Current Path : /home/webcloude/www/wp-content/plugins/presto-player/inc/Integrations/Divi/ |
Current File : /home/webcloude/www/wp-content/plugins/presto-player/inc/Integrations/Divi/Divi.php |
<?php /** * Handles divi integration related functionality. * * @package presto-player */ namespace PrestoPlayer\Integrations\Divi; use PrestoPlayer\Models\ReusableVideo; use PrestoPlayer\Models\Post; /** * Handles divi-related functionality */ class Divi { /** * Registers the Divi integration. */ public function register() { add_action( 'divi_extensions_init', array( $this, 'init' ) ); add_action( 'wp_ajax_presto_get_media_attributes', array( $this, 'getMediaItemAttributes' ) ); } /** * Initializes the Divi integration. */ public function init() { // require our module. include_once 'includes/PrestoDiviExtension.php'; // enqueue the scripts. add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueueScripts' ) ); // fix rankmath conflict. add_filter( 'script_loader_tag', array( $this, 'rankMathFix' ), 11, 3 ); // parse the divi block to get the inner media hub block. add_filter( 'presto_player_get_block_from_content', array( $this, 'getInnerBlockFromDiviContent' ) ); } /** * Gets the inner media hub block from the divi content for lessons and topics. * * @param array $block the Divi block array. * * @return array $block the filtered media hub inner block array. */ public function getInnerBlockFromDiviContent( $block ) { // bail if block is empty. if ( empty( $block ) ) { return $block; } $pattern = get_shortcode_regex( array( 'prpl_presto_player' ) ); $block_id = false; if ( $block['innerHTML'] && preg_match( "/$pattern/", $block['innerHTML'], $matches ) ) { $shortcode = $matches[0] ?? ''; if ( ! empty( $shortcode ) ) { $atts = shortcode_parse_atts( $shortcode ); $block_id = isset( $atts['video_id'] ) ? (int) $atts['video_id'] : false; } } if ( ! empty( $block_id ) ) { $post_model = new Post( get_post( $block_id ) ); $block = $post_model->getMediaHubBlockFromPost( $block_id ); if ( ! empty( $block ) ) { return $block; } } return $block; } /** * Fixes rankmath excluding wp-i18n script from iframe. * * @param string $tag The <script> tag for the enqueued script. * @param string $handle The script's registered handle. * @param string $src The script's source URL. * * @return string */ public function rankMathFix( $tag, $handle, $src ) { if ( 'wp-i18n' === $handle ) { return '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $src . '"></script>' . "\n"; // phpcs:ignore } return $tag; } /** * Get attributes to inject into JSX component * * @param int $id id of the media item. * @return array|WP_Error */ public function getMediaItemAttributes( $id ) { \check_ajax_referer( 'et_admin_load_nonce' ); $id = (int) $_POST['id'] ?? 0; if ( ! $id ) { return new \WP_Error( 'invalid', 'You must provide an id', array( 'status' => 400 ) ); } $video = new ReusableVideo( $id ); if ( ! $video ) { return false; } return wp_send_json_success( $video->getAttributes() ); } /** * Enqueues scripts for Divi integration. */ public function enqueueScripts() { if ( ! et_core_is_fb_enabled() ) { return; } $assets = include trailingslashit( PRESTO_PLAYER_PLUGIN_DIR ) . 'dist/divi.asset.php'; wp_enqueue_script( 'surecart/divi/admin', trailingslashit( PRESTO_PLAYER_PLUGIN_URL ) . 'dist/divi.js', array_merge( array( 'react-dom', 'jquery', 'hls.js' ), $assets['dependencies'] ), $assets['version'], true ); wp_enqueue_style( 'surecart/divi/admin', trailingslashit( PRESTO_PLAYER_PLUGIN_URL ) . 'dist/divi.css', array(), $assets['version'] ); if ( function_exists( 'wp_set_script_translations' ) ) { wp_set_script_translations( 'surecart/divi/admin', 'presto-player' ); } } }