Current Path : /home/webcloude/www/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/admin/ |
Current File : /home/webcloude/www/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/assets/js/admin/settings.js |
/* global woocommerce_settings_params, wp */ ( function ( $, params, wp ) { $( function () { // Sell Countries $( 'select#woocommerce_allowed_countries' ) .on( 'change', function () { if ( 'specific' === $( this ).val() ) { $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).next( 'tr' ).hide(); $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).next().next( 'tr' ).show(); } else if ( 'all_except' === $( this ).val() ) { $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).next( 'tr' ).show(); $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).next().next( 'tr' ).hide(); } else { $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).next( 'tr' ).hide(); $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).next().next( 'tr' ).hide(); } } ) .trigger( 'change' ); // Ship Countries $( 'select#woocommerce_ship_to_countries' ) .on( 'change', function () { if ( 'specific' === $( this ).val() ) { $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).next( 'tr' ).show(); } else { $( this ).closest( 'tr' ).next( 'tr' ).hide(); } } ) .trigger( 'change' ); // Stock management $( 'input#woocommerce_manage_stock' ) .on( 'change', function () { if ( $( this ).is( ':checked' ) ) { $( this ) .closest( 'tbody' ) .find( '.manage_stock_field' ) .closest( 'tr' ) .show(); } else { $( this ) .closest( 'tbody' ) .find( '.manage_stock_field' ) .closest( 'tr' ) .hide(); } } ) .trigger( 'change' ); // Color picker $( '.colorpick' ) .iris( { change: function ( event, ui ) { const $this = $( this ); $this .parent() .find( '.colorpickpreview' ) .css( { backgroundColor: ui.color.toString() } ); setTimeout( function () { $this.trigger( 'change' ); } ); }, hide: true, border: true, } ) .on( 'click focus', function ( event ) { event.stopPropagation(); $( '.iris-picker' ).hide(); $( this ).closest( 'td' ).find( '.iris-picker' ).show(); $( this ).data( 'originalValue', $( this ).val() ); } ) .on( 'change', function () { if ( $( this ).is( '.iris-error' ) ) { var original_value = $( this ).data( 'originalValue' ); if ( original_value.match( /^\#([a-fA-F0-9]{6}|[a-fA-F0-9]{3})$/ ) ) { $( this ) .val( $( this ).data( 'originalValue' ) ) .trigger( 'change' ); } else { $( this ).val( '' ).trigger( 'change' ); } } } ); $( 'body' ).on( 'click', function () { $( '.iris-picker' ).hide(); } ); // Edit prompt function editPrompt () { var changed = false; let $prevent_change_elements = $( '.wp-list-table .check-column, .wc-settings-prevent-change-event' ); $( 'input, textarea, select, checkbox' ).on( 'change input', function ( event ) { // Prevent change event on specific elements, that don't change the form. E.g.: // - WP List Table checkboxes that only (un)select rows // - Changing email type in email preview if ( $prevent_change_elements.length && $prevent_change_elements.has( event.target ).length ) { return; } if ( ! changed ) { window.onbeforeunload = function () { return params.i18n_nav_warning; }; changed = true; $( '.woocommerce-save-button' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ); } } ); $( '.iris-picker' ).on( 'click', function () { if ( ! changed ) { changed = true; $( '.woocommerce-save-button' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ); } } ); $( '.submit :input, input#search-submit' ).on( 'click', function () { window.onbeforeunload = ''; } ); } $( editPrompt ); const nodeListContainsFormElements = ( nodes ) => { if ( ! nodes.length ) { return false; } return Array.from( nodes ).some( ( element ) => { return $( element ).find( 'input, textarea, select, checkbox' ).length; } ); } const form = document.querySelector( '#mainform' ); const observer = new MutationObserver( ( mutationsList ) => { for ( const mutation of mutationsList ) { if ( mutation.type === 'childList' ) { if ( nodeListContainsFormElements( mutation.addedNodes ) ) { editPrompt(); $( '.woocommerce-save-button' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ); } else if ( nodeListContainsFormElements( mutation.removedNodes ) ) { $( '.woocommerce-save-button' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ); } } } } ); observer.observe( form, { childList: true, subtree: true } ); // Sorting $( 'table.wc_gateways tbody, table.wc_shipping tbody' ).sortable( { items: 'tr', cursor: 'move', axis: 'y', handle: 'td.sort', scrollSensitivity: 40, helper: function ( event, ui ) { ui.children().each( function () { $( this ).width( $( this ).width() ); } ); ui.css( 'left', '0' ); return ui; }, start: function ( event, ui ) { ui.item.css( 'background-color', '#f6f6f6' ); }, stop: function ( event, ui ) { ui.item.removeAttr( 'style' ); ui.item.trigger( 'updateMoveButtons', { isInitialLoad: false } ); }, } ); // Select all/none $( '.woocommerce' ).on( 'click', '.select_all', function () { $( this ) .closest( 'td' ) .find( 'select option' ) .prop( 'selected', true ); $( this ).closest( 'td' ).find( 'select' ).trigger( 'change' ); return false; } ); $( '.woocommerce' ).on( 'click', '.select_none', function () { $( this ) .closest( 'td' ) .find( 'select option' ) .prop( 'selected', false ); $( this ).closest( 'td' ).find( 'select' ).trigger( 'change' ); return false; } ); // Re-order buttons. $( '.wc-item-reorder-nav' ) .find( '.wc-move-up, .wc-move-down' ) .on( 'click', function () { var moveBtn = $( this ), $row = moveBtn.closest( 'tr' ); moveBtn.trigger( 'focus' ); var isMoveUp = moveBtn.is( '.wc-move-up' ), isMoveDown = moveBtn.is( '.wc-move-down' ); if ( isMoveUp ) { var $previewRow = $row.prev( 'tr' ); if ( $previewRow && $previewRow.length ) { $previewRow.before( $row ); wp.a11y.speak( params.i18n_moved_up ); } } else if ( isMoveDown ) { var $nextRow = $row.next( 'tr' ); if ( $nextRow && $nextRow.length ) { $nextRow.after( $row ); wp.a11y.speak( params.i18n_moved_down ); } } moveBtn.trigger( 'focus' ); // Re-focus after the container was moved. moveBtn.closest( 'table' ).trigger( 'updateMoveButtons', { isInitialLoad: false } ); } ); $( '.wc-item-reorder-nav' ) .closest( 'table' ) .on( 'updateMoveButtons', function ( event, data ) { var table = $( this ), lastRow = $( this ).find( 'tbody tr:last' ), firstRow = $( this ).find( 'tbody tr:first' ); table .find( '.wc-item-reorder-nav .wc-move-disabled' ) .removeClass( 'wc-move-disabled' ) .attr( { tabindex: '0', 'aria-hidden': 'false' } ); firstRow .find( '.wc-item-reorder-nav .wc-move-up' ) .addClass( 'wc-move-disabled' ) .attr( { tabindex: '-1', 'aria-hidden': 'true' } ); lastRow .find( '.wc-item-reorder-nav .wc-move-down' ) .addClass( 'wc-move-disabled' ) .attr( { tabindex: '-1', 'aria-hidden': 'true' } ); if ( ! data.isInitialLoad ) { $( '.woocommerce-save-button' ).removeAttr( 'disabled' ); } } ); $( '.wc-item-reorder-nav' ) .closest( 'table' ) .trigger( 'updateMoveButtons', { isInitialLoad: true } ); $( '.submit button' ).on( 'click', function () { if ( $( 'select#woocommerce_allowed_countries' ).val() === 'specific' && ! $( '[name="woocommerce_specific_allowed_countries[]"]' ).val() ) { if ( window.confirm( woocommerce_settings_params.i18n_no_specific_countries_selected ) ) { return true; } return false; } } ); $( '#settings-other-payment-methods' ).on( 'click', function ( e ) { if ( typeof window.wcTracks.recordEvent === 'undefined' && typeof window.wc.tracks.recordEvent === 'undefined' ) { return; } var recordEvent = window.wc.tracks.recordEvent || window.wcTracks.recordEvent; var payment_methods = $.map( $( 'td.wc_payment_gateways_wrapper tbody tr[data-gateway_id] ' ), function ( tr ) { return $( tr ).attr( 'data-gateway_id' ); } ); recordEvent( 'settings_payments_recommendations_other_options', { available_payment_methods: payment_methods, } ); } ); $( '.woocommerce-save-button.components-button' ).on( 'click', function ( e ) { if ( ! $( this ).attr( 'disabled' ) ) { $( this ).addClass( 'is-busy' ); } } ); /** * Support conditionally displaying a settings field description when another element * is set to a specific value. * * This logic is subject to change, and is not intended for use by other plugins. * Note that we can't avoid jQuery here, because of our current dependence on Select2 * for various controls. */ document.querySelectorAll( 'body.woocommerce_page_wc-settings #mainform .conditional.description' ).forEach( description => { const $underObservation = $( description.dataset.dependsOn ); const showIfEquals = description.dataset.showIfEquals; if ( undefined === showIfEquals || $underObservation.length === 0 ) { return; } /** * Set visibility of the description element according to whether its value * matches that of showIfEquals. */ const changeAgent = () => { description.style.visibility = $underObservation.val() === showIfEquals ? 'visible' : 'hidden'; }; // Monitor future changes, and take action based on the current state. $underObservation.on( 'change', changeAgent ); changeAgent(); } ); } ); } )( jQuery, woocommerce_settings_params, wp );