Current Path : /home/webcloude/www/wp-content/plugins/cartflows/wizard/assets/src/wizard-steps/ |
Current File : /home/webcloude/www/wp-content/plugins/cartflows/wizard/assets/src/wizard-steps/OptinStep.js |
import React, { useState, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'; import { sprintf, __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import apiFetch from '@wordpress/api-fetch'; import parse from 'html-react-parser'; import { useStateValue } from '../utils/StateProvider'; import { ExclamationCircleIcon, ArrowRightIcon, } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline'; function OptinStep() { const history = useHistory(); const [ requestError, setRequestError ] = useState( false ); const [ { action_button }, dispatch ] = useStateValue(); const [ formErrors, setFormErrors ] = useState( { name_error_message: '', email_error_message: '', error_class: '', } ); const { name_error_message, email_error_message, error_class } = formErrors; const changeOptinButtonText = useCallback( ( data ) => { dispatch( { status: 'SET_NEXT_STEP', action_button: data, } ); }, [] ); const default_button_text = __( 'Save & Continue', 'cartflows' ); useEffect( () => { // Set Foooter button text. changeOptinButtonText( { button_text: default_button_text, button_class: 'wcf-enrol-optin', } ); }, [ changeOptinButtonText ] ); const validateForm = function ( posted_data ) { let is_errors = false; const errors = {}; if ( ! posted_data.name || '' === posted_data.name ) { errors.name_error_message = __( 'Please Enter Name', 'cartflows' ); is_errors = true; } if ( ! posted_data.email || '' === posted_data.email ) { errors.email_error_message = __( 'Please Enter Email ID', 'cartflows' ); is_errors = true; } else if ( ! /^[A-Z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Z0-9.-]+\.[A-Z]{2,4}$/i.test( posted_data.email ) ) { errors.email_error_message = __( 'Entered email address is not a valid email', 'cartflows' ); is_errors = true; } if ( is_errors ) { setFormErrors( { name_error_message: errors.name_error_message ? errors.name_error_message : '', email_error_message: errors.email_error_message ? errors.email_error_message : '', error_class: '!border-red-500 focus:!ring-red-100 focus:!border-red-500', } ); } return is_errors; }; const submitOptinForm = function ( e ) { e.preventDefault(); changeOptinButtonText( { button_text: __( 'Processing', 'cartflows' ), button_class: 'wcf-enrol-optin', } ); dispatch( { status: 'PROCESSING', } ); const ajaxData = new window.FormData(); ajaxData.append( 'action', 'cartflows_user_onboarding' ); ajaxData.append( 'security', cartflows_wizard.user_onboarding_nonce ); const name = document.getElementById( 'wcf-user-name' ).value; const email = document.getElementById( 'wcf-user-email' ).value; if ( validateForm( { name, email } ) ) { changeOptinButtonText( { button_text: default_button_text, button_class: 'wcf-enrol-optin', } ); dispatch( { status: 'RESET', } ); return; } ajaxData.append( 'user_fname', name ); ajaxData.append( 'user_email', email ); apiFetch( { url: ajaxurl, method: 'POST', body: ajaxData, } ).then( ( response ) => { if ( response.data.success ) { history.push( { pathname: 'index.php', search: `?page=cartflow-setup&step=ready`, } ); dispatch( { status: 'RESET', } ); } else { setRequestError( response.data.message ); } changeOptinButtonText( { button_text: default_button_text, button_class: 'wcf-enrol-optin', } ); } ); }; return ( <div className="wcf-container"> <div className="wcf-row mt-12 max-w-5xl"> <div className="bg-white rounded text-center mx-auto px-11"> <span className="text-sm font-medium text-primary-600 mb-10 text-center block tracking-[.24em] uppercase"> { __( 'Step 5 of 6', 'cartflows' ) } </span> <h1 className="wcf-step-heading mb-4"> { parse( sprintf( /* translators: %s: html tag*/ __( "One last step. %s Let's setup email reports on how your store is doing.", 'cartflows' ), '<br />' ) ) } </h1> <p className="mt-4 text-[#4B5563] text-base"> { parse( sprintf( /* translators: %1$s: html tag, %2$s: html tag*/ __( 'Let CartFlows take the guesswork out of your checkout results. Each week your store will send %1$s you an email report with key metrics and insights. You also will receive emails from us to %2$s help your store sell more.', 'cartflows' ), '<br class="hidden lg:block" />', '<br class="hidden lg:block" />' ) ) } </p> <form action="#" className="max-w-sm mx-auto mt-10"> <div className="wcf-form-fields sm:flex flex-col gap-5 text-left"> <div className="w-full"> <label htmlFor="wcf-user-name" className="text-slate-800 text-base font-semibold block" > { __( 'First Name', 'cartflows' ) } </label> <div className="relative block"> <input id="wcf-user-name" type="text" className={ `wcf-input !my-2 !p-3 !shadow-sm block w-full !text-sm !border-gray-300 !rounded !text-gray-500 !placeholder-slate-400 focus:ring focus:!shadow-none ${ error_class ? error_class : 'focus:!ring-indigo-100 focus:!border-indigo-500' }` } placeholder={ __( 'Please enter your name', 'cartflows' ) } defaultValue={ cartflows_wizard.current_user_name } /> { name_error_message && ( <div className="pointer-events-none absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center pr-3"> <ExclamationCircleIcon className="h-5 w-5 text-red-500" aria-hidden="true" /> </div> ) } </div> { name_error_message && ( <> <span className="text-red-500 text-sm block"> { name_error_message } </span> </> ) } </div> <div className="w-full"> <label htmlFor="wcf-user-email" className="text-slate-800 text-base font-semibold block" > { __( 'Email address', 'cartflows' ) } </label> <div className="relative block"> <input id="wcf-user-email" type="email" className={ `wcf-input !my-2 !p-3 !shadow-sm block w-full !text-sm !border-gray-300 !rounded !text-gray-500 !placeholder-slate-400 focus:ring focus:!shadow-none ${ error_class ? error_class : 'focus:!ring-indigo-100 focus:!border-indigo-500' }` } placeholder={ __( 'Enter Your Email', 'cartflows' ) } defaultValue={ cartflows_wizard.current_user_email } /> { email_error_message && ( <div className="pointer-events-none absolute inset-y-0 right-0 flex items-center pr-3"> <ExclamationCircleIcon className="h-5 w-5 text-red-500" aria-hidden="true" /> </div> ) } </div> { email_error_message && ( <> <span className="text-red-500 text-sm block"> { email_error_message } </span> </> ) } </div> </div> <div className="wcf-action-buttons mt-[40px] grid justify-center"> { requestError && ( <span className="text-red-700 mb-2 text-sm block"> { requestError } </span> ) } <button onClick={ submitOptinForm } className={ `wcf-wizard--button ${ action_button.button_class ? action_button.button_class : '' }` } > { action_button.button_text } <ArrowRightIcon className="w-5 ml-1.5 stroke-2" aria-hidden="true" /> </button> </div> </form> { /* <p className="wcf-tc-statement mt-6 text-sm text-[#4B5563]"> { __( 'By clicking "Notify me", you agree to receive our newsletters as part of this course.', 'cartflows' ) } </p> */ } { /* { 'processing' !== settingsProcess && ( <p className="mt-6 flex justify-center"> <button onClick={ handleNextStep } className="p-2 font-normal text-gray-300 hover:text-gray-500 cursor-pointer" > { __( 'Maybe Later', 'cartflows' ) } </button> </p> ) } */ } </div> </div> </div> ); } export default OptinStep;