
Your IP :

Current Path : /var/softaculous/litecart/
Upload File :
Current File : //var/softaculous/litecart/changelog.txt

[-] LiteCart 2.6.1

+ Highlight critically logged errors in Log Viewer
+ Add og:imagewidth and og:image:height
+ Add CAPTCHA when unsubscribing from newsletter
+ Also match phone number when searching for orders
+ Show elapsed script time in error log
+ Highlight and prioritize critical errors in error log viewer
* Cache variables rather than output for manufacturer links
* Cirumvent floating point precision problem for form input decimal fields
* Adjust long script execution time logging
* Adjustments for PHP 8.4 compatibility
* Adjust Featherlight gutter for mobile
* Fix settings key name causing merchant's order copy to not being sent
* Fix country reference when setting store_zone_code
* Fix postcode for Nicaragua
* Fix error reporter background job firing abnormally or not at all
* Fix similar products not displaying
* Fix update weight and dimensions when editing order items
* Fix textarea height in Edit vMod
* Fix dark mode input text color and polishing
* Fix delete translations accidentally removing too many on the page
* Fix thumbnail name when one side is omitted
* Fix settings key name causing order copies not being sent properly
* Prioritize critical errors in reports
* Update to latest font versions
* Update Twitter icon with X
* Update error handler
- Remove obsolete enable crypto causing error causing smtp to fail
- Remove stream context from http wrapper as not fully implemented
- Remove Not Found logging and reporting
- Remove site manifest to get rid of app install banner
Released Dec 2 2024

[-] LiteCart 2.6.0

* Ability to resume next on error while importing CSV
* Add domain to Sitemap cache dependency
* Add support for auto detecting csv delimiter in form input
* Adjust minimum PHP version to 5.6
* Allow access to manifest.json during Development or Maintenance Mode
* Also store firstname, lastname, hostname and user agent for requesting newsletter suscriptions during checkout
* Always initiate document system node before capturing content
* Append commit author id
* Change default MySQL host to server setting
* Convert all time zone for all timestamps
* Convert email body line endings to RFC \r\n
* Database wrapper updates
* Decode link parameters passed as string
* Default number_format to 0 decimals
* Don't return XHTML self-closing slash for nl2br
* Don't specify tax if there are no tax rates that apply
* Fix add missing entity object initiation
* Fix bug report template
* Fix chain select zone
* Fix CLI detection not reliable using php_sapi_name()
* Fix deprecated notice
* Fix display MySQL version
* Fix HTML in translation
* Fix HTML entities in error handler
* Fix issue #333
* Fix last 1000 newsletter recipients
* Fix load raw html as text
* Fix match both 250-STARTTLS and 250 STARTTLS
* Fix missing "from" in SQL statement
* Fix missing stock notice for sold out items that are orderable
* Fix og:image 1200 x 630 retina 2x
* Fix output subcategories in sitemap
* Fix phone regex
* Fix PHP 8.2 warning: imagejpeg() expects parameter 3 to be integer
* Fix PHP new intolerance for numerical strings in scale_by_width()
* Fix PHP notice in newer PHP versions for null datetime
* Fix remove order comments when deleting order
* Fix required field for campaign prices
* Fix RTL in sidebar menu
* Fix user.date_expire_sessions
* Include subtotal tax in JSON response
* Increase Not Found Log to 500 lines
* JSON Schema adjustments
* Limit to last 1000 reverse IP lookups
* Make address, city, postcode, and phone optional consistently with the create account page
* Make sure log file exists
* Move accept button to right
* Optimize all table engines
* Patch robots.txt with full URL to sitemap
* Print button to local view instead of global
* Reload page after new vMods are installed (enables the use of framework components)
* Remove self-closing slash for void elements
* Rename Copy button to Link Copy
* Revert default MySQL server to instead of relying on php.ini mysqli.default_host
* Set https for sitemap scheme
* Show links inconveniently hidden for mobile
* Simpliy looping through language_codes and currency_codes
* Specify currency next to order total
* Update Chartist.js from 0.11 to 1.3.0
* Update Finnish standard VAT to 25.5%
* Update job module frequency setting
* Update minified versions and hashes
* Update supported PHP version
* Update wiki URL
* Upgrade jQuery 3.7.1
* Upgrade SASS library
* Use cental catalog_products_search_query() for search page
* Use file_search() instead of glob()
* Use http instead of https for XML namespaces or Google will not accept the sitemap
+ Ability to resume next during CSV import
+ Ability to retrieve tax rates via AJAX
+ Ability to set variable type when initiating entity properties
+ Ability to view log files from backend
+ Add ability to set label when drawing radio buttons and checkboxes
+ Add AVIF image support
+ Add document JSON schema to core for easier use on any page
+ Add free shipping for last destination country code XX if no previous match
+ Add missing aspect ratio 9:16
+ Add shorthand command for archiving project to zip
+ Add support for CC in order copy email
+ Add support for Lazy Loading images
+ Add support for stream socket context in http wrapper
+ Add US paper sizes
+ Alert admin user upon new ip address logging in
+ Also fetch campaign price in product query
+ CSV input field
+ Dedicate a database method for sanitizing mysql like and fulltext
+ Display quantity in the catalog tree
+ Display tab of application errors on about page
+ Group quick access header menu items
+ New database result object (Pre-release from 3.0)
+ og:image for category
+ Polyfill for Alpine
+ Quicksave button on Edit vMod page to stay on page
* Raise thumbnail quality to 80 as 65 is way too noisy
+ Set timezone when initiating database connection
+ Show categories on the start page
+ Show error log on about page
+ Show reserved quantity on edit product page
+ Track author user for all comments
+ Translation editor rewritten for support of entire collections
+ View raw content with featherlight
- Delete database table definitions
- Remove fallbacks for cheapest() shipping and payment
- Remove bad git pre-commit hook (and we no longer need it)
- Remove inner spinner for input number fields
- Remove old translations search file
- Remove print button from comment view
- Remove support for multiple page dockings and make pages docked in the menu standalone
- Remove the need for URL query parameter media=print
Released Oct 4 2024

[-] LiteCart 2.5.5

+ Emulate SERVER_SOFTWARE if missing
+ Store hostname and user agent for newsletter subscriptions
+ Add Georgian URL transconversion of characters
+ Add quantity min, max, and step to CSV Import/Export
+ Add hostname and user agent to newletter subscribers
+ Add CAPTCHA and a dedicated page for newsletter subscriptions
+ Add cron job configuration helper
+ Add ability to set temp file data upon creation
+ Track time spent for rendering views
* Fix convert special characters to HTML entities
* Fix wrong constant name for table prefix
* Fix datetime filter for most shopping customers
* Adjust stock status feedback
* Use a controller and view for cookie notice
* Fix order item priority
* Fix attribute values table overlapping previous content
* Fix PHP warning by ensuring a valid webpath
* Fix number and money formatting
* Fix bad bots nonsense causing a PHP warning if the URL path contains multiple slashes
* Show CPU usage and memory usage on about page, and split logic from view
* Fix save phone
* Fix hidden currencies
* Fix setting group description
* Copy Payson to Swedish installations
* Stop refreshing cart after 60 cycles
* Fix issue resolving a backend url
- Remove auto page break every 11 rows due to complaints
- Remove unused grid set
- Remove unused tag attribute
- Remove some orphan files

 [-] LiteCart 2.5.4

+ Add missing order status state "completed"
+ Add missing handler to delete customers
+ Add ability to set/remain a blank order state
+ Add order state "other"
+ Catch fatal errors
* Fix RTL dropdown alignment
* Fix issue #317 - Remove traces of vMod configuration settings
* Fix login border radius
* Fix redirect url upon changing language
* Fix for PHP 8.2 not liking false passed as string
* Fix mobile navbar for right-to-left languages
* Fix step quantity
* Fix parsing CLI arguments
* Fix email attachments - Thank you @apps4research for addressing the cause
* Fix search products in most sold products
* Fix notice class
* Fix issue #314 - Typo in CSS variable name
* Fix seamless regional settings
* Use resource link for open graph image
* Don't limit RAM when parsing the error log as a giant error log is even more important to report
* Consistify order status sorting
* Stop refreshing cart after 60 cycles
* Don't look for scripts in the images directory
* Cache sitemap 12 hours
* Set some more default values for new products
* Adjust old upgrade patches
* Terminate existing user sessions upon account changes
* Also include language with URL Type set to None in hreflangs
* Resolve URLs with path prefix for language missing a trailing slash
* Identify language for language with URL Type set to None
* Forbid setting url type to None for more than one language
* Reveal placeholders if net price is zero
* Remove almost pointless caching of customer service links and information links
* New line encoding adjustments
* Add attribute_groups to display them in settings pages

And some minor adjustments and improvements.

[-] LiteCart 2.5.3

+ Add total number of products to stats widget
+ Add dragability to order items
+ Website Manifest
+ Add Unprocessed Orders to the list of order filters
+ Add vMod operation method to replace "all" in a file
* Fix CRAM-MD5 authentication
* Fix reinsert input field values of string '0'
* Fix validate vMod regex clause
* Support for any image size ratio in image_scale_by_width()
* Default new vMod operation method to "after"
* Fix issue #295 - array_replace_recursive invoked with 1 parameter, at least 2 required
* Upgrade jQuery 3.6.4
* Fix category dropdown height in edit_product
* Fix nav links styling
* Grammar fixes
* Don't hide listing products if there are filter values
* Fix chain select Attribute Values in Edit Product
* Fix spaces in url friendly formatted string
* Set font-display to swap
* Set watermark to one fifth of the width instead of one third

And some mixed minor adjustments and improvements.