Current Path : /var/softaculous/oxwall/ |
Current File : //var/softaculous/oxwall/changelog.txt |
Oxwall 1.8.4, July 26, 2016 ==================================== Platform [core]: - added advanced SEO settings for site pages - added option to generate and update sitemap - removed hardcode for Submit form element (contributed by revkov https://github.com/oxwall/oxwall/pull/357) - made the reason for a profile suspension displayable on site - fixed preloader display for Simplicity theme - introduced hardcode ban to upload PHP files - introduced required PHP version check before platform update - when attempting to update plugins while there is an available platform update present, the system will warn admins to perform platform update first - fixed the display order for profile fields on profile view page within mobile version - changed URL attribution to https://developers.oxwall.com - changed anti-CSFR token lifetime to match user’s on-site session time - fixed avatar crop bug on profile edit page - improved SSL integration with CloudFlare Forum [forum]: - fixed display of quoted text for Simplicity theme (contributed by WalterMisar https://github.com/oxwall/simplicity/pull/7) Advertisement [ads]: - fixed fatal error during plugin installation Videos [video]: - fixed integration with dailymotion.com Oxwall 1.8.3, May 17, 2016 ==================================== Platform [core]: - added CURL support for remote platform requests - added blocked users list - fixed message appearing during theme upload with missing update server connection - added option to use empty database user password during installation - fixed bug preventing cash clearing for configs during single script launches - added standard placeholder for forms, which displays invalid label - added Check Updates button to Admin Panel for manual update checks - added ALT HTML attribute for profile avatars on profile list page - added support for anti CSFR tokens, which are now used by all forms automatically. Individual usage access is also available. - removed send escaper functions - fixed mobile version bug preventing login from any page - removed .htaccess file from update pack - fixed bug with inverted commas within langs breaking stats on Admin Panel index page Photos [photo]: - photo description is no longer cut due to tag presence - added ALT HTML attribute for photo thumbs within photo widget on profile view page, as well as photo lists (latest, top rated, most discussed) - added ALT HTML attribute for photos on separate photo view page - added GET parameter for temporary photos to prevent caching errors Newsfeed [newsfeed]: - added ALT HTML attribute for displaying thumbs of various content Messages [mailbox]: - blocked users no longer show up in contact list - contact list search now displays results with partially typed-in names - fixed bug with invitation label not disappearing in chat window - fixed JS error “TypeError: element.input is null" appearing while switching operation modes (chat/mail/chat+mail) in plugin settings Video [video]: - added ALT HTML attribute for video thumbs on video listings page Events [event]; - added ALT HTML attribute for event thumbs Groups [groups]: - added ALT HTML attribute for group thumbs Oxwall 1.8.2, Mar 22, 2016 ==================================== Platform [core]: - oxwall minimum PHP supported version increased to 5.5; - the list of changes is now shown during plugin update request (if the plugin developer added the list of changes to the Store); - improved validation system for commercial plugins/themes; - added new class definition <body class="ow {$theme-name}"> for each theme, where $thene-name is taken from theme.xml - fixed several XSS vulnerabilities (thanks to a report from Tim Coen); - added Uninstall option for disabled plugins in the Admin Panel; - fixed a bug preventing site admins to upload graphics in Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Graphics, in cases when site admins did not have user action ‘upload photos’; Photos [photo]: - added warning message when uploaded photo is bigger than the size defined in the plugin settings; - fixed photo thumbs display for photo widget in mobile version; - removed duplicate photos in the list of photos on the ‘Most discussed photos’ page; Events [event]: - fixed a bug allowing logged out users to edit events of other users; Videos [video]: - fixed the validation of video embed code during editing; Friends [friends]: - fixed a bug appearing when a user deletes someone from the friends list; Newsfeed [newsfeed]: - outbound links left by users are no longer converted to https, when SSL is active across the entire site; - unless a user post features a thumbnail image, the post now fits the full width of the newsfeed; Import Contacts [contact_importer]: - added Send button when selecting Gmail contacts to invite; Oxwall 1.8.1, Jan 12, 2016 ==================================== Platform [core]: - added mobile version for new Simplicity theme; - license key is now required for commercial items during the installation of plugins/themes; - list of photos available for avatar upload is no longer duplicated on the Change Avatar page; - inverted commas within tags no longer cause errors on the content editing page; - improved stability for captcha display; - added new field type for fselect single choice, which allows to add unlimited number of values; - added User's Timezone option to User Preferences; - fixed Not Found errors for images on Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Graphics page; - added basic customization option for mobile version theme in Admin Panel; - improved Amazon S3 support; - added option to disable captcha from Admin Panel; Newsfeed [newsfeed]: - private blog posts no longer show up in general Newsfeed; Virtual Gifts [virtualgifts]: - any selected gift is now shown as selected in Simplicity theme; Forum [forum]: - fixed link for creation of topics in Forum Topics index widget; - added check during creation of new topic to see if a forum for this new topic exists; Photos [photo]: - empty albums no longer show up in User Albums widget on Profile View page; - fixed photo search by tag bug; - fixed bugs found during display of photos on photo lists; Advertisement [ads]: - fixed Google AdSense display bug; - fixed conflict with Geolocation Data plugin; TinyChat [tinychat]: - added new user action "Use Chat"; Events [event]: - only expired invitations are now deleted by cron; Oxwall 1.8.0, Sep 8, 2015 ==================================== Platform: - introduced new default theme Simplicity (Frontend + Admin Panel); - redesigned navigation and notification system in Admin Panel; - added widget support in Admin Panel; - reorganized pages/interfaces/controls in Admin Panel for improved simplicity and comprehension; - fixed possible collision in database during user authorization; - password for "Guests can view the site with password" mode is now encrypted; - total interface overhaul for Admin panel >> Appearance >> Edit theme >> Graphics; - fixed bug within mobile version preventing avatar attachment during registration; Photos: - fixed bug which duplicated photos in Top rated/Most discussed lists; - empty albums are no longer displayed in album lists; - added indices for fields entityId and entityType in table ow_photo_album; Messages: - fixed link display in new message notifications; - fixed attachment display in mobile version; - added chat/message link within new message notification template in mobile version; - all latest messages are now viewable in mobile version; - fixed search for messages; - fixed message lists paging in mobile version; Contact Importer: - added support for latest Facebook API; Facebook connect: - added support for latest Facebook API; Friends: - enhanced synchronization with Newsfeed plugin; Forum: - links within mobile version's notifications for new replies in subscribed topics now lead to mobile version's forum topic;