Current Path : /var/softaculous/blesta/ |
Current File : //var/softaculous/blesta/_blesta.php |
<?php /** * Blesta configuration settings * * @package blesta * @subpackage blesta.config * @copyright Copyright (c) 2010, Phillips Data, Inc. * @license http://www.blesta.com/license/ The Blesta License Agreement * @link http://www.blesta.com/ Blesta */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Debugging //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PHP error_reporting. 0 to disable error reporting, -1 to to show all errors // Consult php's documentation for additional options Configure::errorReporting(0); // Override minPHP's debugging setting. true to enable debugging, false to disable it Configure::set('System.debug', false); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Database //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Database connection information Configure::set('Blesta.database_info', [ 'driver' => 'mysql', 'host' => '{database_host}', 'port' => '{database_port}', 'database' => '{database_name}', 'user' => '{database_user}', 'pass' => '{database_password}', 'persistent' => false, 'charset_query' => "SET NAMES 'utf8'", 'sqlmode_query' => "SET sql_mode='TRADITIONAL'", 'options' => [] ] ); // Deadlocked transactions will reattempt at most this many times Configure::set('Blesta.transaction_deadlock_reattempts', 5); // The maximum number of records to fetch from the database (default 2147483647 or 2^31 - 1). // This should match the max record count for tables in your storage engine Configure::set('Blesta.max_records', 2147483647); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Pagination //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Number of results to display per page Configure::set('Blesta.results_per_page', 20); // Set pagination settings Configure::set('Blesta.pagination', [ 'show' => 'if_needed', 'total_results' => 0, 'pages_to_show' => 5, 'results_per_page' => Configure::get('Blesta.results_per_page'), 'uri' => WEBDIR, 'uri_labels' => [ 'page' => 'p', 'per_page' => 'pp' ], 'navigation' => [ 'current' => [ 'link' => true, 'attributes' => ['class' => 'active'] ], 'first' => [ 'show' => 'always' ], 'prev' => [ 'show' => 'always' ], 'next' => [ 'show' => 'always' ], 'last' => [ 'show' => 'always', 'attributes' => ['class' => 'next'] ] ], 'params' => [] ]); // Set pagination settings Configure::set('Blesta.pagination_client', [ 'show' => 'if_needed', 'total_results' => 0, 'pages_to_show' => 5, 'results_per_page' => Configure::get('Blesta.results_per_page'), 'uri' => WEBDIR, 'uri_labels' => [ 'page' => 'p', 'per_page' => 'pp' ], 'navigation' => [ 'surround' => [ 'attributes' => [ 'class' => 'pagination pagination-sm' ] ], 'current' => [ 'link' => true, 'attributes' => ['class' => 'page-item active'] ], 'first' => [ 'show' => 'always', 'attributes' => ['class' => 'page-item'] ], 'prev' => [ 'show' => 'always', 'attributes' => ['class' => 'page-item'] ], 'next' => [ 'show' => 'always', 'attributes' => ['class' => 'page-item'] ], 'last' => [ 'show' => 'always', 'attributes' => ['class' => 'page-item next'] ], 'numerical' => [ 'attributes' => ['class' => 'page-item'] ] ], 'params' => [] ]); // Configurations to override on pagination to help enabled AJAX Configure::set('Blesta.pagination_ajax', [ 'merge_get' => false, 'navigation' => [ 'current' => [ 'link_attributes' => ['class' => 'page-link ajax'] ], 'first' => [ 'link_attributes' => ['class' => 'page-link ajax'] ], 'prev' => [ 'link_attributes' => ['class' => 'page-link ajax'] ], 'next' => [ 'link_attributes' => ['class' => 'page-link ajax'] ], 'last' => [ 'link_attributes' => ['class' => 'page-link ajax'] ], 'numerical' => [ 'link_attributes' => ['class' => 'page-link ajax'] ] ] ]); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Cron //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Sets the memory limit during cron execution, null will not override memory limit // Acceptable values are those allowed by init_set() for 'memory_limit' (e.g. "512M" = 512 MB) Configure::set('Blesta.cron_memory_limit', null); // The minimum time period (in minutes) after which a cron task may be rerun. // THIS SHOULD BE SET TO NO LESS THAN THE SMALLEST INTERVAL CONFIGURED FOR AUTOMATION TASKS IN BLESTA Configure::set('Blesta.cron_minimum_run_interval', 5); // The time period (in minutes) after which an unfinished cron task will be considered stalled and the cron task may // be run again Configure::set('Blesta.cron_task_restart_limit', 360); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Session //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Length of time (in seconds) that a session will be valid for Configure::set('Blesta.session_ttl', 1800); // 30 minutes // Length of time (in seconds) that a cookie will be valid for Configure::set('Blesta.cookie_ttl', 604800); // 7 days // Name to give the blesta session ID Configure::set('Blesta.session_name', 'blesta_sid'); // Name to give the blesta cookie session ID Configure::set('Blesta.cookie_name', 'blesta_csid'); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Misc //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Maximum number of js logic evaluations to make. This is to prevent an infinite loop. Configure::set('Blesta.max_config_option_logic_evaluations', 500); // Number of minutes between intervals of the fullcalendar time Configure::set('Blesta.calendar_time_interval', 15); // Number of sticky notes to show before viewing more Configure::set('Blesta.sticky_notes_to_show', 2); // Maximum number of sticky notes to show Configure::set('Blesta.sticky_notes_max', 10); // Maximum number of days to allow invoice days before renewal to be set Configure::set('Blesta.invoice_renewal_max_days', 60); // Maximum number of days to allow auto debit days before due date to be set Configure::set('Blesta.autodebit_before_due_max_days', 60); // Maximum number of days to allow services to be unpaid and overdue before suspension Configure::set('Blesta.suspend_services_after_due_max_days', 60); // Maximum number of days to allow payment notices/reminders to be set Configure::set('Blesta.payment_notices_max_days', 120); // Maximum number of days that a quotation is valid by default Configure::set('Blesta.quotation_valid_max_days', 60); // Number of days in the past to retain cron logs Configure::set('Blesta.cron_log_retention_days', 10); // Whether or not to delete account access logs according to the cron log retention policy Configure::set('Blesta.auto_delete_accountaccess_logs', false); // Whether or not to delete client setting logs according to the cron log retention policy Configure::set('Blesta.auto_delete_client_setting_logs', false); // Whether or not to delete contact logs according to the cron log retention policy Configure::set('Blesta.auto_delete_contact_logs', false); // Whether or not to delete email logs according to the cron log retention policy Configure::set('Blesta.auto_delete_email_logs', false); // Whether or not to delete messenger logs according to the cron log retention policy Configure::set('Blesta.auto_delete_messenger_logs', false); // Whether or not to delete gateway logs according to the cron log retention policy Configure::set('Blesta.auto_delete_gateway_logs', true); // Whether or not to delete module logs according to the cron log retention policy Configure::set('Blesta.auto_delete_module_logs', true); // Whether or not to delete service logs according to the cron log retention policy Configure::set('Blesta.auto_delete_service_logs', false); // Whether or not to delete transaction logs according to the cron log retention policy Configure::set('Blesta.auto_delete_transaction_logs', false); // Whether or not to delete user logs according to the cron log retention policy Configure::set('Blesta.auto_delete_user_logs', false); // Length of time that a cached page will be served before being built again Configure::set('Blesta.cache_length', '2 hours'); // Length of time that a reset password request will be valid for Configure::set('Blesta.reset_password_ttl', '4 hours'); // The URL that gateway callback requests should be directed to Configure::set('Blesta.gw_callback_url', 'http' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off' ? 's' : '') . '://' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : 'localhost') . WEBDIR . 'callback/gw/'); Configure::set('Blesta.mgw_callback_url', 'http' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'off' ? 's' : '') . '://' . (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : 'localhost') . WEBDIR . 'callback/mgw/'); // The URL to the marketplace Configure::set('Blesta.marketplace_url', 'http://marketplace.blesta.com/'); // Enables/Disables demo mode. Demo mode disables certain features Configure::set('Blesta.demo_mode', false); // Default password reset value. Set to true for improved security, false for more accurate error reporting Configure::set('Blesta.default_password_reset_value', true); // Default forgot username value. Set to true for improved security, false for more accurate error reporting Configure::set('Blesta.default_forgot_username_value', true); // Sets parser options DO NOT MODIFY Configure::set('Blesta.parser_options', [ 'VARIABLE_START' => '{', 'VARIABLE_END' => '}', ]); // Sets various tags used for ID code replacement values throughout the app DO NOT MODIFY Configure::set('Blesta.replacement_keys', [ 'clients' => ['ID_VALUE_TAG' => '{num}'], 'invoices' => ['ID_VALUE_TAG' => '{num}'], 'quotations' => ['ID_VALUE_TAG' => '{num}'], 'packages' => ['ID_VALUE_TAG' => '{num}'], 'services' => ['ID_VALUE_TAG' => '{num}'] ]); // When attempting to sort by an "id_code" pseudo field, will instead sort by the given array // of values in the given order. If null, will sort "id_code" as a string by itself Configure::set('Blesta.id_code_sort_mode', ['id_format', 'id_value']); // The default view template for the admin interface Configure::set('Blesta.default_admin_view_template', 'default'); // The default view template for the client interface Configure::set('Blesta.default_client_view_template', 'bootstrap'); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Email //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The maximum number of messages to send before disconnecting/reconnecting to the mail server Configure::set('Blesta.email_messages_per_connection', 100); // The number of seconds to wait before reconnecting to the mail server Configure::set('Blesta.email_reconnect_sleep', 5); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Encryption //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Work-factor for password hashing algorithms (between 4 and 31) Configure::set('Blesta.hash_work', 12); // The maximum number of failed login attempts to permit from a given IP per hour Configure::set('Blesta.max_failed_login_attempts', 10); // Set to true to enable support for legacy passwords (plain md5). Set to false for improved security Configure::set('Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords', false); // The legacy password algorithm to use if legacy passwords are enabled Configure::set('Blesta.auth_legacy_passwords_algo', 'md5'); // Enable/disable automatic CSRF token verification Configure::set('Blesta.verify_csrf_token', true); // Enable/disable curl SSL verification Configure::set('Blesta.curl_verify_ssl', false); // Bypasses automatic CSRF checking for a set of controllers and actions (eg. array('client_login::index')) // CSRF checking is a security feature, BE SURE YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING BEFORE SETTING THIS VALUE Configure::set("Blesta.csrf_bypass", ['admin_login::setup']); // The value used to generate the 256-bit AES key using HMAC SHA-256 // NEVER MODIFY THIS VALUE OR ALL ENCRYPTED DATA WILL BE LOST! Configure::set('Blesta.system_key', '{system_key}');