Current Path : /home/webcloude/www/wp-content/plugins/cartflows/wizard/assets/src/wizard-steps/ |
Current File : /home/webcloude/www/wp-content/plugins/cartflows/wizard/assets/src/wizard-steps/PageBuilderStep.js |
import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'; import { RadioGroup } from '@headlessui/react'; import { __ } from '@wordpress/i18n'; import { useStateValue } from '../utils/StateProvider'; import Elementor from '@WizardImages/elementor.svg'; import BeaverBuilder from '@WizardImages/beaver-builder.svg'; import BlockEditor from '@WizardImages/block-editor.png'; import otherPageBuilders from '@WizardImages/other.svg'; import Bricks from '@WizardImages/bricks.png'; import { ArrowRightIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline'; const mailingLists = [ { id: 1, slug: 'gutenberg', title: 'Block Builder', image: BlockEditor, }, { id: 2, slug: 'elementor', title: 'Elementor', image: Elementor, }, { id: 3, slug: 'bricks-builder', title: 'Bricks', image: Bricks, }, { id: 4, slug: 'beaver-builder', title: 'Beaver Builder', image: BeaverBuilder, }, { id: 5, slug: 'other', title: 'Other', image: otherPageBuilders, }, ]; function classNames( ...classes ) { return classes.filter( Boolean ).join( ' ' ); } function PageBuilderStep() { const [ selectedMailingLists, setSelectedMailingLists ] = useState( mailingLists[ 0 ].slug ); const [ { action_button }, dispatch ] = useStateValue(); const history = useHistory(); const handleChange = ( value ) => { setSelectedMailingLists( value ); dispatch( { status: 'SET_WIZARD_PAGE_BUILDER', selected_page_builder: value, } ); }; useEffect( () => { dispatch( { status: 'SET_NEXT_STEP', action_button: { button_text: __( 'Save & Continue', 'cartflows' ), button_class: 'install-page-builder-plugins', }, } ); const installPbPluginsProcess = document.addEventListener( 'wcf-page-builder-plugins-install-processing', function () { dispatch( { status: 'SET_NEXT_STEP', action_button: { button_text: __( 'Saving', 'cartflows' ), button_class: 'install-page-builder-plugins is-loading', }, } ); dispatch( { status: 'PROCESSING', } ); }, false ); const installPbPluginsSuccess = document.addEventListener( 'wcf-page-builder-plugins-install-success', function () { // Stop the processing. dispatch( { status: 'RESET', } ); history.push( { pathname: 'index.php', search: `?page=cartflow-setup&step=plugin-install`, } ); }, false ); return () => { document.removeEventListener( 'wcf-page-builder-plugins-install-processing', installPbPluginsProcess ); document.removeEventListener( 'wcf-page-builder-plugins-install-success', installPbPluginsSuccess ); }; }, [] ); return ( <div className="wcf-container"> <div className="wcf-row text-center mt-12"> <div className="bg-white rounded mx-auto px-11"> <span className="text-sm font-medium text-primary-600 mb-10 text-center block tracking-[.24em] uppercase"> { __( 'Step 2 of 6', 'cartflows' ) } </span> <h1 className="wcf-step-heading mb-4"> { __( 'Hi there! Tell us which page builder you use.', 'cartflows' ) } </h1> <div className="flex justify-center mb-10"> <RadioGroup value={ selectedMailingLists } onChange={ handleChange } > <RadioGroup.Label className="text-center overflow-hidden max-w-2xl mb-10 mx-auto text-lg font-normal text-slate-500 block"> { __( "CartFlows works with all page builders, so don't worry if your page builder is not in the list. ", 'cartflows' ) } </RadioGroup.Label> <div className="wcf-pb-list-wrapper flex justify-center items-center gap-8"> { mailingLists.map( ( mailingList ) => ( <RadioGroup.Option key={ mailingList.id } value={ mailingList.slug } data-key={ mailingList.slug } className={ ( { checked, active } ) => classNames( 'wcf-pb-list--option relative border rounded shadow-sm flex justify-center cursor-pointer h-[9rem] w-[130px] transition-all duration-300 focus:outline-none hover:drop-shadow-lg hover:translate-y-[-1px] hover:shadow-[0px 4px 8px -2px rgb(9 30 66 / 25%), 0px 0px 1px rgb(9 30 66 / 31%)]', checked ? 'border-transparent' : 'border-gray-300', active ? '' : '' ) } > { ( { checked, active } ) => ( <> <div className="flex-auto flex justify-center"> <div className="text-center"> <RadioGroup.Description as="img" className="block text-sm font-normal text-[#4B5563] h-[45%] rounded-full m-5" src={ mailingList.image } ></RadioGroup.Description> <RadioGroup.Label as="div" className="block text-sm font-normal text-[#4B5563] mt-4" > { mailingList.title } </RadioGroup.Label> </div> </div> <div className={ classNames( active ? 'border-2' : 'border-2', checked ? 'border-orange-500' : 'border-transparent', 'absolute -inset-px rounded pointer-events-none' ) } aria-hidden="true" /> </> ) } </RadioGroup.Option> ) ) } </div> </RadioGroup> <span id="wcf-selected-page-builder" data-selected-pb={ selectedMailingLists } ></span> </div> <div className="flex justify-center"> <div className={ `wcf-wizard--button ${ action_button.button_class ? action_button.button_class : '' }` } > { action_button.button_text } <ArrowRightIcon className="w-5 mt-0.5 ml-1.5 stroke-2" aria-hidden="true" /> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> ); } export default PageBuilderStep;