Current Path : /var/softaculous/osclassified/ |
Current File : //var/softaculous/osclassified/config.php |
<?php // MySql database host define('DB_HOST', '[[softdbhost]]'); // MySql database username define('DB_USER', '[[softdbuser]]'); // MySql database password define('DB_PASSWORD', '[[softdbpass]]'); // MySql database name define('DB_NAME', '[[softdb]]'); // MySql database table prefix define('DB_TABLE_PREFIX', '[[dbprefix]]'); // Relative web url define('REL_WEB_URL', '[[relativeurl]]/'); // Web address - modify here for SSL version of site define('WEB_PATH', '[[softurl]]/'); // *************************************** // // ** OPTIONAL CONFIGURATION PARAMETERS ** // // *************************************** // // Enable debugging // define('OSC_DEBUG', true); // show PHP error logs and notices // define('OSC_DEBUG_DB', true); // show DB queries // define('OSC_DEBUG_LOG', true); // save PHP errors & logs to oc-content/debug.log // define('OSC_DEBUG_DB_LOG', true); // save DB logs into oc-content/queries.log // define('OSC_DEBUG_DB_EXPLAIN', true); // save DB explain logs into oc-content/explain_queries.log // define('OSC_DEBUG_CACHE', true); // show cache debug information, when cache is enabled // define('OSC_DEBUG_DB_AJAX_PRINT', true); // print errors on ajax calls // Change backoffice folder (after re-naming /oc-admin/ folder) // define('OC_ADMIN_FOLDER', 'oc-admin'); // Demo mode //define('DEMO', true); //define('DEMO_THEMES', true); //define('DEMO_PLUGINS', true); // PHP memory limit (ideally should be more than 128MB) // define('OSC_MEMORY_LIMIT', '256M'); // Debug PHP mailer. OSC_DEBUG must be true. Error logs from PHPMailer goes to oc-content/debug.log automatically. // Accepted debug level values: 1 - client only, 2 - client and server (default), 3 - client, server and connection, 4 - low-level information // define('PHPMAILER_DEBUG_LEVEL', 1); // Set cookies domain to transfer cookies & session across domain & subdomains. Enter 'yourdomain.com' to transfer cookies to subdomains. // After setting COOKIE_DOMAIN, clean cache, cookies and restart browser! // define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'yoursite.com'); // Cache options for OSC_CACHE: memcache, memcached, apc, apcu, default // Default cache means dummy one - just imitates cache // define('OSC_CACHE_TTL', 60); // Cache refresh time in seconds // MemCache caching option (database queries cache). Select only one $_cache_config option, TCP or Unix socket // define('OSC_CACHE', 'memcache'); // $_cache_config[] = array('default_host' => '', 'default_port' => 11211, 'default_weight' => 1); // TCP option // $_cache_config[] = array('default_host' => '/usr/local/var/run/memcache.sock', 'default_port' => 0, 'default_weight' => 1); // Unix socket option // MemCached caching option (database queries cache). Select only one $_cache_config option, TCP or Unix socket // define('OSC_CACHE', 'memcached'); // $_cache_config[] = array('default_host' => '', 'default_port' => 11211, 'default_weight' => 1); // TCP option // $_cache_config[] = array('default_host' => '/usr/local/var/run/memcached.sock', 'default_port' => 0, 'default_weight' => 1); // Unix socket option // Redis caching option (database queries cache). Only one $_cache_config option supported, TCP or Unix socket // define('OSC_CACHE', 'redis'); // $_cache_config[] = array('default_host' => '', 'default_port' => 6379, 'default_password' => ''); // TCP option // $_cache_config[] = array('default_host' => '/usr/local/var/run/redis.sock', 'default_port' => -1, 'default_password' => ''); // Unix socket option // Force disable URL encoding for non-latin characters // define('OSC_FORCE_DISABLE_URL_ENCODING', true); // Alpha & beta testing - experimental // define('ALPHA_TEST', true); // define('BETA_TEST', true); // Increase default login time for user // session_set_cookie_params(2592000); // ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 2592000); ?>