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Current File : //usr/share/doc/perl-parent/Changes

0.237 2018-07-06
    . Don't load vars.pm
      This drops compatibility with Perl versions before Perl 5.006.
      Patch provided by Atoomic and guillemj

0.236 2016-10-09
    . Disable benchmark test rt62341.t as it runs out of memory on
      many smoker systems; closes RT #118310
    . No code changes, no need to upgrade

0.235 2016-10-09
    . Add Travis test configuration (contributed by James McCoy)
    . Make test for PMC availability more reliable (contibuted by E. Choroba)
    . No code changes, no need to upgrade

0.234 2015-05-27
    . Fix the test for PMC loading to work on versions on Perl that don't
      have Config::non_bincompat_options (HAARG). Fixes RT#102626 .

0.233 2015-05-25
    ! The diagnostic about inheriting from ourselves was removed.
      It served no own purpose as Perl already warns if we try to
      inherit in a circular way.
      Contributed by Aristoteles Pagaltzis

0.232  2015-03-19
    . Change line-endings in parent-pmc.t to unix EOLs so that bleadperl
      is happy
    . No code changes, no need to upgrade

0.231  2015-03-09
    . Really restore test compatibility where Perl does not provide
      &Config::non_bincompat_options. This affected Perl
      versions < 5.14 (RT #102626, patch by Matthew Horsfall)
    . No code changes, no need to upgrade

0.230  2015-03-09
    . Restore test compatibility where Perl does not provide
      &Config::non_bincompat_options. This affected Perl
      versions < 5.14 (RT #102626)
    . No code changes, no need to upgrade

0.229  2015-03-07
    . Add link to (Github) repository
      Thanks to Neil Bowers for the idea
    . Guard tests against PERL_DISABLE_PMC
      Contributed by Bulk88
    . No code changes, no need to upgrade

0.228  2013-09-17
    . Fix RT #88450, install into site/ for 5.12+
      Thanks to haarg for the report

0.227  2013-09-01
    . Fix RT #88320, restore tests passing for 5.17.5+
      Thanks to Zefram for the report and contributing the fix

0.226  2013-07-29
    . Fix RT #86890, restore tests passing for 5.18+
      Thanks to Petr Pisar for the report

0.225  2011-03-08
    . Applied a docpatch by Robin Barker to fix the documentation
      about the warning of inheriting from yourself.
      Fixes RT #66459

0.224  2010-10-31
    . Change assignment @ISA = (@ISA, 'new::class')
      to use push @ISA, 'new::class'
      This should make class creation faster from 5.10 onwards
      and reverts a change made in 2.14. If this is critically slow for you
      and you can't upgrade your version of Perl, use the old way.

0.223  2009-09-01
    . No functional changes, no need to upgrade
    + Fix Makefile.PL so that (re)installing parent under 5.10.1+
      installs into perl/ instead of site/, patched by J.D.Hedden
      fixes RT #49328

0.222  2009-08-28
    . No functional changes, no need to upgrade
    + Documentation fix suggested by Clinton Gormley
    + Test fix for Perl compiled without PMC support,
      spotted and fixed by Nicholas Clark
    + Distribution changes to placate Module::Release

0.221  2008-03-06
    . No functional changes, no need to upgrade
    + Tests, INSTALLDIRS changed for bleadperl integration

0.220  2008-03-04
    . No functional changes, no need to upgrade
    + Removed beta status

0.219  2007-10-20
    . No functional changes, no need to upgrade
    + Added LICENSE section to clarify the license of this code

0.218  2007-08-19
    . No functional changes
    + Code cleanup as suggested by A. Pagaltzis

0.217  2007-08-15
    + Fixed test failure reported by David Cantrell
    + Ripped out most of the logic. All you can do
      is now specify that the base classes should not
      be loaded from a file via C<-norequire>.
    + 5.004 compatibility restored by Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
      (mostly it's the test suite that breaks ...)

0.216 2007-08-05
    Add a test for (transparently) loading a .pmc
    Loading from an arbitrary file is now possible
    Class names may not contain a forward slash anymore

0.215 2007-08-02
    Changed version to a 0.x version to indicate beta status
    5.004 compatibility patch by Sébastien Aperghis-Tramoni
    Added a test for a module that returns a false value on load
    5.9.x performance improvement change - modify @ISA by assignment

2.14 2007-08-02
    Commented out "use strict" and "use vars qw()" and "no strict()"
    Changed @ISA modification to better suit the MRO

2.13 2007-08-01
    Forked from base.pm