line script - "$LSWS_HOME/bin/lswsctrl" can be used to start or stop the server. It is recommended to limit access to the web administration interface. Right now the interface can be accessed from anywhere where this machine can be reached over the network. Three options are available: 1. If the interface needs to be accessed only from this machine, just change the listener for the interface to only listen on the loopback interface - localhost( 2. If the interface needs to be accessible from limited IP addresses or sub networks, then set up access control rules for the interface accordingly. 3. If the interface has to be accessible via internet, SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) should be used. Please read respective HOW-TOs on SSL configuration. To change configurations of the interface, login and click "Interface Configuration" button on the main page. The administration interface is located at http://localhost:<ADMIN_PORT>/ or http://<ip_or_Hostname_of_this_machine>:<ADMIN_PORT>/ EOF if [ $INST_USER = "root" ]; then if [ $INSTALL_TYPE != "upgrade" ]; then printf "%s\n%s" "Would you like to have LiteSpeed Web Server started automatically" "when the server restarts [Y/n]? " read START_SERVER echo if [ "x$START_SERVER" = "x" ]; then START_SERVER=y fi if [ `expr "$START_SERVER" : '[Yy]'` -gt 0 ]; then $LSWS_HOME/admin/misc/rc-inst.sh else cat <<EOF If you want to start the web server automatically later, just run "$LSWS_HOME//rc-inst.sh" to install the service control script. EOF fi fi if [ "x$HOST_PANEL" != "x" ]; then cat << EOF The default configuration file contain support for both PHP4 and PHP5, A prebuilt PHP4 binary comes with this package, however, we recommend you to build your own PHP4 and PHP5 binaries though our web console with the same configuration parameters as your current PHP installation. You can check your current PHP configuration via a phpinfo() page. Press [ENTER] to continue EOF read TMP_VAL cat << EOF When you replace Apache with LiteSpeed, remember to stop Apache completely. On most Linux servers, you should do: service httpd stop chkconfig httpd off or service apache stop chkconfig apache off If "Port Offset" has been set to "0", you should do it now. Press [ENTER] to continue EOF read TMP_VAL fi fi if [ $INSTALL_TYPE != "upgrade" ]; then printf "%s" "Would you like to start it right now [Y/n]? " else printf "%s" "Would you like to restart it right now [Y/n]? " fi read START_SERVER echo if [ "x$START_SERVER" = "x" ]; then START_SERVER=y fi if [ `expr "$START_SERVER" : '[Yy]'` -gt 0 ]; then if [ $INSTALL_TYPE != "upgrade" ]; then "$LSWS_HOME/bin/lswsctrl" start else "$LSWS_HOME/bin/lswsctrl" restart fi else exit 0 fi sleep 1 RUNNING_PROCESS=`$PS_CMD | grep lshttpd | grep -v grep` if [ "x$RUNNING_PROCESS" != "x" ]; then cat <<EOF LiteSpeed Web Server started successfully! Have fun! EOF exit 0 else cat <<EOF [ERROR] Failed to start the web server. For trouble shooting information, please refer to documents in "$LSWS_HOME/docs/". EOF fi }