Current Path : /home/webcloude/www/wp-content/plugins/presto-player/inc/Integrations/LearnDash/ |
Current File : /home/webcloude/www/wp-content/plugins/presto-player/inc/Integrations/LearnDash/LearnDash.php |
<?php namespace PrestoPlayer\Integrations\LearnDash; use PrestoPlayer\Models\Post; use PrestoPlayer\Support\Utility; use PrestoPlayer\Contracts\Service; class LearnDash implements Service { public function register() { add_action( 'plugins_loaded', function () { if ( ! self::isEnabled() ) { return; } add_filter( 'learndash_settings_fields', array( $this, 'settingsFields' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'ld_video_provider', array( $this, 'addProvider' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'presto-settings-block-js-options', array( $this, 'jsOptions' ) ); add_filter( 'get_post_metadata', array( $this, 'filterVideoURL' ), 10, 3 ); add_filter( 'presto_player/block/default_attributes', array( $this, 'addVideoAttributes' ) ); add_filter( 'presto_player/templates/player_tag', array( $this, 'addPlayerTags' ) ); } ); } /** * Add tags to player * * @param array $data * @return void */ public function addPlayerTags( $data ) { if ( empty( $data['cookieKey'] ) || empty( $data['videoProgress'] ) ) { return; } ob_start(); ?> data-video-cookie-key="<?php echo $data['cookieKey']; ?>" data-video-progression="<?php echo $data['videoProgress']; ?>" data-video-provider="presto" <?php echo ob_get_clean(); } /** * Add attributes to video for video progression * * @param array $attributes * @return array */ public function addVideoAttributes( $attributes ) { global $post; // bail if not a learndash post type if ( ! self::isLearnDashPost( $post ) ) { return $attributes; } $logic_video = true; $video_id = ! empty( $attributes['id'] ) ? '(presto-' . $attributes['id'] . ')' : '(presto)'; $video_completed = $this->stepIsCompleted( $post->ID ); if ( $video_completed ) { $logic_video = false; } else { // get lesson settings $step_settings = learndash_get_setting( $post ); if ( 'BEFORE' === ( $step_settings['lesson_video_shown'] ?? '' ) ) { $logic_video = true; $topics = learndash_get_topic_list( $post->ID ); if ( ! empty( $topics ) ) { $progress = learndash_get_course_progress( null, $topics[0]->ID ); if ( ! empty( $progress ) ) { $topics_completed = 0; foreach ( $progress['posts'] as $topic ) { if ( (int) 1 === (int) $topic->completed ) { ++$topics_completed; break; } } if ( ! empty( $topics_completed ) ) { $logic_video = false; } } } } } if ( true === $logic_video ) { $logic_video_str = 'true'; } else { $logic_video_str = 'false'; } $attributes['cookieKey'] = $this->buildVideoCookieKey( $video_id ); $attributes['videoProgress'] = $logic_video_str; return $attributes; } /** * Build unique video progress cookie key. This is used to track the video state * in the user's browser. * * @param integer $attach_id attachment ID of the video * * @return string $cookie_key. */ public function buildVideoCookieKey( $attach_id = '' ) { $cookie_key = ''; $cookie_key = $this->getNonceSlug(); if ( ( isset( $attach_id ) ) && ( ! empty( $attach_id ) ) ) { $lesson_video_url = trim( $attach_id ); $lesson_video_url = html_entity_decode( $lesson_video_url ); $cookie_key .= '_' . $lesson_video_url; } $cookie_key = 'learndash-video-progress-' . md5( $cookie_key ); return $cookie_key; } /** * Utility function to get the nonce slug. * * @since 3.2.3 */ protected function getNonceSlug() { $post_id = get_the_ID(); $step_id = $post_id; $course_id = learndash_get_course_id( $post_id ); $user_id = (int) get_current_user_id(); return 'learndash_video_' . $user_id . '_' . $course_id . '_' . $step_id; } /** * Dynamically replace (presto) with (presto-$video_id) * * @param mixed $value * @param integer $object_id * @param string $meta_key * * @return mixed */ public function filterVideoURL( $value, $object_id, $meta_key ) { // prevent recursion remove_filter( current_filter(), __FUNCTION__ ); // only learndash meta if ( ! in_array( $meta_key, array( '_sfwd-topic', '_sfwd-lessons' ) ) ) { return $value; } // get meta $meta_cache = wp_cache_get( $object_id, 'post_meta' ); if ( ! $meta_cache ) { $meta_cache = update_meta_cache( 'post', array( $object_id ) ); if ( isset( $meta_cache[ $object_id ] ) ) { $meta_cache = $meta_cache[ $object_id ]; } else { $meta_cache = null; } } if ( ! $meta_key ) { return $meta_cache; } if ( isset( $meta_cache[ $meta_key ] ) ) { $saved = maybe_unserialize( $meta_cache[ $meta_key ][0] ); if ( is_array( $saved ) ) { $key = array_key_exists( 'sfwd-lessons_lesson_video_url', $saved ) ? 'sfwd-lessons_lesson_video_url' : ''; $key = array_key_exists( 'sfwd-topic_lesson_video_url', $saved ) ? 'sfwd-topic_lesson_video_url' : $key; } if ( ! $key ) { return $value; } if ( strpos( $saved[ $key ], '(presto' ) === false ) { return $value; } $post_model = new Post( get_post( $object_id ) ); $video_id = $post_model->findVideoId(); $saved[ $key ] = "(presto-$video_id)"; $meta_cache[ $meta_key ][0] = $saved; return $meta_cache[ $meta_key ]; } return $value; } /** * Pass javascript options to presto player * * @param array $options * @return void */ public function jsOptions( $options ) { if ( self::isEnabled() ) { global $post; $settings = learndash_get_setting( $post ); if ( ! empty( $settings['lesson_video_auto_complete_delay'] ) ) { $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object( $post->post_type ); $settings['videos_auto_complete_delay_message'] = sprintf( // translators: placeholders: 1. Lesson or Topic label, 2. span for counter. wp_kses_post( _x( '<p class="ld-video-delay-message">%1$s will auto complete in %2$s seconds</p>', 'placeholders: 1. Lesson or Topic label, 2. span for counter', 'learndash' ) ), $post_type_obj->labels->singular_name, '<span class="time-countdown">' . $settings['lesson_video_auto_complete_delay'] . '</span>' ); } $options['learndash'] = $settings; } return $options; } /** * Is LearnDash enabled? * * @return boolean */ public static function isEnabled() { return defined( 'LEARNDASH_VERSION' ); } /** * Should the video load on the learndash page * * @return boolean */ public static function shouldVideoLoad() { global $post; // bail if not a learndash post type if ( ! self::isLearnDashPost( $post ) ) { return true; } // step is completed, load video if ( self::stepIsCompleted( $post ) ) { return true; } // check if lesson steps are complete return self::areStepsComplete( $post ); } /** * Is this a learndash post? * * @param \WP_Post $post * @return boolean */ public static function isLearnDashPost( $post ) { if ( ! $post ) { return false; } return in_array( $post->post_type, array( 'sfwd-lessons', 'sfwd-topic' ) ); } /** * Is the learndash step completed * * @param \WP_Post $post * @return bool */ public static function stepIsCompleted( $post ) { if ( ! function_exists( 'learndash_get_course_progress' ) ) { return true; } global $post; $progress = learndash_get_course_progress( null, $post->ID ); return ( ! empty( $progress['this'] ) ) && ( $progress['this'] instanceof \WP_Post ) && ( true === (bool) $progress['this']->completed ); } /** * Are lesson/topic steps complete? * * @param \WP_Post $post * @return boolean */ public static function areStepsComplete( \WP_Post $post ) { // get lesson settings $lesson_settings = learndash_get_setting( $post ); // we're only concerned with "AFTER" if ( 'AFTER' !== ( $lesson_settings['lesson_video_shown'] ?? '' ) ) { return true; } // if this is a lesson, check if topics are completed if ( $post->post_type === 'sfwd-lessons' ) { if ( ! learndash_lesson_topics_completed( $post->ID ) ) { return false; } } // quizes must also be completed return self::areQuizzesCompleted( $post ); } /** * Are quizzes completed? * * @param \WP_Post $post * @return boolean */ public static function areQuizzesCompleted( \WP_Post $post ) { // quizes must also be completed $quizzes_completed = true; $lesson_quizzes_list = learndash_get_lesson_quiz_list( $post->ID ); if ( ! empty( $lesson_quizzes_list ) ) { foreach ( $lesson_quizzes_list as $quiz ) { if ( 'completed' !== $quiz['status'] ) { $quizzes_completed = false; break; } } } return (bool) $quizzes_completed; } /** * Add our video provider to learndash * * @param array $video_data * @param array $step_settings * @return array */ public function addProvider( $video_data, $step_settings ) { if ( strpos( $step_settings['lesson_video_url'], '(presto' ) !== false ) { return 'presto'; } return $video_data; } /** * Adds our setting to the lesson settings page * * @param array $settings * @param string $meta_box_key * @return array */ public function settingsFields( $settings, $meta_box_key ) { // if it's not one of these settings pages, bail if ( ! in_array( $meta_box_key, array( 'learndash-lesson-display-content-settings', 'learndash-topic-display-content-settings' ) ) ) { return $settings; } $setting = array( 'lesson_use_presto_video' => array( 'name' => 'lesson_use_presto_video', 'label' => esc_html__( 'Use Presto Video', 'learndash' ), 'type' => 'checkbox-switch', 'value' => ! empty( $settings['use_presto_video'] ) ? $settings['use_presto_video'] : '', 'help_text' => esc_html__( 'Use the Presto Player video in your post content for video progression.', 'learndash' ), 'default' => '', 'options' => array( 'on' => esc_html__( 'The presto video in this post will be used for video progression.', 'learndash' ), '' => '', ), 'parent_setting' => 'lesson_video_enabled', ), ); // insert before video url $settings = Utility::arrayInsert( $settings, $setting, 'lesson_video_url', 'before' ); return $settings; } }