Current Path : /usr/share/imunify360-webshield/ |
Current File : //usr/share/imunify360-webshield/webshieldctl |
#!/bin/bash if [ "$IM360_DEBUG_SHELL" = "1" ]; then echo "IM360_ARGV: <$0 [$@]>" set -x else : fi # For backwards compatibility with CentOS 6 only. WEBSHIELD='imunify360-webshield' JOBFILE=/etc/cron.d/imunify360-webshield-check STATEFILE="/usr/share/imunify360-webshield/.webshieldctl.status" VIRTSERVER_CONF="/etc/imunify360-webshield/virtserver.conf" WEBSHIELD_ANTIBOT_CONF="/etc/imunify360-webshield/splashscreen-antibot.conf" # What mode is desired based on agent config & environment. # Can be one of: standalone, apache, nginx TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE='undefined' SSL_UNIT='imunify360-webshield-ssl-cache' WAFD_UNIT='imunify360-wafd' MAIN_UNIT='undefined' OUR_MODULES_DIR=/usr/share/imunify360-webshield/modules NGINX_MODULE_CONF=/etc/nginx/modules-enabled/40-imunify360-access-checker.conf NGINX_CHECKER_CONF=/etc/nginx/conf.d/imunify360-access-checker.conf # TODO: consider removing this file and instead using `webshieldctl mode` where needed STATE_PATH=/usr/share/imunify360-webshield/modularity_mode # In CloudWays environment we integrate with their Nginx server is_cloudways() { hostname -f 2>/dev/null | grep -qE '^.+\.(cloudwaysapps|cloudwaysstagingapps)\.com$' && return 0 [ -x /usr/local/sbin/apm ] && /usr/local/sbin/apm info | grep -qi cloudways } # In Apache2nginx environment we integrate with ea-nginx is_apache2nginx_enabled(){ [ -f /var/lib/apache2nginx/state ] && grep -q '^on$' /var/lib/apache2nginx/state } # Both support only `nginx` modularity mode is_nginx_mode_required(){ is_cloudways || is_apache2nginx_enabled } # In both, standalone proxy imunify360-webshield should not be running. # It is only used in `standalone` mode (for all ports) and `apache` mode (for hosting panel ports). should_proxy_be_running(){ is_webshield_on && ! is_nginx_mode_required } detect_mode() { # WEBSHIELD_ENABLE is the agent config state (WEBSHIELD.enable) passed from the parent if [ "$WEBSHIELD_ENABLE" = "false" ]; then TARGET_WEBSHIELD_STATE=disabled elif [ "$WEBSHIELD_ENABLE" = "true" ]; then TARGET_WEBSHIELD_STATE=enabled else # TODO: remove - probably unneccessary artifact from EL6 days to unify # sysvinit and systemd interfaces. old_state=$(<"$STATEFILE") if [ "$old_state" = "enabled" ] || [ "$old_state" = "activated" ] || [ "$old_state" = "started" ]; then TARGET_WEBSHIELD_STATE=enabled else TARGET_WEBSHIELD_STATE=disabled fi fi if is_nginx_mode_required; then # Assuming nginx module mode - the only supported option in Cloudways and Apache2nginx environment TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE=nginx elif is_apache_module_supported; then # WEBSHIELD_MODE is the agent config state (WEBSHIELD.mode) passed from the parent if [ "$WEBSHIELD_MODE" = module ]; then TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE=apache elif [ "$WEBSHIELD_MODE" = proxy ]; then TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE=standalone elif [ -s "$STATE_PATH" ]; then # maintain the current mode TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE=$(<"$STATE_PATH") else TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE=standalone fi # Assuming $TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE mode else # Assuming standalone (proxy) module mode - the only supported option in this environment TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE=standalone fi if [ "$TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE" = nginx ]; then export MAIN_UNIT=nginx elif [ "$TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE" = apache ]; then export MAIN_UNIT=$(get_unit) else export MAIN_UNIT=$WEBSHIELD fi # if cPanel, override path to NGINX_MODULE_CONF and OUR_MODULES_DIR if is_cpanel && is_apache2nginx_enabled; then NGINX_MODULE_CONF=/etc/nginx/conf.d/modules/ea-nginx-wafcl-module.conf OUR_MODULES_DIR=/usr/lib64/nginx/modules fi } is_cpanel(){ if [ -x /usr/local/cpanel/cpanel ];then return 0 fi return 1 } is_redhat(){ if [ -e /etc/redhat-release ];then return 0 fi return 1 } has_apache(){ if which apachectl &>/dev/null; then return 0 fi return 1 } is_apache_module_supported(){ has_apache && is_cpanel && [ ! -d /usr/local/lsws ] } # Are we in an environment where we can switch between standalone (proxy) and module-based modes? is_supported(){ if is_apache_module_supported; then [ "$1" = "out" ] && echo yes return 0 fi [ "$1" = "out" ] && echo no return 1 } get_apache_root(){ echo $(apachectl -V | awk -F= '/HTTPD_ROOT/{gsub("\042", "", $2);print $2}') } put_apache_conf(){ local access_checker_conf="/usr/share/imunify360-webshield/access_checker.conf" local filename="access_checker.conf" local changed=0 if is_apache_module_supported; then local root=$(get_apache_root) if is_redhat;then if [ -d $root/conf.d ];then if ! cmp -s "$access_checker_conf" "$root/conf.d/$filename"; then cp "$access_checker_conf" "$root/conf.d/$filename" changed=1 fi fi else # By default debian-based apache has modules configs in ROOT/mods-available folder # and enables the modules with placing a symlink to the config file into ROOT/mods-enabled. # Ubuntu-based cpanel keeps configs in ROOT/conf.d if [ -d $root/conf.d ];then if ! cmp -s "$access_checker_conf" "$root/conf.d/$filename"; then cp "$access_checker_conf" "$root/conf.d/$filename" changed=1 fi elif [ -d $root/mods-available ] && [ -d $root/mods-enabled ];then if ! cmp -s "$access_checker_conf" "$root/mods-enabled/$filename"; then cp "$access_checker_conf" "$root/mods-available/$filename" ln -s "$root/mods-available/$filename" "$root/mods-enabled/$filename" changed=1 fi # But we've seen different debian apache setups elif [ -d $root/mods-enabled ];then if ! cmp -s "$access_checker_conf" "$root/mods-enabled/$filename"; then cp "$access_checker_conf" "$root/mods-enabled/$filename" changed=1 fi fi fi fi if [ $changed -eq 0 ];then echo "noop" fi } remove_apache_conf(){ local root=$(get_apache_root) local changed=0 if [ -f "$root/conf.d/access_checker.conf" ];then rm -f "$root/conf.d/access_checker.conf" changed=1 fi if [ -f "$root/mods-enabled/access_checker.conf" ];then rm -f "$root/mods-enabled/access_checker.conf" changed=1 fi if [ $changed -eq 0 ];then echo "noop" fi } check_apache_config(){ apachectl configtest } get_unit(){ if is_redhat;then # Both ea-apache and httpd packages supply the same unit: httpd echo httpd else # Ubuntu-based cPanel runs httpd unit. However, it returns 0 even on missing unit file # So we check output '0/1 unit files listed' if [ $(systemctl list-unit-files httpd.service 2>&1 | awk '/unit files listed/{print $1}') = '1' ];then echo httpd else echo apache2 fi fi } # the webshield is running as a separate entity is_standalone() { [ "$TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE" = standalone ] } # We supplied our module for a hoster's NGINX. No webshield is running is_nginx(){ [ "$TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE" = nginx ] } # We supplied our module for a hoster's Apache. # Webshield is running as well and serves non-HTTP/HTTPS ports is_apache(){ [ "$TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE" = apache ] } is_webshield_on(){ [ "$TARGET_WEBSHIELD_STATE" = enabled ] } is_uninstall(){ [ "$UNINSTALL" = 1 ] } # In Apache2nginx env we must add and configure the module # even if Webshield is off, to implement Coraza-based WAF. should_configure_nginx(){ is_nginx && (is_webshield_on || is_apache2nginx_enabled) && ! is_uninstall } # In Apache env we only need the module if Webshield is enabled. should_configure_apache(){ is_apache && is_webshield_on && ! is_uninstall } cleanup_configs() { case "${1:-$TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE}" in nginx) remove_nginx_config ;; apache) remove_apache_conf ;; esac } put_nginx_conf() { local changed=0 local version=$(nginx -v 2>&1 | grep -oP '(\d+[.]){2}\d+') local mod_path="$OUR_MODULES_DIR"/"ngx_http_access_checker_module_${version}.so" if is_apache2nginx_enabled && is_cpanel; then # ea-nginx-mod-wafcl is required by Coraza-based WAF # It is always installed by "apache2nginx setup" script, regardless of Imunify360 installation. mod_path="$OUR_MODULES_DIR"/"ngx_http_waf_module.so" fi if ! [ -s "$mod_path" ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to find nginx module for version '$version'." >&2 return 1 fi # WARN: Explicit check that the path is exist and it is a directory # cause simple 'echo' to a file will raise error with an ambiguous message # "No such file or directory" like you're trying to *READ* from the file. # "dirname" does not check type of its argument and just cut everything # following the last slash. local path='' for path in "$NGINX_MODULE_CONF" "$NGINX_CHECKER_CONF"; do if ! [ -d $(dirname "$path") ]; then echo "ERROR: Unable to find directory for config '$path'." >&2 return 1 fi done if ! nginx -t ; then echo "ERROR: Invalid nginx config before installing module." >&2 return 1 fi local content="load_module ${mod_path};" if ! cmp -s "$NGINX_MODULE_CONF" <(echo "$content") ; then echo "$content" >| "$NGINX_MODULE_CONF" || return 1 changed=1 fi local content="access_checker unix:/var/run/imunify360/libiplists-daemon.sock;" if ! cmp -s "$NGINX_CHECKER_CONF" <(echo "$content") ; then echo "$content" >| "$NGINX_CHECKER_CONF" || return 1 changed=1 fi if [ $changed -eq 0 ];then echo "noop" fi } remove_nginx_config() { if [ -f "$NGINX_MODULE_CONF" ] || [ -f "$NGINX_CHECKER_CONF" ]; then rm -vf "$NGINX_MODULE_CONF" "$NGINX_CHECKER_CONF" else echo "noop" fi } prepare_configs() { case "${1:-$TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE}" in nginx) put_nginx_conf ;; apache) put_apache_conf ;; esac } check_nginx() { [ -s "$NGINX_MODULE_CONF" ] || return 1 [ -s "$NGINX_CHECKER_CONF" ] || return 1 nginx -T 2> /dev/null | grep -qE '^access_checker\s+unix:/[^.]+[.]sock;$' || return 1 local pid='' pid=$(pgrep -f 'nginx:\s+master') || return 1 # pid=1 is acquired by init. [[ "$pid" =~ ^([2-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)$ ]] || return 1 grep -qP '/ngx_http_access_checker_module_(\d+[.]){2}\d+[.]so$' /proc/"$pid"/maps } check_configs() { case "${1:-$TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE}" in nginx) check_nginx ;; apache) check_apache_config ;; esac } has_hosting_panel(){ local checks=( /usr/local/cpanel/cpanel /usr/sbin/plesk /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/build ) for i in ${checks[@]};do [ -e $i ] && return 0 done return 1 } count_processes(){ local count=$(ps aux | grep -c '[i]m360:\|webshield-[s]sl-cache') echo $count } check_running(){ # for hosts with hosting panels we expect 5 processes to be running. # otherwise 4 ones (ssl-cache is not expected to be run on no-panel hosts) local num=$(count_processes) local expected if has_hosting_panel; then expected=3; else expected=2; fi [ $num -ge $expected ] && return 0 return 1 } check_stopped(){ local num=$(count_processes) [ $num -eq 0 ] && return 0 return 1 } enable_for_systemd(){ dry_run=${1:-no} # Enable/disable the proxy server if needed if ! should_proxy_be_running && systemctl --quiet is-enabled $WEBSHIELD; then echo "$WEBSHIELD should not be running" if [ $dry_run = 'no' ]; then systemctl stop $WEBSHIELD || failed=1 systemctl disable $WEBSHIELD || failed=1 systemctl mask $WEBSHIELD || failed=1 fi CONFIGURATION_MODIFIED=yes elif should_proxy_be_running && ! systemctl --quiet is-enabled $WEBSHIELD; then echo "$WEBSHIELD should be enabled in $TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE mode" if [ $dry_run = 'no' ]; then systemctl unmask $WEBSHIELD || failed=1 systemctl enable $WEBSHIELD || failed=1 fi CONFIGURATION_MODIFIED=yes fi for unit in $WAFD_UNIT $SSL_UNIT; do if ! systemctl --quiet is-enabled $unit; then if [ $dry_run = 'no' ]; then systemctl enable $unit || return $? fi CONFIGURATION_MODIFIED=yes fi done } safe_reload() { # WARN: In some cases 'reload-or-restart' action is not applicable # and need to be done directly. if systemctl --quiet is-active $1 ; then systemctl reload $1 else systemctl restart $1 fi } start_for_systemd(){ echo "Ensuring $TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE mode is configured correctly" local failed=0 # Cleanup configs from any previous mode if ! should_configure_apache && [ "$(cleanup_configs apache)" != "noop" ]; then echo "Apache config removed" safe_reload "$(get_unit)" CONFIGURATION_MODIFIED=yes fi if ! should_configure_nginx && [ "$(cleanup_configs nginx)" != "noop" ]; then echo "Nginx config removed" safe_reload nginx CONFIGURATION_MODIFIED=yes fi # Install required configs if missing if should_configure_apache && [ "$(prepare_configs apache)" != "noop" ]; then echo "Adding Apache config" if ! safe_reload "$(get_unit)"; then echo "Reverting Apache config" failed=1 cleanup_configs apache fi CONFIGURATION_MODIFIED=yes fi if should_configure_nginx && [ "$(prepare_configs nginx)" != "noop" ]; then echo "Adding Nginx config" if ! nginx -t || ! safe_reload nginx; then echo "Reverting Nginx config" failed=1 cleanup_configs nginx fi CONFIGURATION_MODIFIED=yes fi # Start the proxy server if needed if should_proxy_be_running; then state="$(systemctl is-active $WEBSHIELD 2>&1)" if [ "$state" != "active" ] && [ "$state" != "reloading" ]; then echo "$WEBSHIELD should be running in $TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE mode" systemctl unmask $WEBSHIELD || failed=1 CONFIGURATION_MODIFIED=yes fi fi echo "$TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE" >| "$STATE_PATH" if [ $CONFIGURATION_MODIFIED = "yes" ]; then echo "Restarting the services due to configuration changes" systemctl stop $SSL_UNIT || failed=1 systemctl stop $WEBSHIELD || failed=1 fi systemctl start $WAFD_UNIT || return $? # Must always be running if ! systemctl start $SSL_UNIT; then # WARN: Ignore error cause ssl-cache will exit if there is no panel. has_hosting_panel && return 1 || : fi if should_proxy_be_running; then # In apache mode we expect both apache and webshield are running: apache # for HTTP/HTTPS ports and webshield for the rest of them (like 2082/2083) # WARN: Sometimes Apache unit can not be reloaded and must to be restarted. systemctl start $WEBSHIELD || failed=1 fi if [ $failed -ne 0 ]; then echo "Failed to ensure $TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE mode is configured correctly" return $failed fi } # Ths method installs all correct configs and reloads/restarts all services for # any specific mode of operation **regardless of the current state**. # It is fully idempotent, calling it multiple times with the same parameters # (`TARGET_WEBSHIELD_STATE`, `TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE`) is safe and would exit # with `NOOP_EXIT_CODE` if everything is already configured correctly. # It will not restart services unless necessary (unless configuration has changed). # # Implementing every separate transition in every environment is not sustainable: # * off -> standalone (installation or WEBSHIELD.enableswitch while WEBSHIELD_MODE=proxy) # * standalone -> off (removal or WEBSHIELD.enable while WEBSHIELD_MODE=proxy) # * off -> apache (cpanel, installation or WEBSHIELD.enable switch while WEBSHIELD_MODE=module) # * apache -> off (cpanel, removal or WEBSHIELD.enable switch while WEBSHIELD_MODE=module) # * standalone -> apache (cpanel, WEBSHIELD_MODE change) # * apache -> standalone (cpanel, WEBSHIELD_MODE change) # * apache -> nginx (cpanel, apache2nginx installation) # * nginx -> apache (cpanel, apache2nginx removal while WEBSHIELD_MODE=module) # * nginx -> standalone (cpanel, apache2nginx removal while WEBSHIELD_MODE=proxy) # * etc. (probably forgot about several more) # So instead, this method does: # * anything -> apache # * anything -> nginx # * anything -> standalone activate_for_systemd(){ local RV enable_for_systemd RV=$? [ $RV -ne 0 ] && return $RV start_for_systemd } disable_for_systemd(){ local failed=0 # we don't disable wafd because it's used # for ip-list functionality systemctl disable $SSL_UNIT || failed=1 # Remove configs that should not be there if ! should_configure_apache && [ "$(cleanup_configs apache)" != "noop" ]; then systemctl reload "$(get_unit)" fi if ! should_configure_nginx && [ "$(cleanup_configs nginx)" != "noop" ]; then systemctl reload nginx fi systemctl disable $WEBSHIELD || failed=1 return $failed } stop_for_systemd(){ local failed=0 systemctl stop $SSL_UNIT || failed=1 # Remove configs that should not be there if ! should_configure_apache && [ "$(cleanup_configs apache)" != "noop" ]; then systemctl reload "$(get_unit)" fi if ! should_configure_nginx && [ "$(cleanup_configs nginx)" != "noop" ]; then systemctl reload nginx fi systemctl stop $WEBSHIELD || failed=1 return $failed } deactivate_for_systemd(){ local RV stop_for_systemd RV=$? [ $RV -ne 0 ] && return $RV disable_for_systemd } do_terminate(){ # Called on uninstall - must remove all configs! UNINSTALL=1 WEBSHIELD_ENABLE=${WEBSHIELD_ENABLE:-false} stop_for_systemd systemctl stop $WAFD_UNIT local RV0=$? disable_for_systemd local RV=$? # We run both command but return success only if both of them succeded if [ $RV -ne 0 ]; then return $RV fi return $RV0 } do_enable(){ enable_for_systemd local rv=$? if [ $rv == 0 ]; then echo "enabled" > $STATEFILE fi return $rv } do_disable(){ WEBSHIELD_ENABLE=${WEBSHIELD_ENABLE:-false} disable_for_systemd local rv=$? if [ $rv == 0 ]; then echo "disabled" > $STATEFILE fi return $rv } do_start(){ start_for_systemd local rv=$? if [ $rv == 0 ]; then echo "started" > $STATEFILE fi return $rv } do_stop(){ stop_for_systemd local rv=$? if [ $rv == 0 ]; then echo "stopped" > $STATEFILE fi return $rv } do_activate(){ activate_for_systemd local rv=$? if [ $rv == 0 ]; then echo "activated" > $STATEFILE fi if [ $CONFIGURATION_MODIFIED = 'no' ]; then return ${NOOP_EXIT_CODE:-0} fi return $rv } do_deactivate(){ WEBSHIELD_ENABLE=${WEBSHIELD_ENABLE:-false} detect_mode local changed=0 if is_active; then deactivate_for_systemd changed=1 fi local rv=$? if [ $rv == 0 ]; then echo "deactivated" > $STATEFILE fi if [ $changed -eq 0 ]; then echo "Not active, nothing to deactivate" return ${NOOP_EXIT_CODE:-0} fi return $rv } is_enabled(){ enable_for_systemd 'dry-run' # Expect no changes if the correct set of servies is enabled [ $CONFIGURATION_MODIFIED != 'yes' ] } is_active(){ if is_standalone; then if check_running; then echo "$MAIN_UNIT is running" return 0 else echo "$MAIN_UNIT is not running" return 1 fi fi local name='undefined' local state='undefined' local units=($MAIN_UNIT $WAFD_UNIT $SSL_UNIT) local failed=0 for name in ${units[@]}; do state="$(systemctl is-active $name 2>&1)" if [ "$state" = "active" ]; then echo "Unit '$name' is active." elif [ "$state" = "reloading" ]; then echo "Unit '$name' is reloading." else # WARN: ssl-cache must be processed in its very special way, see below. if ! [ "$name" = $SSL_UNIT ]; then echo "ERROR: Unit '$name' is NOT active, result='$state'." >&2 failed=1 continue fi if has_hosting_panel; then echo "ERROR: Unit '$SSL_UNIT' is NOT active, result '$state'." >&2 failed=1 else echo "WARNING: Unit '$SSL_UNIT' is NOT active, result '$state' (ignored)." >&2 fi fi done if [ $failed -eq 0 ]; then if ! check_configs; then echo "WARNING: Web server is not configured." >&2 failed=1 fi fi return $failed } do_restart(){ do_stop do_start } do_enable_splashscreen(){ is_standalone || return ${NOOP_EXIT_CODE:-0} local ss_state=$(awk '$1 == "splashscreen_antibot" {gsub(";","",$2);print $2}' $WEBSHIELD_ANTIBOT_CONF) if [ "$ss_state" = on ];then echo "splashscreen is already enabled" return ${NOOP_EXIT_CODE:-0} fi sed -i -e "/splashscreen_antibot/ {s/off/on/}" $WEBSHIELD_ANTIBOT_CONF do_restart } do_disable_splashscreen(){ is_standalone || return ${NOOP_EXIT_CODE:-0} local ss_state=$(awk '$1 == "splashscreen_antibot" {gsub(";","",$2);print $2}' $WEBSHIELD_ANTIBOT_CONF) if [ "$ss_state" = off ];then echo "splashscreen is already disabled" return ${NOOP_EXIT_CODE:-0} fi sed -i -e "/splashscreen_antibot/ {s/on/off/}" $WEBSHIELD_ANTIBOT_CONF do_restart } do_enable_cpanelprotection(){ is_standalone || return ${NOOP_EXIT_CODE:-0} local cp_state=$(awk '$2 == "$cpanel_protection" {gsub(";","",$3);print $3}' $VIRTSERVER_CONF) if [ "$cp_state" = 1 ];then echo "cpanel_protection is already enabled" return ${NOOP_EXIT_CODE:-0} fi sed -i -e '/$cpanel_protection/ {s/0/1/}' $VIRTSERVER_CONF do_restart } do_disable_cpanelprotection(){ is_standalone || return ${NOOP_EXIT_CODE:-0} local cp_state=$(awk '$2 == "$cpanel_protection" {gsub(";","",$3);print $3}' $VIRTSERVER_CONF) if [ "$cp_state" = 0 ];then echo "cpanel_protection is already disabled" return ${NOOP_EXIT_CODE:-0} fi sed -i -e '/$cpanel_protection/ {s/1/0/}' $VIRTSERVER_CONF do_restart } do_reload(){ # WARN: Ignoring errors here is for the compatibility with sysvinit script # which contains bug - on action "reload" it always exits with code 0. # try-reload-or-restart is supported only from version 229, # which is not the case for Centos7. The difference between try-reload-or-restart # and reload-or-restart is that former does nothing unless the service is running. if systemctl --quiet is-active $SSL_UNIT;then systemctl reload-or-restart $SSL_UNIT || : fi if systemctl --quiet is-active $WAFD_UNIT;then systemctl reload-or-restart $WAFD_UNIT || : fi if systemctl --quiet is-active $MAIN_UNIT;then systemctl reload-or-restart $MAIN_UNIT || : fi } set_mode(){ # TODO: Kept for compatibility, but we should use `activate` directly instead. WEBSHIELD_MODE=$1 detect_mode do_activate } configure() { deactivate_for_systemd || true systemctl unmask $WEBSHIELD || true is_nginx_mode_required && systemctl mask $WEBSHIELD || true activate_for_systemd || true # During upgrade we may get a new version of the .so module # even if there are no changes in configs required. # Restarting nginx just in case. # WARNING: 'reload' is not enough, 'restart' must be used! should_configure_nginx && systemctl restart nginx || true } print_help(){ echo "enable : enables webshield starting on boot (without actully starting it)" echo "is-enabled : shows if the webshield is enabled to start on boot" echo "is-active : shows if the webshield is running now" echo "disable : disables webshield starting on boot (without actully stopping it)" echo "start : starts webshield (without enabling its starting on boot)" echo "stop : stops webshield (without disabling its starting on boot)" echo "activate : enables webshield starting on boot and starts it right away" echo "deactivate : stops webshield right away and disables its starting on boot" echo "terminate : stops webshield and wafd right away and disables its starting on boot" echo "enable-splashscreen : enables splashscreen functionality for webshield" echo "disable-splashscreen : disables splashscreen functionality for webshield" echo "enable-cpanelprotection : enables cpanelprotection functionality for webshield" echo "disable-cpanelprotection : disables cpanelprotection functionality for webshield" echo "mode : shows the current module" echo "mode-module : if possible switch from standalone to module-based mode" echo "mode-proxy : if possible switch from module-based to standalone mode" echo "mode-supported : prints if switching to module-based mode is supported for current system" echo "reload : reload settings without restart" } detect_mode CONFIGURATION_MODIFIED=no case "$1" in enable) do_enable ;; disable) do_disable ;; is-enabled) is_enabled ;; is-active) is_active ;; start) do_start ;; stop) do_stop ;; activate) do_activate ;; deactivate) do_deactivate ;; terminate) do_terminate ;; enable-splashscreen) do_enable_splashscreen ;; disable-splashscreen) do_disable_splashscreen ;; enable-cpanelprotection) do_enable_cpanelprotection ;; disable-cpanelprotection) do_disable_cpanelprotection ;; reload) do_reload ;; mode) if [ "$2" = module ]; then set_mode 'module' elif [ "$2" = proxy ]; then set_mode 'proxy' elif [ "$2" = supported ]; then is_supported 'out' elif [ -z "$2" ]; then if [ "$TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE" = standalone ]; then echo proxy else echo "$TARGET_MODULARITY_MODE" fi else echo "Unknown mode: $2. Exit" exit fi ;; mode-proxy) set_mode 'proxy' ;; mode-module) set_mode 'module' ;; mode-supported) is_supported 'out' ;; is-apache) is_apache ;; is-nginx) is_nginx ;; is-cloudways) is_cloudways ;; is-standalone) is_standalone ;; configure) configure ;; help) print_help ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {enable|disable|start|stop|activate|deactivate|is-enabled|is-active|enable-splashscreen|disable-splashscreen|enable-cpanelprotection|disable-cpanelprotection|reload|mode|mode proxy|mode module|mode supported|is-apache|is-nginx|is-cloudways|is-standalone|help}" exit 2 esac