Current Path : /usr/local/GBLSWS/ |
Current File : //usr/local/GBLSWS/lsws_whm_autoinstaller.sh |
#!/bin/sh # /******************************************************************** # LiteSpeed Web Server autoinstaller for cPanel/WHM # # @author LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc. (https://www.litespeedtech.com) # @copyright (c) 2013-2023 # @version # *********************************************************************/ show_help() { cat <<EOF # *********************************************************************** # # This auto-installer should only be used for brand new installations. # For existing installations, users should use # /usr/local/lsws/admin/misc/lsup.sh to upgrade or switch versions. # # Prerequisites: # 1. cPanel/WHM environment only. # 2. Apache is running and working properly for all the web sites. # 3. EasyApache has been run to build proper PHP modules. A matching LSPHP # will be built based on EasyApache's source code. # # Command: # lsws_whm_autoinstaller.sh SERIAL_NO PHP_SUEXEC port_offset admin_user admin_pass admin_email EasyApache_Integration auto_switch_to_lsws deploy_lscwp cpanel_plugin_autoinstall # # Example: # lsws_whm_autoinstaller.sh TRIAL 2 2000 admin a1234567 root@localhost 1 0 0 1 # # For security reasons, it is recommended that you supply all parameters # instead of using defaults. # # Input parameters: # # 1. (Required) SERIAL_NO # This will register the server using the serial number specified and # retrieve a license key. # Inputting "TRIAL" will cause a trial key to be requested and installed. # # 2. (Optional) PHP_SUEXEC # Available values are 0 (disable), 1 (enable), 2 (user home directory only). # Default is 2. # # 3. (Optional) port_offset # Controls the Apache port offset. This allows you to run LiteSpeed in # parallel with Apache to test it out. # For example, if you set port offset to 1000, Apache will continue running # on port 80 and LiteSpeed will run on port 1080. # If port offset is set to 0, LiteSpeed will be ready to replace Apache as # the main web server (after you stop Apache and start LiteSpeed). # Default is 1000. # # 4. (Optional) admin_user # Admin user name for accessing the LiteSpeed WebAdmin console. # Default is "admin". # # 5. (Optional) admin_pass # Admin user password for accessing the LiteSpeed WebAdmin console. # It is recommended that you set your own password and not use the default # one. # Default is "a1234567" # # 6. (Optional) admin_email # Admin user's email. This email address will receive important server # notices, such as license expiring or server core dumps. # Default is "root@localhost" # # 7. (Optional) EasyApache_Integration (1 or 0) # EasyApache integration. Automatically rebuild matching PHP for LiteSpeed # under EasyApache 3. Does nothing under EasyApache 4. Available values # are 1 (enable) and 0 (disable). # Default is 1. # # 8. (Optional) auto_switch_to_lsws (1 or 0) # Automatically switch to LiteSpeed at the end of installation. # This setting will only take effect if port_offset is set to 0. # Most users will need to test and verify before they switch, so the default # is to not automatically switch. Available values are 1 (enable) and 0 (disable). # # 9. (Optional) deploy_lscwp (0 or 1) # Automatically scan for any WordPress installations and install + enable # the LSCache plugin for WordPress on all found installations. # If not already set, the server and virtual host cache root will also be # set automatically. # This option is disabled by default. Available values are 1 (enable) and 0 (disable). # # 10. (Optional) cpanel_plugin_autoinstall (0 or 1) # Automatically install the LiteSpeed Web Cache Manager user-end plugin # for all cPanel users. This plugin will appear as # "LiteSpeed Web Cache Manager" under the 'Advanced' section of a user's # cPanel dashboard. # This option is enabled by default. Available values are 1 (enable) and 0 (disable). # # *********************************************************************** EOF exit 1 } # Download files will be in /usr/src/lsws WGET_TEMP="/usr/src/lsws" # LiteSpeed will be installed to /usr/local/lsws LSWS_HOME="/usr/local/lsws" OS="$(uname -s)" # check params if [ "${#}" -eq 0 ] ; then echo "Invalid params!" show_help fi SERIAL="${1}" echo "Serial Number is ${SERIAL}" ## # Set initial default values for optional params ## PHP_SUEXEC_INPUT=2 AP_PORT_OFFSET_INPUT=1000 ADMIN_USER="admin" ADMIN_PASS="a1234567" ADMIN_EMAIL_INPUT="root@localhost" ENABLE_EAHOOK=1 AUTO_SWITCH=0 DEPLOY_LSCWP=0 CPANEL_PLUGIN_AUTOINSTALL=1 if [ "${#}" -gt 1 ] ; then if [ "${2}" -eq 0 ] || [ "${2}" -eq 1 ] || [ "${2}" -eq 2 ] ; then PHP_SUEXEC_INPUT="${2}" # 0 or 1 or 2 else echo "Invalid PHP_SUEXEC param!" show_help fi fi PHP_SUEXEC="${PHP_SUEXEC_INPUT}" echo "PHP_SUEXEC = ${PHP_SUEXEC}" if [ "${#}" -gt 2 ] ; then if [ "$(expr "${3}" : '.*[^0-9]')" -gt 0 ] ; then echo "Invalid port_offset param!" show_help else AP_PORT_OFFSET_INPUT="${3}" fi fi AP_PORT_OFFSET="${AP_PORT_OFFSET_INPUT}" echo "Apache Port Offset = ${AP_PORT_OFFSET}" if [ "${#}" -gt 3 ] ; then ADMIN_USER="${4}" fi echo "Admin User = ${ADMIN_USER}" if [ "${#}" -gt 4 ] ; then ADMIN_PASS="${#5}" if [ "${ADMIN_PASS}" -lt 6 ] ; then echo "admin pass is too short!" show_help fi if [ "${ADMIN_PASS}" -gt 64 ] ; then echo "admin pass is too long!" show_help fi ADMIN_PASS="${5}" fi echo "Admin Password = ${ADMIN_PASS}" if [ "${#}" -gt 5 ] ; then if [ "$(expr "${6}" : '^[^@]*@[^@]*$')" -gt 0 ] ; then ADMIN_EMAIL_INPUT="${6}" else echo "Invalid admin email!" show_help fi fi ADMIN_EMAIL="${ADMIN_EMAIL_INPUT}" echo "Admin Email = ${ADMIN_EMAIL}" if [ "${#}" -gt 6 ] ; then if [ "${7}" -eq 0 ] || [ "${7}" -eq 1 ] ; then ENABLE_EAHOOK="${7}" # 0 or 1 else echo "Invalid easyapache_integration param!" show_help fi fi echo "EasyApache Integration = ${ENABLE_EAHOOK}" if [ "${#}" -gt 7 ] ; then if [ "${8}" -eq 0 ] || [ "${8}" -eq 1 ] ; then AUTO_SWITCH="${8}" # 0 or 1 or 2 else echo "Invalid auto_switch_to_lsws param!" show_help fi fi echo "Auto Switch to LiteSpeed = ${AUTO_SWITCH}" if [ "${#}" -gt 8 ] ; then if [ "${9}" -eq 0 ] || [ "${9}" -eq 1 ] ; then DEPLOY_LSCWP="${9}" # 0 or 1 else echo "Invalid deploy_lscwp param!" show_help fi fi echo "Deploy LSCache for WordPress = ${DEPLOY_LSCWP}" if [ "${#}" -gt 9 ] ; then if [ "${10}" -eq 0 ] || [ "${10}" -eq 1 ] ; then CPANEL_PLUGIN_AUTOINSTALL="${10}" # 0 or 1 else echo "Invalid cpanel_plugin_autoinstall param!" show_help fi fi echo "Auto install LiteSpeed Web Cache Manager user-end cPanel plugin = ${CPANEL_PLUGIN_AUTOINSTALL}" if [ "${#}" -gt 10 ] ; then echo "Invalid input params!" show_help fi echo "" echo "" check_errs() { if [ "${1}" -ne 0 ] ; then echo "**ERROR** ${2}" exit "${1}" fi } check_permission() { INST_USER="$(id)" INST_USER="$(expr "${INST_USER}" : 'uid=.*(\(.*\)) gid=.*')" if [ "${INST_USER}" != "root" ] ; then check_errs 1 "Require root permission to install this plugin. Abort!" fi WHM_PLUGIN_CGIDIR="/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot/cgi" if [ ! -d "${WHM_PLUGIN_CGIDIR}" ] ; then check_errs 1 "Cannot find cPanel/WHM installation. Abort!" fi } download_lsws() { PF="$(uname -p)" echo "... Detecting platform ..." if [ "x${OS}" = "xFreeBSD" ] ; then if [ "x${PF}" = "xi386" ]; then PLATFORM="-i386-freebsd6" elif [ "x${PF}" = "xamd64" ]; then PLATFORM="-x86_64-freebsd6" else check_errs 1 "unknown platform '${PL}' for FreeBSD." fi elif [ "x${OS}" = "xSunOS" ]; then if [ "x${PF}" = "xi386" ]; then BITS="$(isainfo -b)" if [ "x${BITS}" = "x64" ]; then PLATFORM="-x86_64-solaris" else PLATFORM="-i386-solaris" fi else check_errs 1 "unknown platform '${PL}' for Sun Solaris." fi elif [ "x${OS}" = "xLinux" ]; then PF="$(uname -m)" if [ "x${PF}" = "xi686" ] || [ "x${PF}" = "xi586" ] || [ "x${PF}" = "xi486" ] || [ "x${PF}" = "xi386" ]; then PLATFORM="-i386-linux" elif [ "x${PF}" = "xx86_64" ]; then PLATFORM="-x86_64-linux" else check_errs 1 "unknown platform '${PL}' for Linux." fi fi echo "Platform is ${PLATFORM}" echo "" echo "... Query latest release version ..." DOWNLOAD_URL="https://update.litespeedtech.com/ws/latest.php" OUTPUT="$(wget -q --output-document=- "${DOWNLOAD_URL}")" REL_VERSION="$(expr "${OUTPUT}" : '.*LSWS_STABLE=\([0-9\.]*\)')" STABLE_BUILD='' if [ "x${REL_VERSION}" != "x" ] then REL_TYPE='stable' STABLE_BUILD="$(expr "${OUTPUT}" : '.*LSWS_STABLE=[0-9\.]* BUILD \([0-9]*\)')" else REL_TYPE='edge' REL_VERSION="$(expr "${OUTPUT}" : '.*LSWS=\([0-9\.]*\)')" fi echo "Latest ${REL_TYPE} version is ${REL_VERSION}" echo "" MAJOR_VERSION="$(expr "${REL_VERSION}" : '\([0-9]*\)\..*')" LOCAL_DIR="lsws-${REL_VERSION}" # https://www.litespeedtech.com/packages/3.0/lsws-3.3.12-ent-i386-linux.tar.gz DOWNLOAD_URL="https://www.litespeedtech.com/packages/${MAJOR_VERSION}.0/lsws-${REL_VERSION}-ent${PLATFORM}.tar.gz" if [ "x${STABLE_BUILD}" != "x" ] then DOWNLOAD_URL="${DOWNLOAD_URL}.${STABLE_BUILD}" fi if [ ! -d "${WGET_TEMP}" ] ; then mkdir -v -p "${WGET_TEMP}" check_errs "${?}" "error when creating downloading directory ... abort!" echo " Download directory created" fi if [ -e "${WGET_TEMP}/${LOCAL_DIR}.tar.gz" ]; then /bin/rm -f "${WGET_TEMP}/${LOCAL_DIR}.tar.gz" echo "Package downloaded before, remove the old copy" fi echo "... Downloading ... ${DOWNLOAD_URL}" wget -q --output-document="${WGET_TEMP}/${LOCAL_DIR}.tar.gz" "${DOWNLOAD_URL}" check_errs "${?}" "error when downloading ... abort!" echo "Download finished successfully, checking downloaded file..." tar -tzf "${WGET_TEMP}/${LOCAL_DIR}.tar.gz" >/dev/null 2>&1 check_errs "${?}" "error encountered when checking file: Not a valid .tar.gz file (reCAPTCHA?)." } test_license() { if [ -f "${LSWS_HOME}/conf/license.key" ] && [ ! -f "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/license.key" ]; then cp "${LSWS_HOME}/conf/license.key" "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/license.key" fi if [ -f "${LSWS_HOME}/conf/serial.no" ] && [ ! -f "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/serial.no" ]; then cp "${LSWS_HOME}/conf/serial.no" "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/serial.no" fi if [ -f "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/license.key" ] && [ -f "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/serial.no" ]; then echo "License key and serial number are available, testing..." echo if "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/bin/lshttpd" -t; then LICENSE_OK=1 fi echo fi if [ "x${LICENSE_OK}" = "x" ]; then if [ -f "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/serial.no" ]; then echo "Serial number is available." echo "Contacting licensing server ..." echo "" if "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/bin/lshttpd" -r; then echo "[OK] License key received." if "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/bin/lshttpd" -t; then LICENSE_OK=1 else echo "The license key received does not work." fi fi fi fi if [ "x${LICENSE_OK}" = "x" ]; then if [ -f "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/trial.key" ]; then "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/bin/lshttpd" -t check_errs "${?}" "Invalid license key, abort!" else check_errs 1 "Invalid license key, abort!" fi fi } installLicense() { if [ -f "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/serial.no" ]; then cp -f "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/serial.no" "${LSWS_HOME}/conf" chown "${DIR_OWN}" "${LSWS_HOME}/conf/serial.no" chmod "${CONF_MOD}" "${LSWS_HOME}/conf/serial.no" fi if [ -f "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/license.key" ]; then cp -f "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/license.key" "${LSWS_HOME}/conf" chown "${DIR_OWN}" "${LSWS_HOME}/conf/license.key" chmod "${CONF_MOD}" "${LSWS_HOME}/conf/license.key" fi if [ -f "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/trial.key" ]; then cp -f "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/trial.key" "${LSWS_HOME}/conf" chown "${DIR_OWN}" "${LSWS_HOME}/conf/trial.key" chmod "${CONF_MOD}" "${LSWS_HOME}/conf/trial.key" fi } DownloadTrialKey() { if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then fetch -q -T 3 -o "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/trial.key" "${1}" else # -t is tries, -T is timeout wget -q -t 1 -T 3 --output-document="${LSINSTALL_DIR}/trial.key" "${1}" fi } GetTrialKey() { LICENSE_SITE="https://license.litespeedtech.com/reseller/trial.key" LICENSE_SITE_2="https://license2.litespeedtech.com/reseller/trial.key" if ! DownloadTrialKey "${LICENSE_SITE}"; then DownloadTrialKey "${LICENSE_SITE_2}" fi } install_lsws() { cd "${WGET_TEMP}/" echo "... Extracting... tar -zxf ${WGET_TEMP}/${LOCAL_DIR}.tar.gz" LSINSTALL_DIR="${WGET_TEMP}/${LOCAL_DIR}" if [ -e "${LSINSTALL_DIR}" ]; then /bin/rm -rf "${LSINSTALL_DIR}" fi tar -zxf "${WGET_TEMP}/${LOCAL_DIR}.tar.gz" check_errs "${?}" "Could not extract ${LOCAL_DIR}.tar.gz" if [ "${SERIAL}" = "TRIAL" ] ; then GetTrialKey else echo "${SERIAL}" > "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/serial.no" fi echo "" echo "Prepare Installing ..." echo " LSWS_HOME=${LSWS_HOME} AP_PORT_OFFSET=${AP_PORT_OFFSET} PHP_SUEXEC=${PHP_SUEXEC} ADMIN_USER=${ADMIN_USER} " cd "${LSINSTALL_DIR}" if ! . ./functions.sh 2>/dev/null; then . ./functions.sh check_errs "${?}" "Can not include 'functions.sh'." fi init ## # The variables below must be set after init() call. shellcheck disabled variables are used in functions.sh. ## # shellcheck disable=SC2034 INSTALL_TYPE="reinstall" ADMIN_EMAIL="${ADMIN_EMAIL_INPUT}" AP_PORT_OFFSET="${AP_PORT_OFFSET_INPUT}" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 PHP_SUEXEC="${PHP_SUEXEC_INPUT}" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 PHP_SUFFIX="php" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 SETUP_PHP=1 # shellcheck disable=SC2034 ADMIN_PORT=7080 # shellcheck disable=SC2034 DEFAULT_PORT=8088 # shellcheck disable=SC2034 HOST_PANEL="cpanel" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 WS_USER="nobody" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 WS_GROUP="nobody" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 PANEL_VARY=".ea4" if [ "x${ADMIN_USER}" != 'x' ] && [ "x${ADMIN_PASS}" != 'x' ]; then ENCRYPT_PASS="$("${LSINSTALL_DIR}/admin/fcgi-bin/admin_php5" -q "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/admin/misc/htpasswd.php" "${ADMIN_PASS}")" echo "${ADMIN_USER}:${ENCRYPT_PASS}" > "${LSINSTALL_DIR}/admin/conf/htpasswd" fi configRuby if [ ! -e "${LSWS_HOME}" ]; then mkdir "${LSWS_HOME}" fi test_license echo "" echo "Installing LiteSpeed web server, please wait... " echo "" buildApConfigFiles installation installLicense echo "" "${LSWS_HOME}/admin/misc/rc-inst.sh" "${LSWS_HOME}/admin/misc/fix_cagefs.sh" } # check if root user and cPanel check_permission download_lsws install_lsws echo "" echo "" if [ -e "/opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/bin/lsphp" ] ; then if ! rpm -qf /usr/local/bin/lsphp | grep -r "ea-php-cli.*"; then /bin/cp -pf /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/bin/lsphp /usr/local/bin/lsphp fi ln -sf /opt/cpanel/ea-php56/root/usr/bin/lsphp /usr/local/lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp5 fi if [ -e "/opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/usr/bin/lsphp" ] ; then echo "link lsphp7 to lsws directory" ln -sf /opt/cpanel/ea-php70/root/usr/bin/lsphp /usr/local/lsws/fcgi-bin/lsphp7 fi echo "" echo "" if [ "x${AP_PORT_OFFSET}" = "x0" ] && [ "x${AUTO_SWITCH}" = "x1" ]; then echo "Trying to automatically switch to LiteSpeed." "${WHM_PLUGIN_CGIDIR}/lsws/bin/lsws_cmd.sh" "${LSWS_HOME}" SWITCH_TO_LSWS else echo "You can now login to WHM, go to plugins - LiteSpeed Web Server to switch to LiteSpeed." fi echo "" echo "" if [ "x${DEPLOY_LSCWP}" = "x1" ] ; then echo "Attempting to deploy the LSCache Plugin for WordPress across all WordPress installations." "${LSWS_HOME}/admin/misc/lscmctl" scan -e else echo "Skipping LSCache Plugin for WordPress deployment..." fi echo "" echo "**LITESPEED AUTOINSTALLER COMPLETE**"