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*** Astra Pro Changelog ***

2025-03-07 - 4.9.1
* Fix: Resolved critical error which was introduced in previous version (v4.9.0).

2025-03-06 - 4.9.0
* New: Astra New color palette compatibility with Astra Addon features - (Beta Feature) (https://wpastra.com/docs/dark-colour-palette/)
* Fix: Resolved an issue where the inside spacing of responsive blog posts was not applied correctly.
* Fix: Resolved an issue where Social widget Alignment option not working properly when Stack option is used. 
* Fix: Gracefully handled `astra_get_post_type` undefined function error caused by theme and addon version mismatch.

2025-02-26 - version 4.8.14
* Fix: Resolved an issue where product gallery thumbnails appeared blurry by ensuring the correct image size is used.
* Fix: Resolved a UI issue where the "Re-enter New Password" field was displaying incorrectly.
* Fix: Resolved a CSS conflict where the Stripe Checkout payment button affected the Astra Modern Checkout layout.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Resolved UI issue in Astra Pro's Quick View feature where landscape images distorted the layout for variable products.
* Fix: Resolved an issue where the WooCommerce Product Variation Switcher displayed the featured image instead of the selected variation’s image in Astra Pro's Gallery Layouts.
* Fix: Resolved an issue causing double search icons to appear for some existing users.
* Fix: Resolved an issue where custom layouts created using Theme Builder did not render on empty category archives.
* Fix: Resolved an issue where extra field data on single product page was not being submitted when adding the product to the cart.

2025-02-11 - version 4.8.13
* New: Search Widget - Added support to search icon from the icon library or using a custom SVG code.
* Improvement: Enhanced coupon field in Modern Cart Layout to display error notices for invalid or empty coupon submissions.

2025-01-28 - version 4.8.12
* Improvement: Enhanced accessibility of the Search Widget by addressing form label issues flagged by the WAVE tool.
* Improvement: Enhanced Astra Real-Time Add to Cart functionality to make it compatible with WooCommerce Subscription's Proration feature.
* Improvement: Added hash-based URL functionality to toggle between login and registration forms.
* Improvement: Enhanced Search Widget markup rendering to occur only when the widget is present in the Header Builder with Header Cover and Full-Screen Search options.
* Fix: String Translations not working correctly for Astra Customizer settings.
* Fix: Resolved layout breakage in Astra Mega Menu to ensure proper display for both normal and custom width.

2025-01-07 - version 4.8.11
* Fix: Resolved fatal error introduced in v4.8.10.

2025-01-07 - version 4.8.10
* Fix: Resolved an issue where the query loop block wasn't displaying dynamic content correctly in Site Builder with Archive Template.
* Fix: White label is not working for the Astra menu panel strings.
* Fix: Resolved undefined array key warnings for 'tablet' and 'mobile' in dynamic CSS PHP files when the blog Reveal effect is enabled.
* Fix: Resolved color inheritance issues between Account widget menu, and transparent header.

2024-12-31 - version 4.8.9
* Improvement: Color settings synced with updated global color palette from theme.
* Improvement: Added post-type specific cached style file generation for better compatibility with plugins like Toolset Post Type using the Astra File Generation option.
* Fix: Resolved an issue where nested submenus incorrectly inherited hover colors from the parent menu, despite having separate hover colors set.
* Fix: Resolved an error encountered when translating media in WPML while using the Astra theme and Astra Pro plugin.
* Fix: Resolved a fatal error on the order page that occurred when a product was removed from the website.
* Fix: Resolved misalignment issues for Mega Menu submenu items in RTL mode when using a custom width.
* Fix: Resolved inconsistent variation selection for products with custom attributes in URLs.
* Fix: Resolved RTL compatibility issue with Masonry layout by adding dynamic alignment detection.
* Fix: Resolved an issue where the Template Source dropdown was missing for Mega Menu templates.

2024-12-16 - version 4.8.8
* Improvement: Automatically enable the 'Site Builder' module when Astra Pro is activated on new installations.
* Fix: There is a gap between the above and below header when the sticky header is active with a custom width set to the site logo.
* Fix: Resolved translation issues with Site Builder and Mega Menu strings.
* Fix: Resolved an issue where `_load_textdomain_just_in_time` function was incorrectly triggered for the `astra-addon` text domain.

2024-11-26 - version 4.8.7
* Improvement: Remove broken links from Site Builder and replace with proper links.
* Security Fix: Updated DOMPurify library to prevent potential tampering issues.
* Fix: Resolved submenu toggle button issue in the mobile header with Omnisend plugin active.
* Fix: Resolved a conflict with the Dokan plugin where the Customer/Vendor Registration Toggle becomes disabled.
* Fix: Showing blank font option in account widget design and general section.
* Fix: RTL compatibility issue with products sale badge on single product page.

2024-11-15 - version 4.8.6
* Fix: Resolved an issue with duplicated content appearing due to Site Builder layouts.
* Fix: Inconsistent spacing in WooCommerce variation product classes by updating class name concatenation for cleaner HTML markup.

2024-11-12 - version 4.8.5
* Fix: Remove extra header white space when using tag codes in <head> using Site Builder.
* Fix: Undefined array key "blog-grid-resp" & Undefined array key "blog-grid" from addon classes files in some rare cases.

2024-11-11 - version 4.8.4
* New: Header Builder - Added Polylang option type to the Language Switcher widget for dynamic URLs.
* Improvement: Mega Menu - Enhanced support for uploaded Image and SVG icons, allowing them to inherit color settings seamlessly.
* Improvement: Added responsive column layout option for the blog archive page.
* Improvement: Improved product image display case on the "My Account > Orders" page to ensure correct images for variable products and updates even after order edits.
* Improvement: Added unique CSS class for each product variation button based on term slug or option value to allow independent styling.
* Improvement: Increase the specificity of Mega Menu colors to avoid inconsistency.
* Improvement: WooCommerce - Enhanced form field alignment when using the `Checkout Field Editor (Checkout Manager) for WooCommerce` plugin with Astra's Modern Checkout.
* Improvement: Moved the product image hover effect to the WooCommerce Addon from the theme.
* Improvement: WooCommerce – Display the product thumbnail image on catalog pages instead of the original image when the "Swap Image" option is enabled for Product Image Hover Style.
* Fix: Resolved a conflict with the Login Logout Menu plugin that triggered a warning on the admin menu page.
* Fix: Resolved issue where on single post autoload embeded video not appearing.
* Fix: BBPress forum layout appears squeezed when Astra Pro is activated.
* Fix: Site Builder - Vimeo embed not rendering frames when used with the Site Builder.
* Fix: Resolved issue where 'Load More' button on product archive page became unclickable after multiple AJAX requests.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Product Variation with buttons not updating the gallery image correctly.
* Fix: Performance delays and errors due to Outdated Image Processing Library.

2024-10-07 - version 4.8.3
* New: Added option to disable quantity updater from WooCommerce mini cart.
* Improvement: Site Builder - Added a filter hook 'astra_exclude_wrapper_hooks' to allow excluding the wrapper for specific hooks in site builder content.
* Improvement: Header Builder - Language Switcher - Added Brazilian Portuguese language option.
* Fix: Solved image display issue in variation product gallery by matching image URLs more accurately.
* Fix: Site Builder: Editor width issue in the backend with Beaver Builder/Elementor for some hooks.
* Fix: Search widget incompatibility with Polylang plugin.
* Fix: Fatal error '"Uncaught Error: json_decode()' from addon classes files in some rare cases.

2024-10-01 - version 4.8.2
* Improvement: Accessibility - Improved product quick view modal & close button accessibility.
* Fix: Site Builder - Astra Hooks settings do not save when the Custom Fields option is enabled from the preferences.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Scrolling down makes menu text gets disappeared on mobile screens.
* Fix: Astra modern cart layout styling conflicts with the Elementor cart widget.
* Fix: Header Builder - Account Widget's login popup colors and font customization not working.
* Fix: Widget font title not working on customizer and frontend.
* Fix: Rendered 'vcard' classes for authors only when schema is enabled.
* Fix: Ensure compatibility with Thrive Architect by preventing query reset during Thrive Architect layout edits.
* Fix: Resolved a console error on mobile devices in the logged-out view when using the Account widget.
* Fix: Resolved warnings reported by Woo Marketplace, ensuring compliance with coding standards.

2024-09-11 - version 4.8.1
* Improvement: Added functionality to allow the translation of strings stored in Astra's settings database.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Astra Pro Quick View feature was not showing correctly at browser widths between 922px and 999px.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Hide When Scrolling Down - Menu text colors were not applying when the "Colors & Background" module was disabled.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Primary menu background color was being affected by extra menus, such as Menu 3, Menu 4, etc.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Fixed sticky header not functioning with animation even when the Site Builder header layout is disabled.
* Fix: Search widget was not functioning correctly on mobile devices for RTL (Right-to-Left) sites.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Variation buttons in quick view are not functional if the product does not have gallery images.
* Fix: Mega Menu - Disabling the submenu link causes PHP warnings if Mega Menu is not enabled.
* Fix: Left and right padding not showing with the padded site layout.
* Fix: Getting PHP warning 'Undefined array key "placeholder"' on the checkout page when WPFunnels Pro plugin is activated.

2024-08-20 - version 4.8.0
* Improvement: Introduced filter 'astra_addon_enable_modern_checkout' to enable/disable the modern checkout feature.
* Improvement: Made megamenu icon `alt` tags dynamic to ensure unique alt attributes for each image.
* Fix: Improvements as per Woo Marketplace coding standards.
* Fix: Sticky Header: Resolved an issue where the primary header would break when a custom hook layout was added using the 'before header' hook.
* Fix: Mega Menu - While selecting the default color multiple circles are visible.
* Fix: Resolved issue where Flyout width affected Full Screen layout for Off-Canvas in mobile/tablet views.
* Fix: Site Builder - Resolved an issue where the custom header hides the default header.
* Fix: Site Builder - Query Loop Block Preview Not Displaying in Block Editor of Site Builder.
* Fix: Site Builder - Resolved issue where posts/pages were not displaying under display conditions on the site builder dashboard.

2024-07-01 - version 4.7.2
* Improvement: WooCommerce - Cart - Improved the vertical quantity updater style for a better user experience.
* Improvement: Site Builder - Additional capabilities and options introduced on the dashboard's Site Builder page for better user experience.
* Fix: Header Builder - Toggle for Desktop - Showing two menus on the desktop when sticky header animation is enabled.
* Fix: Header Builder - Offcanvas - There was a glitch while closing the flyout in the responsive devices.
* Fix: Blog Pro - Reveal effect conflicts with the Themify plugin filters.
* Fix: Blog Pro - Blog post filter clashes when file generation option is enabled.
* Fix: Mega menu not working with the secondary menu, when the primary menu is not set.

2024-06-18 - version 4.7.1
* Fix: Blog Pro - The blog's pagination buttons loads the new posts but it does not scroll to the top of the page.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Sticky menu and submenu colors being overridden by Transparent Header colors.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Logo disappear when Sticky Logo Width is not set manually.

2024-06-04 - version 4.7.0
* New: Header Builder - Added Sticky Header color options for "Logo SVG Icon". ( https://wpastra.com/docs/logo-svg-icon/ )
* Improvement: File Generation code improved for better PHP exceptions & error handling edge cases.
* Improvement: Social share icon positions (left and right) now apply only to desktop to avoid overlapping with content issue on responsive devices.
* Fix: Issue with 'astra_addon_woo_account_user_welcome_message' filter hook for WooCommerce account navigation.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Ensure Attribute button state updates automatically when switching valid variation without additional clicks.
* Fix: Site Builder - PHP Error with undefined property WP_Post_Type::$taxonomy from location ruleset engine.

2024-05-23 - version 4.6.10
* New: WooCommerce - Introduce new background color option for filter flyout.
* Fix: Changing the logo width increase the logo height inside the customizer settings.
* Fix: Site Builder - Layouts duplicating when multiple layouts are added on the page in some conditions.
* Fix: Blog archive post filter issues with title and pagination.
* Fix: Sticky Header - When UABB is activated and on window scrolling there is a glitch between site header and UABB created post grid layout.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Fixed an issue causing the page to freeze when selecting product variations and ensured smoother image updates on product pages.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Attribute button state updates automatically when switching valid variation without additional clicks.
* Fix: PHP Error with undefined function bsf_extract_product_id in some edge cases.

2024-05-08 - version 4.6.9
* Improvement: Corrected Dashboard link navigation from Site Builder's UI breadcrumb.
* Improvement: Duplicate navigation menu markup rendering for sticky header.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Product gallery horizontal and vertical sliders not displaying variation images.
* Fix: Legacy Header: Search widget is not visible on mobile device as last item menu with "Full Screen" and "Header Cover" options.
* Fix: Shop Off-Canvas is not opening the product category dropdown.

2024-04-25 - version 4.6.8
* Improvement: Header Builder - Language Switcher - Improved accessibility by adding aria-labels.
* Improvement: Spacing Addon - Code optimization to reduce extra conditions load & improve performance.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Transition effect of headers and Account element's Login Popup alignment issue when Shrink Effect is enabled.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Using "Use Labels as Placeholders" in the Checkout produces inconsistent results for required fields.
* Fix: Old header menu styling conflicting with new header builder's header structure.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Infinite scroll does not showing all products on the shop page.
* Fix: Site Builder - Custom Template's headings don't have bottom spacing on the frontend.
* Fix: Sticky Header - On window scrolling there is a glitch between site header and Spectra's gallery block.
* Fix: Sticky Header - On window scrolling there is glitch between site header and Spectra's gallery block.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Sticky Product Image is breaking UI on responsive devices.

2024-04-11 - version 4.6.5
* New: WooCommerce - Introduced "Sticky Product Image" option: This option allows the featured image on single WooCommerce product pages to remain visible as users scroll down the page.
* Improvement: WooCommerce - Refactor header account login popup form.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Transition issue with the Sticky header when the option "Hide when scrolling down" is enabled.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Sticky cart color & hover styling is not working for cart price.
* Fix: WooCommerce - With infinite scroll product load only when scrolling down to the bottom of the site.
* Fix: WooCommerce - The lost Password page form doesn't look similar for logged-in and non logged-in user with modern layout.
* Fix: Mega Menu not working properly between 922px - 938px screen width.
* Fix: LifterLMS - Profile link was not working properly.

2024-02-12 - version 4.6.4
* Improvement: Improved accessibility of advanced headers by removing incorrect role="img" attribute.
* Fix: Live Search - Browser autocomplete disabled when a live search is enabled to avoid search result overlapping issues.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Infinite Scroll & page is not working when Elementor template is used.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Pro addon conflicting with Essential Addon's Product Carousel transition property.
* Fix: White Label - Help link present in the theme builder even after white label is enabled.
* Fix: LifterLMS - Enable Course Meta option not working properly with the LifterLMS Blocks.

2024-01-24 - version 4.6.3
* Fix: Mega Menu - Page Builder templates looses their styling when used as mega menu content in v4.6.2.

2024-01-23 - version 4.6.2
* Improvement: Header-Footer Buttons - Added new option "Inherit" to Size to inherit global button stylings.
* Fix: Single Post - Social sharing design customizer options has dependency of "Enable Author Box" option.
* New: Introducing new "rem" unit support for font-size in customizer typography settings.
* Fix: Performance - Slow query issue when too many menu items are used.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Related product column setting not working for mobile devices when Up sell product section is disabled.

2024-01-09 - version 4.6.1
* Improvement: Page Header - Restricted the banner title area with layout-2 with page header.
* Fix: Page Header - "Override the image with the featured image" option not working for single layouts.
* Fix: Fatal error showing from addon side because user is using older Astra version and updated Astra Addon.

2024-01-04 - version 4.6.0
* BLOG IMPROVEMENTS (https://wpastra.com/docs/blog-archive-improvements/)
* New: Blog - Introducing elegant Reveal Effect for posts appearance on archive & search results page.
* New: WooCommerce - Introducing a new option to Reveal Effect for product archives.
* SINGLE LAYOUT IMPROVEMENTS (https://wpastra.com/docs/single-post-improvements/)
* New: Single - Author Box - Introduced new controls like Alignment, Background, Border, and Spacing for improvising the author box.
* New: Single - Author Box - Introduced new Section placement and social Share option support.
* New: Single - Post Navigation - Introducing new badge style for better visual appearance.
* Improvement: Single - Moved the Author Box, and Social Sharing settings from the Single Post section to the new sub-sections under the Single Post section.
* Improvement: Added customizer section shortcut link to Author Box section to quick access for better user experience.
* Improvement: Author Box - Introduced new filter "astra_addon_author_box_heading_tag" to change the heading tag of the author box section.
* Improvement: Author Box - Introduced new filter "astra_addon_author_title_heading_tag" to change the heading tag of the author name.
* Improvement: Performance - Removed legacy CSS for the spacing addon & managed spacing with the new spacing options.
* Improvement: WooCommerce - Added a new customization option for the color of the cart icon when the sticky header is enabled.
* Fix: Social Icons - Horizontal alignment does not work if Stack-On is selected.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Background is not blurry on iOS devices.
* Fix: Page Header - Background Image is not working on a single post.
* Fix: Nav Menu - Menu items hover color not working as expected.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Horizontal product gallery slider resizes in landscape mode for mobile devices.
* Fix: Site Builder - Header Shrink effect does not work in Site Builder header layouts.
* Fix: Site Builder layouts and page headers with untitled showing empty title space on front end admin-bar menu dropdown.
* Fix: Site Builder - Issue with hooks not showing up in full width with Beaver Builder on the editor page.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Unable to login with modern checkout when the password contains some specific symbols such as ampersand.
* Fix: WooCommerce - On shop page sidebar collides when it's moved to the top of the screen on responsive devices.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Quick view background color not applying to entire product details section when sticky add to cart button is enabled.
* Fix: Nav Menu - Menu layout breaks on responsive devices due to default spacing added.
* Fix: Page Header - Getting str_contains() deprecated notice from custom header with PHP 8.x.
* Fix: WooCommerce - The Off-canvas Sidebar does not close with an outside click or ESC key.
* Fix: PHP error for "Uncaught Error: class FLThemeBuilderLayoutData not found" when Beaver Themer is active.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Sticky header active menu color is not working when the submenu is added.

2023-12-12 - version 4.5.2
* New: Introducing new "vw" unit support for font-size in customizer typography settings.
* Improvement: Added a new filter 'astra_fullscreen_modal_heading_tag' to change the Full-Screen search style heading tag.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - In modern checkout place order button missing a thousand separators.
* Fix: Fatal error 'Attempt to read property taxonomy & name' from addon cache files in some rare cases.
* Fix: Site Builder - Single templates get shrink due to flex-based CSS on the ast-container wrapper.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Product Catalog - Quick View Background option not working with Boxed layout.
* Fix: Site Builder - Custom layout appearing on the frontend if any hook action is set but the layout is not of 'hooks' type.

2023-11-21 - version 4.5.1
* Improvement: WooCommerce - Declared HPOS Compatibility across the plugin to avoid incompatibility notice when WooCommerce Addon Module is disabled.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - Form labels get hidden for Stripe payment method.
* Fix: Mega Menu - Mega menu heading color option is not working on frontend.
* Fix: Blog Filter - Banner visibility glitch with 'Post Filter' and 'Banner Layout 2'
* Fix: WP CLI - PHP Fatal error 'Uncaught TypeError: call_user_func()' while running WP CLI commands.
* Fix: Submenu border width of old header footer builder causing site crashing issue.

2023-11-14 - version 4.5.0
* New: Introducing Site Builder (formerly known as Custom Layout).
* New: WooCommerce - Product Catalog - Quick View Background option.
* Improvement: Custom Layout & Page Header meta data saving code improvements.
* Improvement: Updated select2 library to 4.0.13.
* Fix: Mega Menu - Links should not be crawlable when 'Disable Link' option is set.
* Fix: Date-Box - Date Box stick at the corner of a post instead of the featured image which breaks blog UI.
* Fix: Mega Menu - Mega menu heading normal and hover color is not working.
* Fix: Top Border color & width not applied when mega menu width set to full width/full width stretched.

2023-10-23 - version 4.4.0
* New: Blog Pro - Blog Filter to filter categories and tags. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/post-filter/ )
* New: Header Builder - Search - Option to switch Light or Dark modal design for Full Screen style.
* New: WooCommerce - Introducing a new cart shortcode 'astra_woo_slide_in_cart', which adds support for a slide-in cart feature.
* New: Editor - Introducing Page Level Background Settings (Page Background & Content Background). ( https://wpastra.com/docs/page-level-background-settings/ )
* Improvement: Added a new filter 'astra_social_rel_attribute' to change Social Share's "rel" attribute inside the post.
* Fix: Blog - Social sharing icons were incorrectly linking to Twitter for all platforms.
* Fix: Header-Footer Builder - Social Icon - Text decoration typography style for labels not working.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Embed/YouTube block not working inside nested blocks.
* Fix: Sticky Header - Menu color gets overridden by normal header primary menu color.
* Fix: WPML conflicting with Profile language for translation.
* Fix: WooCommerce - UAE Woo Product module conflicting with Astra infinite pagination.

2023-09-26 - version 4.3.3
* Fix: Custom Layout - Layouts missing on the frontend for logged-out users with update v4.3.2.

2023-09-22 - version 4.3.2
* Improved codebase for improved security. (Props - Patchstack)
* Fix: Blog - Social sharing icons were incorrectly linking to Twitter for all platforms.

2023-09-11 - version 4.3.1
* New: Custom Layout - Option for dynamic content preview in single/archive template editor.
* New: Header Builder - Account - Introducing new option for Account menu expansion "Hover" or "Click".
* Improvement: Introducing filter 'astra_addon_cl_ast_container_fullwidth' to make flex based ast-container full-width to resolve edge cases like Custom Template shrinks on archive pages.
* Fix: Header Builder - Account - PHP warning 'Undefined variable $css_output_desktop' while generating dynamic CSS.
* Fix: Mailchimp for WooCommerce radio select option is not clickable when Modern Input Fields is enabled.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Meta options modal's UI adding extra space after WordPress-6.3.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Archive templates get shrink due to flex-based CSS on the ast-container wrapper.

2023-08-30 - version 4.3.0
* New: Custom Layout - Ability to create custom single & archive layouts like theme builder.
* New: Introduced option to change Header logo color while sticky.
* Improvement: Accessibility improvements for WooCommerce Pages.
* Improvement: WooCommerce - HPOS Compatibility.
* Improvement: WooCommerce - New Product Editor Compatibility.
* Improvement: Introducing new admin notice for incompatibility of the theme.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Spectra's dynamic CSS-JS assets loading even though the layout is disabled from the edit list.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Layout hooked at 'After Single Product Summary' overlaps on the single product image and summary box.
* Fix: Custom Layout - FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING deprecated notice.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Elementor Pro's Mini Cart Widget Conflicts With Astra Mini Cart Widget.
* Fix: Header Builder - Menu - Parsing duplicate ID error for 'primary-site-navigation' and 'ast-hf-menu-x'.
* Fix: Header Builder - Account Login Popup's UI breaking when Sticky Header is active with Hide on Scroll option.
* Fix: Header-Footer Builder - Divider elements missing from the settings when old astra-settings getting imported.
* Fix: File Generation - PHP warning while accessing cache files on some servers.
* Fix: Compatibility with WooCommerce Min/Max Quantities plugin.
* Fix: Compatibility with YITH Composite Products for Single Product Real Time Add to Cart.

2023-08-10 - version 4.1.7
* Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress-6.3.

2023-07-05 - version 4.1.6
* New: WooCommerce - Added Sale badge color change option for shop card modern design.
* Improvement: Updated the license deactivation setting notification icon from admin panel.
* Improvement: Loaded WP admin-bar related compatibility css only if user is logged in.
* Improvement: Added a new filter 'astra_font_line_height_unit' to adjust the unit for line height. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/how-to-fix-the-line-height-unit-being-converted-to-em/ )
* Improvement: Custom Layout - Improvised layout editor icons with better UI.
* Improvement: Added font-size support till 200px in customizer typography options.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Column setting not working on single product page for display recently viewed products.
* Fix: Mega menu icon styling is not applying on tablet/mobile.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Console error on checkout order review page.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout Order Review Page Does not Appear for Mobile/Tablet when the Modern Checkout is enabled.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Edit layout Screen does not work with Beaver Builder when classic editor is active.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Embed video block not working on front end.
* Fix: Nav Menu - Mega menu not working with RTL language setup on the frontend.
* Fix: License activation link not working on admin Custom Layout & Page Headers page.
* Fix: Console warning regarding the incorrect use of <label> element and improved compatibility with accessibility tools.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Fatal Error on Modern Checkout Page after Adding New Field with YITH WooCommerce Checkout Manager Plugin

2023-05-09 - version 4.1.5
* Improvement - Nav menu - Optimized number of database call to fetch megamenu item details.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Console error from horizontal slider & vertical slider product gallery.
* Fix: LearnDash - "Enable Distraction Free Learning" option missing from the customizer General settings.
* Fix: Custom Layout - PHP code snippet with function calls throws PHP error "can not redeclare the function".
* Fix: Single Post: Apply Custom Sizes option missing from Customizer > Blog > Single Post section.
* Fix: Single Post: Custom featured image size is not working with dynamic post banner area.
* Fix: Spectra block dynamic styles missing on auto loaded previous posts.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Enabling filter with flyout produce eventlistner error on console.
* Fix: Sidebar title font is not working for product page.
* Fix: Fixed lost password link for multilingual sites by using wp_lostpassword_url() function.
* Fix: Header Search - Placeholder text appears twice in full screen search & header cover search style.

2023-04-06 - version 4.1.4
* Fix: Header Builder - Site Logo becomes too small for the sticky header.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Code editor strips out the code while saving and not working properly on frontend too.
* Fix: Search - Inline search box misaligned with respect it's search icon position.

2023-03-30 - version 4.1.3
* Fix: WooCommerce & WordPress marketplace users getting subscription notification when plugin purchased from Brainstorm Force store.

2023-03-29 - version 4.1.2
* Fix: Backward managing cron run into infinite loop which exhausted CPU usage on server.
* Fix: PHP notice "Uncaught error array_map() requires 2nd parameter as array" while saving code editor from Custom Layout.
* Fix: PHP error "Uncaught Error: Call to a member function is_type() on string" for WooCommerce product.
* Fix: PHP error for "Uncaught Error: class Astra_Notices not found" in some cases.

2023-03-28 - version 4.1.1
* Fix: PHP error "Uncaught Error: Access to undeclared static property" for clonned header builder button's padding.

2023-03-28 - version 4.1.0
* New: Single Post - Social Sharing feature. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/social-sharing/ )
* New: WooCommerce - Introducing new add to cart trigger actions for shop and single product pages. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/introducing-new-add-to-cart-trigger-actions-for-shop-and-single-product-pages/ )
* New: Header Builder - Cart - Showcase featured products in the cart instead of showing it empty when no products added into it. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/showcase-featured-products-in-the-cart-instead-of-showing-it-empty-when-no-products-are-added/ )
* New: Header Builder - Sticky header - Blur background options for above, primary and below header. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/sticky-header-blur-background/ )
* New: WooCommerce - Added option to change strings for WooCommerce special pages like shop, cart, checkout, my-account.
* Improvement: Hardened the security.
* Improvement: Compatibility with PHP-8.1.
* Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress-6.2.
* Improvement: Single Post - Moved author info box before post navigation.
* Improvement: Accessibility for header mega menu navigation.
* Improvement: Button - Slider input field for sticky header's border-radius control changed to spacing control to manage all direction sizes easily.
* Improvement: Custom Layout - Provided actions support of banner title area for single post & archive.
* Fix: Login popup issue when Sticky header with slide animation is enabled.
* Fix: Sidebar design tab in customizer does not show up when "Colors & Background" addon is disabled.
* Fix: W3 validation - Builder - Menu - Duplicate IDs for responsive devices.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Stripe Google pay button is not working on two-column checkout layout page.
* Fix: Custom Layout - Specific selection rule not working correctly if multiple specific selections added in rule engine.
* Fix: Sticky logo width option is not working with Enable Shrink Effect.
* Fix: Custom Layout - content_top and content_bottom hook's layout misaligned on the frontend.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Quick view does not work with infinite scroll.
* Fix: Page Header showing author HTML markup on frontend on author archive page.
* Fix: Page Header - Showing PHP notice for 'Function astra_addon_get_template was called incorrectly' on WooCommerce single products.
* Fix: Select option hidden when dropdown to button option is active for a WooCommerce Composite Product.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Shop - Sorting Filters not working with Shop Card Design Layout 2 on Mobile View.
* Fix: Custom Layout & Page Headers admin - Edit content list posts gets overlapped with WordPress admin footer.
* Fix: Inside container spacing for single posts affecting the related posts section.
* Fix: WooCommerce - Variation button does not work in Quick View modal.

- New: Redesigned the entire admin area with better user experience. ( https://wpastra.com/updates/astra-4 )
- New: Redesigned the entire mega menu area with better user experience. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/nav-menu-module/ )
- New: White Label - Agency icon field for re-branding software.
- New: Introduced admin bar quick links for easy navigation to edit Custom Layout & Page Header posts.
- New: Nav Menu - Custom icon & position support for mega menu items.
- New: Nav Menu - Enhanced options to customize the color and the background inside the mega menu.
- New: Nav Menu - Introducing divider color and styles for mega menu items.
- Fix: Sidebar design tab in customizer does not show up when Colors & Background is disabled.
- Fix: Custom Layout - Specific selection rule not working correctly if multiple specific selections added in rule engine.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Shop - Content inside filter clipping when filter accordion is enabled.
- Fix: Single post - Top-Bottom inside container spacing is not work on mobile devices.
- Fix: Header Builder - Menu - Dropdown Menu on mobile device is not scrollable when Sticky Header is activated.
- Fix: PHP error when bsf-analytics data submitted for breadcrumb-position.
- Fix: Site title and tagline not displaying on Sticky Header after uploading different logo for sticky header.
- Fix: Blog/Archive - Enable/disable for Blog title & post meta does not work for blog layout 2 & 3.
- Fix: Scroll to top trigger position gets misaligned with padded layout.
- Fix: Sticky Header - Due to assigned custom margin to header, it gets misaligned.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Product catalog filter is not showing properly on mobile devices when modern layout is active.
- Fix: When WPML Multilingual CMS plugin is active custom Page Headers are not visible/working.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Variable product is not working with quick view.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Product gallery is not working in quick view.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Getting console error on product category pages when infinite scroll pagination-type is selected.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Username validation error on login form in modern checkout page.
- Fix: Header Builder - Account - Text font family not working on the frontend.
- Fix: Custom Layout - Nested custom layouts not working on the frontend.

- Fix: WooCommerce - Variable product is not working with quick view.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Product gallery is not working in quick view.
- Fix: Custom Layout - When WPML Multilingual CMS plugin is active custom header/footers are not working. ( Props - https://wpml.org/errata/astra-pro-3-9-3-enabling-custom-layouts-blocks-loading-scripts-added-in-the-header-or-footer/ )

- New: Header Builder - Menu - Filter to add mega menu compatibility with registered nav menus. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/mega-menu-support-for-all-builder-menus/ )
- New: Custom Layout - Custom action hook support added to trigger layout content or snippet on a specific location.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Recently viewed product feature.
- New: WooCommerce - Checkout - Back to cart button feature.
- Improvement: Custom Layout - Redesigned admin posts list & editor meta settings with better UI/UX.
- Improvement: WooCommerce - Removed jQuery dependency from Quick View addon.
- Improvement: Introduced action 'astra_checkout_login_field_before' to trigger custom snippet before WooCommerce checkout's login fields.
- Improvement: Introduced action 'astra_checkout_login_field_after' to trigger custom snippet after WooCommerce checkout's login fields.
- Improvement: Added notice to install Astra theme if plugin directly starts. (Props - https://gist.github.com/mattyza)
- Improvement: WooCommerce - Single Product - Selected active variant style design updated via filter 'astra_addon_update_wc_variant_style'.
- Improvement: Page Header - Repeated target rule error notice type changed to warning notice type with disabling the trigger.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Single Product - Payment list styling is broken inside the quick view popup.
- Fix: WooCommerce - My Account - Placeholder added if product image is not available on the order and download section.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Composite product plugin compatibility on a single product.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Updated Related and Upsell products sub-option dependency.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Border removed on single product gallery sliders.
- Fix: Search - In 'Full Screen' style search icon missing when Astra SVG icons available on site.
- Fix: Custom layout content before not working with the WPML targeted pages.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Quick view console error on all pages.
- Fix: Header Builder - Menu - Megamenu container get hides when hovering in between Top Offset spacing.
- Fix: W3 validation - WooCommerce - Quick view and Checkout's Apply Coupon text having accessibility issues.
- Fix: Fatal error 'Uncaught TypeError in Count function' for invalid argument issue on the frontend for cache files, in some rare cases.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - Password required when guest checkout is active.
- Fix: Header Builder - Menu - Active colour from sticky header options not applying to menu items.
- Fix: Custom Layout - Inside post/page content displays multiple times with entry content hooks used.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Remove product icon misalignment issue on the cart page with the safari browser.
- Fix: Builder - Account Element - Changed direction for submenu opening does not work for account menu. (https://wpastra.com/docs/change-the-direction-for-submenu-opening/)
- Fix: WooCommerce - Single Product - The product gallery looks improper when a single product layout builds using a theme builder layout and the first image large gallery option selected from the customizer setting.
- Fix: Footer Builder - Divider Element - Hide on Desktop option is not working.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Off-Canvas Sidebar Filters - Close link trigger is not crawlable due to javascript:void(0) href.
- Fix: Header Builder - Menu - Sub-menu background colour overrides the border-radius of the submenu in the customizer.

- New: WooCommerce - Checkout - Order summary & payment box background color options.
- Improvement: Introduced filter 'astra_addon_override_single_product_layout' to enable/disable vertical & horizontal slider gallery layout in case if Single Product layout built using any page builder themer.
- Improvement: Action 'astra_addon_woo_quick_view_before' for firing before Quick View popup trigger.
- Improvement: WooCommerce - Introduced new JavaScript event 'astraInfinitePaginationLoaded' after shop infinite pagination loaded.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Single Product - Default variation option not working with Change Dropdown to Buttons option in variable type product.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Single Product - Gallery thumbnail slider not in sync when product variations changes.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - String 'Customer information' is not translatable.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - Email validation not working for non admin users when trying to login through the checkout page when the modern layout is active.
- Fix: WooCommerce - My Account - Download items UI gets messed up in modern layout.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - Login button font-size does not match with their surrounding label in modern checkout style.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Checkout - Country/Region misalignment in checkout form on single country selection when modern input style enabled.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Single Product - Misalignment with quantity updater when vertical style is applied.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Shop - Product cards box shadow not working when old header footer is active.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Single Product - Product gallery missing when single product layout build using theme builder layouts.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Removing white background color being added to minicart icon when style is selected as outline.
- Fix: WooCommerce - 'View Cart' secondary link is hidden when product added to that cart from the single product page.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Shop - Active filter misalignment on the frontend.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Modern Checkout layout support for Germanized for WooCommerce plugin.
- Fix: Showing deprecated function warning on frontend after installing Elementor with theme.
- Fix: Customizer range slider control not accepting decimal values for 'em' unit.
- Fix: Need to double click for dropdown menu to open sub-menus on desktop in rare cases.
- Fix: Blog - Infinite scroll is not working with Custom Post types.
- Fix: W3 validation - aria-label attribute is missing for button in Full search style.
- Fix: Updated product columns option dependency on individual Related and Upsell enable setting.

- Fix: Mobile menu flyout mode not working properly when old Header layout is active.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Button variation is displaying the old deleted product attributes on single product.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Shop active filter toggle not working properly due to incorrect customizer option handle.
- Fix: Theme version rollback does not work on the initial page load of Astra Options.

- New: Redesigned the entire customizer UI for better user experience.
- New: WooCommerce - General - Quantity Plus Minus Button Options With Multiple Designs.
- New: WooCommerce - General - Modern Input skin type.
- New: WooCommerce - General - Ajax based quantity selector.
- New: WooCommerce - General - Introduced Color and background option for Sale badge.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Added new modern view option for shop style.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Introduced unique filter panel design.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Introduced sticky shop filter sidebar option.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Added accordion compatibility for WooCommerce filter widgets.
- New: WooCommerce - Shop - Added Flyout and Collapsible option for WooCommerce filters panel.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Added sticky add to cart on single product.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Product tabs heading - Product tabs heading - Added normal, hover, and active text color support.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Added Color and Typography options for Category text.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Added Enable/Disable Quantity Plus-Minus sign option.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Added Option to Add Extra Product Description.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Introduced tab style presets for product details. ( Accordion / Distributed ).
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Introduced previous-next product preview option on navigation hover.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Payment options list in single product structure.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Introduced sticky product summary option.
- New: WooCommerce - Single Product - Toggle to Convert Variation select dropdown to buttons UI on Single Product page.
- New: WooCommerce - Added Multistep Navigation for Cart, Checkout and Order Received pages.
- New: WooCommerce - Cart - Modern Cart Layout.
- New: WooCommerce - Cart - Sticky Cart total on scroll on WooCommerce cart page.
- New: WooCommerce - Checkout - Modern Layout.
- Improvement: Single Product - Option to Show/Hide Category on WooCommerce single product page.
- Improvement: Single Product - Product gallery Layout options ( First Image Large / Vertical Slider / Horizontal Slider ).
- Improvement: Single Product - Product Navigation color options ( Normal & Hover ).
- Fix: Related Products & Upsell columns not working on responsive devices.

- Fix: Custom layout styling not loading on front-end.

- Improvement: Moved Single Post and Page spacing option to theme.
- Fix: Translated Taxonomies not listed under the target specific rule for Custom Layout with Polylang plugin.
- Fix: Custom Layouts - Inside post/page content displays multiple time with entry_after hooks used.
- Fix: Small space appearing between the Sticky Above and Primary header in the Beaver Builder editor.
- Fix: Primary submenus not expandable on mobile when toggle button element is not added.
- Fix: "Header Button" heading added to separate out Sticky Header options in old header.
- Fix: Accessibility - LifterLMS profile link is missing aria-label and role attribute.
- Fix: Fixed display Products from Same Category with Navigation. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/products-from-same-directed-category-with-navigation/ )

- Fix: Improvements as per WordPress coding standards.
- Fix: Header - Menus - Box Shadow not applying for submenus from customizer options
- Fix: Single Product Quantity not working for decimal numbers.
- Fix: Elementor page with Motion effect jerks on scroll when header is set to sticky and animation is None.
- Fix: Submenu items expanded initially in offcanvas, when Toggle Button being used for desktop header.
- Fix: Astra theme version number missing in Rollback section.

- Improvement: Compatibility for enhancing block editor experience. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/improved-block-editor-experience/ )
- Fix: Builder - Search - Search markup is loaded even when the search element is not added.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Grouped product - Add to Cart not appearing properly on Quick view.
- Fix: Some of the Search shortcodes are not working on the posts or pages.
- Fix: W3 validation - aria-label attribute is missing for the close icon for the Off-canvas sidebar trigger on the Shop page.
- Fix: Sticky header meta option is not working on the frontend.
- Fix: Custom Layout - 'Header is built using Custom Layout' notice showing in customizer even the layout's toggle is disabled.

- Fix: Blog - Infinite scroll is not working with Masonry Layout.

- Improvement: Removed jQuery dependency from Blog Pro Infinite Scroll addon.
- Improvement: Removed jQuery dependency from WooCommerce Infinite Scroll addon.
- Improvement: Added activate UAG notice in Custom Layout editor sidebar.
- Improvement: Compatibility with PHP 8.0.
- Fix: Gravity form checkbox not accessible when WooCommerce Quick View option is active.
- Fix: Accessibility - href attribute is missing in the Anchor element for Scroll to top.
- Fix: W3 validation - Removed unwanted CSS value set for content property for Quick View summary section.
- Fix: Navigation menu was not scrollable for the sticky header.
- Fix: Dropdown Mobile Menu - unable to open submenu on Sticky Header with Max Width - Site Layout.
- Fix: Elementor Pro popup not triggered when WooCommerce Single Product gallery layout is set to vertical.
- Fix: Scroll to top - Icon not appearing properly on responsive devices.
- Fix: Inside post/page content breaking the page when Yoast SEO and Beaver Builder plugins are active.
- Fix: Custom Layout - Inside Post Content - appearing in the sidebar.
- Fix: Builder - Language Switcher - WPML - all langauges appearing as active.

- Fix: Custom Layout's meta fields not saving when editor type is Code Editor.

- New: Added feature to enable or disable specific Custom Layout. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/custom-layouts-pro/ )
- Improvement: Added easy filtering tabs for custom layouts lists.
- Improvement: Moved Custom Layout existing settings into a separate Gutenberg sidebar panel.
- Improvement: Add Custom Layouts on pages/posts using shortcode feature.
- Fix: Image field error in the CreativeWork Type.
- Fix: Removed unwanted title and desc tag present for search icon.

- Improvement: Added compatibility for Elementor Pro v3.5.0 WooCommerce widgets.

- Improvement: Code refactor – Some filters, functions, hooks are deprecated and replaced with astra_addon_ prefix NamingConvention. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/deprecated-astra-hooks/ )
- Fix: W3 validation - Getting duplicate H1 tag for 'site-title' in case of Sticky header.
- Fix: W3 validation - CSS parse error for search icon height.
- Fix: W3 validation - Duplicate ID: '#ast-hf-mobile-menu'.
- Fix: W3 validation - Duplicate HTML id '#site-navigation' in case of multiple menus on a single page.
- Fix: Builder - Menu - Transparent header's submenu background color not overridden by Sticky header's submenu background color.
- Fix: Builder - Search - Placeholder was not reflecting on frontend when changing from customizer in Search box style.
- Fix: Search input field border color was not changing when hovered on search icon for Slide Search style.
- Fix: Builder – Language Switcher – Element's language options overlapping on one another.
- Fix: Flyout menu reoccurs when clicked on close icon for Old Header on iPhone devices.

- New: Rollback to previous versions feature for the theme and addon.

- Improvement: Moved heading color options to Global Colors section.
- Fix: Backward compatibility for Content Background option with the theme.

- Improvement: Content background option is removed and will be available with the free Astra Theme.
- Improvement: Typography options for Heading H4 to H6 are now moved to the free Astra Theme.

- Improvement: Astra menu settings button made accessible to users with 'edit-theme-options' capability.
- Improvement: Clear asset cache of theme and addon on every new update of the addon.
- Improvement: WooCommerce & EDD cart - Introducing Cart product count color option.
- Fix: Fatal error `Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function astra_get_tablet_breakpoint()` in some cases.
- Fix: Search - Added Accessibility for Search Box style of Search Button.
- Fix: EDD - Cart count is overlapping on the submenu section.
- Fix: Builder - Account Element - Sticky header menu color not working.
- Fix: Builder - Account Element - Menu Font not working.
- Fix: Builder - Account Element - Deprecated responsive options for menu colors.
- Fix: Builder - Account Element - Login menu notice only visible when WooCommerce or Lifter LMS plugin activated.
- Fix: Sticky Header shrink option not working in new Header/Footer builder.

- Fix: Previous & Next arrow icons not appearing for product gallery in Quick View layout.
- Fix: Compatibility with WPML plugin version 4.5.
- Fix: Console error while editing in the beaver builder editor view when "CSS File Generation" is enabled with Ultimate Addons for Beaver Builder plugin.
- Deprecated: Header Footer Widgets - Deprecated design specific sticky header options for better compatibility with WordPress 5.8. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/enable-astra-widget-design-options/ )

- Security Fix: Replaced AJAX post request with simple JS request for Infinite pagination from WooCommerce & Blog Pro addon.
- Fix: Builder - Submenu & sticky header colors not working if "Header Sections" addon is deactivated from old header. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/editing-submenu-above-below-header-fix/ )
- Fix: Search - In 'Search Box' style search icon missing when Astra CSS icons available on site.
- Fix: Category archive title showing extra 1em space around when "Add Space Between Posts" option is disabled.
- Fix: Showing old footer copyright section on checkout page when distraction free checkout option is enabled for WooCommercce, EDD and LifterLMS.
- Fix: Stack On option for footer Social Icons not reflecting correctly as per setting in customizer.
- Fix: Search icon color is not applying to the Sticky Header Search Box style.
- Fix: Builder - WooCommerce & EDD cart - Outline cart type has transparent background. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/fix-transparent-woocommerce-cart/ )
- Fix: Page Headers and Custom Layouts for specific Pages/ Posts/ Taxonomies, etc. do not work in customizer.
- Fix: Swap Section feature not working for mobile in Old Header Footer. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/fix-swap-sections-not-working/ )
- Deprecated: Filter 'astra_infinite_pagination_post_type' deprecated as AJAX request handled by simple JS request. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/restrict-search-results-post/ )

- Fix: Fatal error on the widgets page when Learndash module is active.

- Fix: Customizer not working due to conflict with block editor JS.

- Fix: WooCommerce - Infinite Posts scroll event showing duplicate products in AJAX search results.

- Fix: WooCommerce & Blog - Infinite Posts showing different taxonomy's products on category or tag archive pages.

- Security Fix: Sanitized AJAX query_vars for Infinite Scroll actions.

- Improvement: Added headings font-weight support to widget-title headings. (https://wpastra.com/docs/font-weight-for-widget-titles/)
- Improvement: Removed jQuery dependency in Scroll To Top addon.
- Improvement: Custom Layout - Added close button for multiselect selected items for Display On field.
- Fix: Builder - Account Element - Sticky Icon Color creates color patch on sticky header active.
- Fix: Builder - WooCommerce cart - 0 Border width count removes default cart icon's border.
- Fix: WooCommerce cart - Color option not working in old header layout.
- Fix: Megamenu - Clicking on any item causes a short gray blink on the items in other columns.
- Fix: Customizer's font & color settings not reflecting in Gutenberg editor. (https://wpastra.com/astra-3-6/)
- Fix: 'Page Header: Center Aligned' layout not working for new users.
- Fix: Core Web Vitals - WooCommerce add to cart plus/minus buttons increasing CLS score.
- Fix: Sticky Header - Transition effect of headers when Shrink Effect is enabled.

- Improvement: Frontend optimization by reducing static CSS and loading it conditionally. (https://wpastra.com/astra-3-5/)
- Fix: Version compare updated to v3.5.0 to support Site Title & Tagline pro color controls dependency.

- Improvement: Added compatibility for upcoming 'Ultimate addons for Gutenberg' plugin version 1.23.0 and above.
- Improvement: Separate out options for outside item color controls in sticky header.
- Improvement: Separate out options for outside item color controls in sticky header.
- Fix: Builder - WooCommerce cart - Empty icons visible along with SVG icons in builder cart element.
- Fix: Spacing options visible in Single Post customizer section even though Spacing addon is disabled.
- Fix: Removed unwanted dividers from customizer setting sections.
- Fix: Builder - Menu - Arrow icon visible aside to Mega Menu Highlight text.
- Fix: JS console error on click of WooCommerce Off-Canvas close icon.

- New: Builder - WooCommerce & EDD Cart - Border width option for cart outline style. (https://wpastra.com/docs/remove-border-around-cart/)
- Fix: WooCommerce - Grid column layout not working for upsell products.
- Fix: Builder - WooCommerce & EDD cart - double icon appearing when icon selected from Addon.

- Fix: Fatal error `Uncaught Error: Class 'Astra_Builder_Helper'` not found when footer build with custom layout.

- New: 'Start Time' and 'End Time' rules for Custom Layouts. (https://wpastra.com/docs/custom-layouts-pro/)
- New: 'Responsive Visibility' rules for Custom Layouts. (https://wpastra.com/docs/custom-layouts-pro/)
- Fix: Remove unnecessary gap between the Mobile Header & Dropdown.
- Fix: Search element margin not working.
- Fix: Breadcrumb in the page headers show warnings on structure testing tool.
- Fix: Gutenberg Editor - Unable to edit content in editor when background styles applied to Content and Site Layout is Max-Width.
- Fix: Builder - Menu – After partial refresh megamenu's width & left position removes in customizer.
- Fix: Enable Code Editor button misaligned in Gutenberg editor when Starter Templates plugin is active.
- Fix: Sticky Header - Below header menu hover color issue when the mega menu is enabled.
- Fix: Search Box Styling not working.

- Fix: Previous & Next navigation icons not appearing on WooCommerce single product page.
- Fix: Close icon not appearing for WooCommerce Quick View on Shop Page.

- Fix: Builder - Illegal offset warning for footer divider with invalid vertical size.
- Fix: Icons not appearing for WooCommerce Off-Canvas filter on Shop Page.

- New: Builder - Introduced new element Toggle for Desktop. (https://wpastra.com/docs/toggle-button-for-desktop/)
- New: SVG Icons support ( deprecating astra.woff font file ). (https://wpastra.com/docs/ast-font-icons-to-svg/)
- Improvement: Redesigned the image resize control UI in customizer for better user experience.
- Improvement: Builder - Menu - Added box shadow option for submenu container.
- Improvement: Code quality improvements for better performance.
- Improvement: WordPress 5.7 compatibility.
- Improvement: Frontend optimization - WooCommerce - Shop Page, Single Product Page. (https://wpastra.com/docs/optimize-css-html-before-3-3/)
- Improvement: Frontend optimization - EDD - Shop Page, Single Product Page.
- Improvement: Frontend optimization - LifterLMS - All Courses Page.
- Improvement: Frontend optimization - LearnDash - All Courses Page, Single Course Page.
- Fix: Builder - Account Element - Added better notices for user understanding when Profile Action is set to Menu.
- Fix: Above Header and Below Header compatibility in Page Header.
- Fix: Menu container width not caculated properly when Mega Menu Width is set to Menu Container Width.
- Fix: Vertical Alignment for Above, Below, and Primary footer not working when the addon is active.
- Fix: Divider being invisible in some cases due to invalid width/height references.
- Deprecated: Footer Divider - Deprecated the vertical layout size in percentage and added it in px.
- Deprecated: Header Divider - Deprecated the horizontal layout size in percentage and added it in px.

- New: Introduced Inside Post/Page content option in Custom Layouts.

- New: Ability to clone and delete elements from Header/Footer Builder. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/new-features-clone-delete/ )
- New: Added new color options for Add to Cart Tray.
- New: Language Switcher element for Header & Footer Builder.
- Improvement: Redesigned the entire customizer UI for better user experience. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/revamped-astra-customizer/ )
- Improvement: Added design options for Builder - Toggle Menu in Sticky header.
- Improvement: Builder - Search - Placeholder text and color options.
- Improvement: Builder - Search - Box height, Icon color and Background color options.
- Improvement: Builder - Button - Added button size options.
- Fix: Builder - Social Icons - Added ability to show the social icons in vertical layout for mobile devices.
- Fix: Builder - Sticky Header - Social icon, label custom color & official color not working.
- Fix: Corrected position of 'Last Menu Item' typography controls inside 'Primary Menu' section.
- Fix: Builder - Menu - Megamenu container get hides when hover in between Top Offset spacing.
- Fix: Sticky Header - Page scrolls to top in customizer when user switch to responsive mode.
- Fix: Submenu colors are not working in the frontend.
- Fix: Menu font size not working with old Header.
- Fix: Sticky Header - Menu link, background and hover colors not working for old header.
- Fix: Sticky Header -  Site title and tagline color not working.
- Fix: White Label - Not able to white label the theme author and theme name in footer builder.
- Fix: Added missing widget title font family option.
- Fix: Product count value in cart element not aligned.
- Fix: Custom Layouts - Removed unwanted blank CSS while using spacing option.

- Fix: Mobile Header - Flyout Menu does not work for Sticky Header.
- Fix: Hide label description option not working in Mega Menu.

- New: Account element for Header Builder. ( https://wpastra.com/astra-3-0/ )
- New: Divider element for Header & Footer Builder. ( https://wpastra.com/astra-3-0/ )
- New: Mega Menu container custom width option.
- New: Mega Menu container margin & padding options.
- Improvement: Added customizer partial refresh support in a few options.
- Fix: Sticky Header background color not working in some cases.
- Fix: Page Header - Display Below Header option not working.

- Fix: Fatal error `Uncaught Error: Class 'Astra_Builder_Helper' not found` with Astra theme version 3.0.0-beta.2.

- New: Visibility options - Now user can hide few options as per devices.
- New: Divider Element - Horizontal & Vertical Divider for both Header and Footer
- New: WooCommerce Cart and EDD Cart Element for Header
- Improvement: Faster Customizer experience with respect to Design/General Tab change.
- Improvement: Ability to add any number Elements in Header and Footer using a filter from child theme.
- Improvement: Loaded animation CSS only when needed.
- Improvement: Improved the UI in customizer for Footer Builder.
- Improvement: Custom Layouts - Added compatibility to new Custom Layouts Hooks with respect to the new Header/Footer.
- Improvement: Page Header - Added compatibility to Page Headers with respect to the new Header/Footer.
- Improvement: Responsive - Added responsive compatibility to Footer Inner Column Spacing.
- Improvement: Responsive - Added responsive compatibility to Social Icon Size and Social Icon Spacing.
- Improvement: Responsive - Added responsive compatibility to Search Icon Color.
- Improvement: Responsive - Added responsive compatibility to HTML Element related Colors.
- Improvement: Responsive - Added responsive compatibility to Widget Element related Colors.
- Improvement: Responsive - Added responsive compatibility to Above, Below and Primary Header height.
- Improvement: Responsive - Added responsive compatibility to Footer Menu layout.
- Improvement: Responsive - Added responsive compatibility to Footer Column Layout.
- Fix: Allowed negative margin values
- Fix: Fixed the issue with Global Button hover color not being applied to Header/Footer Buttons.
- Fix: Sticky Header - Shrink option issue with alignment.
- Fix: Primary Menu - Font Weight not being applied in frontend.
- Fix: Off Canvas - Fixed issue with Sub Menu colors, typography and other inheriting properties.
- Fix: Primary Menu - Fixed an issue with Stack on Mobile option not in action in some rare scenario.
- Fix: Footer - Added default Stack layout for Footer Columns.
- Fix: Toggle Button - Fixed an issue Toggle Button SVG looking odd.
- Fix: Button - Fixed an issue with mismatched EM/PX with respect to Margin.
- Fix: AMP Compatibility - Fixed an issue with Menu animation JS for AMP pages.
- Fix: Slider Control - Fixed an issue with zero value not being accepted by the Slider Control.

- New: Header Builder
- Introducing a new visual Header Builder that gives a flexible and advanced header designing experience.
- It offers different layers for header - Above Header, Primary Header, and Below Header.
- You can drag-n-drop elements in different sections of the header. It gives you the freedom to place elements at any location in the header quickly.
- It offers different essential header elements like Button, HTML, Widget, Social Icon, Search, Menu, etc. So that you can add all the required information easily with few clicks.
- Get background and height options for Above, Below, and Primary header.
- Spacing options for each element in the header.
- You can design a completely different header for responsive devices with handy mobile header options.
- Refer to a detailed comparison of features available with Astra free and Pro. ( https://wpastra.com/astra-free-vs-pro/ )

- New: Footer Builder
- Introducing a new visual Footer Builder that gives the ability to design unique footers for your website.
- It offers different layers for the footer - Above Footer, Primary Footer, and Below Footer.
- You can drag-n-drop elements in different sections of the footer. It gives you the freedom to place elements at any location in the footer quickly.
-  It offers different essential footer elements like Copyright, Button, HTML, Widget, Social Icon, Search, Footer Menu, etc. So that you can add all the required information easily with few clicks.
- It provides a flexible columns-based structure where you can select column count and column layouts. This lets you manage the footer look easily.
- Create responsive layouts for the footer.
- Spacing and alignment options for each element in the footer.
- Refer to a detailed comparison of features available with Astra free and Pro. ( https://wpastra.com/astra-free-vs-pro/ )

- Improvement: Improved Customizer
- Experience faster loading customizer. Astra customizer is now upgraded with ReactJS that gives a quick and swift customizer experience.
- For quick access and faster editing, customization options are segregated and served with two different tabs - General and Design.
- Now get a faster customizer preview than before. Header and Footer sections will be partially refreshed on any change in the customizer.

- Improvement: Frontend optimization by loading WooCommerce 'Shop Page' pagination JS file conditionally.
- Improvement: Frontend optimization by loading 'Blog Page' infinite pagination JS conditionally.
- Fix: Fatal error on changing the value of some controls in Customizer - compatibility with PHP 8.0.

- Fix: 'Display on Mobile Devices' option dependency added with all the options in Section 1 & 2 of Above and Below headers.
- Fix: Submenu icons having wrong position in RTL view on responsive devices.
- Fix: MegaMenu background image option not working.
- Fix: PHP fatal error while previewing themes other than Astra in customizer when Astra Pro is activated.

- New: Gradient color option for background control in customizer. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/new-color-controls-in-astra/ )
- Improvement: Color, Responsive Color, Background & Responsive Background control now uses Gutenberg's control in customizer. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/new-color-controls-in-astra/ )
- Improvement: All custom controls HTML markup was loading from PHP, which is now moved to React JS for better and optimized customizer performance. ( https://wpastra.com/astra-2-6/ )
- Fix: Infinite scroll was loading all types of posts on the blog page.
- Fix: PHP fatal error while previewing other themes in customizer when Astra Pro is activated.

- Improvement: File Generation code improvements.
- Fix: Custom Layouts translations not working with Polylang plugin.

- Fix: WordPress 5.5 Customizer JS error related to addons.
- Fix: Mega Menu and Page Header - Color picker compatibility with WordPress 5.5.
- Fix: Up/Down arrow appearing for Page Header settings with WordPress 5.5.
- Fix: Bulk activation/deactivation of Addons misprint text for their status.

- Fix: Megamenu - Hide label / description & Hide link options not working.

- Fix: Child Theme - template directory does not exist warning when the theme name is White Labelled.

- New: Mega Menu -  Full Width Stretched layout. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/header-improvements-in-astra )
- Improvement: Mega Menu, Above & Below header CSS optimization. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/header-improvements-in-astra )
- Improvement: Support of Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg plugin and Reusable Blocks for Mega Menu templates.
- Improvement: Hardened security of the SelectWoo library.
- Improvement: Filter to disable Image Processing. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/blog-featured-image-size-issues/ )
- Fix: Deprecated 'No Toggle' mobile menu style option. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/unable-to-find-no-toggle-menu-style )
- Fix: Mega Menu styling overriding Page Builder CSS in Template.
- Fix: Typography options missing for the other sections than Menu in Above Header.
- Fix: Read time not working with RTL languages.
- Fix: Restrict search results for 'Posts Only' filter not working in Infinite Scroll. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/restrict-search-results-post/ )
- Fix: Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg plugin styling not working in some cases for Custom Layouts.
- Fix: Brizy Icon setting JS conflict.
- Fix: Custom Layout compatibility with Brizy.
- Fix: Updated strings.
- Fix: White label conflict with WordPress Starter plugin.
- Fix: Mega Menu not working in Above and Below Headers for some cases.
- Fix: WPML plugin conflict with 'Select Specific Page/Post' option of Custom layout.

- Improvement: Introducing filters - 'astra_post_minute_of_reading_text' & 'astra_post_minutes_of_reading_text'.
- Improvement: Read Time meta support in single post.
- Fix: WordPress default widget blocks not working in Custom Layout.
- Fix: Some Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg Blocks not working in Custom Layout.
- Fix: Adding Different Logo checkbox dependency on Retina Logo option in Page Header.
- Fix: Ultimate Addons for Gutenberg v1.14.11 Blocks not working in Custom Layout.
- Fix: Sale Badge UI fix for WooCommerce products.
- Fix: Adding Header Layout dependency on 'Display on Mobile devices' option in customizer for Above and Below Headers.
- Fix: Media breakpoint for tablet appearing on website as a text due to HTML Cache.

- New: Gutenberg support in Custom Layouts. ( https://wpastra.com/custom-layouts-with-gutenberg/ )
- New: Page Header submenu color options. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/page-headers-overview/ )
- Improvement: Dashboard menus now appear without reloading the page on activating addon.
- Improvement: Gutenberg editor improvements.
- Improvement: Hardened the security of plugin.
- Fix: Filter to fix Custom Layouts built with Beaver Builder not rendering in some cases. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/custom-layouts-rendering-issue )
- Fix: Transparent header bottom border is not working on mobile and tablet.
- Fix: LifterLMS compatibility JS file not loading.
- Fix: Full-Screen menu style visibility problem when both Above & Below header menus are merged.
- Fix: Masonry blog layout not working.
- Fix: Warnings on activating plugin on fresh website.
- Fix: Plugin icon missing from Updates page.

- New: White Label non-personal data tracking setting. ( https://store.brainstormforce.com/usage-tracking/?utm_source=wp_dashboard&utm_medium=general_settings&utm_campaign=usage_tracking )
- Fix: Gutenberg editor Full Width layout background color not working for new post.
- Fix: Gutenberg editor Headings color and typography not working.

- New: Filter to change default breakpoint of tablet & mobile devices. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/set-update-breakpoints-tablet-mobile-in-astra/ )
- Improvement: Background color/image responsive param. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/how-to-set-background-image-for-the-site/ )
- Improvement: Theme minimum version notice is now dismissible.
- Fix: Brizy white label compatibility.
- Fix: Tablet colors not working when menu breakpoint increased above 768px. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/set-update-breakpoints-tablet-mobile-in-astra/ )
- Fix: 'Inherit' font family for UABB Default Button not working.
- Fix: Error while updating the plugin in some cases.

- Fix: WordPress 5.4 compatibility with Gutenberg Editor.
- Fix: Mega Menu settings button appearing twice on menu page with WordPress 5.4.

- Improvement: Added compatibility of 'Display on Mobile' option with all 'Section' options with Above and Below Header.
- Improvement: Added support for file generation option to work in individual sites on multisite setup.
- Fix: Student Gravatar customizer option missing in Learndash 3.0 template.
- Fix: Updated Iris library for Color Picker.
- Fix: Undefined url and path PHP notice in some cases.
- Fix: PHP warnings for undefined notice in Spacing Addon.
- Fix: Transparent header jittery issue with animation on mobile.
- Fix: Footer widget line height round off issue.
- Fix: Line height round off issue in WooCommerce product title on single product and product archive page.

- Fix: Astra Addon minimum version notice appearing in some cases even after Astra Addon is updated.

- Fix: Custom Layouts built with Thrive and Divi not working.

- New: Page Header - responsive option to enable parallax effect on responsive devices. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/parallax-page-header/ )
- Improvement: Hardened the security of plugin.
- Improvement: Compatibility with latest WordPress PHP_CodeSniffer rules.
- Improvement: Added Fallback for database migration for some edge cases and when CRON is disabled.
- Fix: Submenu disappears on safari in case of No Toggle menu style.
- Fix: Above and Below header menu toggle color not working in customizer.
- Fix: Theme minimum version update notice.
- Fix: Astra Pro License white label constant not working. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/white-label-constants-to-change-strings-permanently/ )
- Fix: Quick View Plus Minus not working on Single Product page. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/disable-plus-minus-buttons/ )
- Fix: Uncanny LearnDash Toolkit - Mega Menu admin conflict.
- Fix: Console JS warning for function AstraToggleMenu().
- Fix: Fatal error Sales Price if variation product does not exist.
- Fix: Duplicate search with sticky header.

- Security Fix: Cross-site scripting (XSS) vulnerability.

- Fix: Possible recursion in the update functions.

- Fix: Error on plugins page on sites where curl extension is not enabled.

- Improvement: Update Brainstorm Updater to v1.23.2.

- Fix: Error on plugins page with sites having WP version < 5.3.
- Fix: Custom Layout content render issue.

- New: Added button and heading compatibility with Page Builders ( https://wpastra.com/astra-2-2/ ).
- Fix: Page header background image accessibility issue.
- Fix: Theme minimum version notice appearing even when theme is updated.
- Fix: Sale batch price issue with variable product.
- Fix: Post title not appearing issue with ToolSet Plugin.
- Fix: Megamenu admin RTL CSS fixes.
- Fix: Page Header admin RTL CSS fixes.
- Fix: WooCommerce plus minus button conflict with Convert Pro plugin.

- Fix: Undefined function PHP error occurs when theme functions are not loaded in a few scenarios.
- Fix: Too few argument PHP warning in comment section.

- Improvement: Filter 'astra_single_featured_image_post_types' to apply Featured Image Size to pages also.
- Improvement: Filters to Disable Schema. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/disable-schema-markup/ )
- Improvement: Filter to disable WooCommerce quantity buttons. ( https://wpastra.com/docs/disable-plus-minus-buttons/ )
- Improvement: Filters 'astra_advanced_header_layout_1_title_tag', 'astra_advanced_header_layout_2_title_tag' to change HTML tag of the Advance Header title.
- Fix: Added AMP prefix to CSS files for AMP specific pages.
- Fix: Mega Menu not closing on mouse out.
- Fix: Fatal error on AMP pages when a theme from AMPforWP Plugin is activated.
- Fix: Scroll to top background color and hover color not working.
- Fix: .hidden CSS class renamed to .ast-hidden class due to conflict with third party plugins.
- Fix: Compatibility with WordPress 5.3.
- Fix: Product Sorting not working when Infinite Scroll is enabled for WooCommerce Products.
- Fix: Single Post Inside Spacing option not working for Author info box.

- Improvement: WooCommerce Product Gutenberg blocks compatibility.
- Improvement: Custom Layouts and Page Headers menu will be visible only to users with `edit_theme_options` capability.
- Fix: Sub menu closes on page scroll for android devices.
- Fix: Wrong WooCommerce product variation added to cart when more than one add to cart form is displayed on page.
- Fix: WP Bakery shortcodes not working when Auto Load Previous Posts option is enabled from the customizer for the single blog.
- Fix: WooCommerce header cart icon options live preview not working in the customizer.
- Fix: Full Width sticky header not working when Header Button selected in Last Menu Item.

- Fix: Post save action not working for users not having theme edit capability.
- Fix: Errors few users facing with WooCommerce product add to cart and checkout processing.

- New: A CSS file will be loaded for dynamic style generated according to options set in the customizer, earlier inline CSS was loading on the page.
- New: New filter `astra_load_dynamic_css_inline` to disable/enable loading of inline CSS.
- New: Filter to modify widgets title HTML from Above and Below widget area.
- Improvement: New plus-minus buttons for Product quantity input on WooCommerce cart and single product page.
- Fix: Scroll of the page stops working after the closing menu when the sticky header is used on the mobile device.
- Fix: Horizontal Scroll getting added to the responsive layout when Footer Bar padding is set to 0.
- Fix: Shortcodes not working in custom layouts built with Brizy page builder.
- Fix: Header cover search not working on android tablet devices.
- Fix: License activation link from plugins page not working when WHITE LABEL is enabled.
- Fix: Sticky Header site tagline color not working with Sticky Header animations.
- Fix: Advanced Header site tagline color not working.

- New: Introduced astra_single_post_title_after hook under hooks list for Custom Layout.
- Improvement: Remove unnecessary role attribute from HTML.
- Improvement: SVG for Below and Above Header layouts.
- Improvement: Loading BB layout CSS/JS inside <head> to avoid flash of unstyled content.
- Improvement: Purge Nginx helper's cache after the Astra addon refreshes its assets.
- Fix: Learndash colors options not working in the customizer.
- Fix: Duplicate post rendered on attachment post when auto load previous option is enabled.

- Improvement: Improved logic that is used to save the values of options inside the new popups, Earlier all the values of options inside the popup were combined and stored in JSON objects now all the values inside the popup are stored separately similar to Astra Version 1.X.X. This removes the requirement of the Database Upgrade routine when updating from Version 1.X to 2.X
- Improvement: Changed the images inside customizer to new lightweight SVGs.
- Improvement: Updated minor UI tweaks for all the customizer controls to unify the design accross all the options.
- Fix: Purge Nginx Helper's cache when Astra Addon's CSS/JS files are refreshed.
- Fix: Enqueue BB Layout's CSS in <head> to avoid fouc.

- Improvement: Option Labels in the customizer.
- Improvement: Layout design images.

- Improvement: Combined Native and Astra Options for Woocommerce.
- Improvement: Categorization of header options.

- Improvement: Live Preview for heading and body font family option without page refresh.
- Fix: Primary header spacing options not working on tablet devices.
- Fix: Sub-menu background color is not working for a full-screen menu style.
- Fix: Menu and sub-menu background color for full-screen style is not getting inherited on tablet and mobile devices.
- Fix: Menu background color live preview is not working for the flyout menu style.
- Fix: Transparent header Menu Background color and link color options are not working.
- Fix: Close Button position misplaced when the above header merged with the primary header.

- Improvement: Live preview for Typography options.
- Fix: Responsive Background color not working when the background image is used in the desktop device only.
- Fix: Background Overlay Color value not inherited on Tablet and Mobile Device for Transparent Header.
- Fix: Submenu spacing responsive value not working for Above and Below Header.
- Fix: Active colors are not working on the iPad device for the submenu from primary header.
- Fix: Submenu background color not inherited for sticky-header when used with a flyout menu.
- Fix: Responsive Menu Color options are not working for Transparent Header.
- Fix: Toggle Button color is not working when Below Header merged with Primary Header.
- Fix: Content section colors are not working on the mobile device for the Above Header.

- Improvement: Updated Brainstorm Force updater to the latest version.

- Fix: Delay in Navigation Menu appearance.
- Fix: Infinite Scroll not working inside Archive Product Widget of Elementor.

- New: Color options for LearnDash 3.0 template.
- Improvement: Deprecated layout, typography options for LearnDash 3.0 template.

- Fix: Sticky header not working with Mega Menu enabled.

- Fix: Duplicate menu labels appearing in Primary Header when Sticky header is enabled.

- New: Disable Execution of PHP Code in Custom Layouts using constant 'ASTRA_ADVANCED_HOOKS_DISABLE_PHP'
- Fix: Sticky header menu color not working when menu color is set from Advance Header.
- Fix: Mega menu improper width on page load.

- Fix: Breadcrumb deprecated notice appearing on page header.
- Fix: Hide changelog only when whitelabel is enabled.
- Fix: Brizy compatibility fix.
- Fix: Transparent notice appearing in color option of Customizer even when Transparent Header was disabled.
- Fix: Redirect to cart page on successful add to cart if the option is selected from WooCommerce settings.
- Fix: Scroll not smooth on mobile when masonry effect enabled for blog posts.
- Fix: WCAG 2.0 Search icon link accessibility fix.
- Fix: Remove usage of get_woocommerce_term_meta() which is deprecated in WooCommerce 3.6.0.
- Fix: Vertical Gallery scroll appearing even when 3 products added in single product page.
- Fix: BB Editor changes not getting saved when Mobile Header addon active.

- Fix: Breadcrumb shortcode not working.
- Fix: When hash link clicked inside merged menu, the menu was not closing.

- New: Shortcode '[astra_breadcrumb]' - https://wpastra.com/docs/display-breadcrumb-with-shortcode/
- Fix: HTML 5 Validation error in the above & below header menu toggle button classes.
- Fix: WooCommerce checkout page quick view compatibility issue with Cart Flows plugin.

- Fix: Custom Layouts - Hook name not being displayed in the admin area when editing the custom layout.

- New: Native AMP support from Astra Theme and Astra Pro. Read more about here - https://wpastra.com/astra-is-amp-ready/
- Improvements: Accessibility - Keyboard navigation not working for menu in the sticky header.
- Improvements: Above Header & Below header text/html preview.
- Fix: WooCommerce - Invalid Product notice issue.
- Fix: Lightbox issue with custom layout(Image size issue).
- Fix: Gutenberg - container color does not work on pages freshly created.
- Fix: Infinite scroll issue with product catalog option of WooCommerce.

- New: Whitelabel - Allow white label strings to be updated using PHP constants. (https://wpastra.com/docs/white-label-constants-to-change-strings-permanently/)
- Improvement: Whitelabel - Replace wpastra.com links in customizer with white-labeled links.
- Improvement: Whitelabel - Replace plugin strings on the updates page.
- Improvement: Whitelabel - Replace Theme strings on the Themes page and update notification.
- Improvement: Whitelabel - Replace the theme page slug to white-labeled theme name.
- Improvement: Improve accessibility of Mega menu, Make sure the mega menus can be accessed by using tab navigation.
- Fix: Above header mobile menu getting incorrect width.
- Fix: Divi builder not working on archive pages with custom layouts.
- Fix: Toggle for menu does not work when sticky header animation is enabled.
- Fix: Custom Layout hooks created for WooCommerce actions showing 404 pages when trying to edit them.

- Fix: Mega menu color picker not working.
- Fix: When Hooks from WooCommerce are selected in Custom Layouts elementor editor cannot be opened.
- Fix: submenu is displayed in column layouts even if the mega menu is not enabled in a few cases.

- New: Filter to allow modifying WooCommerce product navigation - https://wpastra.com/docs/display-products-from-same-category-with-navigation/
- Fix: Horizontal scroll added on the sticky header when flyout menu is used.
- Fix: Whitel label not updating the Theme name from Customizer Screen.
- Fix: Headings colors not working in the Block Editor.
- Fix: WooCommerce Quick View not arrows not working in RTL mode.

- Fix: Depracated fuction warning from Elementor's method `\Elementor\Post_CSS_File`

- New: Added stick add to cart option to stick the Add to Cart in the Quick View popup.
- Improvement: Quick View - Update close icon position to be outside the popup.
- Improvement: Quick View - Remove unnecessary scroll bars visible when the description is not too long.
- Improvement: Quick View - Gallery scrolling two images at once.
- Improvement: Quick View - Overall improvement in the logic for Quick View to fix bugs reported by users on support channels.
- Improvement: Whitelabel - `'` in the Whitelabel title breaks the actual title.
- Improvement: Whitelabel - modify strings in the update popup for the plugin.
- Improvement: Whitelabel - Permanently hide white label screen using a constant. Read about the doc here - https://wpastra.com/docs/how-to-disable-the-white-label-settings-permanently/
- Improvement: Whitelabel - Hide beta updates block when the white label is enabled.
- Improvement: Whitelabel - Update missing string changes in Astra mega menu settings.
- Improvement: Whitelabel - Update permalink for Custom Layouts in white label.
- Improvement: Whitelabel - Hide actions in custom layouts addon when the white label is enabled.
- Fix: Block Editor - content color/background color does not work.
- Fix: In full-screen mobile menu submenu icon alignment missing.
- Fix: List Astra free plugins from Astra Options page.
- Fix: Outside custom menu item padding does not work.
- Fix: Suggestion - White Label feature.
- Fix: Z-index issue with header in a padded layout.

- Fix: PHP Error not allowing Custom Layouts to be edited when a custom action is selected.

- Fix: Hide Beta updates option for white labeled sites.
- Fix: Sticky header CSS being applied to Primary Header.
- Fix: Page Headers: HTML markup being displayed in page header on author archive pages.
- Fix: Sticky header shrink adding incorrect padding to the custom menu item.
- Fix: Shop pagination does not work on product categories when "subcategories" is selected to be displayed on the shop.

- Improvement: Introduced actions and filters in Advanced Headers templates to make them extendible.
- Fix: Blog Pro: Datebox goes out of the container when single column layout is used for blog archive.
- Fix: Sticky header displaying transparent header colors on focus.
- Fix: Lifter LMS header profile link alignment not center aligned.
- Fix: Page header logo not displayed on mobile devices.

- Fix: PHP Notice appearing in the sticky header dynamic CSS.

- New: Custom Button Options for the Transparent header.

- Fix: JavaScript error on WooCommerce checkout pages when using with CartFlows.
- Fix: EDD cart in header displaying HTML markup.
- Fix: Remove Extra Astra font family being loaded form Astar Pro.

- New: Introduced Easy Digital Downloads Addon.
- Fix: Mega Menu + no toggle style not working correctly on mobile.
- Fix: Elementor Pro options are not applied to the imported templates.
- Fix: Background Overlay Color for transparent header for responsive devices.
- Fix: Header Cover search does not work correctly in actual responsive devices.
- Fix: Padded layout cannot set to full width.
- Fix: Mega menu hide label option hides it's submenu content.
- Fix: Remove featured image padding and space inside padding not working correctly together with padding option.

- Fix: Page header's CSS not being loaded on the pages.

- New: Complete Gutenberg Support: Editor Styles, Wide and full width support.
- Fix: Woocommerce - Label as Placeholder not working for Checkout Page.
- Fix: Thrive editor content being lost if two layouts are loaded on a page.
- Fix: Mobile & Sticky Logo visible together if both logo set.
- Fix: Megamenu heading CSS applying even after disabling megamenu.
- Fixed: Sale doesn't show the actual percentage for variable products.

- Improvement: Remove link pointer animation styles. We will work on these to get better animations that can be provided from the theme.
- Add option to set border color for submenu item.

- New: Introducing advanced Nav Menu addon. Check out the changelog of 1.6.0-beta/rc for all the new changes.
- Fix: Transition delay different for nav menu hover colors.
- Fix: Page Header logo width not working.
- Fix: Duplicate border for a full-width mega menu.
- Fix: Horizontal scroll appears for a full-width mega menu.

- New: Link for product title in WooCommerce quick view
- Fix: Sub menu border not working
- Fix: Menu sortable not working
- Fix: Full-width mega menu not working
- Fix: Top border getting applied to all the four sides of submenu container
- Fix: 100% Width not getting applied for the Mega Menu in IE10
- Fix: Horizontal scroll on the page when the Mega Menu is enabled
- Fix: WooCommerce product Quick view accepts order value more than stock value
- Fix: Center header layout with custom header breaks on IE11
- Fix: Mega Menu content width not getting applied in IE11

- Fix: Enable Mega Menu option not visible in popup.
- Fix: Megamenu not working correctly in sticky header "hide when scrolling down" option is selected.
- Fix: Custom menu item is not center aligned when using submenu below header filter.
- Fix: PHP Notice due to link pointer style CSS not loaded in correct WordPress action.
- Fix: WooCommerce - External/Affiliate product issue with Ajax Add to Cart.
- Fix: Background image displayed twice for fullwidth mega menu.
- Fix: Highlighted label should be center aligned

- Improvement: updated design of the navigation menu settings popup.
- Fix: Elementor does not work if `no-toggle` menu style is selected and the section 1/section 2 is not set for Header Sections.
- Fix: Sale bubble styling is not working with woocommerce shortcode.
- Fix: Mobile menu submenu icon alignment is missing when we set label to the main menu in mobile devices.

- Fix: PHP Fatal error if beta version of the addon is updated before the theme is udpated due to missing frunction from theme.

- New: Added widget support for Mega Menu.
- Improvement: Primary Submenu, Header Sections Submenu border option moved from Colors and Backgrounds to Layout section.
- Fix: Space Outside Body given in % for top not working with Sticky Header.

- New: Convert menu item into heading option for Mega Menu.
- New: Spacing, Typography, Color options for the mega menu headings.
- Improvement: Categorized the admin options for mega menu in WP Admin -> Menus.
- Fix: Color options compatibility with Mega Menu.

- New: Introducing advanced Nav Menu addon. Create Mega Menus natively from Astra Pro.
- New: Mega Menu support for above and below header.

- Fix: Hide notice displayed for activating the license for Astra Theme.
- Fix: Sticky header mobile and tablet colors not woking when transparent header is enabled.

- New: Support for automatic beta updates for Astra Pro and Astra Theme. Read more about here.
- Fix: Header Cover search when main header menu is opened would cover header and menu together. Now it only covers the header.
- Fix: Flyout menu not taking full window height on some mobile devices.
- Fix: Target rules in custom layouts and page headers not displaying post types without taxanomies.

- New: Search styles - Slide search, Fullscreen Search, Header Cover Search, Search Box.
- New: Blog Pro - Image size control for blog archive and single post
- New: Added filter `astra_addon_get_white_labels` to change the white label settings.
- Fix: Transparent Header makes the search bar transparent.
- Fix: Font size and line height for h2 not working.
- Fix: Mobile flyout Menu Hiding on Safari iOS when sticky header is activated.
- Fix: Brizy page builder not working when creating layouts in custom layouts addon.

- Fix: Correctly sanitize the font-weight control in the Astra Customizer.

- Fix: Transparent Header logo not being displayed.
- Fix: Sticky header colors not working when page header is used on a page.

- Fix: Sticky header options hidden in customizer when above and below headers are not used.

- Fix: PHP warning in customizer when all addons are deacivated.

- Improvement: If a menu item has a #link, the menu will automatically be closed.
- Fix: Transparent header menu and submenu colors not applied for menus in above header and below header.
- Fix: Increased z-inde of sticky header so that it does not go under any otherpage elements.
- Fix: Sticky header background color not being applied when sticky header is enabled using page meta only.

- Fix: PHP Fatal error in LearnDadh distraction-free learning mode.

- New: Color options for Sticky Above, Below and Primary Header.
- New: Color options for transparent header are now responsive.
- New: Submenu color options for transparent headers.
- New: Shortcodes for LifterLMS and LearnDash profile link - [astra_lifterlms_profile_link] and [astra_learndash_profile_link] respectively.
- Improvement: Add alpha color picker for all the color options in customizer.
- Fix: Flyout menu navigation overflowing outside the flyout container.
- Fix: Inline logo and title does not work if custom menu item is set to be outside.
- Fix: Excerpt length from Elementor Pro's widgets not working due to filter in Astra.

- New: Mobile Headers add-on. Check out the changelog of 1.4.0-beta for all the new changes.
- Fix: Below header merge menu adds different colors for both the menus.
- Fix: Scrollbar visible for no toggle menu style when last menu item has submenus.
- Fix: Fullscreen menu not center aligned in below header.
- Fix: Desktop logo width is not inherited on the mobile logo is mobile logo does not have any width.

- New: Separator param to differentiate desktop and mobile header settings in a section.
- New: Option to hide custom menu item on a mobile device.
- New: Background image option for menu background.
- Improvement: Default paddings for above and below headers. Improved spacings in between header sections.
- Improvement: Display a notice in customizer header section if the header is built using custom layouts addon. - https://cl.ly/shfh
- Improvement: Improved transition for the flyout and fullscreen styles.
- Improvement: Spacing between the menu item and dropdown icon for all mobile menu styles.
- Improvement: Mobile header layouts now work on breakpoint width instead of static 544px width.
- Fix: Flyout menu is not loading in full screen when we set sticky.
- Fix: Half border added to a custom menu item on a mobile
- Fix: Background color and image param are not working for the sticky header in responsive options.
- Fix: Swap positions does not work in stack layout
- Fix: When the menu is disabled, flyout goes full width.
- Fix: No toggle style overflows outside the screen.
- Fix: Sticky + Transparent is not working
- Fix: Dropdown menu width shrunk in stack layout.
- Fix: Custom Layout missing all the columns like Display Rules, Author.
- Fix: Fullscreen menu not correctly center aligned.
- Fix: Primary menu border not working for the no-toggle style.
- Fix: Priority 0 is not being set from Custom Layout.
- Fix: WooCommerce infinite scroll -- products appear on shop/category page even if only show categories is selected.
- Fix: WooCommerce Checkout form label as placeholder not working for a few checkout fields.
- Fix: WooCommerce Quick View popup on a smaller screen does not display product title
- Fix: Lifter LMS - Header goes full width when content is set to full width and LifterLMS Distraction Free Learning is enabled.

- New: Mobile menu style - "No Toggle"
- New: Mobile Header support for Above Header and Below Header.
- New: Introduced responsive params for colors, background, slider etc to allow reducing duplicate settings.
- New: Merge Desktop header and mobile header settings to reduce the number of separate settings in customizer.
- New: Spacing options for single blog post layout.
- New: Improve UX for multiple Logos in Customizer. Add logos for transparent/sticky/mobile etc only when you want to have a different logo than default.
- Fixed: Fine Tune close icon position in flyout menu.
- Fixed: Astra Header doe snot work correctly in IE11
- Fixed: Custom Layouts 404 page does not display background image to body
- Fixed: Custom Layouts & Thrive Page builder not allowing correct content to be modified.
- Fixed: Toggle button content is not center align in above header.
- Fixed: Primary menu by default open in some cases.
- Fixed: use plugins_url to fetch correct assets URL instead of custom building the URLs.

- New: Added option to swap sections in above and below the header.
- Improvement: Border for Mobile Header improved with Top, Right, Bottom & Left border option.
- Improvement: Default flyout menu alignment updated to the Left.
- Improvement: Make default flyout width 70% for below 544px width devices.
- Fixed: Sticky header menu scroll issue.
- Fixed: All flyout menu is not loading in full screen when we set sticky.
- Fixed: Thrive architect editor conflict in customizer for custom layout.
- Fixed: Background property for the body not working with 404 page designed using the custom layout.
- Fixed: Featured image is not visible for infinite scroll with Page Header addon.
- Fixed: Logo cannot be changed from page header until a logo is added in the customizer.

- New: Introduced Display on Mobile option for Above and Below Header.
- New: Mobile Header options added for Above and Below Header.

- New: Introduced Mobile Header Addon.

- Fixed: Masonry effect not working in Blog Pro.
- Fixed: Logo cannot be changed from page header until a logo is added in the customizer.

- Improvement: Add Astra Pro fields in the LifterLMS Course builder.
- Improvement: Quick View gallery now support image variation images.
- Improvement: Headers created using custom layouts work correctly with transparent headers.
- Improvement: Target Rule now allow targeting WooCommerce shop page.
- Improvement: Target Rule now allows targeting all the posts inside a taxonomy/term.
- Improvement: Added newly introduced actions in Custom Layouts addon.
- Improvement: Updated logic for Ajax add to cart to add better support for third-party WooCommercce plugins.
- Improvement: Set default background color for page headers with 0.5 so that the background image is visible by default.
- Improvement: Custom Layouts addon now supports Divi Builder.
- Improvement: Change read time string to be gramatically correct.
- Fixed: Page Headers not displayed correctly when in customizer.
- Fixed: Ajax add to cart not displaying variation names in some cases.
- Fixed: Custom Layouts + Thrive Page builder fixes.
- Fixed: When WooCommerce cart is used in header layout 2. Menu is misaligned on safari 10
- Fixed: Sticky header is not working as expected with padded layout.
- Fixed: Quick View popup adds space for header, above header.
- Fixed: Enable cursor for the Quick View background.

- Fixed: Custom layout not saving values for "Sticky: Desktop + Mobile".
- Fixed: Background color not working for the sticky header.
- Fixed: Background color not working on blog layouts and blog grid layouts.
- Fixed: Added a default value for link color for below header section.
- Fixed: Background param not saving when color is set to empty.
- Fixed: WP CLI commands to activate the license not working on a fresh site.

- Fixed: Above header navigation JS error.
- Fixed: Above header background color not working.

- Improvement: Merge the footer widget background options into the background image param.
- Improvement: Merge the small footer background options into the background image param.
- New: Introduced customizer background param.

- Improvement: Improve UX on white label screen so that it's more clear on how to get back the white label screen when it is hidden.
- Improvement: Hide Cloudways hosting link if white label settings are used.
- Fixed: Multiple Custom layouts loaded on the same page causing second layouts to not load its CSS.
- Fixed: WooCommerce Quick View content height not being applied.
- Fixed: Transparent Header navigation colors should be applied only for the desktop view. This fixes issue where transparent header on mobile would add same background color and text color which made texts non-readable.

- Fixed: PHP Notice when saving a custom layout.
- Fixed: PHP Notice when white label settings are not saved on a site.

- New: 404 layout support in Custom Layouts addon.
- Improvement: Moved the links for `Custom Layouts`and `Page Headers` add-ons under Appearance. So one less click to get to the required settings.
- Improvement: Support for gtag.js for the infinite scroll for tracking Google Analytics page views.
- Fixed: Quick View not loading the description completely.
- Fixed: Correctly send only the base URL to Google Analytics when tracking page views on the infinite scroll on single post view.
- Fixed: CSS from custom hooks addon being loaded as a separate file is not combined with rest of the Astra Pro's CSS.

- New: Introduced Spacing Addon.
- New: Introduced LifterLMS Addon.
- New: Added Woocommerce General typography and color options.
- New: `astra_woo_mini_cart` shortcode added to display cart icon.
- New: Option to separate menu on mobile, This allows displaying the top header/ below header menu on their place even on mobile.
- Improvement: Updated compatibility with the navigation menu plugins.
- Improvement: Added Thrive architect support for Custom layout.
- Improvement: Move Site layout options into Container Layout.
- Improvement: Now you can add responsive width for the Transparent Header & Sticky Header Logo.
- Improvement: Renamed Action `astra_woo_quick_view_product_summary` and deprecate `astra_woo_qv_product_summary` action.
- Improvement: Custom layout code editor default value updated from `<?php // Add your snippet here. ?>` to `<!-- Add your snippet here. -->`
- Fixed: WPML Compatibility for Custom Layouts addon.
- Fixed: Woocommerce Single Product Ajax add to cart is activated then related products and upsells not able to add in the cart.
- Fixed: Affiliate single product ajax add to cart not redirecting to the affiliate URL.
- Fixed: Doesn't create duplicate cache files if the earlier were not deleted.
- Fixed: Blog Pagination not working with Woocommerce addon.
- Fixed: Quick view not working for infinite pagination.
- Fixed: Quick view modal position below when Sticky Header activated.
- Fixed: Display Author only for post, not for any custom post type.
- Fixed: Corrected the global translations directory to be - `wp-content/languages/plugin/<translation-file>`. Earlier this global directory was `wp-content/languages/<translation-file>` Which differed from what we are recommending in the translation documentation - https://wpastra.com/docs/how-to-translate/

- New: Now you can add responsive width for the Transparent Header & Sticky Header Logo.
- New: Added Woocommerce General typography and color options.
- New: astra_woo_mini_cart shortcode added to display cart icon.
- Improvement: Renamed Action astra_woo_quick_view_product_summary and deprecate astra_woo_qv_product_summary action.
- Improvement: Added Thrive architect support for Custom Layout.
- Improvement: Custom layout code editor default value updated from `<?php // Add your snippet here. ?>` to `<!-- Add your snippet here. -->`
- Improvement: Site Layout options moved to Container section.
- Fixed: Blog Pagination not working with Woocommerce addon.
- Fixed: Quick view not working for infinite pagination.
- Fixed: Quick view modal position below when Sticky Header activated.
- Fixed: Display Author only for post, not for any custom post type
- Fixed: Affiliate single product ajax add to cart not redirecting to the affiliate URL.
- Fixed: Custom Menu Item for Page Headers HTML markup being not rendered to the front end.
- Fixed: Quick View loader not working in the WooCommerce shortcode.

- New: Blog Pro spacing option added.
- New: Blog Pagination spacing option added.
- Improvement: Added top, bottom spacing for menu & Submenu for Primary Header, Above Header and below Header.

- New: Improved the Spacing param to allow selecting unit from px, em, %.
- New: Added spacing options for Site Identity.
- Improvement: Updated the UI of the spacing param.

- New: LifterLMS Addon.
- New: Spacing Addon.
- New: Option to separate menu menu on mobile, This allows to display the top header/ below header menu on their place even on mobile.
- Fixed: WPML Compatibility for Custom Layouts addon.
- Improvement: Updated compatibility with the navigation menu plugins.

- New: WooCommerce Designer Addon.
- New: New action `astra_footer_inside_container_top` added in footer.
- New: New action `astra_footer_inside_container_bottom` added in footer.
- Fixed: Header content fullwidth not working with Sticky Header.

- New: More Options to Customize Cart in Menu.
- New: Option to retreive the checkout fields even if the page is reloaded.
- Fixed: 'Use Labels as Placeholders' now supports all the custom checkout fields as well.
- Fixed: Quick View displays the gallery arrows even if it does not exist on the product.
- Fixed: Changed off canvas close icon position to be in the Off-Canvas.

- New: Added option to Use Labels as placeholders - https://cl.ly/ouaZ
- New: Display The Quick View when clicked on product image - https://cl.ly/ov5y
- Improvement:  Checkout: Custom Content width will be applied only to the checkout form.
- Improvement: Improved the shadow for the shop grid.
- Improvement:  Add Ajax support for 'Add to Cart' button in Quick View.
- Fixed: Updated the style for the Quick View Loader.
- Fixed: Add max height to the gallery thumbnails in Vertical Gallery
- Fixed: Overall Improvements for the UI elements.

- New: Added woocommerce

- Fixed: When featured image overlay is used in a page header it disables the featured image from search results page.
- Fixed: Custom Layouts - Wrapper closing issue with PHP snippet.
- Fixed: Page Header & Transparent Header on mobile causing content to be pushed above.
- Fixed: Customizer Preview fatal error for WordPress 4.9 and older version.

- New: Support for the WordPress code editor when using `code editor` in Custom Layouts.
- New: Custom Layouts - Added support for WooCommerce Hooks when using `hook`.
- Fixed: Correctly display whitelabel plugin name in missing places.
- Fixed: Page header featured image overlay all the featured images on the pages.
- Fixed: Add missing closing <span> in the scroll to top markup.
- Fixed: Blog Pro masonry grid not aligned correctly on Safari.
- Fixed: Header markup duplicating even if the sticky header is not enabled.
- Fixed: Blog pro infinite scroll not working after more than 10 posts.

- Fixed: Logo being cropped in customizer preview.

- Fixed: Blog pro ajax request forbidden.
- Fixed: Some SVG logos were not being displayed.
- Fixed: Transparent Header - Not working for static blog page.
- Fixed: Transparent Header - Force Disable on Archive Pages? renamed to Force Disable on Special Pages? and added for archive, search, 404 page.

- New: Blog Pro addon - This module adds more options in the customizer for the blog layouts.
- New: Site Layouts addon - Adds Box, Fluid, Padded layouts to add more design possibilities to your websites.

- New: Added a button to regenerate the cache generated by Astra Pro.
- New: Custom Layouts - Allow footers to be made sticky.
- Enhancement: Header Sections - Header Sections menu support added if a primary menu is disabled for responsive devices.
- Enhancement: Page Headers - Custom Primary Menu option is available whether Merge Page Header with Site Header is selected or not.
- Fixed: Header Sections - If the primary menu is hidden the below header menu was also hidden.
- Fixed: Transparent Header - Logo width not applied to the customizer preview.
- Fixed: Sticky Header - Sticky Header opacity not working when header's background color with opacity applied.
- Fixed: Page Headers - Logo width option was not working.
- Improvement: Page Headers - Transparent Header renamed to Merge Page Header with Site Header.

- New: Transparent Header Addon
- New: Now design Header & Footer directly from Custom Layouts Addon (Formerly Advanced Hooks Addon)
- Improvement: Renamed Advanced Headers Addon to Page Headers.
- Improvement: Renamed Advanced Hooks Addon Custom Layouts.
- Improvement: Custom Layouts - Automatically enabled Beaver Builder and Elementor.
- Improvement: Header Sections - Background Color picker with opacity option added in the Customizer.
- Fixed: Page Headers - Allow Template to be overridden from the child theme.
- Fixed: Page Headers - Page content text overlap on page headers.
- Fixed: Sticky Header - Fade animation effect is not applied to top bar.
- Fixed: Typography - Font Family for Headings was inherited from the body, now it will be correctly inherited from Heading Font Family.
- Fixed: White Label - Theme's welcome page, site footer's author name, author URI missing from the white label.
- Fixed: Removed category word on custom post-types category archive in page headers.

- Fixed: Advanced Hooks - Shortcode not working inside the content.

- New: Header Sections - Sticky Header support added for Below Header Section.
- Improvement: All Background Color picker with opacity option added in the Customizer.

- Improvement: an Improved white-label support which allows white labeling all the free plugins created for Astra.
- Fixed: Advanced Hooks adding wrapper <div> for the hooks added outside the <body> tag, This will allow adding scripts etc in the <head> tags.
- Fixed: Sticky headers will take text colors from the main header settings in the customizer. Earlier when the advanced header was used on a page the sticky header would take color settings from the advanced header.

- New: Introduced White Label feature
- Improvement: Escape all the SQL queries used in Target Rules.
- Improvement: Advanced Headers - Display rules added to the advanced headers listing page.

- Fixed: SVG logos cannot be cropped hence this will fall back to resizing the logo with CSS when using a SVG logo.
- Fixed: Target Rules not working on the Archive pages.
- Improvement: Header or Primary menu background color applied to mobile menu background color.

- New: Header Sections Addon.
- New: Advanced Hooks - Ace code editor for PHP Snippet.
- New: Advanced Headers - Retina logo option.
- New: Advanced Headers - Logo width option.
- New: Scroll to Top - Hide on mobile option.
- New: Sticky Header - Enable on mobile.
- New: Sticky Header - Logo width option.
- New: Sticky Header - Logo width option.
- Improvement: Advanced Headers - Optimized target rules.
- Improvement: Advanced Hooks - Optimized target rules.
- Improvement: Advanced Hooks - Live preview in page builder.
- Fixed: Typography blog post archive.

- New: Sticky Header - New appear animation styles fade and slide.
- New: Sticky Header - Options enable sticky header on mobile
- New: Sticky Header - Options to set different logo for sticky header
- New: Typography Addon - Button typography options.
- Improvement: `astra_addon_activated` action hook added, it triggered after activation of any astra addon.
- Improvement: `astra_addon_deactivated` action hook added, it triggered after deactivation of any astra addon.
- Improvement: Advanced Hooks - Action hook's description updated with actual hook name.
- Improvement: Sticky Header - Shrink header functionality.
- Improvement: Updated Brainstorm Updater to latest version.
- Fixed: Scroll to Top icon visible if masthead is exist and scroll height is more than masthead.
- Fixed: Tooltip not working on Advanced hooks.
- Renamed: Blocks addon to Advanced Hooks.

- New : Introduced new Blocks addon - Add content conditionally in the various hook areas of the theme.

- Fixed: Scroll to Top offsetHeight not found if there is no header element on the site.

- Fixed: Handled PHP notice when Advanced Headers settings saved.
- Fixed: Handled PHP notice for Custom Primary Menu.
- Fixed: Advanced Headers tabs design conflicts with other plugin.

- Improvement: Updated location setting this will be a breaking change, but design will not effect.

- New: Subtitles (https://wordpress.org/plugins/subtitles/) plugin compatibility with Advanced Headers.
- Enhancement: Transparent Header support added in Advanced Headers.
- Enhancement: Sticky Header background color option added in Advanced Headers.
- Enhancement: Custom Primary Menu option added Advanced Headers.

- New: Introduced new Advanced headers addon - Make your header layouts look more appealing and sexy!.
- Improvement: Renamed Advanced Footer to Footer Widgets.

- New: Added function astra_get_template() to override addon templates from child theme.
- Improvement: Primary navigation background option added.
- Improvement: Archive summary typography support.

- Fixed: Call to undefined function astra_get_option()

- Enhancement: Menu Navigation background color option added in Colors & Background.
- Enhancement: Position for Scroll to Top option added.
- Enhancement: Archive Summary Font Family, Font Weight, Text Transform and Line Height option added in Typography.
- Improvement: Slider implemented for line heights controls.

- Enhancement: Added theme customizer preview js dependency for addons customizer preview js.
- Enhancement: Used astra_get_option() to set default customizer options instead of representative Astra_Theme_Options::defaults().
- Enhancement: Moved 'Scroll to Top' section from panel 'miscellaneous'.
- New: Added shrink option for sticky primary header.
- New: Position for 'Scroll to Top' option added.
- Enhancement: Moved 'Scroll to Top' section from panel 'panel-miscellaneous'.
- Enhancement: Used astra_get_option() to set default customizer options instead of representative Astra_Theme_Options::defaults().
- Fixed: Removed unnecessary theme CSS dependencies.
- Fixed: Scroll to top js issue fixed for all browser.
- Fixed: Added typography support for fallback menu.
- Fixed: Fallback submenu color, sticky header customizer order updated
- Fixed: Fallback submenu color support added.
- Fixed: Removed filter which is used to combine the addon files.

- Initial Release