Current Path : /var/softaculous/myt/ |
Current File : //var/softaculous/myt/update_pass.php |
<?php $resp = __hashPassword('[[admin_pass]]'); echo '<update_pass>'.$resp.'</update_pass>'; function __hashPassword($password,$cost=13){ global $error; __checkBlowfish(); $salt=__generateSalt($cost); $hash=crypt($password,$salt); if(!is_string($hash) || (function_exists('mb_strlen') ? mb_strlen($hash, '8bit') : strlen($hash))<32) $error[] = 'Internal error while generating hash.'; return $hash; } function __checkBlowfish(){ global $error; if(!function_exists('crypt')){ $error[] = 'requires the PHP crypt() function. This system does not have it.'; } if(!defined('CRYPT_BLOWFISH') || !CRYPT_BLOWFISH){ $error[] = 'requires the Blowfish option of the PHP crypt() function. This system does not have it.'; } } function __generateSalt($cost=13){ global $error; if(($random=__generateRandomString(22,true))===false) if(($random=__generateRandomString(22,false))===false) $error[] = 'Unable to generate random string.'; return sprintf('$2y$%02d$',$cost).strtr($random,array('_'=>'.','~'=>'/')); } function __generateRandomString($length,$cryptographicallyStrong=true){ if(($randomBytes=__generateRandomBytes($length+2,$cryptographicallyStrong))!==false) return strtr(substr(base64_encode($randomBytes),0,$length),array('+'=>'_','/'=>'~')); return false; } function __generateRandomBytes($length,$cryptographicallyStrong=true){ $bytes=''; if(function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes')) { $bytes=openssl_random_pseudo_bytes($length,$strong); if(strlen($bytes)>=$length && ($strong || !$cryptographicallyStrong)) return substr($bytes,0,$length); } if(function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv') && ($bytes=mcrypt_create_iv($length, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM))!==false && strlen($bytes)>=$length) { return substr($bytes,0,$length); } if(($file=@fopen('/dev/urandom','rb'))!==false && ($bytes=@fread($file,$length))!==false && (fclose($file) || true) && strlen($bytes)>=$length) { return substr($bytes,0,$length); } $i=0; while(strlen($bytes)<$length && ($byte=__generateSessionRandomBlock())!==false && ++$i<3) { $bytes.=$byte; } if(strlen($bytes)>=$length) return substr($bytes,0,$length); if ($cryptographicallyStrong) return false; while(strlen($bytes)<$length) $bytes.=__generatePseudoRandomBlock(); return substr($bytes,0,$length); } function __generateSessionRandomBlock(){ ini_set('session.entropy_length',20); if(ini_get('session.entropy_length')!=20) return false; // These calls are (supposed to be, according to PHP manual) safe even if // there is already an active session for the calling script. @session_start(); @session_regenerate_id(); $bytes=session_id(); if(!$bytes) return false; // $bytes has 20 bytes of entropy but the session manager converts the binary // random bytes into something readable. We have to convert that back. // SHA-1 should do it without losing entropy. return sha1($bytes,true); } function __generatePseudoRandomBlock(){ $bytes=''; if (function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes') && ($bytes=openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(512))!==false && strlen($bytes)>=512) { return substr($bytes,0,512); } for($i=0;$i<32;++$i) $bytes.=pack('S',mt_rand(0,0xffff)); // On UNIX and UNIX-like operating systems the numerical values in `ps`, `uptime` and `iostat` // ought to be fairly unpredictable. Gather the non-zero digits from those. foreach(array('ps','uptime','iostat') as $command) { @exec($command,$commandResult,$retVal); if(is_array($commandResult) && !empty($commandResult) && $retVal==0) $bytes.=preg_replace('/[^1-9]/','',implode('',$commandResult)); } // Gather the current time's microsecond part. Note: this is only a source of entropy on // the first call! If multiple calls are made, the entropy is only as much as the // randomness in the time between calls. $bytes.=substr(microtime(),2,6); // Concatenate everything gathered, mix it with sha512. hash() is part of PHP core and // enabled by default but it can be disabled at compile time but we ignore that possibility here. return hash('sha512',$bytes,true); } @unlink('update_pass.php'); ?>