Current Path : /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/ |
Current File : //usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/lv |
// Latvian keymap version 1.1 // Copyright (C) Dmitry Golubev <lastguru@mail.ru>, 2003-2004 // // Reworked to get rid of dead_keys (use of which in this case // is a dirty hack). It is now not dependent on locale settings // and GTK_IM_MODULES in Gnome. The map is also providing some of // ISO9995-3 alternate characters. Note that this version works // correctly under Gnome 2.6. This is to be put into symbols/ // directory, or somewhere else. // // Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its // documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that // the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that // copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting // documentation, and that the name of the copyright holder(s) not be used in // advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without // specific, written prior permission. The copyright holder(s) makes no // representations about the suitability of this software for any purpose. It // is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. // // THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, // INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS, IN NO // EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, // DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER // TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR // PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. // Modified by Aldis Berjoza <aldis@bsdroot.lv>, 12 april 2011 // Changes: // * Added Latvian Ergonomic, Latvian Adapted and Latvian Modern variants // Author of this work is Valdis Vītoliņš // http://odo.lv/LatvianKeyboard // http://odo.lv/Recipes/LatvianKeyboard#HErgonomiskC481stastatC5ABrasuzlikC5A1anauzLinuxdatora%22 // * Added guillemotleft, leftdoublequotemark, guillemotright, // rightdoublequotemark to Latvian modern layout for AD11 and AD12 // * Added US-Dvorac compatible Latvian layouts // * Added programmer US-Dvorac compatible Latvian layouts // * Added US-Colemak compatible Latvian layouts // * Reformatted layouts //============================================================================ // Latvian QWERTY layout // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QWERTY // default partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "basic" { name[Group1]= "Latvian"; key <TLDE> {[ grave, asciitilde, acute, asciitilde ]}; key <AE01> {[ 1, exclam, onesuperior, exclamdown ]}; key <AE02> {[ 2, at, twosuperior, oneeighth ]}; key <AE03> {[ 3, numbersign, threesuperior, sterling ]}; key <AE04> {[ 4, dollar, EuroSign, cent ]}; key <AE05> {[ 5, percent, onehalf, threeeighths ]}; key <AE06> {[ 6, asciicircum, threequarters, fiveeighths ]}; key <AE07> {[ 7, ampersand, braceleft, seveneighths ]}; key <AE08> {[ 8, asterisk, bracketleft, trademark ]}; key <AE09> {[ 9, parenleft, bracketright, plusminus ]}; key <AE10> {[ 0, parenright, braceright, degree ]}; key <AE11> {[ minus, underscore, backslash, questiondown ]}; key <AE12> {[ equal, plus, endash, emdash ]}; key <AD01> {[ q, Q, q, Q ]}; key <AD02> {[ w, W, w, W ]}; key <AD03> {[ e, E, emacron, Emacron ]}; key <AD04> {[ r, R, rcedilla, Rcedilla ]}; key <AD05> {[ t, T, t, T ]}; key <AD06> {[ y, Y, y, Y ]}; key <AD07> {[ u, U, umacron, Umacron ]}; key <AD08> {[ i, I, imacron, Imacron ]}; key <AD09> {[ o, O, omacron, Omacron ]}; key <AD10> {[ p, P, p, P ]}; key <AD11> {[ bracketleft, braceleft, guillemotleft, leftdoublequotemark ]}; key <AD12> {[ bracketright, braceright, guillemotright, rightdoublequotemark ]}; key <AC01> {[ a, A, amacron, Amacron ]}; key <AC02> {[ s, S, scaron, Scaron ]}; key <AC03> {[ d, D, d, D ]}; key <AC04> {[ f, F, f, F ]}; key <AC05> {[ g, G, gcedilla, Gcedilla ]}; key <AC06> {[ h, H, h, H ]}; key <AC07> {[ j, J, j, J ]}; key <AC08> {[ k, K, kcedilla, Kcedilla ]}; key <AC09> {[ l, L, lcedilla, Lcedilla ]}; key <AC10> {[ semicolon, colon, semicolon, colon ]}; key <AC11> {[ apostrophe, quotedbl, leftdoublequotemark, doublelowquotemark ]}; key <AB01> {[ z, Z, zcaron, Zcaron ]}; key <AB02> {[ x, X, x, X ]}; key <AB03> {[ c, C, ccaron, Ccaron ]}; key <AB04> {[ v, V, v, V ]}; key <AB05> {[ b, B, b, B ]}; key <AB06> {[ n, N, ncedilla, Ncedilla ]}; key <AB07> {[ m, M, m, M ]}; key <AB08> {[ comma, less, horizconnector, multiply ]}; key <AB09> {[ period, greater, periodcentered, division ]}; key <AB10> {[ slash, question, slash, abovedot ]}; key <BKSL> {[ backslash, bar, grave, breve ]}; key <SPCE> {[ space, space, space, space ]}; include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "apostrophe" { include "lv(basic)" name[Group1]= "Latvian (apostrophe)"; key <AC11> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, quotedbl, apostrophe, quotedbl]}; key <SPCE> {[space, space, apostrophe]}; modifier_map Mod5 { <AC11> }; }; partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "tilde" { include "lv(basic)" name[Group1]= "Latvian (tilde)"; key <TLDE> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, asciitilde, grave, acute]}; key <SPCE> {[space, space, asciitilde]}; modifier_map Mod5 { <TLDE> }; }; partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "fkey" { include "lv(basic)" name[Group1]= "Latvian (F)"; key <AC04> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, ISO_Level3_Latch, f, F]}; key <SPCE> {[space, space, f, F]}; modifier_map Mod5 { <AC04> }; }; //============================================================================ // Latvian Adapted keyboard layout // http://odo.lv/xwiki/bin/download/Main/LatvianKeyboard/Adapted.png // // http://odo.lv/LatvianKeyboard // http://odo.lv/LatvianKeyboard5 // partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "adapted" { include "lv(basic)" name[Group1]= "Latvian (adapted)"; key <AE02> {[ 2, Ccaron, at, twosuperior ]}; key <AE03> {[ 3, ccaron, numbersign, threesuperior ]}; key <AE04> {[ 4, Zcaron, dollar, EuroSign ]}; key <AE05> {[ 5, zcaron, percent, onehalf ]}; key <AD01> {[ scaron, Scaron, q, Q ]}; key <AD02> {[ emacron, Emacron, w, W ]}; key <AD03> {[ e, E, e, E ]}; key <AD06> {[ amacron, Amacron, y, Y ]}; key <AD07> {[ u, U, u, U ]}; key <AD08> {[ i, I, i, I ]}; key <AD11> {[ umacron, Umacron, bracketleft, braceleft ]}; key <AD12> {[ ncedilla, Ncedilla, bracketright, braceright ]}; key <AC01> {[ a, A, a, A ]}; key <AC02> {[ s, S, s, S ]}; key <AC05> {[ g, G, g, G ]}; key <AC08> {[ k, K, k, K ]}; key <AC09> {[ l, L, l, L ]}; key <AC10> {[ imacron, Imacron, semicolon, colon ]}; key <AB01> {[ z, Z, z, Z ]}; key <AB02> {[ kcedilla, Kcedilla, x, X ]}; key <AB03> {[ c, C, c, C ]}; key <AB06> {[ n, N, n, N ]}; key <AB08> {[ comma, gcedilla, less, multiply ]}; key <AB09> {[ period, Gcedilla, greater, division ]}; key <AB10> {[ lcedilla, Lcedilla, slash, question ]}; }; //============================================================================ // Latvian Ergonomic (ŪGJRMV) keyboard layout by Valdis Vītoliņš // http://odo.lv/xwiki/bin/download/Main/LatvianKeyboard/Ergonomic.png // // http://odo.lv/LatvianKeyboard // http://odo.lv/LatvianKeyboard5 // partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "ergonomic" { include "lv(apostrophe)" name[Group1]= "Latvian (ergonomic, ŪGJRMV)"; key <AE02> {[ 2, at, gcedilla, Gcedilla ]}; key <AE11> {[ minus, underscore, endash, emdash ]}; key <AE12> {[ f, F, equal, plus ]}; key <AD01> {[ umacron, Umacron, q, Q ]}; key <AD02> {[ g, G, g, G ]}; key <AD03> {[ j, J, j, J ]}; key <AD04> {[ r, R, rcedilla, Rcedilla ]}; key <AD05> {[ m, M, m, M ]}; key <AD06> {[ v, V, w, W ]}; key <AD07> {[ n, N, y, Y ]}; key <AD08> {[ z, Z, z, Z ]}; key <AD09> {[ emacron, Emacron, emacron, Emacron ]}; key <AD10> {[ ccaron, Ccaron, ccaron, Ccaron ]}; key <AD11> {[ zcaron, Zcaron, bracketleft, braceleft ]}; key <AD12> {[ h, H, bracketright, braceright ]}; key <AC01> {[ scaron, Scaron, scaron, Scaron ]}; key <AC02> {[ u, U, u, U ]}; key <AC03> {[ s, S, s, S ]}; key <AC04> {[ i, I, i, I ]}; key <AC05> {[ l, L, l, L ]}; key <AC06> {[ d, D, d, D ]}; key <AC07> {[ a, A, a, A ]}; key <AC08> {[ t, T, t, T ]}; key <AC09> {[ e, E, e, E ]}; key <AC10> {[ c, C, c, C ]}; key <AC11> {[ ISO_Level3_Latch, quotedbl, apostrophe, quotedbl ]}; key <AC12> {[ kcedilla, Kcedilla, slash, backslash ]}; key <LSGT> {[ gcedilla, Gcedilla, gcedilla, Gcedilla ]}; key <AB01> {[ ncedilla, Ncedilla, ncedilla, Ncedilla ]}; key <AB02> {[ b, B, x, X ]}; key <AB03> {[ imacron, Imacron, imacron, Imacron ]}; key <AB04> {[ k, K, k, K ]}; key <AB05> {[ p, P, p, P ]}; key <AB06> {[ o, O, omacron, Omacron ]}; key <AB07> {[ amacron, Amacron, amacron, Amacron ]}; key <AB08> {[ comma, semicolon, less, multiply ]}; key <AB09> {[ period, colon, greater, division ]}; key <AB10> {[ lcedilla, Lcedilla, question, slash ]}; }; //============================================================================ // Latvian Modern keyboard layout by Valdis Vītoliņš // http://odo.lv/xwiki/bin/download/Recipes/LatvianKeyboard/Modern.png // // http://odo.lv/LatvianKeyboard // http://odo.lv/LatvianKeyboard5 // partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "modern" { name[Group1]= "Latvian (modern)"; key <TLDE> {[ grave, asciitilde, acute, copyright ]}; key <AE01> {[ 1, exclam, onesuperior, exclamdown ]}; key <AE02> {[ 2, at, twosuperior, oneeighth ]}; key <AE03> {[ 3, numbersign, threesuperior, sterling ]}; key <AE04> {[ 4, dollar, EuroSign, cent ]}; key <AE05> {[ 5, percent, onehalf, threeeighths ]}; key <AE06> {[ 6, asciicircum, threequarters, fiveeighths ]}; key <AE07> {[ 7, ampersand, braceleft, seveneighths ]}; key <AE08> {[ 8, asterisk, bracketleft, trademark ]}; key <AE09> {[ 9, parenleft, bracketright, plusminus ]}; key <AE10> {[ 0, parenright, braceright, degree ]}; key <AE11> {[ minus, underscore, backslash, questiondown ]}; key <AE12> {[ equal, plus, endash, emdash ]}; key <AD01> {[ emacron, Emacron, emacron, Emacron ]}; key <AD02> {[ o, O, omacron, Omacron ]}; key <AD03> {[ amacron, Amacron, amacron, Amacron ]}; key <AD04> {[ p, P, question, P ]}; key <AD05> {[ b, B, exclam, B ]}; key <AD06> {[ j, J, emdash, J ]}; key <AD07> {[ d, D, endash, D ]}; key <AD08> {[ imacron, Imacron, imacron, Imacron ]}; key <AD09> {[ l, L, lcedilla, Lcedilla ]}; key <AD10> {[ g, G, gcedilla, Gcedilla ]}; Key <AD11> {[ bracketleft, braceleft, guillemotleft, leftdoublequotemark ]}; key <AD12> {[ bracketright, braceright, guillemotright, rightdoublequotemark ]}; key <AC01> {[ e, E, e, E ]}; key <AC02> {[ u, U, umacron, Umacron ]}; key <AC03> {[ a, A, a, A ]}; key <AC04> {[ n, N, ncedilla, Ncedilla ]}; key <AC05> {[ k, K, kcedilla, Kcedilla ]}; key <AC06> {[ ISO_Level3_Latch, quotedbl, apostrophe, quotedbl ]}; key <AC07> {[ s, S, scaron, Scaron ]}; key <AC08> {[ i, I, i, I ]}; key <AC09> {[ t, T, t, T ]}; key <AC10> {[ r, R, rcedilla, Rcedilla ]}; key <AC11> {[ m, M, m, M ]}; key <BKSL> {[ slash, question, backslash, bar ]}; key <LSGT> {[ q, Q, q, Q ]}; key <AB01> {[ x, X, q, Q ]}; key <AB02> {[ z, Z, zcaron, Zcaron ]}; key <AB03> {[ c, C, ccaron, Ccaron ]}; key <AB04> {[ v, V, bar, V ]}; key <AB05> {[ w, W, backslash, W ]}; key <AB06> {[ f, F, period, F ]}; key <AB07> {[ y, Y, U0233, U0232 ]}; key <AB08> {[ h, H, U1E29, U1E28 ]}; key <AB09> {[ comma, semicolon, less, multiply ]}; key <AB10> {[ period, colon, greater, division ]}; key <SPCE> {[ space, space, apostrophe ]}; modifier_map Mod5 { <AC06> }; include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; // EXTRAS: //============================================================================ // US Dvorak compatible Latvian layout // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dvorak_Simplified_Keyboard // partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "dvorak" { name[Group1]= "Latvian (US Dvorak)"; key <TLDE> {[ asciitilde, grave, acute, asciitilde ]}; key <AE01> {[ 1, exclam, onesuperior, exclamdown ]}; key <AE02> {[ 2, at, twosuperior, oneeighth ]}; key <AE03> {[ 3, numbersign, threesuperior, sterling ]}; key <AE04> {[ 4, dollar, EuroSign, cent ]}; key <AE05> {[ 5, percent, onehalf, threeeighths ]}; key <AE06> {[ 6, asciicircum, threequarters, fiveeighths ]}; key <AE07> {[ 7, ampersand, braceleft, seveneighths ]}; key <AE08> {[ 8, asterisk, bracketleft, trademark ]}; key <AE09> {[ 9, parenleft, bracketright, plusminus ]}; key <AE10> {[ 0, parenright, braceright, degree ]}; key <AE11> {[ bracketleft, braceleft, leftdoublequotemark, guillemotleft ]}; key <AE12> {[ bracketright, braceright, rightdoublequotemark, guillemotright ]}; key <AD01> {[ apostrophe, quotedbl, leftdoublequotemark, doublelowquotemark ]}; key <AD02> {[ comma, less, guillemotleft, multiply ]}; key <AD03> {[ period, greater, guillemotright, division ]}; key <AD04> {[ p, P, p, P ]}; key <AD05> {[ y, Y, y, Y ]}; key <AD06> {[ f, F, f, F ]}; key <AD07> {[ g, G, gcedilla, Gcedilla ]}; key <AD08> {[ c, C, ccaron, Ccaron ]}; key <AD09> {[ r, R, rcedilla, Rcedilla ]}; key <AD10> {[ l, L, lcedilla, Lcedilla ]}; key <AD11> {[ slash, question, slash, abovedot ]}; key <AD12> {[ equal, plus, endash, emdash ]}; key <AC01> {[ a, A, amacron, Amacron ]}; key <AC02> {[ o, O, omacron, Omacron ]}; key <AC03> {[ e, E, emacron, Emacron ]}; key <AC04> {[ u, U, umacron, Umacron ]}; key <AC05> {[ i, I, imacron, Imacron ]}; key <AC06> {[ d, D, d, D ]}; key <AC07> {[ h, H, h, H ]}; key <AC08> {[ t, T, t, T ]}; key <AC09> {[ n, N, ncedilla, Ncedilla ]}; key <AC10> {[ s, S, scaron, Scaron ]}; key <AC11> {[ minus, underscore, backslash, questiondown ]}; key <AB01> {[ semicolon, colon, semicolon, colon ]}; key <AB02> {[ q, Q, q, Q ]}; key <AB03> {[ j, J, j, J ]}; key <AB04> {[ k, K, kcedilla, Kcedilla ]}; key <AB05> {[ x, X, x, X ]}; key <AB06> {[ b, B, b, B ]}; key <AB07> {[ m, M, m, M ]}; key <AB08> {[ w, W, w, W ]}; key <AB09> {[ v, V, v, V ]}; key <AB10> {[ z, Z, zcaron, Zcaron ]}; key <BKSL> {[ backslash, bar, grave, breve ]}; key <SPCE> {[ space, space, space, space ]}; include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "ykeydvorak" { include "lv(dvorak)" name[Group1]= "Latvian (US Dvorak, Y variant)"; key <AD05> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, ISO_Level3_Latch, y, Y]}; key <SPCE> {[space, space, y, Y]}; modifier_map Mod5 { <AD05> }; }; partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "minuskeydvorak" { include "lv(dvorak)" name[Group1]= "Latvian (US Dvorak, minus variant)"; key <AC11> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, ISO_Level3_Latch, minus, underscore]}; key <SPCE> {[space, space, minus, underscore]}; modifier_map Mod5 { <AR11> }; }; //============================================================================ // US Dvorak programmers layput compatible Latvian layout // http://www.kaufmann.no/roland/dvorak/ // partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "dvorakprogr" { include "lv(dvorak)" name[Group1]= "Latvian (programmer US Dvorak)"; key <TLDE> {[ dollar, asciitilde, EuroSign, cent ]}; key <AE01> {[ ampersand, percent, acute, asciitilde ]}; key <AE02> {[ bracketleft, 7, onesuperior, twosuperior ]}; key <AE03> {[ braceleft, 5, guillemotleft, leftdoublequotemark ]}; key <AE04> {[ braceright, 3, guillemotright, rightdoublequotemark ]}; key <AE05> {[ parenleft, 1, onehalf, threeeighths ]}; key <AE06> {[ equal, 9, threequarters, fiveeighths ]}; key <AE07> {[ asterisk, 0, degree, copyright ]}; key <AE08> {[ parenright, 2, endash, emdash ]}; key <AE09> {[ plus, 4, plusminus, section ]}; key <AE10> {[ bracketright, 6, registered, trademark ]}; key <AE11> {[ exclam, 8, exclam, exclamdown ]}; key <AE12> {[ numbersign, grave, Greek_alpha, Greek_beta ]}; key <AD01> {[ semicolon, colon, semicolon, colon ]}; key <AD12> {[ at, asciicircum, at, asciicircum ]}; key <AB01> {[ apostrophe, quotedbl, leftdoublequotemark, doublelowquotemark ]}; include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "ykeydvorakprogr" { include "lv(dvorakprogr)" name[Group1]= "Latvian (programmer US Dvorak, Y variant)"; key <AD05> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, ISO_Level3_Latch, y, Y]}; key <SPCE> {[space, space, y, Y]}; modifier_map Mod5 { <AD05> }; }; partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "minuskeydvorakprogr" { include "lv(dvorakprogr)" name[Group1]= "Latvian (programmer US Dvorak, minus variant)"; key <AC11> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, ISO_Level3_Latch, minus, underscore]}; key <SPCE> {[space, space, minus, underscore]}; modifier_map Mod5 { <AC11> }; }; //============================================================================ // Colemak compatible Latvian layout // http://colemak.com/ // partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "colemak" { include "lv(basic)" name[Group1]= "Latvian (US Colemak)"; key <AD03> {[ f, F, f, F ]}; key <AD04> {[ p, P, p, P ]}; key <AD05> {[ g, G, gcedilla, Gcedilla ]}; key <AD06> {[ j, J, j, J ]}; key <AD07> {[ l, L, lcedilla, Lcedilla ]}; key <AD08> {[ u, U, umacron, Umacron ]}; key <AD09> {[ y, Y, y, Y ]}; key <AD10> {[ semicolon, colon, semicolon, colon ]}; key <AC02> {[ r, R, rcedilla, Rcedilla ]}; key <AC03> {[ s, S, scaron, Scaron ]}; key <AC04> {[ t, T, t, T ]}; key <AC05> {[ d, D, d, D ]}; key <AC07> {[ n, N, ncedilla, Ncedilla ]}; key <AC08> {[ e, E, emacron, Emacron ]}; key <AC09> {[ i, I, imacron, Imacron ]}; key <AC10> {[ o, O, omacron, Omacron ]}; key <AB06> {[ k, K, kcedilla, Kcedilla ]}; include "level3(ralt_switch)" }; partial alphanumeric_keys modifier_keys xkb_symbols "apostrophecolemak" { include "lv(colemak)" name[Group1]= "Latvian (US Colemak, apostrophe variant)"; key <AC11> {[ISO_Level3_Latch, quotedbl, apostrophe, quotedbl]}; key <SPCE> {[space, space, apostrophe]}; modifier_map Mod5 { <AC11> }; }; partial alphanumeric_keys xkb_symbols "sun_type6" { include "sun_vndr/lv(sun_type6)" };