Current Path : /usr/local/share/perl5/CPAN/ |
Current File : //usr/local/share/perl5/CPAN/Admin.pm |
package CPAN::Admin; use base CPAN; use CPAN; # old base.pm did not load CPAN on previous line use strict; use vars qw(@EXPORT $VERSION); use constant PAUSE_IP => "pause.perl.org"; @EXPORT = qw(shell); $VERSION = "5.501"; push @CPAN::Complete::COMMANDS, qw(register modsearch); $CPAN::Shell::COLOR_REGISTERED = 1; sub shell { CPAN::shell($_[0]||"admin's cpan> ",$_[1]); } sub CPAN::Shell::register { my($self,$mod,@rest) = @_; unless ($mod) { print "register called without argument\n"; return; } if ($CPAN::META->has_inst("URI::Escape")) { require URI::Escape; } else { print "register requires URI::Escape installed, otherwise it cannot work\n"; return; } print "Got request for mod[$mod]\n"; if (@rest) { my $modline = join " ", $mod, @rest; print "Sending to PAUSE [$modline]\n"; my $emodline = URI::Escape::uri_escape($modline, '^\w '); $emodline =~ s/ /+/g; my $url = sprintf("https://%s/pause/authenquery?pause99_add_mod_modid=". "%s;SUBMIT_pause99_add_mod_hint=hint", PAUSE_IP, $emodline, ); print "url[$url]\n\n"; print ">>>>Trying to open a netscape window<<<<\n"; sleep 1; system("netscape","-remote","openURL($url)"); return; } my $m = CPAN::Shell->expand("Module",$mod); unless (ref $m) { print "Could not determine the object for $mod\n"; return; } my $id = $m->id; print "Found module id[$id] in database\n"; if (exists $m->{RO} && $m->{RO}{chapterid}) { print "$id is already registered\n"; return; } my(@namespace) = split /::/, $id; my $rootns = $namespace[0]; # Tk, XML and Apache need special treatment if ($rootns=~/^(Bundle)\b/) { print "Bundles are not yet ready for registering\n"; return; } # make a good suggestion for the chapter my(@simile) = CPAN::Shell->expand("Module","/^$rootns(:|\$)/"); print "Found within this namespace ", join(", ", map { $_->id } @simile), "\n"; my(%seench); for my $ch (map { exists $_->{RO} ? $_->{RO}{chapterid} : ""} @simile) { next unless $ch; $seench{$ch}=undef; } my(@seench) = sort grep {length($_)} keys %seench; my $reco_ch = ""; if (@seench>1) { print "Found rootnamespace[$rootns] in the chapters [", join(", ", @seench), "]\n"; $reco_ch = $seench[0]; print "Picking $reco_ch\n"; } elsif (@seench==1) { print "Found rootnamespace[$rootns] in the chapter[$seench[0]]\n"; $reco_ch = $seench[0]; } else { print "The new rootnamespace[$rootns] needs to be introduced. Oh well.\n"; } # Look closer at the dist my $d = CPAN::Shell->expand("Distribution", $m->cpan_file); printf "Module comes with dist[%s]\n", $d->id; for my $contm ($d->containsmods) { if ($CPAN::META->exists("CPAN::Module",$contm)) { my $contm_obj = CPAN::Shell->expand("Module",$contm) or next; my $is_reg = exists $contm_obj->{RO} && $contm_obj->{RO}{description}; printf(" in same dist: %s%s\n", $contm, $is_reg ? " already in modulelist" : "", ); } } # get it so that m is better and we can inspect for XS CPAN::Shell->get($id); CPAN::Shell->m($id); CPAN::Shell->d($d->id); my $has_xs = 0; { my($mani,@mani); local $/ = "\n"; open $mani, "$d->{build_dir}/MANIFEST" and @mani = <$mani>; my @xs = grep /\.xs\b/, @mani; if (@xs) { print "Found XS files: @xs"; $has_xs=1; } } my $emodid = URI::Escape::uri_escape($id, '\W'); my $ech = $reco_ch; $ech =~ s/ /+/g; my $description = $m->{MANPAGE} || ""; $description =~ s/[A-Z]<//; # POD markup (and maybe more) $description =~ s/^\s+//; # leading spaces $description =~ s/>//; # POD $description =~ s/^\Q$id\E//; # usually this line starts with the modid $description =~ s/^[ \-]+//; # leading spaces and dashes substr($description,44) = "" if length($description)>44; $description = ucfirst($description); my $edescription = URI::Escape::uri_escape($description, '^\w '); $edescription =~ s/ /+/g; my $url = sprintf("https://%s/pause/authenquery?pause99_add_mod_modid=". "%s;pause99_add_mod_chapterid=%s;pause99_add_mod_statd=%s;". "pause99_add_mod_stats=%s;pause99_add_mod_statl=%s;". "pause99_add_mod_stati=%s;pause99_add_mod_description=%s;". "pause99_add_mod_userid=%s;SUBMIT_pause99_add_mod_preview=preview", PAUSE_IP, $emodid, $ech, "R", "d", $has_xs ? "c" : "p", "O", $edescription, $m->{RO}{CPAN_USERID}, ); print "$url\n\n"; print ">>>>Trying to open a netscape window<<<<\n"; system("netscape","-remote","openURL($url)"); } sub CPAN::Shell::modsearch { my($self,@line) = @_; unless (@line) { print "modsearch called without argument\n"; return; } my $request = join " ", @line; print "Got request[$request]\n"; my $erequest = URI::Escape::uri_escape($request, '^\w '); $erequest =~ s/ /+/g; my $url = sprintf("http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de/cgi-bin/w3glimpse/modules?query=%s". "&errors=0&case=on&maxfiles=100&maxlines=30", $erequest, ); print "$url\n\n"; print ">>>>Trying to open a netscape window<<<<\n"; system("netscape","-remote","openURL('$url')"); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME CPAN::Admin - A CPAN Shell for CPAN admins =head1 SYNOPSIS perl -MCPAN::Admin -e shell =head1 STATUS Note: this module is currently not maintained. If you need it and fix it for your needs, please submit patches. =head1 DESCRIPTION CPAN::Admin is a subclass of CPAN that adds the commands C<register> and C<modsearch> to the CPAN shell. C<register> calls C<get> on the named module, assembles a couple of informations (description, language), and calls Netscape with the -remote argument so that a form is filled with all the assembled informations and the registration can be performed with a single click. If the command line has more than one argument, register does not run a C<get>, instead it interprets the rest of the line as DSLI status, description, and userid and sends them to netscape such that the form is again mostly filled and can be edited or confirmed with a single click. CPAN::Admin never performs the submission click for you, it is only intended to fill in the form on PAUSE and leave the confirmation to you. C<modsearch> simply passes the arguments to the search engine for the modules@perl.org mailing list at L<http://www.xray.mpe.mpg.de> where all registration requests are stored. It does so in the same way as register, namely with the C<netscape -remote> command. An experimental feature has also been added, namely to color already registered modules in listings. If you have L<Term::ANSIColor> installed, the u, r, and m commands will show already registered modules in green. =head1 PREREQUISITES L<URI::Escape>, a browser available in the path, the browser must understand the -remote switch (as far as I know, this is only available on UNIX); coloring of registered modules is only available if L<Term::ANSIColor> is installed. =head1 LICENSE This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut